Industrial Economics
Kupriyanova V. S. Organizational Support of Development of the Civil Aviation Industry of Ukraine (p. 39 - 43)
The article analyzes the historical stages of the reform of the civil aviation industry of Ukraine, as well as its participants. Specifically, that provision of transition of aviaprom to an innovative treatment needs recovery, including the organizational restructuring of the industry to create the preconditions for the modernization and efficiency of management. Article is written in Russian
BUSINESS INFORM №2-2011, Vol.1
Shemiakina N. V. Improvement of the Mechanism of Financing of Technical Development of Industry (p. 30 - 32)
The article considers modern problems of the mechanism of financing of technical development of industry. It proves the necessity of addition of state regulation to market mechanisms of financing of industrial production. Article is written in Russian
BUSINESS INFORM №2-2011, Vol.2
Otenko V. I., Porozhniak O. O. Complex Analysis of Strategic Competences of By-Product Coke Plants of Ukraine (p. 135 - 137)
The article reflects the results of complex study of strategic competences of by-product coke plants of chemical-recovery industry of Ukraine. The use of cluster analysis, functional approach and method of control questions gave the possibility to pick out the leaders of the branch, determine the peculiarities of their strategic management and substantiate the basic approaches to development of their competences. Article is written in Russian
Nusinova O. V. Estimation of the Industrial Enterprises Value by the Method of Expert Value (p. 71 - 74)
Methodical approaches to estimation of expert market value of enterprises taking into account surplus of their obligations are developed in the article, estimation of cost of business of some Ukrainian mining and metallurgical enterprises is executed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kozenkov D. Y. Influence of features of metallurgical complex of Ukraine on his structure (p. 74 - 77)
Description of metallurgical complex of Ukraine is given and his features are considered, a market structure is studied, main players are certain in every segment of metallurgical market. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dutchenko O., Bielova I. V., Dutchenko O. The Analysis Trends of Industry’s Development (p. 41 - 43)
The development of industry’s enterprises of the Ukraine is considered in the article. Founding on taxonomic analysis of the main industry’s quantitative factors are determined trends of the development of branch. There is analyzed influence of the artificial debt on efficiency of activity of industry’s enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Ruban V., Lutytska J. Improvement of Monitoring for Internal and External Environment of Domestic Machinery Enterprise (p. 43 - 46)
The article describes the main stages of the monitoring of external and internal environment of the machine enterprises of Ukraine. Integrated use of techniques SPACE-analysis and the SWOT-analysis can not only determine the market position of engineering enterprises in the competitive environment and to assess its competitive advantages, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, but also to detect signals the beginning of the crisis in the operation and development of engineering enterprises. Article is written in Russian
BUSINESS INFORM №5-2011, Vol.1
Afanasyev E. V., Rybalko L. P. Improvement of Economic Efficiency of the Work of Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise at the Expense of Complex Processing and Realization of Concurrently Extracted Raw Materials (p. 125 - 127)
Dynamic development of national economy causes accelerated consumption of all kinds of resources. Rational use of mineral resources at present stage of development of production which has high-performance advanced technological processes must and can be provided with complex use of raw material with obtaining economic and ecological benefit. Article is written in Russian
Bubenko P. T. Problems of Reproduction of Workforce in Machine Building Industry (p. 127 - 129)
The article considers problem peculiarities of work force reproduction in machine building industry and defines the directions of formation of intraproductive system of training and professional development of personnel, direction of assistance to enterprises in on-site training of personnel. Article is written in Russian
Bogachkova L. Y., Moskvichev E. A. Problems and Models of Functioning of Enterprises of Communal Sector in Regional Markets of Electric Power in RF (p. 129 - 132)
The work characterizes problems of functioning of the sector of communal electric-power industry in the regions of RF. It presents and substantiates the conception of reformation of communal electric-power industry of Volgograd oblast by way of consolidation of mains and marketing energy assets. It suggests the mathematical models of evaluation of economic effects of the reformation project. Article is written in Russian
Kvasniy L. G. Formation of Generalized Model of Functioning and Development of Enterprises of Oil Industry Complex (p. 133 - 135)
The study substantiates and gives generalized model of expanded system of management of oil industry complex that includes the system of models of external environment at entry and exit of the system of management with the purpose of optimization of development and functioning of OIC according to the given criterion of optimality with due regard for appropriate limitations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Savitskiy E. V. On the issue of Demonopolization of Internal Natural Gas Market of Russian Federation (p. 136 - 138)
The article presents econometric analysis of influence of demonopolization of internal natural gas market of RF on profitability of the export of Russian gas to Europe with the use of methodology of qualitative assessment based on the mathematical modeling of diversification of suppliers and prices of natural gas with due account taken of the risk of discontinuation of supplies. Article is written in Russian
Ovsyuk M. O. An Improvement of Methods of Competitiveness of a Build Enterprise is is the Conditions of Crisis (p. 65 - 67)
A concept and essence of competitiveness of enterprise, problems, and existent methods of evaluation of competitiveness of enterprise of a build industry is examined in this article. Advantages and lacks of different methods which are used in domestic and foreign practice are analysed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Uskova A. V. Organization and Improvement of Marketing Work of Construction Enterprises (p. 67 - 69)
The article examines researches of theoretical bases of forming and conditions of practical realization to marketing policy on enterprises. Proposed measures are in the sphere of improvement to marketing policy on enterprises, and also measures on problems removal in marketing with the help of diagnostic method, which stipulates for appreciation of marketing activity on enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.1
Gontareva I. V. Interconnection of Stability and Efficiency of Functioning of Industrial Enterprises (p. 64 - 67)
The article deals with financial, operational and organizational factors, as well as system parameters defining the relationship of efficiency and sustainability of the industry. Article is written in Russian
Kupriyanova V. S., Matyushenko I. Y. Leasing as Mechanism of State Regulation of Development of Aviation Complex of Ukraine (p. 67 - 68)
The most appropriate way of solution of the pending problems of aircraft building at present stage of development of the economy of Ukraine is the use of leasing as the mechanism of state regulation (SR) of development of aviation complex by way of creation of state credit and guarantee institution Article is written in Ukrainian
BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.2
Ippolitova I. Y. Development of Complex Purpose-Oriented Program of Resource-Saving Management at Enterprises of Oil and Gas Complex of Ukraine (p. 82 - 84)
In the article a methodical approach is propose to develop a comprehensive target program's resource saving management for oil and gas enterprises of Ukraine Article is written in Russian
Sokurenko P. I., Tabunschyk A. V. Problems of Innovation and Investing Activity of Machine Building Enterprises of the City of Kremenchug (p. 84 - 87)
The directions of realization of state investment politics are considered. The characteristic of the state Program of development of investment activity of Ukraine is given. The directions of use of means at the machine-building enterprises are determined. The level of the investments at the Kremenchug machine-building enterprises is characterized. Article is written in Ukrainian
Burda V. E. Energy Efficiency of the Country and its Dependence on Nontraditional Sources of Energy (p. 87 - 91)
The article substantiates the expediency of modern technology of production of alternative energy sources to ensure energy saving of the country, reducing the energy intensity of GDP, increasing energy efficiency of the country. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mezentseva O. O. Evaluation Factors for Competitive Environment Steel Companies Ukraine (p. 66 - 69)
Analyzed the factors of the competitive environment of the domestic steel market and quantitative indicators for 2010 – the first quarter of 2011 generalized division between quantitative and qualitative factors of competitiveness of enterprises and their influence in its estimation. Highlighted areas of improvement methods calculate estimates of the competitiveness of domestic industry to improve its accuracy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Larіna Т. F. Modernization industrial a sector in Ukraine (p. 70 - 72)
The article analyzes the institutional factors that impede the processes of modernization of the industrial sector of Ukraine, and providing recommendations for building a progressive model of industrial policy within the liberal doctrines. Article is written in Ukrainian
Malaeva T. V. Analysis of contemporary methods for assessing the productive capacity of coal mines (p. 72 - 74)
The author of the article presents the results of research methodologies for assessing the productive capacity of coal-mining enterprise. Identified weaknesses and limitations led to the conclusion that they need improvement. Article is written in Russian
Shvets N. V. Problems and prospects of development of mezhotraslevykh connections of enterprises of chemical complex of Ukraine (p. 75 - 78)
In the article the tendencies of forming of interbranch connections of enterprises of chemical complex are considered and most problem their directions are analysed. The features of flowing of integration processes are rotined in chemical industry of Ukraine and foreign countries. The possible ways of development of interbranch co-operations of chemical enterprises are certain in the conditions of necessity of providing of power safety of our country and increase of level of self-providing fuel and energy raw material. Article is written in Russian
Ponomarenko O. E. Development of algorithm of recommendations to ensure the industry entities financial security (p. 41 - 44)
The article stressed the need for development in the area of industry entities financial security. An algorithm of financial security strategy development is formed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Soboleva G. G. Effectiveness of Lease Use by the Construction Companies in Ukraine (p. 47 - 50)
The use of leasing construction companies in Ukraine nowadays has been considered, as well as its effectiveness. Recommendations for further development of leasing as the main means of updating the material and technical base of construction companies has been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Galyuk I. B. Analysis of innovation activity of Ukrainian oil and gas sector (p. 118 - 121)
The basic trends the development of Ukrainian oil and gas industry are considered, the analysis of innovation activity oil and gas enterprises is hold, The basis areas of improvement the innovation activity are formulated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bessonov A. A. The study of the revitalization of the machine-building enterprises (p. 121 - 122)
Engineer is foundation of economic potential of country. The enterprises of engineer play an important role in realization of achievements of scientific and technical progress of all industries of country. The results of research of the state of modern domestic machine-building enterprises allowed to define their state as unsatisfactory. The value of engineer for the economy of country is predetermined by the necessity of leadthrough of researches of directions, which would be instrumental in the improvement of the state of machine-building enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dombrovska G. P., Geraschenko I. O., Grigorieva Y. O. New Innovation Technologies in Energy Sector (p. 58 - 60)
In this article research on maintenance of innovation is conducted as a complex process of creation, distribution and use of new practical mean, for satisfaction of human necessities. One of direction of innovation in power industry there is alternative energy which utilizes energy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Adamovskaya V. S. Determination of Terms of Replacement of Models of Machines and Equipment (p. 75 - 78)
There are the considered problem questions of determination of terms of replacement of models for machines and equipment in the article. The method of determination of terms for machines and equipment is developed through the terms for models, conditioned the obsolescence of 2th kind, which unlike existing enables in a dynamics for every year of introduction of new party of technique on the basis of middle on groups expenses to to define low and overhead bounds began completion of replacement of models of machines and equipment. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bodrova N. E., Bulatov K. P. The world tendencies of automobile industry development analysis (p. 78 - 83)
At the article the analysis of the world automobile industry condition for last decades is conducted. Financial crisis influencing on the development production rates in the world is studied. The characteristic features and speciality of the automobile industry in Ukraine are viewed. The main problems of this global economics branch are determined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Koiuda V. O., Volikov V. V. The Use of Intellectual Potential of Kharkiv Region Machine-building Enterprises (p. 102 - 105)
The analysis of the usage of intellectual potential of enterprise as the whole and as a human, structural and consumer capital as the basis of its formation was conducted. On the basis of matrix analysis method i.e. matrix, the impact of the basic factors on usage level of intellectual potential of a particular machine building enterprise in Kharkiv was revealed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kupriyanova V. S. The Analysis of the Prospects of General Aviation Development in Ukraine (p. 105 - 107)
The article is devoted to the problems of the perspectives analysis of general aviation development in Ukraine with the example of Kharkiv region. Based on the analysis of world practice there were identified major trends in general aviation development in the world and there were analyzed predictors of creation of such infrastructure in Ukraine. There were analyzed the factors that stimulate the development of general aviation within the Kharkiv region. Article is written in Ukrainian
Stalinska O. V. The Forming a Set of Indicators of Sustainable Development of Metallurgical Enterprises (p. 108 - 110)
The paper proposes a set of indicators of sustainable development of metallurgical enterprises, based on Bellagio principles includes, with account for account industry specifics, indicators of resource supply, production and marketing, as well as indicators that reflect enterprise social and environmental responsibility; this set of indicators can be used as a criterion for substantiating managerial decisions in metallurgical enterprises. Article is written in Russian
Yudin M. A. Ukrainian Machine- Building: main trends and priorities (p. 111 - 115)
The article deals with problems at the present stage of Ukrainian machinery development. Priorities and development engineering in Ukraine are justified. Ways of improving of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises are proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Galyuk L. I. Analysis and Assessment of Economic Factors of Ensuring the Stability of Development of Gas-Distributing Enterprises (p. 115 - 119)
In the article the priority factors of increase of firmness of gas-distributing enterprises are analyzed: diversification of types of activity, cutback of spending of production, increase of investment attractiveness of the given enterprises and bringing of investments in, increase of reliability of gas-distributing activity, improvement of organizational structure of enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Beridze T. M. Corporate governance framework for strategic mining companies (p. 116 - 118)
In this paper we study the system properties control the mining companies. The grouping of the system properties built on the type of impact on the system of internal and external nature. System properties are considered from the perspective of the consequences of exposure to the system as a whole. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dashevskay O. V., Babalov T. R. Methodology to evaluate the resource potential of oil and gas companies (p. 119 - 122)
In the article the features of resource potential of enterprises are considered and the necessity of their account is reasonable for an economic of enterprises of oil and gas industry analysis. An author offers the methodical going near the estimation of resource potential of enterprises of oil and gas industry, a practical value grounds him. An algorithm and the brought indexes over of estimation of resource potential of enterprises of oil and gas industry of Ukraine is worked out in the article. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kokodey T. А. Forming the catalog of optimal strategies by the method of fine tuning (p. 122 - 125)
This paper proposes a method of «fine tuning» of strategies for the food company to the forecasted values of consumer behavior patterns at the food market that can be used to create the optimal strategy catalogue. Article is written in Russian
Cheng Huisheng Development the strategy of China's textile industry (p. 125 - 127)
The article analyses the conditions necessary for achievement of textile industry strategic objectives and suggests the strategy of textile industry development. Article is written in Russian
Dolinskaya R. G., Omelianenko T. V. Qualitative Aspects of Interrelations Transformation Efficiency Assessment in the Retail Market of Electrical Power (p. 107 - 111)
The hypotheses connected with relations between indexes, which characterize numeric aspects of the efficiency relationship transformation on the retail electric energy market, were proposed and verified. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yatsenko V. V. Political and Economic Aspects of the Development of Light Industry of Ukraine at Modern Stage (p. 111 - 114)
Political and economic parties of the state of light industry are investigational in the article. Considered as positive so negative parties of influence of second-hand on development of light industry. Analysed legislative side of problem, and shown ways of decision of this problem. Article is written in Ukrainian
Poluyanov V. P., Kravchenko R. S. Prospects of District Heating in Ukraine in the Context of Public-Private Partnership (p. 109 - 112)
The paper analyzes the industry heating, the circle of the main problems are recommendations to reform the industry, as a preliminary phase of the deployment of public-private partnership. Article is written in Ukrainian
Popov S. O., Maksymova I. I. Economic Aspects of the Efficiency Estimation of Unconditioned Iron Ore Extractio (p. 113 - 115)
The research considers common bases of an economic substantiation of the unconditioned iron ore extraction in the underground mining environment. The algorithm of technical-and-economic criterion definition is offered in compliance with efficiency estimation of unconditioned iron ore. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kulik I. N. Current State and Main Factors of Development of Ferrous Metallurgy in Ukrain (p. 116 - 121)
The article described the current state of ferrous metallurgy, the main factors of positive and deterrent effect on industry development, reserves funding update revealed metallurgical enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Salun M. N. The Economic Evaluation of the Industrial Enterprises Resource Potential (p. 99 - 102)
The author methodical approach for the economic evaluation of the industrial enterprises resource potential is presented in the article. This methodical approach is based on research of effective combinations for present resources, exposure the optimum due to the strategic orientation of enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Abass K. Jaud, Morhachov I. V. Features of Management of the Costs of the Iraqi Enterprises of Processing Industry (p. 64 - 68)
The article specifies the peculiarities of the management of the costs of the Iraqi enterprises of processing industry, including investigated the tendency of changing the structure and profitability of the cost of the enterprises. Article is written in Russian
Rudyka V. I. Specific Features of Management of Material Flows of By-Product Coke Companies (p. 68 - 70)
In the article descriptions of material streams are considered coke-chemical enterprises. It is shown that they are formed under influence of features of technological process and requirements of consumers. The known approaches are analyzed and offered approach to the management by the material streams of coke-chemical enterprises, that is a synthesis traditional and logistic. Article is written in Ukrainian
Andrievskaya Y. V. Modern Going Near Restructuring of Machine-Building Enterprises on the Basis of the Opened Innovative Activity (p. 71 - 73)
In the article going is exposed near essence of the opened innovations and going near interpretation of concept «innovation». The constituents of the opened innovations are selected and their description is resulted. The key elements of process, influencing on forming of the opened innovations on an enterprise, are rotined. Comparative principles of the opened and closed innovations are considered on machine-building enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kochetygova T. V. The Analysis of World Experience of Mergers and Acquisitions of the Companies in Metallurgy Branch (p. 73 - 77)
In article processes of mergers and acquisitions in metallurgical branch of world economy are considered. Their dynamics in quantitative and cost indexes, features of participation in them different countries of the world, forecasts of their further development is analyzed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kurbatova Y. L., Dolinskaya R. G. Planning of Noncompetitive Multibarrel Alliance in Power Engineering (p. 51 - 52)
Possibilities and strategic reference-points of modernization of industry are considered within the framework of new organizational form – alliance. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pogasiy S. S. Research of Progress and Prognostication of World Power Industry Trends (p. 53 - 54)
In the article certainly and grounded prognostication on the basis of method of scenarios, development of world power industry in the conditions of passing to the new technological mode of world economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rudyka V. I. Methods of assessing the impact of the stabilization process of the delivery of coal concentrates on enhancing the capacity of the internal environment of coke enterprise (p. 55 - 57)
In the article methodology of estimation of influence of stability of process of supplying with coal concentrates is worked out on an increase productive and food component of potential of internal environment of coke-chemical enterprise. Article is written in Russian
Demyanenko T. I. Development Problems of Alternative Energy (p. 58 - 59)
This article analyzes the problems of using renewable energy sources (RES), particularly wind energy. Assessed the current state of funding green energy market. Article is written in Ukrainian
