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Subsidizing Housing and Communal Services and Social Stability of the State: The Theoretical and Problematic Aspects
Fomenko O. O.

Fomenko, Oleksii O. (2024) “Subsidizing Housing and Communal Services and Social Stability of the State: The Theoretical and Problematic Aspects.” Business Inform 7:335–341.

Section: Labour economics and social policy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The problems of subsidizing housing and communal services in the context of ensuring the social stability of the State are considered. It is substantiated that subsidizing housing and communal services is a key tool of social policy, which allows to ensure the availability of basic communal services for socially vulnerable strata of the population. This helps to reduce social inequality and improve the standard of living of citizens. The tasks of social policy in the context of ensuring a decent standard of living of the population are analyzed. It is also argued that subsidies are a significant burden on the State budget, so it is important to find a balance between social support and financial stability of the State, since an increase in the volume of payments to the population may cause inflationary pressure, which will reduce the purchasing power of citizens and the efficiency of subsidies. The key aspects of such subsidizing are studied, in particular its impact on economic inequalities, efficiency of public funds, financial and ecological sustainability. The mechanisms for the distribution of subsidies, the problems of targeting and transparency in their provision are considered. Both the State-based and regional programs are analyzed, which, together with subsidies, reduce the burden of households on paying for utilities and increase energy efficiency in the use of natural resources. A structural diagram of the mechanism of the program of «warm loans» within the framework of the program of cooperation with the State-owned banks has been formed. At the same time, the environmental consequences of subsidies can also lead to certain problems, since reducing energy costs can lead to an increase in resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The positive aspects of the impact of subsidizing housing and communal services at the macro and micro levels, as well as the directions of the impact of subsidies on the social stability of the State, are allocated.

Keywords: social policy, social stability, subsidizing housing and communal services, vulnerable groups of the population.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Fomenko Oleksii O. – Postgraduate Student, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Ofitsiinyi portal Kyieva.
“Doslidzhennia rezultatyvnosti ta ekonomichnoi efektyvnosti derzhavnoi tsilyovoi ekonomichnoi prohramy enerhoefektyvnosti i rozvytku sfery vyrobnytstva enerhonosiiv iz vidnovliuvanykh dzherel enerhii ta alternatyvnykh vydiv palyva na 2010-2020 roky za rezultatamy obstezhennia uchasnykiv prohramy u 2015-2020 rr.“ [Study of the Effectiveness and Economic Efficiency of the State Targeted Economic Program of Energy Efficiency and Development of the Sphere of Energy Production from Renewable Energy Sources and Alternative Fuels for 2010-2020 Based on the Results of the Survey of Program Participants in 2015-2020].
“Derzhavna pidtrymka enerhozberezhennia - prohrama «teplykh kredytiv»“ [State Support for Energy Saving - "Warm Loans" Program].


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