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The Theoretical Basis for the Formation of an Investment Banking Strategy for Financing Venture Business
Lahoda Y. I.

Lahoda, Yurii I. (2024) “The Theoretical Basis for the Formation of an Investment Banking Strategy for Financing Venture Business.” Business Inform 8:365–371.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

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The article generalizes the theoretical basis and develops scientifically grounded approaches and models that allow to effectively form banking strategies for financing venture business. It is defined that the methodology for studying the formation of investment banking strategies for financing venture business can vary depending on specific goals and approaches. The most common methods that can be used to conduct such studies include: system analysis, quantitative and statistical analysis, case method, qualitative analysis, generalization method, and others. It is proved that the definition of investment banking strategy covers various aspects of the formation and implementation of investment strategies that banks use to support and develop venture business. This allowed to form the theoretical foundations of such a strategy, which are based on a number of elements, in particular: market analysis and definition of strategic goals; assessment of risks and opportunities; development of an investment strategy; the process of selection and evaluation of investments; investment management and monitoring; exit from investments; ethical and regulatory aspects. Theoretical approaches to determining the investment banking strategy for financing venture business are systematized. Thus, among the most common theories in the scientific space, the following theories were allocated: ecosystems of venture capital, institutional support, globalization of venture capital, crowdfunding and alternative financial mechanisms, sustainable development and green investments. Overall, venture capital business has been proven to be an important element of investment banking strategy, as it not only expands investment opportunities but also promotes innovation and economic development. Banks that actively incorporate venture capital investments into their strategy can gain significant competitive advantages and increase profits.

Keywords: venture business, venture capital, banking strategy, investment, financing.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 14.

Lahoda Yurii I. – Applicant, Department of Accounting and Finance, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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