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The Role of Digital Communications in Attracting Consumers of Educational Services
Bondarenko О. M., Tarasenko I. V., Yavorska O. M.

Bondarenko, Оlena M., Tarasenko, Iryna V., and Yavorska, Olha M. (2024) “The Role of Digital Communications in Attracting Consumers of Educational Services.” Business Inform 6:423–431.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 366.322:330.522.7:37

The article discusses the influence of digital communications on the behavior of consumers of educational services and the role of digital communications in the choice of a higher education institution by consumers. An analysis of research and publications of domestic and foreign authors on the problems of attracting consumers of educational services and the role of digital communications in the process of training higher education applicants is carried out. It is noted that, in general, this area of research is gaining more and more popularity, as the role of digital technologies in the processes of learning and consumption of educational services is growing. However, along with understanding the advantages of digital communications, you should be attentive to their disadvantages and challenges. In general, digital communications have great potential for further development of higher education and attracting a wider audience to learning, but it is important to take into account all their advantages and disadvantages to achieve maximum results. The aim of the aticle is to study the role and significance of digital communications in attracting consumers of educational services. The object of the research is the influence of modern digital communications on the behavior of the consumer of educational services of a higher education institution. The subject of the research is a set of theoretical, methodological and applied measures to improve the process of attracting the consumer of educational services of a higher education institution on the basis of digital communications. In the course of the study, the methods of questioning, structural and logical analysis, comparison and generalization of the research results were used. The methodological and informational basis of the study is scientific works, materials of periodicals, Internet resources. The article discusses the communication channels that were more authoritative for consumers and had the greatest impact on the decision to choose a higher education institution, and provides the results of marketing research conducted using Google forms during 2020–2024 and which was attended by 1033 students of the State University of Intelligent Technologies and Communications. Emphasis is placed on the matter that digital communications today are an integral part of marketing campaigns in the promotion of educational services. Digital technologies allow you to effectively promote educational services, attract new students and grow your audience, as well as significantly facilitate and improve the marketing of educational services, helping to achieve the desired goals and success in this competitive market. However, the best result can only be obtained by combining digital communications with traditional channels of promotion.

Keywords: digital communications, consumer behavior, educational services, higher education institution, consumers of educational services.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 14.

Bondarenko Оlena M. – Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and International Logistics, Odesa National Economic University (8 Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, 65082, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Tarasenko Iryna V. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Yavorska Olha M. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering and Information Systems, University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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