Demyanenko T. I. New Prospects for Alternative Energy (p. 135 - 137)
The paper considers the problem of manufacturing energy mismatch of periods and periods of use. Alternative sources are provided with battery. However, traditional electrical and heating systems sometimes fail for days and even weeks. Article is written in Ukrainian
Derenska Y. M. Process of Planning of Project for Pharmaceutical Production (p. 126 - 130)
In the article the model of process of planning of project is developed in the conditions of pharmaceutical production, including implementation to twenty two subprocesses of planning of project (with pointing of incoming and outgoing documents and performers of subprocesses). Article is written in Ukrainian
Krupa O. M. Aspects of Financial Condition of the Oil and Gas Complex of Ukraine (p. 131 - 134)
The article examines the status and operation of oil and gas industry especially in today's socio-economic development of Ukraine. Based on the performance of enterprises and national statistics the main trends in the financial position of companies in this industry. The features of state regulation of the financial condition of companies on the experience of the National Joint Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine". Article is written in Ukrainian
Chebanov A. A. Conceptual Basis of Industrial Structure Modernization (p. 134 - 137)
The urgency of structural modernization of the industry on the present stage of its development and the need of improvement of the state industrial policy are justified in the paper. Contents of the terms "industrial structure", "optimal structure", and "industrial structure" are specified. The main directions of analytical improvement of concepts, strategies and structural adjustment programs of the Ukrainian industry are proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kulik I. N. Practice of Forming the Dividend Policy of the Joint-stock Companies of Domestic Ferrous Industry (p. 137 - 144)
The paper studies features of the formation of the dividend policy and the factors that determine the example of joint-stock companies of ferrous metallurgy. It is concluded that the formation of a corporate management system for steel plants and the development of effective dividend policy are tools that would allow property owners to maximize revenues. Article is written in Ukrainian
Timofeeva Y. A. State Support for Innovation of Machine Building in Ukraine (p. 144 - 147)
Current status of innovative activity of engineer, existent programs of state support, which stimulate innovative development of industry, is analysed in the article. Determinations of term are offered «innovative receptive organizational-administrative structure». The necessity of creation innovative of receptive environment is grounded, and also mechanism of grant a state help the subjects of engineer. By a basic criterion for the selection of applicants, are innovative receptivity of structure. Substantial problems are selected in development of engineer, such as a physical and moral wear of capital assets of enterprise, declines of financing of innovative development of industry from the side of the state Consequently the subject of engineer is forced to carry additional risks and expenses related to introduction of innovations in the process of production, that serves as the brake of innovative development of both industry and economy on the whole. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gavrikova A. O. The New Status of Domestic Consumer in the Context of Market Reforms of the Domestic Energy Sector (p. 105 - 109)
In this article the authors proposed to issue additional system classification signs of domestic consumers, that more fully reflects the changes that occurred in the consumer community for the past decade. It was defined groups of consumers, which are active investors and may be considered the system as business partners. Article is written in Russian
Grigorenko A. A. Formation of the Integral Industrial Complex of National Economy as a Basis for Sustainable Economic Development (p. 109 - 113)
In this article the analysis of the contemporary Ukrainian industry state was carried out and the necessity of the formation of the integral industrial complex was theoretically substantiated. Also in this article are determined the main changes in the sphere of industrial structure that are necessary to eliminate for stable economic development of the country. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kirichenko O. P. Formation of Organizational and Economical Mechanism of Management Innovation of Shipbuilding Enterprises (p. 113 - 116)
In the article the formation of organizational and economical mechanism of management innovation shipyards is grounded. It was analyzed approaches to the definition of OEMMI. A model of OEMMI was proposed, which must respond to the continuous changes in the environment and does not involve structural reorganization of the administrative apparatus, which usually lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Obolonskaya I. V. Optimization of Organizational and Engineering Providing Mining Enterprise Target Production Capacity (p. 116 - 119)
Basic resources factors that influence production capacity of enterprise are considered in the article. Expediency of raw minerals factor calculation in the criterion of target capacity estimation is grounded. Economic-mathematical model of optimization of organizational and engineering providing of target production capacity is elaborated. An example of model realization in the conditions of OJSC “InGZK” pit is given. Article is written in Ukrainian
Romanenko O. V. The Role of Corporate Integrated Structures in the Development of Modern Manufacturing: Global and Domestic Experiences (p. 91 - 96)
This article deals with peculiarities of the integrated structures functioning and their influence on the economic development in Ukraine and other countries. The scales of leading multinational corporations’ activity are investigated by example of automobile industry. The existing models of corporate economic development are summarized. On the basis of studying advanced achievements of the leading global corporations the author argues the necessity of involving domestic enterprises into multinational system of the world leading industries. Article is written in Ukrainian
Momot V. M., Mamutova T. V. Estimates’ Formalizing of Innovative Development of the Chemical Enterprises with the Environmental and Economic Performance (p. 96 - 98)
The article analyzes the influence of chemical plants on the ecological environment. The actuality of the article is explained due to the need to move from the challenge of the environment (instead of or due to economic growth) to the same problem, but in parallel with the growth of the enterprise. The formula calculating the economic impact of the innovative project with the environmental effect is proposed. Article is written in Russian
Kostenko O. K. Formation of an Organisational and Functional Mechanism of Ecological and Economic Activity of Engineering Companies (p. 121 - 124)
The article substantiates methodological thesis about objective character of profit formation in the result of ecological measures. It formulates the structure of an organisational and functional mechanism of managing ecological and economic activity of engineering companies through definition and description of elements of institutional and operational influence upon increase of the level of ecological safety of production, which would allow creation of conditions for economic growth of engineering companies. Article is written in Ukrainian
Klymchuk M. M. Adaptive Model of Resistance to Risks of Business Processes of Enterprises of Alternative Energy Forms (p. 124 - 128)
The article develops and approves an adaptive model of resistance to risks of business processes at enterprises of alternative energy forms and formulates a matrix of distribution of coverage of various risks by various types of scenarios of development of risk situations in a company. Specific recommendations on risk management have been formed on the basis of analysis of modelling results and with consideration of specific features of formation and management of business processes at enterprises of alternative energy forms. The matrix of distribution of coverage of various scenarios is built for clear interpretation of development scenarios on the basis of scenario research and characteristics of linguistic variables “risk level” and “state of business process”. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pukhalskaya A. P. Mechanism of Intellectual Property Management in Engineering Companies (p. 128 - 134)
The article offers a mechanism of intellectual property management in engineering companies, which envisages synthesis of a system of opinions upon provision of management with existing objects of intellectual property (IP) in a company with the aim to attract them into economic turnover and increase efficiency of their use. Application of the described mechanism of IP management would provide a company with realisation of monopoly rights on results of intellectual activity and would facilitate growth of proceeds from quality increase or cost reduction, sales markets expansion, increase of efficiency and effectiveness of economic activity in general. Introduction of the proposed mechanism requires establishment of an IP patenting department in a company. The specialist of this department should be competent in matters of assessment, protection, commercialisation, registration of rights on IP objects and search of information. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gusak A. S., Kabanov A. I. Analysis of the modern practice of insuring investment projects in coal mining (p. 129 - 135)
The article analyses the modern practice of insuring investment projects in coal mining. It studies experience of countries with developed coal industry, namely, United States, Australia and China. It analyses offers of state and private insurers that provide services in insuring commercial and non-commercial (political) risks for investment projects in coal mining. It determines main types of insurance protection, which started to be widely used when insuring real investments, and analyses specific features of their application in insuring coal mining projects. It uses the analysis for highlighting key types of insurance, application of which could ensure complex protection of investments into Ukrainian coal mining projects. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nusinova Y. V. Use of the Indicator of the Period of Outstanding Current Liabilities when Diagnosing Crisis at Mining and Smelting Enterprises (p. 136 - 140)
The article substantiates methodical approaches to the use of the indicator of the period of outstanding current liabilities when diagnosing crisis at domestic mining and smelting enterprises. It reveals that these enterprises are the most vulnerable in the world financial and economic crisis, during the period of which production volumes dropped in physical terms, but increased together with sales in money terms, which was achieved by means of increase of prices and dollar rate. It states that one of the key tasks in solving the problems resulting from current company management is a necessity of permanent control over the level of current liabilities, the source of repayment of which, in majority of cases, is the proceeds from products sales. In this connection it offers to use, in addition to other indicators of diagnostics, the period of outstanding current liabilities, which is calculated using relation of current liabilities to the volume of sales of products in money terms, multiplied by 365 days. It offers to identify its lowest value, which would characterise the period during which an enterprise could suspend repayment of current liabilities without the risk of deteriorating the financial state down to the crisis level. It calculates and analyses factual values of the indicator at a number of mining and smelting enterprises of Ukraine for the period 2002 – 2011. It states that it is more expedient to use different values for different groups of enterprises as boundary values. It also offers to set the upper limit value of the period of outstanding current liabilities at the level of 1 year. It states that when this value is exceeded, the financial state of an enterprise is characterised as a critical situation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Telnova H. V. Development of a concept of financial management of integrated corporate structure (ICS) of the engineering industry (p. 141 - 145)
The article offers a concept of the mechanism of financial management of ICS, which includes a necessary provision of the process of making managerial decisions and a scheme of its realisation. It substantiates theoretical and methodological, methodical, instrumental and model levels of the concept of financial management of ICS. According to the author, it is expedient to use, at the stage of organisation and performance of functions of financial management by subsystems, IDEF (SADT) model of information flows, at the stage of analysis and assessment, revelation of bottlenecks and development of alternative variants of managerial decisions – optimising linear programming and simulation modelling, decision making and relevant planning of processes of financial management of ICS is offered to be done on the basis of the neuronet model of balanced indicators of financial management of ICS. Article is written in Ukrainian
Denysov K. V. Analysis of effectiveness of the state industrial policy in ferrous metallurgy of Ukraine for the period 1996 – 2010 (p. 146 - 151)
The article contains analysis of results of realisation of legislative and regulatory acts, which determined development of the state industrial policy in ferrous metallurgy of Ukraine from 1996 till 2010. Analysis was conducted with the use of national statistics and international organisations: World Steel Association and International Steel Statistical Bureau. Analysis showed discrepancy of obtained results with the goals, which were set by the state within the framework of the branch industrial policy. This concerns development of the industrial and technological base, trade structure of production and export and also internal consumption of steel. Despite a number of benefits provided by the state, the technological level of the branch was low. Primary steel and semi-finished products dominate in the trade structure of production. Internal consumption of steel is limited and is lower than export indicators. The situation in other countries is quite opposite, due to which the article underlines a necessity to use their experience of branch industrial policy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bozhko V. P., Kashcheeva I. A. Analysis of Modern State of Engineering Industry of Ukraine (p. 190 - 194)
The article studies the modern state of engineering companies of Ukraine. It proves importance of the engineering industry, state and level of development of which is the main indicator of economic and, first of all, industrial development of the country. It reveals main problems of engineering companies, which arise under modern economic conditions and slow down or even stop their development. The studied material is used for development of recommendations on improvement of the state and solution of main problems of the engineering industry of Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Orlova N. S., Kulikova N. A. Directions of Investing Into Technological Cycle of Industrial Enterprises in the Coal Industry of Ukraine (p. 194 - 198)
The article studies possibilities of reformation of the coal industry of Ukraine on the basis of the measures developed within the state economic and investment policy. It considers a mathematical model of optimal distribution of limited investments between technological units of a mine, which would allow increase of production capacity of a mine in general. It develops directions of investing the technological process of the coal mining enterprises of Ukraine for improvement of use of their production capacities and increase of efficiency of their operation. Article is written in Russian
Bilyavtseva Y. S., Parkhomenko O. S. Directions of Managing Liquidity of Engineering Companies of Ukraine (p. 199 - 203)
The article identifies main problems of formation of liquidity of engineering companies; it assesses the level of liquidity using the example of OJSC Turboatom. It reveals conditions, which determine an acceptable level of company liquidity (high level of economic activity, liquidity of company shares, satisfactory state of corporate management, etc.), and it justifies main directions of improvement of their financial state, which include restructuring of assets of a company, revelation of internal reserves of increase of profitability of production activity, transparency of performance of operational, financial and investment activity, etc. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shashenko O. O. Optimisation of the Process of Formation of Production Expenses When Doing Excavation at a Coal Mining Enterprise (p. 203 - 207)
The article is devoted to solution of a topical problem of increase of competitiveness of coal mining enterprises on the basis of improvement of management of the process of formation of production expenses. It proves that correlation of production expenses directed at construction and use of timbering for mines, with other equal expenses in cost of mining, influences the level of profitability of an enterprise in general. It is established that distribution of the said expenses in the process of construction and exploitation of mines identifies the planning level of the ratio of repairing of mine timbering by criterion of profit maximisation. It develops optimisation models of correlation of operating expenses and expenses on mine construction for the case when cost of excavated coal in a certain mine of the coal mining enterprise grows by a non-linear function depending on the ratio of repairing of mine timbering and for the case when cost of excavated coal of the coal mining enterprise grows by a polynomial function depending on the ratio of repairing of mine timbering. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bozhko V. P., Maznichenko A. D., Omelchenko O. L. Specific Features of the use of Reinnovations When Creating High Technologies in Metallurgy and Engineering (p. 134 - 139)
The article considers earlier created innovations in the field of pulse and high-speed processing, which by their technical and economic indicators are prospective for wide application in the modern metallurgical and engineering productions. It offers to use the procedure of reinnovations for this, in other words, partial investment into new developments of the similar use, which would allow reduction of expenses on research and development works and can reduce the volume of financial expenses by 25 – 50% in each project. Article is written in Russian
Nabok I. V. Analysis of Specific Features of Development of Engineering Industry in Ukraine (p. 139 - 144)
The article analyses the current state of engineering industry in Ukraine. It conducts analysis of the volume of production of engineering in Ukraine. It considers dynamics of the structure of industry and dynamics of investments into fixed assets of engineering industry in Ukraine. It analyses export and import of goods of the engineering industry. It considers reasons that influenced development of domestic engineering enterprises. It reveals problems of engineering enterprises. It offers ways of increase of competitiveness of products of engineering industry of Ukrainian enterprises. It proves that development of engineering enterprises is a necessary prerequisite of formation of potential of the country’s development in general. It marks main modern characteristics of engineering industry in Ukraine on the basis of the conducted analysis. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pulina T. V. Information Provision of Creation and Development of Cluster Unions of Food Industry Companies (p. 145 - 152)
The article considers experience of foreign countries on creation of cluster unions in the food industry. It studies activity of first acting clusters of companies of the food industry in Ukraine and cluster projects, which are in the stage of realisation. It reveals directions on creation of new cluster structures in the food industry in Ukraine. It conducts the study of strategies of development of Ukrainian regions for the purpose of availability of cluster initiatives, in the result of which seven fields are allocated, which have priority direction of development in the field of food industry and agro-industrial complex. It considers activity of public organisations and funds that deal with creation and development of cluster unions in Ukraine. It studies the legislative base that facilitates realisation of cluster initiatives. It draws a conclusion: despite a significant number of conducted studies, existing positive experience of operation of first clusters in Ukraine, mass transition of national economies of industrially developed countries to a cluster model of development, the existing legislative base in Ukraine and systematic work in this direction at the level of ministries and departments are practically absent. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vasiltsov Y. V. Financial Aspects of Productivity of Mining and Smelting Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 152 - 158)
The article conducts a retrospective analysis of productivity of resources of mining and smelting enterprises in Ukraine during 2007 – 2011, by the result of which a significant influence of market factors upon effectiveness of activity of enterprises was noted. The growth of price parameters of iron-ore products facilitates increase of financial aspects of productivity of ore mining and processing enterprises and, accordingly, their reduction at metallurgical ones, for which these products are basic raw materials. The article conducts diagnostics of factors that influence the change of productivity of assets. It identifies that ore mining and processing enterprises are characterised with non-optimal policy of formation of the sources of capital and structure of assets. It analyses the degree of wear of fixed assets of mining and smelting enterprises and systemises related problems. It marks that the growth of financial aspects of productivity is possible by means of increase of effectiveness of resource transformations in business processes of companies, which requires increase of technical and technological level of production. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gelevachuk Z. Y. Market Provision of Development of Ore Mining and Processing Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 159 - 165)
The article conducts a complex analysis of the current state and prospects of development of the market of iron-ore products by indicators of demand, requirements to qualitative parameters of products, production capacities of enterprises, and planned projects on accumulation of volumes of production by leading world companies. It identifies positions of the domestic ore mining and processing enterprises in the world market of iron-ore products. It identifies main problems of their development in the context of branch tendencies, which lie in low technical and technological level of production and outsider positions by indicators of product quality. On the basis of the analysis it proves an objective necessity of realisation of the strategy of technological development, which establishes grounds for correcting marketing strategy of enterprises. It justifies that prerequisites of realisation of strategic directions of development of ore mining and processing enterprises are further re-orientation of export supplies from countries of Europe to the countries of South-Eastern Asia, which would allow preservation of the market share and accumulation of financial resources for realisation of innovation projects at domestic enterprises under conditions of growth of industrial demand in these markets and rather low requirements to product quality. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lisnichenko O. O. Fundamental Cost Aspects of Effectiveness of Development of Ukrainian Food Companies (p. 165 - 172)
