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The Prospects for Recognition of Economics Specialties and Digital Assessment of a Scientist in Ukraine
Hehedosh K. V.

Hehedosh, Kristian V. (2023) “The Prospects for Recognition of Economics Specialties and Digital Assessment of a Scientist in Ukraine.” Business Inform 4:53–62.

Section: Education and Science

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 378:3-047.272:378.22-023.3-047.44(047)

Scientific research on the prospects for the development of education and science in Ukraine in the context of European integration and information transformation is considered at almost every scientific conference and is present in government decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. However, there are still many unsolved questions (and often debatable) about the prospects for recognizing economics specialties in the new system of adaptation to the International Standard for the Classification of Education, which requires detailed revision. Simultaneously, given the positive trends in the development of the digital economy in Ukraine, we believe that it is worth exploring the possibility of developing a methodological approach to the digital assessment of a scientist. The article considers the analysis of economics specialties that were enshrined in the system of higher education in Ukraine before 2015 and further on, taking into account adaptation to international standards. However, blind copying of foreign standards has buried alive the economic science itself, which was based on marketing, accounting and auditing, and finance. Therefore, the publication presents a graphical model of the relationship between economics specialties through the analysis of the fundamental understanding of its individual directions. It is also emphasized that it is necessary to enshrine in the economic science the specialty «Management (by kinds of economic activity)» at the master’s and doctoral levels of higher education. This can be justified by the fact that not all specialists in a particular sector of the economy (educators, employees of health care institutions, etc.), although they are professionals in their field, due to the lack of knowledge in various disciplines of management and economics, can be efficient managers. Management is one of the directions of economic science, the subject of study of which is the search for methods of rational organization of the production system on the basis of marketing, financial and accounting support for the creation and realization of consumer value and obtaining the planned profit. The number of higher education institutions in each region allows creating new and improving traditional educational programs directly for the specific features of regional business. Thus, further research should be aimed at studying individual educational programs of economic specialties in the regions of Ukraine in order to form a national strategy for the development of higher education for subsequent years. Regarding the development of scientific research in the context of the formation of a digital society, we propose to create a web platform for assessing the scientific activities of scientists based on the results of conferences, seminars or forums on the basis of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) in cooperation with other educational and scientific organizations. The algorithm of actions should be as follows: an educational and scientific organization coordinates with the MES the relevant scheduled conference; a scientific platform is created on the website of the MES, where interested conference participants register personal pages and which are open to other registered participants; the latter send materials to the educational and scientific organization holding the conference; the educational and scientific organization forms a scientific manual in electronic format, each article of which is displayed simultaneously on the personal page of the conference participant; in the future, each registered participant may, if desired, express his own scientifically based comment and rate for this material (0–100 points). Therefore, further scientific research should be aimed at determining the classification criteria in establishing points for scientific material in accordance with the assessment «Excellent, can be implemented (90–100 points)» to «Unsatisfactory, requires significant revision (up to 50 points)».

Keywords: economic science, scientific activity, digital assessment, management, marketing, accounting and audit, finance.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 19.

Hehedosh Kristian V. – Manager, Mukachevo Branch of the National Trading Company LLC «AV metal group» (21 Doroshenka Str., Mukachevo, Transcarpathian region, 89600, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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