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The Methodical Approach to Substantiation of the Method of Coal Gasification for the Production of Synthetic Motor Fuels
Shulha I. V., Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kotliarov Y. I.

Shulha, Ihor V. et al. (2024) “The Methodical Approach to Substantiation of the Method of Coal Gasification for the Production of Synthetic Motor Fuels.” Business Inform 7:254–264.

Section: Industrial Economics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The aim of the article is to substantiate the most suitable method of gasification of Ukrainian hard coal for further production of synthetic motor fuel. For this substantiation, a methodical approach has been developed, the use of which has allowed to obtain the following results. As a raw material base, the article recommends long-flame coal of the Western Donbass, located on the territory of the Dnepropetrovsk region, where powerful enterprises for the extraction and enrichment of coal operate. The most common methods of coal gasification in the world are analyzed: Lurgi (counter-current steam-oxygen gasification of large-lump coal (or briquettes) in a stationary bed), Siemens (direct-flow steam-oxygen gasification in the pulverized coal stream), Texaco (direct-flow oxygen gasification in the flow of coal-water pulp). For each of these methods, material balances have been developed; the composition and quality of the generated gas, the possibilities of organizing the production of the necessary energy resources, the level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and wastewater discharge have been evaluated. A methodology for calculating the composition of generator gas is proposed, which takes into account the composition of the blast (content of oxygen, water vapor or water). All calculations were performed for an enterprise with a coal capacity of 550 thousand tons of working weight per year. Based on the calculations and comparison of their results, the Texaco method is recommended for industrial implementation. The advantages of this method are as follows: the absence of a stage of steam production for gasification, the scarcity of the water cycle, which practically excludes the formation of wastewater, and the possibility of using contaminated water from other sources for gasification; the highest total content of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the resulting synthesis gas; the maximum assimilated capacity of production reactors and the largest number of capacities created in the world using this technology; utilization of the heat of the resulting gas to obtain a large amount of electric and thermal energy.

Keywords: synthetic motor fuel, hard coal, gasification method, technical parameters of gasification, generator gas, energy needs, material and energy balances, energy resources.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 10.

Shulha Ihor V. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of, Coke Department, Ukrainian State Research Institute for Carbochemistry (UKHIN) (7 Vesnina Str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kyzym Mykola O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Head of Department, Department of Human Development Research, Institute of Demography and Quality of Life Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (60 Shevchenka Blvd, Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Khaustova Viktoriia Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kotliarov Yevhen I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Sector of Energy Security and Energy Saving of the Department of Industrial Policy and Energy Security, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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