The article assesses effectiveness of development of food industry in Ukraine on the basis of application of the fundamental cost approach. Logic of economic assessment is based on comparison of the results of formation of capital of food companies and profitability of functioning of their assets. Effectiveness of capital formation is analysed from the point of view of the structure of sources of formation of assets of food companies and calculation of its weighed average cost (WACC). Profit flows are generated in the process of productive use of the capital (assets) and sufficiency of these flows is determined by the potential of formation of fundamental cost of the studied companies. The article conducts analysis of effectiveness of the use of main and circulating capital and assessment of investment and innovation activity of food companies and identifies main factors and problems that influence the low level of return on capital, which, in its turn, destroys internal cost of food industry companies. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pulina T. V. Influence of Indicators of Stability and Growth of the Indicator of Effectiveness of Company Activity upon the Process of Creation of a Cluster Union (p. 170 - 175)
The article shows a necessity of development of cluster approach, which proved its effectiveness in many countries of the world. One of the problems of introduction of this approach is absence of a universal method of selection of companies into a cluster union. The goal of the article is to develop an approach to selection of companies into a cluster union. The article considers three structures of the vector built on the basis of the process of changes of numeric values of the indicator of effectiveness of the financial and economic activity of a company during a certain period of time. It gives characteristics of indicators of stability, effectiveness of company activity and growth of effectiveness. It justifies a necessity to introduce an indicator of stability of growth of effectiveness of company activity, which the help of which company activity in market economy is analysed. Taking into account similar orientation of indicators of growth of effectiveness and stability of growth of the indicator of effectiveness, the article justifies the cluster indicator, with the help of which it identifies a possibility for a company to enter into a cluster union. The final decision is made by the cluster management on the basis of the analysis of existing indicators by each company and strategy of cluster development. Article is written in Russian
Shandova N. V. Principles of Formation of Conditions of Stable Development of the Industry (p. 176 - 181)
The article offers principles of formation of conditions of stable development of the industry that correspond with the modern stage of development of the economy, which are driving forces of its development. The article refers the following to the principles of stable development of the industry: structural principle – for execution of interdependent quantitative and qualitative transformations; principle of interconnection of productive forces and production relations – as the basis of selection of useful results of labour functioning; innovation principle – as a source of self-development of the industry; ecological principle – for preservation of environment and resources; and principle of security of development – for counteracting the influence of external and internal environment. Principles of formation of conditions of stable development of the industry are a reference point, which should be used by state bodies of administration and managers of companies, and managerial specialists when developing strategies of development of both the whole industrial complex and individual companies. This would allow better study of the foundations of stable development and development of recommendations with respect to perfection of the process of development and reduction of risks of lost profit. Article is written in Ukrainian
Afanasev I. Y. Managing the Use of Iron Ore in the Process of Production of Concentrate (p. 182 - 186)
The article improves a methodical approach to managing production of iron ore concentrate in the context of minimisation of the cost of dressing the existing resources of iron ore, which are delivered to the processing sub-system of the mining company “accumulating storehouse – dressing works”. The article develops a structural and logical algorithm of operative actions of the operational management of a mining company in the process of production of the concentrate on the basis of tasks of the system of operational distribution of resources of iron ore with consideration of key moments of stochastic uncertainty of parameters of production and economic activity of the company. Practical realisation of the proposed methodical approach to selective management of minimisation of the cost and increase of volumes of production of the concentrate with consideration of uncertainty of parameters of the processes of processing resources of iron ore contributes to the growth of the level of company’s profitability. Article is written in Ukrainian
Piletska S. T. Regularities of Formation of Own and Borrowed Capital of an Industrial Aviation Enterprise under Conditions of Financial Independence (p. 160 - 164)
The main problem that arises when determining effectiveness of capital management is a necessity to account a big number of factors, which can influence an enterprise and determine its financial independence. Today, the following problems acquire special importance when managing formation of a capital of an industrial aviation enterprise: identification of the general requirement in capital, search for sources of its formation and managing the structure. Recommendations with respect to managing the structure of own and borrowed capital, unlike in previously considered in scientific and special literature, are not limited with the study of methods of capitalisation of profit. They are connected with identification of possibilities of use of additional capital as an element of own and acceptance credit, bonded debt – as an element of the borrowed capital. At the same time, the funds that are attracted as additional capital and acceptance credit are not considered as components of the financial flow. Thus, methods of justification of growth of the value of the financial flow by means of alternative sources of growth of the capital and methods of assessment of influence of the capital structure upon the size of the financial flow act as elements of the mechanism of management of movement of financial flows of enterprises. The mechanism of formation of own and borrowed capital and methods of managing its structure objectively create conditions of financial independence of an industrial aviation enterprise in the form of automatic protection from external factors and by way of formation of sources of financial sufficiency of resources. Article is written in Ukrainian
Madar A. Y. Selection and identification of a by-product coke plant (BPCP) management tool (p. 165 - 169)
The degree of achievement of its goal by a company depends on many factors, including on its management tool. Economic science offers a big selection of such tools, but, as the analysis has shown, not all of them could be applied at a BPCP. The goal of the article is to identify a BPCP management tool, which would take into account its technological and organisational specific features. Due to specific industry (complexity of a production complex and continuous nature of production) and organisational factors (ascription of BPCP to vertically integrated structures (holding) of a mixed type and technocratic type of management), the tools, the object of management of which are relations with clients and strategic changes at a BPCP, cannot be used. In order to achieve BPCP goals – minimisation of costs and maximisation of money funds – it is necessary to use tools, the object of which is operation activity of a company, taking into account conditions of their use. Such tools could include: controlling, management by goals, key indicators of effectiveness and budgeting. Under conditions when a holding company has a limited nature of influence upon formation of its income and cash flows, but at the same time has a possibility of independent operative management of financial activity, only efficient management of costs and finances can guarantee survival of the company. Budgeting meets these requirements. It could be used in a combination with controlling, which is an information provision of managerial decision making and management by goals, and key indicators of effectiveness, which are rules (recommendations) of identification of the system of indicators of activity of subdivisions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kovalchuk V. A., Korotkiy V. Y. Prospects and Risks of the Mining Industry in Ukraine in the Context of Sustainable Development (p. 155 - 160)
The article considers growth of expenditures of enterprise operation, resource nationalism, necessity of a complex development of the Earth interiors as important factors of prospective development of the mining industry of Ukraine. It justifies that development of the mining industry in future should be accompanied with strengthening of the regulatory role of the state. It states that Ukraine should make maximum efforts for creation of favourable conditions for business within the state and stimulate return of capital into the national economy. Only this would help to avoid economic dependence, to become an equal player in the world market of metal intensive products, to protect national interests and to preserve the existing resource potential for future generations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Petenko A. V., Lozynskyy I. Y. Diversification of Production as an Element of Infrastructure of a Coal-Mining Region (p. 161 - 165)
The article studies problems of increase of economic potential of enterprises in unstable territories of Donbass. It considers theoretical aspects and criteria of diversification of production with the use of outsourcing for processing wastes of coal mines and concentration plants. It substantiates the weak level of small entrepreneurship development in the sphere of rendering ecological production services. It considers expediency of the use of existing criteria of the modified BSC. It substantiates significance of criteria of processing wastes of the modified BSC in various variants on the basis of the method of expert assessments. It offers a model of regional development with a complex diversification of production towards increase of effectiveness of nature protecting measures on utilisation of production wastes of coal mines and concentration plants. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gafich O. I. Scientific and Methodical Foundations of Building up a System of Dynamic Analysis of Uncertainties and Risks of the Gas-and-Petroleum Producing Projects and Support of Making Decisions on their Realisation (p. 166 - 173)
The article considers main principles of building up an information system of support of making decisions on the process of exploring and development of petroleum and natural gas deposits. It offers a system that is based on an inter-disciplinary analysis of data and operative assessment of new information that is received in the course of projects realisation from the point of view of its impact on the range of changes of uncertainties of the gas-and-petroleum producing projects and existing levels of risk. Specific feature of the proposed system lies in application of methods of stochastic modelling of uncertainties of parameters of a project and project-connected risks and their quality assessment. Probabilistic modelling and dynamic analysis of uncertainties allow optimisation of managerial decisions with consideration of interconnection of possible risks and technical and economic parameters of projects. The article offers algorithms of identification and analysis of risks, development and making the decisions based on the dynamic analysis of data, probabilistic modelling of uncertainties and risks connected with them. It considers main tasks of scientific studies on improvement of the proposed dynamic system of support of decision making in geological survey and gas-and-petroleum producing branches of production and also methods of their realisation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gryneva V. N., Mysko N. V. Assessment of Competitiveness of Industrial Products on the Basis of Commercial Assessment of its Quality (p. 149 - 154)
The problem of search for new improved methods of assessment of the level of product competitiveness and efficient ways of its growth is topical and requires a more detailed study. The goal and task of the article is a study of main directions of assessment of product quality as a main component of its competitiveness and development of expression of the indicator of goods competitiveness on the basis of it. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of many scientists, the article considers main approaches to assessment of quality of products and allocates the one that is more widely used when assessing competitiveness of industrial products. The article compares “consumption cost of production” and “product quality” categories and establishes that, if compared with the consumption cost, the quality is a more specific and content-wide notion, which reflects all sides of satisfaction of customer needs and specific features of the customer’s perception of products. In the result of the study the article develops an expression of the indicator of product competitiveness. The prospect of further study in this direction is consideration of approaches to assessment of effectiveness of the organisational and economic mechanism of ensuring competitiveness of industrial products and main directions of its improvement. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kaletnik H. M., Goncharuk T. V. Innovation Provision of Development of the Bio-Fuel Industry: World and Domestic Experience (p. 155 - 160)
The article analyses modern ways of innovation development of the biological fuel production industry. It studies theoretical and methodological provisions of the essence of innovation activity in the agrarian sector, in particular, its stimulation and provision of effectiveness in the bio-fuel industry. It characterises the modern stage and problems of innovation activity in the agrarian sector of Ukraine and the world. The goal of the article is to strengthen partnership of the bodies of the state authority and local self-government, science, education, business, public organisations for improvement of the state of environment in Ukraine; integration of the ecological policy into industrial policies; creation of ecological and economic conditions for the balanced (sustainable) development of the state; guarantee of ecological security and preservation of the biological diversity; formation of conditions for restoration of natural resources; increase of resource and energy efficiency of the economy; generalisation of experience of interregional and international co-operation and development of recommendations for complex solution of ecological problems. Article is written in Ukrainian
Daniali P. Development of Entrepreneurial Activity of the Processing Industry under Conditions of Deepening of Integration Processes (p. 161 - 165)
The article considers theoretical aspects of entrepreneurial activity under conditions of deepening of integration processes. It studies tendencies of development of economic subjects. It identifies integration of entrepreneurial structures at inter-firm and intra-firm levels. It analyses parts of the synergetic effect. It considers different forms of integration. It analyses the world practice of the forms of integration of companies, namely: strategic alliances, consortia, cartels, syndicates, pools, associations, conglomerates, trusts, concerns, industrial holdings and financial and industrial groups. It allocates advantages of creation of consortia. It develops a matrix of main organisational forms of integration and their characteristic features. It systemises main forms of integration of companies. It determines specific features of transactions in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lototsky M. Y. Organisation and Fund Aspects of Analysis of Processes of Capitalisation of Industrial Enterprises of 5kraine (p. 179 - 186)
The goal of the article is to conduct analysis of market capitalisation of individual domestic industrial enterprises. Using such indicators as Eamings Per Share (EPS), relation of market capitalisation of the company to its net earnings (price/earnings, P/E), relation of market capitalisation of the company to its revenues (price/sales, P/S), Market-to-Book Ratio and Tobin’s Q-ratio, the article calculates the weighted average cost of capital by sectors of industrial production. In the result of the study it establishes that market capitalisation of domestic industrial enterprises mainly depends on the market cost of shares – assessment of the cost of business by the market. It proves that formation of the market capitalisation is determined today, first of all, by external factors: market situation, demand and supply of shares in the stock market and forecasted expectations of investors with respect to increase of effectiveness of enterprises’ activity in future. Solution of the problem of deficit of financial resources for realisation of large-scale investment project by domestic industrial enterprises through making financial resources cheaper and optimising their structure requires further study. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nusinov V. Y., Kolesnikov D. V. Vertically Integrated Structures: Essence and Specific Features of Functioning in the Mining and Smelting Complex of Ukraine (p. 187 - 193)
The goal of the article is identification of the essence of vertically integrated structures, consideration of problems and specific features of their functioning under conditions of development of the mining and smelting complex of Ukraine. Systemising and generalising scientific views, the authors form own vision of the essence of vertical integration, the result of which is creation of a vertically integrated structure. On the basis of the study of scientific approaches, the authors further develop identification of the essence of the vertically integrated structure, present characteristics of its properties and also identify advantages and shortcomings of its functioning. The article considers specific features of functioning of vertically integrated structures in the mining and smelting complex of Ukraine (on the example of activity of the Metinvest Group), which allowed detection of positive and negative issues of integration of mining and smelting enterprises into a single structure. It determines that the basis of the decision to unite (join) enterprises is obtaining a positive synergetic effect. The prospect of further studies is the study of synergy during formation and functioning of vertically integrated structures in the mining and smelting complex of Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nabok I. V. State of Fixed Assets of Domestic Enterprises Compared to Experience of Developed Countries (p. 194 - 198)
The article studies the state of fixed assets of domestic enterprises compared to experience of developed countries. It analyses: dynamics of the cost of fixed assets by types of economic activity, the level of growth of fixed assets, and dynamics of investments into the fixed capital. It identifies the level of provision of domestic enterprises with fixed assets. It states main reasons of lagging of the capital-labour ration of Ukraine compared to developed countries. It considers prospects of activation of investments into the fixed capital. It makes conclusions on the state of fixed assets of domestic enterprises and identifies prospects of further studies. Article is written in Ukrainian
Govorushko T. A., Bagatska K. V. Tendencies and Prospects of Capitalisation of Enterprises of the Food Industry of Ukraine (p. 165 - 169)
The article is devoted to the study of tendencies of capitalisation of enterprises of the food industry of Ukraine in the context of assessment of the prospects of introduction of the cost-oriented approach to management of enterprises of the industry. It describes economic essence of capitalisation and justifies its importance as a key factor of creation of the market value of an enterprise. On the basis of statistical data the article conducts analysis of dynamics and structure of own capital of enterprises of the food industry of Ukraine. On the basis of the analysis the article reveals positive tendencies of growth of own capital of the industry by means of various sources, which points at growth of capitalisation in various forms. The article establishes that despite the positive dynamics, the share of own capital in the structure of sources of financing is low, which testifies to presence of significant risks of financing enterprises of the industry, but, at the same time, it creates reserves for increase of capitalisation in future. The article reveals a tendency of reduction of profitability, which negatively influences capitalisation. It justifies future prospects of capitalisation of the industry. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lelyuk O. V. Analysis of Specific Features of the Ukrainian Market of Natural Gas Production and Consumption (p. 170 - 179)
The article provides results of the study of specific features of the Ukrainian market of natural gas production and consumption. It analyses dynamics of the specific weight of Ukraine in general volumes of natural gas consumption in the world, dynamics of natural gas consumption in Ukraine during 1990 – 2012 and dependence of natural gas consumption on GDP volumes by the purchasing power parity. It studies the structure of natural gas consumption by regions in 2012 and sectors of economy, resource base of natural gas in Ukraine and also dynamics of established resources of natural gas in Ukraine and dynamics of natural gas production. It analyses base rates of growth of natural gas resources and production in Ukraine. It considers dynamics of import of natural gas into Ukraine and its import prices and also the structure of natural gas import. It identifies the balance of the natural gas market in Ukraine. On the basis of the conducted analysis the article proves that Ukraine is a gas-deficit country of the world, which depends on natural gas import supplies. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gudz P. V., Naumenko R. P. Analysis of Budget Management at a Chemical Enterprise (p. 144 - 149)
The goal of the article lies in the use of the methodology of application of the gap-analysis and regression analysis for finding out reasons of non-performance of the planned measures and assessment of priority of zones of management of the production programme of the enterprise. The article justifies application of the gap-analysis and regression analysis of budgeting of the production programme at a chemical enterprise. It establishes the reasons of non-performance of planned measures and assessment of priority of zones of management and recommends re-orientation of management of production processes of a chemical enterprise on the basis of the process-oriented budgeting. A direction of further studies is justification of the model of effective realisation of the strategy of enterprise development on the basis of the process-oriented budgeting. Article is written in Ukrainian
Achkasova O. V. A set of Strategies of Domestic Engineering Enterprises Under Modern Conditions (p. 150 - 154)
The goal of the article is analysis and generalisation of existing views on the composition of the strategic set of a domestic enterprise and identification of the composition of the most expedient strategic set of engineering enterprises with consideration of the current socio-economic state. Having analysed statistical data the article establishes a stagnation character of development of engineering enterprises. In order to overcome crisis phenomena in enterprise activity, the article recommends to identify the enterprise crisis overcoming strategy, which would ensure efficient functioning of an enterprise under conditions of high uncertainty and instability. On the basis of analysis of economic literature and with the goal to specify this strategy, the article justifies a strategic set, which meets requirements and challenges of modern conditions of functioning of engineering enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yurynets O. V., Tomyuk O. Y. Criteria of Analysis of Products of Automakers in the Process of Strategic Marketing Provision of its Competitiveness (p. 155 - 160)
