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Development of Digital Marketing in the World and in Ukraine
Ihnatenko R. V.

Ihnatenko, Roman V. (2022) “Development of Digital Marketing in the World and in Ukraine.” Business Inform 1:450–455.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 339.138

The article is aimed at studying the main problems and prospects for the development of digital marketing in the world and in Ukraine. The article defines the essence of the concept of digital marketing and analyzes the main areas of its application, such as: market segmentation, influence marketing, analysis of the behavior of Internet users, collaboration, remarketing, advertising in games. The main parameters by which digital marketing differs from online marketing are determined as follows: the format of interaction with the target audience; ways of collecting and transmitting analytical data; promotion channels and instruments. The dynamics of the main indicators of digital marketing development in the world and in Ukraine is examined. It is found that digital marketing and marketing information systems have become widespread in advanced economies, and in Ukraine these instruments are not used properly, which is associated with a low level of digitalization of society. On the basis of the carried out research, the main factors hindering the development of digital marketing in Ukraine are identified, including: the general state and dynamics of economic development; market underdevelopment; information opacity of the market; financial and organizational restrictions within companies, etc. For a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of digital marketing, the author determines its advantages (interaction with a wider audience; a significant impact on customers, which increases the likelihood of product interest; the ability for the consumer to quickly view information about services and goods; globalization; targeted advertising, etc.) and disadvantages (technical complexity of working with digital tools and lack of employees in the market with the required level of digital qualifications; the need for special skills, etc.). It is concluded that the use of digital technologies in marketing activities opens up broad prospects for enterprises and organizations to preserve regular customers and develop long-term partnerships with them.

Keywords: digital marketing, digitalization, marketing activities of enterprise, advertising, digital technologies.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Ihnatenko Roman V. – General Director, Heavy Value OU (Nomme linnaosa, Parnu mnt 388b, Tallinn, 11612, Estonia)

List of references in article

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