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The Development of Inclusive Economy in the Context of Digital Transformation
Arutyunyan O. G.

Arutyunyan, Ovagim G. (2024) “The Development of Inclusive Economy in the Context of Digital Transformation.” Business Inform 7:86–92.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

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The development of inclusive economy becomes critically important in the context of digital transformation. Inclusive economy entails creating an economic system in which all members of society have equal access to the opportunities and benefits provided by digital progress. This includes ensuring access to modern technologies, promoting digital literacy, supporting small and medium-sized businesses, and creating conditions for equal opportunities in the labor market. The aim of the presented research is to define the characteristics of inclusive economy development in the context of digital transformation. The essence of inclusive economy as a process of economic inclusion has been defined. The main methods applied during the research include analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, structuring, deduction, induction, as well as logical and graphical methods. Digital transformation encompasses all aspects of social and economic life, changing the ways of conducting business, managerial processes, and personal life. In this context, the question arises of how to ensure that these changes benefit all strata of the population, not just specific groups that already have access to new technologies. The conditions of digital transformation open up new opportunities for increasing social justice, economic growth, and innovative development. However, to achieve these goals, it is necessary to implement policies and strategies that promote the integration of new technologies into the lives and activities of all segments of society, including the most vulnerable and remote groups. Ensuring inclusivity in the context of digital transformation requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses both technical and social aspects. This includes infrastructure development, educational programs, support for startups and entrepreneurship, as well as creating mechanisms for ensuring equal access to digital resources. This is why the development of inclusive economy in the context of digital transformation is crucial for creating a just and sustainable society. It not only contributes to economic growth but also ensures social integration, equal access to opportunities, and improved quality of life for all members of society.

Keywords: economic inclusion, digital inclusion, financial inclusion, digital economy, inclusivity, inclusive economy, digital transformation, digital technologies, digital business, economic strategy, economic determinants, global space.

Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 29.

Arutyunyan Ovagim G. – Postgraduate Student, Department of International Economic Relations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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