The article conducts analysis of main methods of classification of automakers’ products for analysing the products competitiveness in the market. It reveals key factors of influence upon the consumer in the process of car selection for further purchase. It studies modern tendencies in the auto market in Ukraine. It shows specific features of regional markets. It specifies main directions of improvement of the trade policy of domestic enterprises in accordance with modern tendencies of the branch. It formulates prospects of future studies regarding improvement of main components of the marketing complex directed at promotion of automakers’ products. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kuzmynchuk N. V., Andreeva Y. L. Qualitative Analysis of Realisation of the Organisational and Managerial Potential and Competitive Sustainability of Engineering Enterprises (p. 126 - 133)
The article is devoted to detection of specific features of realisation of the organisational and managerial potential and competitive sustainability of engineering enterprises, which are a strategically important link of the national economy. The article forms a scorecard, which characterises directions of competitive sustainability (production, financial, marketing and social) and organisational and managerial potential. The use of the economic and mathematical method of cluster analysis allowed assessment of the level of efficiency of material motivation of personnel and development of economic processes of an enterprise by qualitative features. The article conducts distribution of engineering enterprises by the level of organisational and managerial potential and competitive sustainability, which allows generation of high quality timely managerial decisions depending on the focus on a problem solution and ensures realisation of an adequate model of enterprise development under conditions of the transformational economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Popova V. D. Analysis of Logistics Costs of the Ukrainian Semiconductor Industry (p. 133 - 137)
The goal of the article is analysis of logistics costs in production of semiconductor materials using example of two Ukrainian enterprises. The article studies influence of logistics management and logistics costs upon formation of the final cost value (price) of a commodity (service). It gives an assessment of logistics costs of Ukrainian semiconductor enterprises and establishes its structure by types of main expenditure items: material, transport, production and storehouse. It establishes the generalised quantitative structure of logistics costs of Ukrainian semiconductor enterprises with various forms of ownership under conditions of a situational growth of cost value of products and reduction of profitability of production, caused by common crisis tendencies in economy. Prospects of further studies in this direction are analysis of costs in production of semiconductor products and establishment of the specific feature of their grouping and classifying from the point of view of logistics and justification of the model of assessment of cost value of products, which takes into account mutually contradictory influence of direct logistics costs and logistics management upon the final result. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dyeyeva N. E., Mykhaylova N. S. Impact of the Ownership Structure on Corporate Management in Engineering (p. 149 - 154)
The article analyses impact of the ownership structure on corporate management in the engineering industry of Ukraine. In order to detect impact of the structure of corporate ownership on corporate management the article uses general scientific and special methods of study: method of critical analysis and generalisation of theoretical studies, comparison method and statistical method. Analysis of engineering enterprises confirmed availability of impact of the structure of corporate ownership on corporate management. The article also shows that the engineering industry of Ukraine is characterised with the concentrated ownership structure, which has the following features: restriction of rights of minority shareholders with respect to management and control in a joint stock company; availability of corporate conflicts between majority and minority shareholders; availability of intense control of owners over management, which influences efficiency of making managerial decisions; hired managers and enterprise employees have no possibility to acquire stock of a joint stock company including in the form of bonuses and incentives; the controlling owner is interested in efficient activity of the enterprise and tries to create necessary conditions for this. The conducted studies give a possibility to establish that a share of stock that belongs to a hired executive body is smaller in those joint stock companies in which concentration of ownership is higher. The article also shows that the higher ownership concentration the higher is the probability that the owner would be a part of controlling bodies. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kuzmin O. Y., Kostsyk R. S. Sales of Innovation Products by Engineering Enterprises (p. 154 - 159)
The goal of the article is formation of stages of sales of innovation products of engineering enterprises as a method of commercialisation of innovations. For this purpose the article conducts analysis of scientific literature that deals with forms and methods of commercialisation of innovation products. The article also considers views of scientists with respect to commercialisation of innovations by means of their use at own enterprise. In the course of analysis it was revealed that the use of innovation products at own enterprises, namely its sales, is the most rational method of commercialisation of innovations. This method is directed at gaining the maximum profit in the enterprise activity. The article offers stages of sales of innovation products by engineering enterprises. It also describes each stage of this process and its essence. Further studies will have to pay more attention to the study of each stage of sales of innovation products of engineering enterprises individually. It is also necessary to identify and create formulae for calculation of all quantitative indicators required for sales of innovations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vasiuta O. P., Miroshnyk M. V. Competitiveness of Industry as a Component of Efficiency of the National Economy (p. 160 - 166)
The article analyses conceptual grounds of formation of competitiveness of the industry with theoretical generalisation of composition of fundamental subsystems that form its general system of competitiveness. The applied issues of formation of competitiveness of an industry are considered using example of the pharmaceutical industry, for which an algorithm of assessment of its competitiveness is built, a complex analysis of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine is conducted and main indicators of its development are identified, which allows detection and specification of a number of problems that arise on the way of achievement of sustainability of development by the pharmaceutical industry. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shemiakina N. V., Horynenko H. S. Improvement of the Mechanism of Financial and Credit Provision of Technical Development of the Industry (p. 166 - 170)
The article conducts analysis of the mechanism of financial and credit provision of technical development of the industry. The goal of the study is justification of main factors of influence upon financial and credit activity and identification of main directions of activation of the mechanism of the financial and credit provision of technical development of Ukrainian industry. The article analyses the structure of capital investments and shows dynamics of gross capital investments in the industry and GDP volumes. It analyses tendencies and structure of investments into the fixed capital by types of industrial activity by domestic enterprises in recent years. It analyses different financial resources for ensuring technical development of industrial enterprises. It offers possible methods of use, improvement and optimisation of the structure of sources of financing investments into the fixed capital. The article considers sources, tendencies and structure of investments into innovation products and processes. It justifies main directions of activation of the mechanism of financial and credit provision of technical development of the Ukrainian industry. Article is written in Ukrainian
Skrypnyk M. Y. Analytical Provision of Profitable Activity of Clothing Industry Enterprises (p. 171 - 175)
The goal of the article is improvement of the methodology of study of financial results through introduction into the domestic practice of application of modern instruments of methods of non-linear dynamics – catastrophe theory for analytical provision of management of profitability of clothing industry enterprises on its basis. In the result of the conducted study the article proves that the catastrophe theory is a conceptual and methodological basis for studying and forecasting financial results of activity of clothing industry enterprises as unstable to system changes and is a component of such a modern scientific direction as synergetics. The essence of the latter is that under conditions when in the course of conduct of main activity there is accumulation of a critical reserve of influence of various factors upon change of financial results, which, in their turn, undergo impact of various factors, including random ones, and at a certain point of time the activity becomes unprofitable, changing its qualitative characteristics in leaps and bounds, that is, it passes to a new trajectory of changes. The prospect of further studies in this direction is the study of behaviour of financial results of clothing production, which are negative for its activity due to uneven negative changes and which manifest themselves in unprofitable management due to unexpected reaction on correlation between the object of study and insignificant fluctuations of influence factors, in particular, in disproportions between the rates of growth of expenditure and income components of activity. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yemelyanov O. Y., Musiyovska O. B. Theoretical Grounds of Economic Assessment of the Current Level of Innovation Receptivity of Engineering Enterprises (p. 142 - 149)
The article studies and generalises existing approaches to identification of criteria of assessment of innovation receptivity of subjects of economic activity and also marks out main groups of methods of this assessment. It provides a chain of competences of an enterprise in the sphere of management of its innovation activity, which meets its passive and active innovation receptivity, which lies in the foundation of formation of the multiplicative approach to assessment of the current level of innovation receptivity of an enterprise. The article offers complex qualitative and quantitative indicators of active and also passive innovation receptivity of an enterprise. Further studies of the issue of assessment of the current level of innovation receptivity of economic subjects require clarification of capabilities of a more complete consideration of influence of the obtained financial results from the enterprise innovation activity upon this level. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kovalchuk V. H. State Policy of Stimulation of Industrial Competitiveness under Conditions of Economic Integration (p. 150 - 154)
The article is devoted to problems of state regulatory policy of stimulation of economic growth, increase of efficiency of activity of industrial branches of the country. It considers examples of foreign experience in the part of state support of domestic manufacturers. It shows possible variants of integration of co-operation between CIS countries on the basis of specialisation, co-operation and joint activity for achieving economic growth of economies. It demonstrates an automated system of mass servicing of customers, which is offered to be used in the structure of associations of trade enterprises. It offers ways of achievement of competitive advantages of domestic enterprises under conditions of globalisation by means of introduction of clusters of the consumer market enterprises. The article reveals their shortcomings and possibilities of development in the territory of Ukraine under conditions of limited financial resources. It acknowledges that measures of the fiscal policy should be directed, first of all, at support of creation of associations of medium enterprises of the light and other branches of industry and agriculture, which have development potential. It identifies main elements of creation of state programmes of support and development of the cluster form of organisation of the light and other branches of industry, agriculture and trade. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yatsentiuk S. V. Application of Specific Features of Industrial Products when Forming and Developing Brands of Industrial Enterprises (p. 155 - 160)
The article analyses and structures approaches and principles of formulation of industrial products. It offers classification of goods and markets of industrial products by their characteristics and participants. It identifies main participants that make decisions at B2C and B2B markets and characterises their specific features and motivation when making decisions on purchase of products of industrial enterprises. It studies and analyses indicators of development of domestic markets of consumer goods and market of industrial products and dynamics of development of their relation in retrospective view. Article is written in Ukrainian
Cherep A. V., Siniekaieva O. D. Methodical Grounds of Assessment of Efficiency of the Engineering Enterprises Activity (p. 124 - 129)
The goal of the article lies in the study of the engineering enterprises state and development of methodical grounds of assessment of efficiency of engineering enterprises activity. The article identifies and analyses main indicators of engineering enterprises activity that influence efficiency of their development. In the result of the study the article finds out that engineering enterprises have positive dynamics of financial results of their activity during the recent three years, but this is not sufficient for successful development. The main factor of successful development is innovation activity of economic subjects. Based on the studied material the article develops a scorecard for assessment of efficiency of engineering enterprises activity, which includes three components: indicators of production, financial and investment efficiency. These indicators allow authentic assessment of the enterprise innovation activity and effect of its implementation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gamma T. M. Development of Integration Processes at Ukrainian Food Industry Enterprises (p. 130 - 135)
The goal of the article is the study of the modern state, tendencies and problems of development of integration processes at Ukrainian food industry enterprises and identification of regularities of formation and functioning of integrated associations in various branches of the food industry. The article considers and analyses the essence of “integration” and “integration process” definitions on the basis of analysis, systematisation and generalisation of scientific works of a number of scientists and provides their authors definition. Based on the results of the study of the major and most successful integrated associations in the Ukrainian food industry, such as Kernel Group group of companies, Mironovskiy Khleboproduct Private JSC, Terra Food group of companies, Khleb Kieva Private JSC and Roshen confectionary corporation, the article reveals main tendencies, regularities and problems of development of integration processes. This allows formulation of further directions of the study: solution of problems of inefficient use of integration by its participants and a necessity of allocation of general tendencies of development of individual branches of the food industry and their further re-grouping with the aim of formation of a relevant strategy of integration processes for each allocated group. Article is written in Russian
Strelbitska N. Y. Liberalisation of the Ukrainian Electric Energy Wholesale Market: First Results (p. 136 - 139)
The article contains analysis of views of scientists on reformation of the Ukrainian electric energy wholesale market. In particular, the article studies views of domestic scientists about a necessity of changing the model of the electric energy wholesale market and conducting privatisation of electric generating and supplying companies. The article studies results of privatisation of subjects of the electric energy wholesale market as a stage of its transformation into the competitive market. The article allocates six financial industrial groups (FIGs), which are direct and indirect owners of electric energy wholesale market enterprises and shows their market shares in this market. The article considers a probable influence of individual FIGs upon functioning of the Ukrainian electric energy market. It proves that concentration of the market power in production and supply of electric energy of an individual FIG contradicts the idea of formation of market competition, which lies in the basis of the “new” model of functioning and organisation of this market. Taking into account the modern state of the Ukrainian legislation and results of the studies conducted by the author and specialists of the Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the article offers to hold up introduction of the “new” model and improve the “old” one. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shevtsova A. Z., Braslavskaya H. Specific Features of the Modern Potential of the Ukrainian Chemical Industry Enterprises (p. 140 - 146)
The goal of the article is the study of specific features of functioning of the chemical industry enterprises potential and detection of modern tendencies and problems of its development. Analysis is conducted on the basis of the study of indicators that characterise different components of the potential of nitrogen enterprises of a major Ukrainian holding company. In the result of the study the article allocates the modern branch specific feature that influences the processes of functioning and development of the potential of the chemical industry enterprises and its components. The article shows that, under modern conditions of insufficiency of internal resources of domestic enterprises of the chemical industry, the main direction of reproduction and development of their potential is its innovation renovation and modernisation. The article shows that realisation of this direction requires attraction of mechanisms of the private-state partnership. Prospects of further studies in this direction are connected with development and justification of the scientific and methodical support of the system of management of the enterprises potential on the basis of their modernisation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hladynets N. Y. Forecasting Innovation Development of the Ukrainian Industry (p. 147 - 152)
The article studies tendencies and outlines prospects of development of innovation activity in the Ukrainian industry. It forecasts innovation activity with the use of economic and mathematical methods. The article uses main indicators that characterise innovation activity in the Ukrainian industry for building up forecast models of innovation development of Ukraine. Based on econometric dynamic models the article makes a forecast for 2014 – 2016. The built forecast models of innovation development of the Ukrainian industry could be used for developing plans and identifying prospects of development of such an important sector of the national economy as the industry. The article establishes that innovation activity in the Ukrainian industry is insufficiently active and in some cases there is even a tendency of rollout of indicators that characterise innovation development of the industry in the country. The article proves a necessity of activation of innovation activity in the Ukrainian industry. It marks a necessity of development and realisation of the strategy of innovation development of the industry oriented at modernisation of the technical and technological bases and active attraction of investments into priority innovation projects and developments. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hlushko O. V. Concepts and Paradigms in Management of Economic Sustainability of Engineering Enterprises (p. 152 - 157)
The article reveals fundamental characteristics of concepts and paradigms of management of economic sustainability of the engineering enterprise. It considers and systemises fundamental grounds of managing economic sustainability of the entrepreneurial structure. The information, formed in the study, is a prerequisite for identifying the concept of management of economic sustainability of the enterprise – adequate for modern post-industrial market tendencies. The article offers essential and scientifically justified principles for formation of the adaptive concept of establishment of economic sustainability of the entrepreneurial structure. It provides the format of realisation of the conceptual direction of management of economic sustainability of the economic subject, which takes into account topical paradigms of modern markets of goods and capital in the context of realisation of strategic tasks of the economic unit. It justifies expediency of use of the offered concept of management of economic sustainability of the enterprise on the basis of the analysis of theoretical and practical experience in the sphere of the studied subject-matter. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zanora V. O. Risk-oriented Management of Production and Technological Costs of Engineering Enterprises (p. 157 - 161)
The article develops theoretical and methodical instruments of risk-oriented management of production and technological costs of engineering enterprises, which allows taking into consideration changes of internal and external environments, and factors of activity of enterprises, which cause risks, with the aim of taking into account their influence upon results of main activity of enterprises. The article forms a structural logic scheme of the system of risk-oriented management of enterprise costs, provides the author’s definition of “risk-oriented approach to cost management”, “risk-oriented cost management” and “production and technological costs” notions and also formulates main advantages of the risk-oriented approach to enterprise cost management. The article considers main principles of cost management, which are formed on the basis of practical experience of specialists and offers a number of secondary principles, consideration of which would take into account evolution of the scientific thought with respect to this process of the enterprise management system. Article is written in Ukrainian
Glushchenko A. M. Fundamental Factors and Prospects of Development of Ferrous Metallurgy in Ukraine (p. 162 - 169)
One of the key factors that influence the level of competitiveness of any enterprise or a branch in general is activity of suppliers and consumers. That is why the goal of the article is analysis of tendencies of development of branches – raw material suppliers and branches – consumers of metallurgy products, which allows allocation of problems of metallurgy enterprises that arise in the process of production and sales activity. The article studies the built balances of movement of commodity flows and establishes the degree of dependence of the Ukrainian metallurgy on imports of iron ore and concentrate, coking coal, coke, ferroalloys, scrap metal, cast iron and steel. The article offers recommendations for solving problems connected with the metallurgy industry. It analyses causes and effects of export orientation of the Ukrainian metallurgy industry. It assesses prospects of development of the internal and external markets of sales of metallurgy products. Based on the study the article allocates main conceptual solutions that allow increase of efficiency of activity of Ukrainian metallurgy enterprises. Prospects of further studies are connected with development of specific measures directed at reduction of cost value of products, development of the internal market of consumption of metal and search for new niches in the external market. Article is written in Russian
