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The Evolution of Information Systems in the Economy
Tarasova K. I.

Tarasova, Krystyna I. (2020) “The Evolution of Information Systems in the Economy.” Business Inform 4:289–295.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Russian
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UDC 658:004.9

Information system is an aggregate of processes, hardware, trained staff, software, infrastructure and standards designed to create, modify, store, manage and disseminate information to offer new business strategies and new products. It promotes efficient work and communication to make the best decisions in an organization. Information systems change the goals, actions, products of enterprises and organizations to help them gain an advantage in a competitive environment. Systems that have these results can even change the structure of a business. The evolution of information technology is closely linked to the development of new strategic models of corporate business. The enterprises’ drive to improve the efficiency of information systems stimulates the emergence of better hardware and software, which in turn encourages users to modernize and automatize their systems. This cyclical process takes place with the aim of responding more appropriately to changes in market conditions and to maximize profits at minimal risk. In today’s environment, economic entities are inextricably linked to information systems, as the success of enterprise and its competitiveness depend to a large extent on the use of modern technologies. The carried out research examines the evolution of information systems in general and the specifics of their use for the needs of companies. Seven stages of the development of information systems have been allocated, a brief description of each of these stages is presented: the main activities, and the purpose of the use of information systems have been defined; the concept of use of information and the type of information system for each stage of its development have been determined. The stages of development of automated information systems at the national enterprises are considered. The current status of information systems at the economic entities of Ukraine is characterized.

Keywords: information system, enterprise, information, data, development stages, corporate system of enterprise management, efficiency.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 15.

Tarasova Krystyna I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Odesa National Economic University (8 Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, 65082, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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