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Researching the Conditions of Development of the Transport Industry in the Regions of Ukraine
Lukyanov V. I.

Lukyanov, Viktor I. (2019) “Researching the Conditions of Development of the Transport Industry in the Regions of Ukraine.” Business Inform 12:160–165.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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It is noted that transport is one of the basic types of activities of the national economy of the country. Transport creates conditions for the successful balanced and proportional development of the regional economy. But today the level of transport system and transport provision as a factor in the functioning of regional economies and the system of their transport-economic relations are not in their best condition and require changes in the organization of management both in the sphere of transport activities, and in renewal of fixed assets. An analysis of the proportion of Ukraine’s regions in terms of transport services has been carried out. It is defined that during 2014-2018 among the regions of Ukraine, the largest proportion in the volume of transport services was occupied by the city of Kyiv (on average 122,2%, there is a clear upward trend: from 21,9% in 2014 to 23,0% in 2018) and Odesa region (on average 12,7%, the indicator increased: 11,0% in 2014 to 13,2% in 2018). The smallest proportions in the volumes of transport services among the regions of Ukraine were occupied by Chernivtsi region (on average 0,76%) and Zhytomyr region (on average 1,2%). It is noted that the transport system is an essential component of the integration of global economy. Taking account of Ukraine’s very good geographical location and potentials, there is a need to improve infrastructure, implement existing transport strategies and introduce new ones, as well as enhance competitiveness in international markets. As a result of the research of the conditions of development of the transport industry in the regions of Ukraine, it was concluded that significant attention should be paid to the introduction of business stimuli of NTP, measures to improve competitiveness and at the same time reduce the self-cost of the provided services.

Keywords: research, development conditions, region, transport industry, management, strategy.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Lukyanov Viktor I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Director, Housing and Communal College of O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (233a Shevchenka Str., Kharkiv, 61033, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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