Ivanova A. S. Technological Factor of Competition in the Field of European Machine Tool Industry (p. 169 - 173)
The article studies modern approaches to analysis of the structure of branch competition and establishes that authors pay insufficient attention to identification of the measure of influence of the technological factor upon intensity of their competition. Meanwhile, the degree of intensity of the competition, under conditions of the innovation economy, along with other factors is determined, to a high degree, by the rates of technological changes and innovation capabilities of manufacturers. The article offers to consider influence of the technological factor of the competition through inclusion of the procedure of identification of the threat of appearance of new branch technologies into the model of structural analysis of M. Porter “Five Forces of Competition”. Approbation of the proposed approach is conducted during a structural analysis of European machine tool industry competition. Article is written in Ukrainian
Liakh І. O. Adaptive-renovation Influence of External and Internal Factors upon Management of Financial and Economic Activity of Engineering Enterprises (p. 174 - 180)
The article considers the adaptive-renovation influence of external and internal factors upon management of the financial and economic activity of engineering enterprises. It shows that various factors influence management of the financial and economic activity of engineering enterprises and it is expedient to divide these factors with respect to subjects of entrepreneurial activity on internal (non-system) – connected with activity of an individual engineering enterprise and external (system) – not connected. The article holds that in order to form and use financial and economic resources of enterprises the state needs weighted long-term policy for development of entrepreneurship and its role in development of the national economy, which would rely on interests of main subjects of entrepreneurial activity and would meet needs of the major part of the population and would reflect the real state in solution of socio-economic problems in the country. The economically justified use of tax, investment and price mechanisms would facilitate overcoming the financial crisis, receipt of funds into the budget and growth of profitability of enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Onysenko T. S. Economic Analysis of Book-Publishing Industry (p. 180 - 186)
The article analyses main indicators of activity of the Ukrainian book-publishing industry. The book-publishing industry in Ukraine declines and books devaluate due to insufficient attention of the state to this industry. Issues of development of book-publishing, study of its state, identification of reasons that resulted in the current situation and also issues of the state support have actual importance and require thorough study. Based on the statistical data the article reveals and characterises main tendencies of the book market in the country. The article shows that in spite of certain tendencies of growth of volumes of publishing products in recent years the general state of things is negative. Based on the data of the conducted analysis the article forecasts further decline of activity of publishing enterprises. The article identifies main problems of the book-publishing industry on the modern stage and marks out the following ones: absence of the state support of the industry, significant production costs and market competition. It offers intensification of innovation activity in the publishing industry. Article is written in English
Chuchuk Y. V. Criteria and Indicators for Assessment of Economic Efficiency of Gas-compressor Units under Conditions of Modernisation of the Gas-transport System of Ukraine (p. 187 - 193)
The goal of the article is identification of main criteria and indicators for assessing economic efficiency of gas-compressor units under conditions of modernisation of the gas-transport system (GTS) of Ukraine. Assessment of economic efficiency of operation of equipment was studied by many domestic and foreign scientists. However, the necessity of the present study is explained by a need to take into account branch specific features. The article studies the essence of the “equipment assessment” notion and also general approaches to its conduct. Gas-compressor units are the main technological equipment of gas-compressor stations, cost of operation of which takes the major share of the structure of costs of GTS of Ukraine. The provide gas transportation through the gas-main pipeline and compression of natural gas at compressor stations of gas pipelines and underground storage facilities. The article considers specific features of the gas-transport branch, which exert influence upon assessment of economic efficiency of operation of gas-compressor units. When conducting analysis, criteria and indicators to be used play an important role. Results of the assessment would depend on their correct selection. In the course of the study the article marks out main criteria that take place when a decision if made with respect to selection of the type of a gas-compressor unit, namely: economic, technological and ecological. The article also justifies application of the cost value of 1 hour of operation of a gas-compressor unit as a unit of measurement when assessing economic efficiency of operation of gas-compressor units. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zaіtseva L. O. Specific Features of Development of Innovation Activity of Ukrainian Light Industry Enterprises (p. 150 - 154)
The goal of the article is to show the modern state of innovation activity of Ukrainian light industry enterprises and detection of factors that restrict introduction of innovations. Analysis of works of many scientists allows understanding of the essence of the “innovations” notion and understanding of the nature of introduction of investments into enterprise activity. In the result of the study the article identifies that the key role in realisation of innovation strategy should be played by the state. The article assesses innovation development of the Ukrainian light industry, analyses dynamics of introduction of innovations and the volume of sold innovation products at light industry enterprises. The article specifies a set of factors that restrain innovation activity of the Ukrainian light industry enterprises. The prospect of further studies is improvement of the organisational and economic mechanism of economic activity in the direction of innovation development of the industry. Further development of introduction innovations into the Ukrainian light industry enterprises would facilitate increase of efficiency of production and their competitiveness. Article is written in Ukrainian
Riabykina O. H., Riabykina K. H. Variability of Approaches to Realisation of the Strategy of Technological Development of ore Mining and Processing Enterprises and Their Financial Provision (p. 155 - 160)
The article shows that the goal of management of formation and development of the technical and technological base (TTB) of ore mining and processing enterprises (GOK) is achievement of technological competitiveness. In order to realise it, it is necessary to form a strategy of technological development, develop its main stages in order to realise possibilities of increase of scales of production and economic activity and increase of its effectiveness. By the results of the analysis the article establishes that ore mining and processing enterprises have different integral level of TTB and different financial capabilities of realisation of projects of its renovation. This envisages variativity of approaches to management of formation and development of TTB of GOK with the use of instruments of scenario planning, description of forecast scenarios of enterprise development directed at consequent managerial decision making in the context of ensuring optimal “technique – technology” relation and increase of the technical and technological basis of production. Realisation of the proposed scenarios envisages improvement of the organisational and economic mechanism of management of formation and development of TTB of GOK with the help of a model, which should combine principles of formation and system characteristics of TTB, objective imperatives of its management, results of analytical assessment of the integral level of TTB, and potential rates and trajectories of its development. Article is written in Ukrainian
, Lapko O. O. Sustainable Development of Oil and Gas Complex and Financial and Organizational Arrangements for its Provision (p. 153 - 159)
The problems associated with the sustainable development of energy (oil and gas) companies in the context of their investment needs the development of energy-saving and environmental technologies. Substantiated financial and institutional mechanisms and instruments that promote strategic investors to implement such investment projects from the perspective of the possibility of using a positive experience for the oil and gas complex of Ukraine, which for number of reasons is behind the leading energy companies in the world in matters of development of alternative energy sources. Particular attention is paid to the introduction of modern technologies of extraction and storage of carbon (ESC) and other greenhouse gases, the use of which allows reducing human impacts on the environment and reducing the risks of climate change in the world, and the financial and organizational arrangements for the investment income from strategic investors. Article is written in Ukrainian
Fabrika I. V. Evaluation of Export Production Capacity For Enterprises of the Machine-Building Complex of Ukraine (p. 147 - 151)
The article is aimed at analyzing of the export capacity of the machine-building enterprises, deals with elaborating of the key recommendations to solve the problems of marketing the engineering products outside Ukraine. The article reviewed and discussed the structure of industrial production in Ukraine, determined the proportion of marketing of the engineering products within this structure. The dynamics of production in the enterprises of machine-building was analyzed, the basic issues with improving the competitiveness of the domestic machines and technical equipment were defined. The innovation activity and the need for innovative development of enterprises were studied as well. The use of the export potential of mechanical engineering in Ukraine in the recent years is reviewed in the dynamics. The main tasks in development of exports to the benefit of machine-building industry in Ukraine are defined. The main problems of realization of the export potential of machine-building were identified and recommendations for solving offered. The prospect of further research can be exploration study of the world market of the machine-building products to determine the feasible space for Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gontareva I. V. Effect of the Assumed Changes in the Customs Taxation on the Effectiveness of Performance of Machine-building Enterprises (p. 152 - 156)
The purpose of this article is a situational analysis of threats and opportunities to improve the efficiency of machine-building enterprises on the signing of the Ukraine-EU Association. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of scientists, as well as domestic and international legal framework for customs taxes and enterprises, the author discussed the changes that may occur in the customs clearance for machine-building enterprises after signing the agreement with the European Union. As a result of research some changes in customs duties and their impact on the effectiveness of machine-building enterprises were identified. A comparative analysis of import and export duties upon entry into the Customs Union and the signing of the agreement with the EU were conducted. It was determined that the redistribution of export machine-building enterprises of Ukraine in the global market will require a significant investment of time and money; customs tax policy should take account of export and import dependence of mechanical engineering; there are both threats and opportunities to increase the efficiency of economic activities of engineering enterprises. The direction of future research is to clarify and detail the situation related to the changes in customs and taxation for the largest enterprises in Kharkiv region. Article is written in Russian
Andrieiev O. Y. Analysis of Strategic Management Decisions in the Enterprises of the Machine-Building Industry of Ukraine (p. 169 - 174)
The article is aimed at the analysis of making decisions in the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine, practical development of evaluation of the mechanism of making strategic decisions in enterprises based on the analysis of secondary data. The theoretical basis for the study are the research papers of the domestic and foreign scientists. As results of the study a periodization of the history of machine-building in the contemporary Ukraine was carried out, the main characteristics of the time periods were defined, the results of enterprises' activities in different time periods were analyzed, an identification of enterprises in view of the number of the strategic decisions was designed, a comprehensive evaluation of the efficiency of the strategic decisions was conducted. The prospect of further research is a comprehensive strategic planning in the enterprises of the post-Soviet period, using the basic tools of the strategic management, which is a preparatory stage for implementing of the mechanism of making strategic decisions. Article is written in Russian
Pustovgar S. A. Determination of Complimentary and Destructive Environmental Factors, Evaluation of Their Influence on the Risk of Financial Insolvency for the Metallurgical Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 114 - 119)
The article is aimed to allocate the key factors of the external environment and to determine their influence on the risk of financial insolvency for enterprises of the real sector of economy in individual stages of economic development. On the basis of building the hierarchial model of influence factors, using directed graphs priority of environmental factors related to their influence on the risk of financial insolvency of enterprises was systematized and determined. The resultant environmental factors were allocated, which accumulate the influence of all the other factors and pose a threat of financial insolvency to metallurgical enterprises. After conducting of factorial analysis, out of the set of the resultant factors were allocated the environmental factors, which significantly affect the financial condition of enterprise and would threaten with insolvency: the factor of state of product markets, political-demographic, fiscal and inflation factors, factor of financial settlements of the balance of payments and monetary factor. In order to determine the combined effects of environmental factors' influence on the risk of financial insolvency of enterprises of the real sector of economy an integral index was built and the cycles of its development were allocated. Given the cyclical nature of the development, the cumulative impact of complimentary and destructive environmental factors on the risk of financial insolvency of the metallurgical industry in Ukraine was determined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matyushenko I. Y. Prospects of Development of Nuclear Energy and Radiation Technologies in Ukraine (p. 254 - 266)
The main directions and problems of development of nuclear energy in Ukraine are presented. It has been determined, that in planning the development of the energy system of Ukraine under the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement will be needed to combine the requirements to the level of prices and the security of supply of electricity, which can be achieved only on the basis of development of nuclear energy as a primary source for basic electric energy. It has been displayed, that in Ukraine, where nuclear power provides 50% of electricity production, four of 15 blocks of the NPP have already exceeded the planned operating life (30 years), and the other nine have worked for more than 20 years, thus in the current government programmes should be provided for technological and economic measures aimed at the continuation of life of the working reactors and their gradual closure. It has been determined also, that nuclear energy in Ukraine needs a diversification of nuclear technologies and to implement a gradual transition to using the fourth-generation reactors, which are to be applied in the construction of new power plants, as well as to implement effective solutions for the development of the nuclear fuel cycle and the management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. Results of implementation of the State program of fundamental and applied research on the use of nuclear materials, nuclear and radiation technologies in the sphere of development of economic sectors for 2004-2010, as well as results of comprehensive target program of research by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «Scientific and technical support for the development of nuclear energy and the application of radiation technology in the sectors of the economy» for 2011-2013 are presented. Article is written in Ukrainian
Buntov I. Y. Prospects of Developing the Research on Establishment of Biofuel in Ukraine (p. 267 - 275)
The main directions of using energy supply from the renewable energy, generated by living organisms through photosynthesis, namely – biofuel, in countries around the world as well as in Ukraine, have been presented. It has been determined, that a solution to the problem of creation of industrial production of biofuel in Ukraine will be: a significant increase of production efficiency of different types of biofuel through expansion of the raw material base, using the new non-traditional crops, and improvement of traditional crops through breeding and the application of achievements of genomics and biotechnology; establishment and improvement of technologies for the production of biofuels and protein concentrates from a variety of crops, agricultural residues and forest products. Results of implementation of the integrated target program of research by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «Biofuel as raw materials for fuel production» («Biofuels») for 2007-2012, as well as the integrated target program of research by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «Biological resources and the latest technology for bioenergy conversion», approved for 2013-2017 in 2013, and the expected results of this program by 2017, have been presented. Article is written in Ukrainian
Fedenko G. M. Strategic Aspects of Strengthening the Energy Security of Ukraine in the Oil Refining Sphere: Interactive Modernization of Industry (p. 276 - 282)
The article considers strategic directions of strengthening the energy security of Ukraine at the motor fuel market. As the most viable option, the interactive strategy of modernization has been chosen, which will draw on the other countries' successful experience of development of the motor fuel market. As counterpart object to conduct an interactive upgrade, the motor fuel market in Poland was chosen. Despite the similarity of the initial situations for building-up resource cycles of motor fuel in Ukraine and Poland, the Polish industry is actively developing, providing decent competition towards Western enterprises, whereas the Ukrainian industry is in decline, presenting a serious threat to national energy security. Therefore it is advisable to adopt and adapt the experience of Poland to reform the motor fuel market. In the article the energy security principles in the oil refining sphere have been highlighted, which include: adaptability to the global trends in the development of energy system; market pricing of oil products; energetic self-sufficiency; scientific validity; benefits of market regulation over administrative methods; popularizing of environmental awareness; stimulation of increasing the energy efficiency in use of motor fuel; sustainability of development; structural harmonization of energy potential; production and consumption of motor fuels. Priorities for strengthening energy security in the sphere of oil refining are connected with reducing the dependence on imports of oil and oil products; with diversification of supplies through liberalization of trade, as well as with ensuring the competitiveness of domestic enterprises by introducing new standards for the quality of motor fuels. Article is written in Russian
Ostapenko A. V. Evaluation of Competitiveness of Production of the Ukrainian Motorbus Building Industry (p. 283 - 292)
In the article the problem of evaluation of the competitiveness of domestic motorbus building production is considered. The existing approaches to evaluating the competitiveness of high-tech industrial products such as aircraft, tractor, motorcar, motorbus are summarized. Advantages and disadvantages of methodical approaches to the evaluation of competitiveness of these products are identified. It has been proved, that different characteristics and partial indicators, which are inherent to specificity of the respective industry branches, are used in evaluating of the competitiveness of products. Level of competitiveness of the motorbuses in the segment of «city buses» among the leading companies on the Ukrainian market has been estimated. On the basis of the proposed compositional analysis of the performance indicators of competitiveness of motorbus products and reduction of the partial indicators of quality into one integrated indicator, leaders of the Ukrainian motorbus building industry in the existing competitive environment have been identified. It has been concluded that domestic products in the segment of «city buses», though still in need of improvement, by the level of competitiveness takes leading positions on the market and is not inferior to rivals from Russia and China. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pulina T. V. Features of Establishing Clusters of the Food Industry Enterprises (p. 172 - 177)
Content and features of cluster, related to the food industry enterprises, have been researched and an author's definition of cluster of the food industry enterprises has been proposed. Classifications of the clusters of the food industry enterprises have been generalized taking into account specificity of activities of an enterprise in the food industry, associated with seasonal nature of the production, limited retention periods of production, which are leading to uneven use of production capacities. Based on the results of the analysis of life cycle of enterprises' clusters in the food industry, selection of stages for the establishment and functioning of a cluster of the food industry enterprise is substantiated. Results of activities of the food industry clusters of the first line and the similar cluster projects under implementation in Ukraine was analyzed. Activities of a large number of international and national public and research organizations, working at implementation of cluster approach, were studied. Cluster initiatives related to enterprises in the food industry and in the agricultural complex, in terms of the regional strategies, are only present in Vinnitsa, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, Kharkiv, Mykolayiv and Kirovograd regions. Expediency of establishing and development of enterprises' clusters in the food industry is thoroughly reasoned. Article is written in Ukrainian
Subota N. V. Combined Strategic Alternatives for Development of the Fat-and-Oil Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 178 - 182)
The article is aimed at synthesizing of existing alternatives for development of energy efficiency at the fat-and-oil industry enterprises towards increasing the efficiency in the use of steam, electricity and sunflower seed husks and forming on this basis the strategic alternatives that simultaneously are the tasks fulfilled on several fronts of energy efficiency. The article analyzes the current state of meeting the fat-and-oil enterprises' needs in energy resources, substantiates areas of increasing the energy efficiency in activities of these enterprises. It has been identified that sources for increasing the energy efficiency at the fat-and-oil industry enterprises are: efficiency of main steam production, own production of electricity and use of sunflower seed husks as fuel source. A study of the practical aspects of meeting the needs of fat-and-oil enterprises in main steam allowed to rationalize the possible alternatives to increase the efficiency of its production taking into consideration all kinds of organizational and financial resources of enterprise. Study of the sources of supplying with electricity the enterprises served as a basis of forming alternatives of electricity efficiency. Taking into account the availability at the fat-and-oil enterprises of a potential fuel source, i.e. sunflower seed husks, alternative directions of its use with a view to improve the energy efficiency of the enterprises' activities have been substantiated. Combining all the alternatives to increase energy efficiency helped to determine combinations that meet energy efficiency criteria, count in the existing resource capabilities of enterprises and provide meeting both the existing and the potential needs. Article is written in Ukrainian
Struk N. S., Korytska O. I. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Structural Changes in the Industrial Production of Ukraine (p. 148 - 155)
The article is aimed to determine structural changes in the industrial production of Ukraine on the basis of relative indicators of structural changes and then to analyze the effectiveness of these changes. The priority of the transformational changes in industrial production is determined as achieving the maximum effectiveness of development. The analysis of dynamics of change in the structure of industrial production has been conducted by types of economic activity on the basis of the income figures on production realization (goods, works, services), the number of employed workers, staff costs, entire costs related to activities of industrial enterprises in 2010-2013. A calculation of the indicators of structural change has been carried out, as well as the alternative coefficient of structural changes – the cosine factor – has been counted. On the basis of the indicator of elasticity an analysis of the relationship between personnel costs and the number of employed workers, the number of employed workers and income from sales of products, all the activity costs and the income from sales of products by activity types was carried out. The main trends of structural changes in the time span of 2010-2013 have been specified. It has been noticed that the greatest changes occurred in 2013, as compared with 2010. Also an evaluation of effectiveness of dynamics of the Ukrainian industrial production structure by types of economic activity was conducted. Prospects of the further researches are comprehensive analysis of industrial production with elaborating an integral indicator of effectiveness of the industrial production in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mandzinovska K. O. Integrated Approach to the Analysis and Evaluation of Financial and Economic Activity of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 156 - 161)
This article is aimed at studying the contemporary situation of the enterprises of machine-building industry based on data of State statistics service of Ukraine for 2009-2014. The main financial indicators of activity of the machine-building enterprises have been considered, namely: financial result before taxation; proportion of profitable enterprises and enterprises, which suffered losses; amount of losses and profits, as well as profitability of operations. The place of the machine-building sector within the country's industry in the whole has been determined. An analysis of the volume and structure of production and sales of products in terms of the industry has been conducted. The industry indexes related to the machine-building products have been analyzed by the activity types in per cent to the previous year. The number of innovatively active enterprises for the analyzed period has been defined. The study resulted in highlighting the major trends of machine-building industry development in Ukraine, also the problems and threats faced by the domestic machine-building enterprises have been identified, which, in turn, slow down or preclude the further development, the further prospects of development for the domestic machine-building complex has been outlined. The prospect of further research in this area should be based on the selection of methods for managing the machine-building enterprises in order to consolidate their positions and improve the competitiveness of the industry. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khaustova V. Y., Oliinyk A. D. Industrial Policy in Ukraine: Leading Schools, Views of Domestic Scientists (p. 150 - 157)
The article is aimed at analysis of the approaches and views, represented by scientists from the leading scientific schools of Ukraine, concerning the State policy and models for development of the domestic industrial complex. The state of development of Ukrainian industry has been researched, displaying the negative changes that have occurred in the structure of industrial production of the country since 1990. The main features, as well as problems and contradictions in conducting the industrial policy have been specified. The key factors that could ensure the growth of industrial production have been identified. Strategies and development scenarios for the promising production enterprises in the country's industry have been outlined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Semenova D. S. Prospects of Using Alternative Sources of Energy in the World Energetics (p. 141 - 145)
The article is aimed to examine the dynamics and prospects of using alternative energy sources in the world. The main reasons for introducing renewable sources of energy in the world have been displayed and analyzed. The countries-leaders in the alternative energy market have been identified and the volumes of investments into this sector have been compared. SWOT-analysis was used to determine the positive and negative sides of alternative energy that allowed to allocate centripetal and centrifugal forces in its development, compare of which confirms presence of constant tendency to increase the role and importance of renewable energy in the world economy, in both the immediate and longer term. Article is written in English
Panevnyk T. M., Bolgarova N. K. Machine-Building Complex as a Catalyst of Integration Processes (p. 108 - 112)
The article describes the current state of machine-building of Ukraine, the major issues that impact on the functioning of the industry sector have been identified. The expediency of forming the integrated corporate structures of the machine-building complex has been substantiated. The world experience regarding the integration processes has been considered. It has been determined that leaders of machine-building industry sector are the companies that actively use integration in their practice. The share of the European Union in the development of machine-building has been presented. It has been determined that the largest domestic machine-building enterprises-leaders are members of the integrated structures that implement their long-term strategies, using integration mechanisms for achieving their objectives. In particular, relevant is the establishment and functioning of the integrated structures, which comprise research units. It has been determined that intensification of integration processes will not only contribute to and improve the competitiveness of the domestic machine-building complex, but also will develop positive synergies within related industries. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vynogradov V. V. Economic Determinant as a Factor in the Development of the Energy Market of Ukraine (p. 143 - 148)
The article is aimed at studying the impact of the economic determinant on the development of the energy market of Ukraine. Based on both scientific studies of specialists and the author's own calculations, the article researches the energy balance of Ukraine; the use of primary energy in Ukraine is visualized in dynamics; a forecast of primary energy consumption and final consumption of both fuel and energy up to 2018 has been calculated; the state of energy use in Ukraine and other countries of the world, which is characteristic for the level of economic development of country and welfare of its citizens, has been evidentiated; trends of the interdependence between economic growth and development of the Ukrainian energy market, the influence of economic factor on development of the energy market have been determined; the government programs, aimed at increasing energy efficiency and energy independence of the country, have been explored. The conducted research displayed prospects for solving the energy problems of Ukraine through the introduction of energy saving by using existing base of power engineering, research support of innovation programs, aimed at reducing the energy intensity of production with the use of both scientific and staff potentials. Article is written in Ukrainian
Verhoglyadova N. I., Pismennaya O. B. Approaches to the Management of Resources Saving in the Uranium Mining Sector (p. 113 - 118)
The article is aimed at examination of approaches to the management of resources saving. Relevance of improving the efficiency of the management of resources saving in the uranium mining industry sector has been displayed. It has been determined that resources saving contributes to increasing the rationality of use of resources. In course of the study the basic directions of the economic use of resources have been substantiated. The main approaches to management have been allocated, also the possibility and limitation of applying these approaches to the management of resources saving have been examined. The situation that prevails in the uranium mining industry sector in Ukraine was considered, which allowed to identify the main determining factors. An analysis of approaches to the management of resources saving has provided a developing a system of measures for functioning of the uranium mining industry sector. Article is written in Ukrainian
Moskalenko K. I. Methodical Approach to Assessing the Dependency of Machine-Building Sub-Sectors from Foreign Economic Activity (p. 239 - 244)
The article is aimed at development and implementation of a methodological approach to the assessment of dependency of the machine-building sub-sectors from foreign economic activity. It is emphasized that the level of development of machine-building is one of the indicators of economic and industrial development of the State, which determines the scientific-technological progress of both private owned enterprises and all enterprises of the industry. Proportion of the sub-sectors in the total number of enterprises of machine-building in 2014 has been determined. Dynamics of exports and imports of goods produced by the machine-building sub-sectors as well as dynamics of the ratio of coverage of the products import through the export as for machine-building sub-sectors in 2010-2014 have been analyzed. A methodical approach to assessing dependency of the machine-building sub-sectors from foreign economic activity has been proposed, based on definition of indicators of export orientation and dependence on import of the enterprises, which provides for comparison of sub-sectors in the temporary aspect in terms of dependence from the foreign trade activities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yanchuk M. B. Improvement of the Process of Building the Object-Oriented Model of Aircraft Building Production on the Basis of Formation of Centres of Competences/Specialization (on the Example of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) (p. 214 - 219)
The article is aimed at studying the process of improving the subject-oriented model of the production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) on the basis of formation of centres of competences/specialization for a competitive entrance in the global reproductive cycle on the part of the domestic aircraft building enterprises and the possibility of simultaneous participation in various business projects for the production of aerotechnics, in particular UAV. Peculiarities of building the object-oriented model of production of UAVs were examined as part of system integration with the participation of enterprises with a clear specialized status that provides: production of ready system blocks for UAV on the basis of subject specialization; simultaneous participation in several programs for aircraft building; development of projects for modern UAVs in terms of indicated prices and cost reduction through the introduction of new technologies and saving of overhead costs. Especially highlighted is the possibility of collaboration of the centres of competency/specialization with various system integrators (in various aviation programs) in accordance with specialization, to improve their competitiveness even in the minor scale production of aerotechnics. Prospects for further research in this direction is establishment of an effective integrative system of the market competitive and globally oriented national aircraft building enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Marchenko V. M., Pletnova Y. K. Public-Private Partnerships as a Direction for Implementing the Strategy of Developing the Potential of Coal Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 151 - 156)
The article is aimed at developing the best strategy for developing the potential of coal industry enterprises in order to secure energy independence of Ukraine. The publication allocates the factors that affect the coal industry potential, considers the mechanism of interactions of the State with representatives of private capital and analyzes different models of public-private partnership. The main problems and prospects of functioning of coal industry enterprises have been identified. A matrix model for evaluating the financial status of mines and splitting them into groups has been elaborated, which provides for determining the most promising coal enterprises in Ukraine as well as reasonable approaching to allocation of public funds for their support and development. The recommended development strategies, directions for implementing them, and the optimal forms of public-private partnerships have been set for each group. A graph for implementation of the admitted in Ukraine «Strategy of developing the coal industry enterprises until 2030» has been constructed. Prospects for further research in this area will be an evaluation of the results of restructuring the coal industry in Ukraine, an analysis of changes in the mines' condition through the implementation of various forms of public-private partnership, comparing the current level of coal production with the level required to secure energy independence in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kuznietsova K. O. The Economic Substantiation of Optimizing the Resources Provision of Competitive Potential of Power Generation Enterprises (p. 157 - 161)
The article is aimed at studying the economic substantiation of optimizing the resources provision of competitive potential of power generating enterprises on the example of Thermal Power Station Uglegorsk. Approaches to evaluation of the resources provision have been considered, their shortcomings identified, and a correlation-regression analysis has been proposed, which will provide such level of effective indicator (competitive potential), which will be considered as a generalizable estimate for resource capabilities of of power generating enterprise. It has been determined that to optimize the values of indicators of these factors it is advisable to allocate those parameters which do not represent normative values for maximum efficiency in terms of a positive impact on enterprise activity (production cost of electricity, losses in electricity producing, net profit). An economic-mathematical formulation of the task for optimization of resources provision of power generating enterprise can be reduced to the tasks of a multi-criterion (or vector) optimization under conditions of uncertainty. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sakhno A. A. Flexible Motivational Communication in the Machine-Building Activities of the Enterprises of Vinnytsia Region (p. 151 - 156)
The article is aimed at developing, on the basis of the machine-building enterprises of Vinnytsia region, flexible motivational relationship between engineering, priority branches and other kinds of activities in the national economy. Alternatives to schemes of flexible motivational communication have been developed, providing to identify the key elements of flexibility and assess the importance of each kind of economic activity for the development of machine-building in the region. It has been found that the problem of development of machine-building is the lack of motivation towards activity by means of the machine-building itself. On the basis of flexible motivational relations has been proved that motivation of the machine-building nowadays is provided by commercial operations, real estate rentals, transportation services. It has been proposed that formation of contemporary machine-building in the region is established through the development of industrial facilities for the production of electrical and electronic equipment, and, first and foremost, information technology. Article is written in Ukrainian
Demianchenko A. G. Study on the Performance of both Public and Private Stevedores in the Seaports of Ukraine (p. 178 - 184)
Performance of private sector in the ports of Ukraine calls the State's interest to attracting independent capital to the development of port industry. The article is concerned with studying the economic and financial performance of both public and private stevedores in the seaports of Ukraine in order to substantiate appropriateness and timeliness of implementing privatization activities. In the work, methods and approaches of economic and financial analysis were used to assess in dynamics the quantitative indicators of turnover in the ports of Ukraine together with changing its allocation between public and private stevedoring companies, as well as selected indicators of the financial condition of stevedores have been examined. Conclusions have been made about the significant differentiation of the public stevedores on the basis of their performance; about sustainable scaling up the presence of private companies in the port business; about growth of investment activity of profitable public as well as private stevedores. On the results of analysis has been suggested that attention should be focused on some peculiarities in the privatization of public stevedoring companies in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Oliinyk A. D., Antonenko S. V. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry of Ukraine: Status, Trends and Directions of Strategic Development (p. 185 - 193)
The article is aimed at studying both the contemporary status and development trends in the chemical and petrochemical industry of Ukraine. The role and importance of the industry branch in the economy of country, together with the negative developments that have occurred in the structure of chemical production beginning from 1990, have been displayed. Dynamics of production volumes has been examined by the type of production and by the selected types of important products. Dynamics of foreign trade in chemical products has been considered by the major product groups. Special emphasis has been made on specific features as well as on the problems of industry branch development. The main strategic directions of development of contemporary productions, which are contributing to enhancing the potential of the industry branch, have been determined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vynogradov V. V. The Machine-Building Industry of Ukraine in the Conditions of International Integration Processes (p. 106 - 112)
The article is aimed to analyze the current status of the machine-building industry of Ukraine from the market perspectives, the features of foreign economic activity of the enterprises of machine-building industry of Ukraine, identification of the main problems in development of machine-building, proposals of ways to entering the new sale markets for machine-building enterprises, in terms of the impact of international integration processes. The machine-building industry has been considered as a share in the structure of the Ukrainian industry, with its changes in the dynamics as compared to the developed countries of the world. For the purposes of a detailed analysis, the author has calculated correlation coefficients between the parameters of growth and the production volume indexes by the types of activity in Ukraine, which confirm the general trend in the industry sector. The article provides an analysis of the dynamics, the structure of foreign trade with the products of machine-building, fixed investments in the enterprises of industry and machine-building. There is a proposition to the marketing service of enterprise to develop a strategy for entering with the machine-building products the new, international markets, such developing requires further research. Article is written in Ukrainian
Borshch L. M. Evaluation of Economic Feasibility of Production of the Natural Shale Gas in Ukraine (p. 113 - 121)
The article provides a methodical approach to evaluating economic feasibility of production of natural shale gas by the major shale basins in Ukraine at the pre-investment stage. The substantiation of economic feasibility of production of the natural shale gas has been done using the method of analogy and on the basis of building econometric dependencies by the basic shale basins in the United States of America. The conducted economic evaluation of feasibility of production of natural shale gas included forecasting as to production costs on the wellhead by different depths and estimation of investment attractiveness as for different aggregative states. An approbation of the presented methodical approach was implemented for the Dnipro-Donetsk and Carpathian shale basins, on the basis of which a conclusion about the higher investment attractiveness of the first basin has been drawn, given its reservoir characteristics and presence of deposits of unconventional hydrocarbons in different aggregative states. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nazarova T. Y. An Analysis of Activities by the Industrial Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 58 - 66)
The article is aimed at highlighting the current status of the industrial enterprises of Ukraine in the internal market, and identifying the major problems of functioning. An analysis of the Ukrainian industry for the 2013-2015 time-frame has been carried out. The current development trends in the context of crisis, as well as the reasons that hinder development of the Ukrainian industry have been considered. A comparative analysis of the financial-economic status of the industrial enterprises has been done, the indicators of status have been determined, which are used to build the integral indices, characterizing the level of development, competitiveness and financial-economic security of enterprises. A rating of regions on the basis of the integral indicator, characterizing the level of development of industrial enterprises, as well as their conditional classification, has been received. Suggestions have been proposed as to improving the situation of the industrial enterprises in Ukraine at the expense of developing a mechanism for managed development, which will significantly improve the competitiveness of Ukrainian industrial enterprises in their integrating into the global economic system. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kasych A. O. Modernization as a Strategic Objective of the Development of Industry in Ukraine (p. 67 - 72)
The article is aimed at studying the theoretical and methodological foundations of developing strategy for the industrial modernization of country. The existing types of modernization have been systematized, importance of intensifying the modernization of the industry itself has been specified, which should be seen as a lever and a result of all of the modernization processes in the country. Process regularity as to modernization processes has been substantiated and features of the State industrial policy in various countries have been determined. It has been specified that an important tool for implementing the industrial policy is the process of elaborating the industrial development strategy, which for the overwhelming majority of countries is focused on further modernization. As the main tools of ensuring an effective implementation of a strategy for development of industry have been defined partnership between the State and the private sector, support of the large-scale innovations, development of the export potential, creation of conditions for the development of all sectors of the economy. Prospect for further research in this direction is substantiation of content of the industry development strategy of Ukraine taking account of the achieved level and in the context of the proposed directions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kalynovskyi A. O., Horbal N. I., Kalynovska N. L. Trends and Strategies for Developing the Aviation Industry Sector of Ukraine (p. 88 - 94)
The article is concerned with retrospective and prospective study of the Ukrainian aviation industry sector with a view to elaborate possible strategies for development of the domestic aircraft engineering. Peculiarities of functioning of aviation industry sector, as well as aircraft engineering market structure, have been analyzed. Resulting from the research of status of the domestic aviation industry sector in terms of supply and demand, a decline in the industry sector as a result of the economic-political situation in the country has been determined. Availability of certain potential has been confirmed, but there are also problems of domestic aircraft engineering, which, in addition to the current situation in Ukraine, have some historical roots. An analysis of the main trends in development of aviation industry both world-wide and in Ukraine gave a basis to form a matrix of SWOT-analysis for the aviation industry sector, where as the main competitive advantages have been identified the long-term presence in the industry, availability of skilled workers, relatively low costs, and as among the competitive disadvantages: the outdated management practices and the imperfect, closed investment policy because of dependence on the State, as well as financial problems and inability to provide the global after-sales services. Possibility to implement for the present moment only the least profitable and risky strategic alternative, based on supplying the world market of medium-and low-technology parts at low prices, has been noted. Prospect for further research is to develop tactical measures to promote domestic aircraft engineering within terms of the chosen strategy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Raycheva L. I. Formalizing the Elements of the Mechanism for Development of Machine-Building Industry Sector in Conditions of the Productive-Economic Crisis (p. 160 - 165)
The article is concerned with formalization of elements of the mechanism for development of machine-building industry sector in conditions of the productive-economic crisis that can both in aggregate and in interaction not only lead this industry sector out of crisis, but also prevent future destabilizing processes in the functioning of this sector. A comprehensive mechanism for development of machine-building in conditions of the productive-economic crisis has been proposed, which is based on integration of the State policy tools. It has been proposed to implement perfection of the mechanism for development of machine-building in the following directions: using a methodical approach to early detection of signs and symptoms of crisis; ensuring political and macroeconomic stability; reforming tax legislation by introducing a system of privileges and preferences; stimulating investment and innovation processes; improving the external economic policy of the State; developing the practice of public procurement and the State orders in selected sub-sectors of the machine-building complex. Prospect for further research in this direction will be detailed elaborating the organizational-information support of the mechanism for development of machine-building in conditions of the production-economic crisis. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khaustova V. Y., Oliinyk A. D. The State Regulation of Restructuring the Coal Industry: Theoretical and Practical Aspects (p. 166 - 174)
The article considers the experience and features of industrial restructuring in the European countries and in Ukraine on the example of the coal industry branch. The main stages of restructuring of the coal industry of Ukraine since 1996 have been generalized. The basic models of the State regulation of industrial restructuring have been substantiated – the institutional and the indicative ones. Conditions for the efficient implementation of the institutional model have been determined and a basic scheme of implementation of the indicative model of the State regulation of industrial restructuring in the current conditions has been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Abakumenko O. V., Lukiashko P. O. The Provision for Resources of Electric Power Industry in Ukraine: Structure and Trends (p. 132 - 138)
The article, on the basis of an assessment of the statistical information, identifies the major trends of provision for fuel resources in Ukrainian electric power industry. In particular, structure of electricity production was evaluated in terms of different types of power plants as well as import of the appropriate fuels in Ukraine by the volume, price, and supplying countries. Conducting an analysis has allowed to identify changes in the structure of imports of the basic energy sources in terms of supplying countries. In particular, positions of the Russian Federation as a fuel importer in Ukraine were strengthened until 2013. During the period of 2014-2015, structure of fuel suppliers in Ukraine undergone significant changes. They were the most notable on the natural gas market, where nearly 2/3 of the Russian imports were successfully replaced through supply from European countries. The diversification of the energy sources imports to Ukraine as a whole had a positive effect on their price parameters (in monetary terms) and must be deepened in the following periods. At the same time, the overall dependence on imports in the Ukrainian energy sector has increased due to the loss of the coal industry and the corresponding increase in imports of coal. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B. The Socio-Economic Signs of the Economic Crisis in Ukraine and its Industrial Sector: Analysis and Evaluation of the Basic Development Indicators, their Dynamics and Tendencies (p. 139 - 146)
An analysis and an evaluation of the socio-economic development of Ukraine and, particularly, the industrial sector have been performed. Dynamics of the main indicators of economic development of Ukraine as a whole and, in particular, industry have been examined, tendencies of development have been determined. An effective socio-economic development of Ukraine and its regions cannot be achieved without the efficient functioning of the real sectors of the economy, especially industry. The economically developed world countries provide their significant competitive advantages on both the internal and the worldwide markets by means of a strong industrial sector. The European Union Member States have accumulated rich experience in the development and implementation of balanced socio-economic and industrial policy. The development of industry in these countries is being given special attention, since this sector has one of the largest opportunities for creating synergistic effect in the process of increasing the welfare of citizens, in the creation of new jobs, and in raising the level of competitiveness of the national economy. Ukraine's integration into the modern world community requires a comprehensive exploration of the socio-economic potential of the country and its regions, particularly the industrial sphere that will provide to evaluate the current status, problems, possibilities, dynamics, tendencies in the economy sectors and to predict the future prospects for development of the country and its territories. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lisnichuk O. A. The Financial Management of the Sanitization Capability of Machine-Building Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 137 - 145)
The article is aimed at exploring the topical theoretical-methodical and practical aspects of evaluation and management of the sanitization capability of industrial enterprises through the use of the sanitization potential. A corresponding scientific-methodical basis for modeling and forecasting the probability of bankruptcy of enterprises, evaluating their sanitization potential, as well as forecasting the probability for recovering the sanitization capability, has been developed. Both the essence and the characteristic features of the sanitization capability of enterprises have been characterized. The concepts of «sanitization potential» and «sanitization capability» have been clarified, the expanded internal structure of the sanitization potential of enterprise has been defined, methods for its evaluation have been developed. A mechanism for financial management of the sanitization capability of enterprises has been developed; possibility of using foreign experience in management of the sanitization capability has been examined, prediction calculations of the sanitization capability for the studied machine-building enterprises have been provided. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tadeeva N. V. The Current Tendencies in the Implementation of Fair Business Practice by Corporations of Ukraine (p. 146 - 151)
The article is aimed at analyzing the practical experience and identifying tendencies and incentives in the introducing fair business practice by corporations of Ukraine. A detailed analysis and systematization of public reports on the costs for implementation of the conception of fair business practice at the selected enterprises have allowed to allocate the basic regularities of this process. It has been specified that fair business practice of corporations is an integral part of the corporate social responsibility. It has been determined that the main problem today is fragmentation of the institutional environment, in which enterprises are working, rather then failure as to respecting principles of good business practice by corporations of Ukraine. It has been proven that among the enterprises discussed, which are known as subsidiaries of transnational corporations, many have problems with anti-dumping investigations and corruption claims, but the perception of them among stakeholders remains quite positive, as these businesses are the global brands. It has been found that half of these corporations show the tendency to increase funding for the regional economic programs and other tools for building relations with the central and local authorities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Klymchuk O. V. The Strategic Principles of Formation and Development of the Biofuel Industry in Ukraine (p. 178 - 182)
The article is aimed at highlighting the strategic principles of formation and development of the biofuel production in Ukraine at a competitive level. The carried out comprehensive analysis of scientific publications indicates the relevance of the pace of development in the biofuel industry as in the world, so in Ukraine. However, the low level of consumption and production of biofuels in our country requires further research of strategic nature. It has been found that formation of the competitive production of biofuels in Ukraine would ensure the positive developments in the economic, energy, agro-industrial, and environmental directions. On the basis of the carried out SWOT-analysis, the author has evaluated internal forces and the system of internal shortages, as well as the resource potential of the agro-industrial complex towards the implementation of existing external opportunities and confronting various threats, emerging in the market conditions during the process of development and rise of the biofuel industry. Article is written in Ukrainian
Trushkina N. V. The E-Stock Platform as a Marketing Organizing Tool for the Coal-Mining Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 113 - 118)
The article is aimed at developing proposals on formation of an electronic stock exchange platform for marketing coal as an effective way of reforming the Ukrainian coal industry. As a result of the study, the factors of impact on the marketing organizing activity of the domestic coal enterprises have been identified and systematized. The characteristics and current trends in the stock market for coal products in Ukraine have been studied. Proposals as to improvement of the regulatory and legal documents for the regulation of commodity trading procedures have been provided. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lukiashko P. O. The Financial Instruments for the Accumulation of Resources for Modernization of Electroenergetics (p. 90 - 97)
The article is aimed at evaluating the perspective for transformation of the organizational mechanism of the electric energy market in terms of the accumulation of financial resources to modernize the production base of the generating enterprises and substantiating the additional financial instruments for capital accumulation with the indicated need. A critical evaluation of the prospects for increasing the resource base of the power generation enterprises in terms of the transition to a stock model of the electric energy market has made it clear that there is no direct link between the way in which the market is organized and expansion of the generating capacities. A high level of concentration of the electric energy market is likely to stipulate establishing monopolistic prices and underutilization of production capacity with purpose to maintain them. In view of the potential sources of financing for modernization of electroenergetics, it was suggested that three financial instruments for attracting capital to the industry should be put into practice: the transformed «green» tariff, «energy» bonds, special-purpose accounts for the means of the depreciation fund of effective enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gryniuk O. I. The Genesis of Economic Risks in the Activity of Oil and Gas Production Enterprises (p. 98 - 110)
The article is aimed at a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the significant risk factors in the economic risks occurrence for the domestic oil and gas production enterprises. In terms of analysis of the risk factor such as volatility of the price of crude oil, the article allocates and analyzes in detail the reasons that influence the level of the starting price at domestic auctions for crude oil and gas condensate: the price change in the world oil market and the hryvnia course against the US $1. As a result of an analysis of the price change for crude oil in Ukraine during 2011 – 1st quarter of 2017, it was determined that in a sharp fall in the price of oil in the world market (due to the sharp devaluation of the national currency), there was a situation in which the world price of oil in the hryvnia equivalent grew (February 2015). The tendencies in changing the tax code of Ukraine for the period of 2012-2016, which relate exclusively to rents for the exploitation of mineral resources for the extraction of crude hydrocarbons, have been examined and the violated principle of stability has been discovered. Factors that adversely impact Ukraine’s investment environment together with the directions of improving the investment climate in the oil industry have been allocated. The study has resulted in an analytical survey of the economic risks as to the activities and problems in the development of domestic oil and gas production enterprises, which can be used to elaborate development strategies for the entities of the industry in question. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rudyka V. I. The Conjuncture Analysis of the National Motor Fuel Market (p. 144 - 148)
The article provides an analysis of the main conjuncture-forming factors of the motor fuel market of Ukraine – demand, supply and prices of petrol and diesel fuel. The current type of market conditions for motor fuels is defined as disbalanced, in which the demand for motor fuel is much higher than its domestic production. The capacity of the national motor fuel market has been found to have been significantly reduced under the influence of an economic recession in the country, the military-political conflict in the east, and the impoverishment of population. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rudyka V. I. A Retrospective Analysis of Development of the National Oil Processing Complex (p. 141 - 147)
The article provides a retrospective analysis of development of the national oil processing complex, which enabled the author to conclude about its decline both in the resource and the production as well as in the infrastructural components. However, this type of industry has to be driven by the world trends, which increase its uncompetitiveness towards the foreign counterparts. Ukraine does not take advantage of the global oil market, but is forced to adapt to the demands of individual exporting countries. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pavlenchyk N. F., Protsevyat O. S., Skrynkovskyy R. M., Harasym L. S. Researching the Components of Formation of the Export Potential of Industry on the Micro-and Meso-Levels (p. 252 - 257)
The article analyses approaches to formation of the export potential of industry on the micro- and meso-levels. A number of factors influencing the formation of the export potential of industry on the micro- and meso-levels has been considered. It was found that the components of the export potential of industry on the micro- and meso-levels are factors, capabilities (potential), and resources. It has been suggested to perceive the defining resources of formation of the export potential of industrial enterprises as: personnel, production, financial-investment, innovation, marketing, information, organizational, and managerial. It has been found that the main resources of export potential of the industry of region include: production, raw material, natural, financial, investment, social, and innovation. There is a number of opportunities that contribute to the formation of the export potential of the region’s industry, in particular: labor, industrial, financial, raw material, natural, investment, innovation, social, information, and organizational-managerial. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rudyka V. I. The Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of Coal Liquefaction Technologies (p. 317 - 324)
Organization of production of synthetic liquid fuels (SLF) in Ukraine becomes an especially topical and at the same time complex scientific and applied task, taking into consideration criteria of the techno-ecological and economic rationality. The article presents a methodical approach to the comparative analysis of efficiency of the main methods and technologies for the synthetic liquid fuels production and a carried out testing, the results of which allowed to conclude that the most rational is the technology of indirect coal liquefaction based on coal thermal plasma gasification. Article is written in Ukrainian
Naumova O. А., Dontsova O. V., Ahramakova N. V. The Prospects of Increasing the Responsibility of Domestic Producers of the Gluten-Free Foods Using the European Licensing System (TM «Perekreslenyi Kolosok») (p. 325 - 330)
The article is aimed at researching prospects of increasing the level of responsibility of domestic producers of the gluten-free food products using the European Licensing System (TM «Perekreslenyi Kolosok»). The current tendencies have been researched and the main problems of development of the market of the gluten-free food products, including in Ukraine, have been formulated. Attention is focused on the acutest problem of the gluten-free foods market – violation of safety rules and quality of products manufactured by domestic producers, and negative impact on the condition of consumers’ health in terms of the gluten-related disorders. The possibility of introduction in Ukraine of the European Licensing System (ELS) with the purpose of official adoption of the marking of the TM «Perekreslenyi Kolosok» and conformity with European standards of the Association of European Coeliac Societies (AOECS) is considered, which guarantee the quality and safety of the gluten-free food products. Prospects for further researches in this direction is development of theoretic-methodical bases and practical instruments on distribution of use of the TM «Perekreslenyi Kolosok» and the European System of Licensing in Ukraine, that should allow patients to keep to the gluten-free diet in a qualitative and safe way. Article is written in Ukrainian
Denysov O. Y. The Comprehensive Approach to Assessing the Economic Security of the Industry Sector in Conditions of Globalization (p. 207 - 212)
The author carries out an empirical study of the level of economic security of the chemical industry sector of Ukraine in the direction of «production of polyvinyl chlorides». For this purpose the integral index of economic security has been calculated according to the model of functional-component blocks of economic security of sector, developed by the author. Application of this model allowed to research the algorithm of action of the model on the factual basis and to analyze the obtained indicators. This, in turn, made possible to draw a conclusion about the constructiveness and expediency of application of the model of basic functional-component blocks for calculating the level of economic security of the industry sector. With the help of this approach, with application of the complex, system-structural, dynamic and functional approaches, the level of economic security has been defined and the process of monitoring the status and level of economic security of the industry sector has been ensured. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Salashenko T. I., Kyzym G. M. Assessing the Impact of Ukraine’s International Obligations on the Tariff Policy in the Energy Sector (p. 148 - 159)
The article presents an analysis of the existing international legal documents in the energy sphere, which define the features of the national energy policy of Ukraine. Among the main such documents are considered the Energy Charter Treaty, the Treaty on the establishment of the Energy Community, the Association Agreement between the Ukraine and the European Union. These international treaties have primacy over the national legislation, so their provisions should be of top priority in the course of formation of the national energy policy. At the same time, international commitments to implement the national tariff policy in the energy sector are not explicitly written in international documents. This fact allowed Ukraine to implement economically inefficient, non-competitive, and anti-social tariff policy in the energy sector. A systematization together with analyzing of the international obligations of Ukraine has allowed to determine that the following principles should be laid down in the basis of the national tariff policy in the energy sphere: non-discrimination of market participants on national affiliation; full reflection of efficient, including environmental, costs in conditions of sustainable development; transparency of regulatory policy; prohibition of distortion, limitation, and prevention of competition, as well as abusing of dominant position. Article is written in Ukrainian
Papizh Y. S., Dubiei Y. V., Kosolapov A. F. Improving the Management of Innovative Development of Industrial Production According to Industry Specifics (p. 174 - 179)
The problem of improvement of management efficiency of innovative development of industrial enterprises in modern economic conditions is indicated. The dynamics of innovative processes in Ukraine together with volumes of innovative activity of domestic enterprises are analyzed. The basic principles of formation and efficient functioning of the organizational-economic mechanism of innovative development of industrial production are substantiated. The branch specificity in management of innovative development of coal enterprises is identified. Directions of improvement of the organizational-economic mechanism of management of innovative development of enterprises of coal industry are defined. The basic principles of introduction of the mechanism for stimulation of innovative development of enterprises of coal industry are suggested. Article is written in Ukrainian
Petrakov I. V. Ukraine Legal Approximation to the EU Laws in Energy Markets Regulation and Relevant Actions under the Association Agreement with the EU (p. 174 - 180)
Under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Third Energy Package implementation, Ukraine conducts not only legal approximation to the EU norms, but also existing infrastructure modernization and new energy markets development. Existing liabilities require the track of legal, organizational, technical, technological and financial transformations. Infrastructure modernization is impossible without effective energy markets with independent regulator, well-informed and aware consumers, diversified bases of energy resources and electricity supply. The purpose of this article is to assess the dynamics and the specifics of Ukrainian legal approximation to the EU laws in energy markets regulations under the Association Agreement implementation. We have analyzed the dynamics of the new effective energy markets development through legal process, aggregating key measures in technological modernization and financial support of energy sector reforms. As result of research we have suggested main steps in acceleration of electricity sector reform and energy market development incentivizing. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rudyka V. I., Fedenko G. M. The Commercial Expediency of Using the Technology of Indirect Liquefaction of Coal by the Fischer – Tropsch Method (p. 181 - 187)
Economic efficiency and commercial expediency of using the indirect coal liquefaction technology by the Fischer – Tropsch method are researched. The structure of investments for construction of a synthetic liquid fuels plant, as well as the structure of its self-cost, is analyzed. Based on the built econometric dependence, technical and investment characteristics of plants for indirect liquefaction of coal by the Fischer – Tropsch method have been calculated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lukiashko P. O. Developing Methods of Estimation of Influence of the Expected/Postponed Modernization of Electric Power Industry on the Fiscal and Energy Security of Ukraine (p. 138 - 142)
The article is aimed at generalizing the possibilities of applying the existing methodical developments to determine the level of fiscal and energy security of the country, as well as developing of the author’s own vision of the estimation of impact of electric power industry modernization on the indicated characteristics. A review of domestic and foreign methods of estimation of fiscal and energy security of the country showed their unadaptability to the needs of estimation of the impact of electric power industry modernization on the indicated characteristics. In the course of research the author’s proposals on methods of estimation of influence of transformations of the electric power sector on the indicated kinds of security were substantiated. This approach eliminates the problem of complex understanding of the methodology and interpretation of the results of its application. In terms of estimation of the impact of electric power industry modernization on the country’s fiscal security, it is proposed to determine the amounts of customs underpayments to the budget due to the refusal of imported fuel and transition to renewable energy sources, as well as additional excise tax and VAT revenues from the price difference of electricity power sales to the network. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shevchenko I. Y. The Factors of Competitiveness of Enterprises of Automotive Industry (p. 143 - 150)
The article is aimed at identifying factors of competitiveness of automotive industry enterprises. In the article, making use of monographic and historical methods, a review of approaches of scholars to identification of factors of competitiveness of enterprises is carried out. The considered theoretical basis was used for formation of the initial list of 95 factors of competitiveness of automotive enterprises. This list was proposed to an expert group consisting of 15 respondents who carry out professional activities in the sphere of production and sale of cars. A classification of factors of competitiveness of enterprises of automotive industry is developed, which differs from the already existing in scientific literature by the following features: hybrid character of classification; conformity of the classification with the preliminary developed by the author spherical model of formation of competitiveness of enterprises of automotive industry in the car sales market; synthesis of theoretical basis of scientific works of scholars-economists and practical experience of management workers in the sphere of production and sale of automobiles. Article is written in Ukrainian
Klymchuk O. V. The Priority Directions of Development of Energy Sector of Ukraine According to Economic-Ecological Principles (p. 76 - 81)
The article is aimed at determining the priority directions of the rate of build-up of economy growth, ensuring the energy independence of our country, and improving the ecological situation through the development of biofuel industry. The main directions of current development of fuel-energy complex of the country, rate of build-up of production growth together with consumption of biofuel are considered. It is determined that the introduction of renewable energy sources in Ukraine is too slow in the rate, and their contribution to the energy balance of the country is rather low. It is substantiated, that one of the most perspective directions of formation of the energy independence is production of biofuel. Prospects for further research in this direction is that the following processes of efficient economic development of our country will largely depend on the solution of the problem of uninterrupted provision with cheap energy resources. At the same time one of the main directions of improvement of the national biofuel production is a balanced process of its transfer to the path of intensification and innovation-investment development, while providing optimization of sowing areas for the formation of raw materials base. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yahno T. P., Husakovska T. O. The Industrial Policy of Ukraine in Reflection of Changes of Consumer Market (p. 158 - 164)
The article is aimed at developing recommendations for analyzing the efficiency of industrial policy in Ukraine through the prism of the consumer market indicators. For the analyzing of efficiency of the State industrial policy in the sphere of consumer goods production its consideration through the prism of indicators of consumer market functioning is carried out. To this end, recommendations on the calculation of the integral indicator are proposed, which includes the following components: importance of the industry in the internal consumer market and indicators of the level of satisfying the demand by national producers in the internal market. Calculation of the integral indicator as to the specified partial indicators will help to carry out the analysis of efficiency of industrial policy of the State from the position of satisfaction of needs in domestic market according to each of industries, along with comparing its dynamics over different periods. A classification of industries with the use of cluster analysis by the k-averages method is carried out, allowing to identify groups of industries to prioritize use of the industrial policy instruments. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kramchaninova M. D., Fot V. O. Using the Secondary Resources as a Means of Ensuring the Ecological-Economic Efficiency of Coal Enterprises (p. 165 - 170)
The article is aimed at studying and developing measures of ecological-economic efficiency of coal industry enterprises in using secondary resources. It was stated that the majority of the State-owned coal mining enterprises are unprofitable. The reasons for this are high cost of production, reduction of coal production, outdated mine fund, prices for sold coal, which are much lower than the self-cost. It is noted that despite the decrease in coal production, the economic activity of coal mining enterprises has a significant negative impact on the environment. The structure of coal waste storage is analyzed and its impact on ecology and human health is identified. It is concluded that the main reserve for improving the efficiency of coal enterprises and reducing the negative impact on the environment is the use of coal waste as a secondary raw material. The foreign experience on the use of secondary coal raw materials for production of building materials (ecological bricks, highways), aluminium, etc. is analyzed. It is proposed to introduce these measures in Ukrainian coal enterprises with the purpose of Improvement of ecological-economic efficiency of the coal enterprises’ activities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gural N. R. Development of the Road Sector as the Main Vector of Economic Advancement (p. 171 - 176)
Motor-roads construction along with road infrastructure development is catalyst for economic development of the country, and thus – it may serve for Ukraine as the means to get out from the lingering crisis. Undeveloped status of road infrastructure causes a number of problems, which present not just economic, but also social character. Therefore, these problems need to be investigated in details and resolved immediately. In course of investigation there was selected a list of main problems of road industry development: the breach of weight norms for cargo transportation; under-financing of the road industry; risks related to fulfillment of program on construction and reconstruction of road infrastructure; need for innovational transformations in the field of transport; problems of ecology for vehicle and motor-ways. For each of the problems there were proposed ways of solution and the stage of problem-solution was considered. There was investigated the economic benefit of investment projects into the road industry. It was determined that development of road network and improvement of their traffic-operation status present the necessary pre-condition of the further social-economic development of region, the State and society. Article is written in English
Kramchaninova M. D., Gorlova N. M., Romanova-Malynovska N. Y. The Key Directions of Improvement of the Status of the Socio-Ecological Sphere of Corporate Social Responsibility of Coal Mining Enterprises in the State-Owned Sector (p. 213 - 219)
The article is aimed at defining the relationships between the State, society and enterprises of coal industry and researching the perspective directions of improvement of the status of the socio-ecological sphere of corporate social responsibility of the State-owned coal mining enterprises as the most significant in terms of fulfilling their obligations to the State and society. It is identified that coal mining enterprises are generally socially responsible towards the community in which they operate, in view of ensuring the efficiency, employment, and compliance with the law. In the operation, the coal mining enterprises need to define and consider the economic, social, ecological aspects together with interests of their activities. On results of the research, the authors propose the ecological-economic activities as to modernization of coal mining enterprises of the State-owned sector in terms of implementation of the concept of social responsibility, introduction of which will bring both the purely economic and the socio-economic effect in favor of coal mining enterprises, society and the State. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khaustova V. Y., Kotliarov Y. I., Lelyuk O. V. Analyzing the State Policy on Development of the Electric Power Industry of Ukraine (p. 182 - 193)
The article proves that modern energy economy in general and electric power industry in particular is one of the backbone elements of national economies, determining the direct interdependence of the general economic and energy economic tendencies of their development. The article is aimed at analyzing the State policy of Ukraine's electric power industry development and defining the problems and prospects in this sphere. The basic provisions of legislative acts regulating issues of functioning and development of generation, transmission and distribution of electric power in Ukraine are analyzed. It is proved that these documents were developed separately from each other and at different periods of time, therefore not coordinated to each other, and the main reason of contradictions of the official forecasts of development of electric power industry is absence of strategy as to development of the country as a whole. The conclusions, proposals and forecasts developed by the economic entities in the sphere of electric power industry are analyzed. It is determined that the greater need for investment resources in view of limited own resources and limited access to credit resources requires the development of a rational sequence of construction, reconstruction and modernization of generating capacities, first of all thermal power plants. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tulchynska S. O. The Directions of Increasing Competitiveness of the Industrial Complexes of Regions of Ukraine (p. 194 - 198)
The article defines that competitiveness of the industrial complex is its ability to develop, produce, sell and maintain high-quality, innovative, competitive, industrial products both in the internal and the external markets, satisfying consumer demand for industrial products. It is clarified that competitiveness of the industrial complex directly leads to competitiveness of the region, which in turn is the ability to achieve sustainable economic development of the region and improve the standard of living of its population by managing the competitive advantages of the region through more efficient use of existing resources and the development of potential opportunities. Identification of the problems inherent in the industrial complexes of regions nowadays makes possible to determine the directions of increasing the competitiveness of regions in conditions of increasing the competitiveness of industrial complexes. The influence of increasing competitiveness of industrial complexes on the socio-economic development of regions is determined. The author defines measures to increase the competitiveness of industrial complexes on the part of the State and regional authorities by means of public-private partnership, use of regional programs of development of industrial complexes, support of innovative projects, and modernization of innovation infrastructure of regions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kramarev H. V. Evaluation and Analysis of the Structural Deformations of Economies of Both Ukraine and Leading World Countries at the Expense of Processing Industry (p. 154 - 170)
The article is concerned with evaluation and analysis of the structural deformations of economies of both Ukraine and leading world countries at the expence of processing industry. The research is based on a methodical approach to evaluation of the structural deformations in the processing industry of the country, a set of indicators for overall evaluation of the level and dynamics of the processing industry in Ukraine and the leading world countries, and the model of interrelation of relative indicators of development of processing industry in Ukraine and in the leading world countries. The evaluation and analysis of the level and dynamics of the processing industry in Ukraine and in the leading world countries are carried out according to the indicators of gross value added (GVA), exports, imports and capacity of the internal market. Development of processing industry in Ukraine and in leading world countries is evaluated according to the system of interconnected relative indicators. Evaluation of size and direction of structural shifts in terms of processing industry in the economies of both Ukraine and leading world countries is carried out. It is defined that in general Ukraine is significantly inferior to the leading world countries in terms of the specific weight of processed goods in the country’s exports (-14.25%), specific weight of the GVA of processing industry in the economy (-5.3%), slightly inferior in terms of the specific weight in the structure of the internal market capacity (– 1.00%), and goes ahead in the specific weight of imports (4.64%). Article is written in Ukrainian
Shevchenko I. Y. The Dual Education as a Basis of the Personnel Provision to Increase the Competitiveness of Automotive Industry of Ukraine (p. 171 - 185)
The article is aimed at developing the methodical bases for organization of interaction of the higher educational institutions and the automobile-making enterprises in the system of dual education as a basis of personnel provision of increase of competitiveness of enterprises in the automotive industry of Ukraine. Methodical bases of interaction of the potential participants of dual training of specialists for the automotive industry at the initial stage are developed. The author substantiates criteria of selection of higher educational institutions by the automakers for cooperation in the sphere of dual education, such as «distance», «complexity of training» and «success of activity». An expert assessment of significance of the proposed criteria is carried out and the weight of each criterion is defined. 92 institutions of higher education in the regions of Ukraine were identified, which at the time of the research carried out trainings for domestic automotive enterprises. The ranking of the identified higher educational institutions according to the proposed criteria and their distribution on clusters is as follows: «more attractive for cooperation in the sphere of dual education», «attractive for cooperation in the sphere of dual education», «less attractive for cooperation in the sphere of dual education». Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Lelyuk O. V. Analyzing the Status of Ukrainian Electric Power Sector (p. 186 - 201)
The Article is concerned with analyzing the current status of the electric power sector of Ukraine. Features of electricity production in Ukraine, operation of the overhead power lines are analyzed. Features of construction and functioning of the system of distribution electric networks are considered. The article explores the generation structure of the following power systems (PS): Dniprovska, Zakhidna, Pivdenna, Pivdenno-Zakhidna, Pivnichna and Tsentralna. The structure of production and consumption of electric power by the Unified Energy System of Ukraine (UES) is analyzed. The available capacities of the power plants in the UES of Ukraine are considered by types. It is defined that the uneven distribution of power generating capacities by regions of the country leads to complications of the operation modes of the UES of Ukraine and its transmission systems, the level of reliability of electricity supply corresponds to the insufficient development of network infrastructure and the slow pace of the network construction works. The power balances of the electric power systems are analyzed. It is proved that the main reason of decrease in volumes and efficiency of production in the country is a stable tendency of decrease of the power generation intensity caused by worsening of the technical condition of the power generation capacities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khaustova V. Y., Kramarev H. V., Zinchenko V. A. The Innovation-Technological Provision for Modernization of the Priority Branches of Industry of Ukraine (p. 218 - 228)
The article is concerned with substantiating the innovation-technological provision for modernization of the priority branches of industry of Ukraine. It is defined that technological progress is one of the main factors of long-term growth. It is proved that one of its basic factors is the stable functioning of the industrial complex. It is defined that tendencies of development and structural changes of industrial complex of Ukraine do not correspond to those which are formed in the leading world countries that necessitates substantiation of directions of modernization of the priority branches of the country’s industry and the innovation-technological provision for these processes. It is identified that different definitions are used to characterize conceptions of the technologically innovative development, among which the «Industry 4.0» appears one of the most reasonable. Interpretations of the concept of «Industry 4.0» in the scientific literature and practice are analyzed, it is suggested to interpret it as the development and merging of automated production, data exchange and production technologies into a single self-regulating system, with or even without the minimal human intervention in the production process. The elaborations, constituting the basis of the conception of «Industry 4.0» together with components of its foundation are considered. It is proposed to allocate the following principles of the conception of «Industry 4.0»: digitalization, customization, intellectualization, automation, cyber-physicalization, miniaturization. It is defined that each of the principles is implemented through certain technologies; the information technology platform of the conception of «Industry 4.0» is formed, the basis of which are two integration systems: cyber-physical system and the industrial Internet of things. The distinguishing features of the traditional industrial enterprise and production within the framework of the conception of «Industry 4.0» are considered. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vasyltsiv T. G., Kyrychenko O. S., Zajchenko V. V. The Essence and Components of the Mechanism for Investment Provision of the Innovative Development of the Industrial Sector of the State (p. 140 - 145)
The article is aimed at researching the essence and components of the mechanism for investment provision of innovation development, the implementation of which would ensure a long-term dynamic growth of both the industrial sector and the economy of the country as a whole. The essence and components of the mechanism for investment provision of innovative development of the country’s industrial sector are analyzed. The need to introduce an investment mechanism for the innovative provision of the development of industry is defined, including: objects, entities, purpose, principles, functions, legal and regulatory issues, institutional, informational, infrastructure provision of its functioning. It is defined that the mechanism for investment provision of the innovation activity in industry is implemented both through market mechanisms for investment provision, and through the internal corporate mechanisms of individual enterprises, but the State has a dominant role in creating economic, legal mechanisms to attract and stimulate investment directed towards an innovative development. Thus, the State creates a legal field, forms relevant institutions, provides economic incentives and mechanisms and also activates, stimulates and regulates the processes of investment provision of the innovative industrial development. The authors propose formation and comprehensive functioning of the mechanism along with an instrumentarium for the State regulation of investment and innovation provision of industrial development, in order to ensure both coordination and action of the State regulation, as well as the formation and activation of both the market and the internal corporate mechanisms for the investment provision of the industrial development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sylka I. V. The Theoretical Foundations of Management of Intellectual Property of Industrial Enterprises (p. 144 - 153)
The article is aimed at exploring differences in the definition of the essence of the concepts of «intellectual property», «objects of intellectual property», «management of intellectual property», and «approaches to management of intellectual property». Conceptual approaches to definition of the term of «intellectual property» as an economic and legal category, which actions are directed towards improving the profitability of enterprises and organizations, are considered; objects of intellectual property are grouped by industrial property and by creative-intellectual property; essence of the concept of «management of intellectual property» is defined depending on strategic and ongoing actions, taking into account the functions, components, management methods by which a positive financial result is achieved; it is accepted as feasible for enterprises to adopt a process-functional approach based on efficient management of the creation and use of intellectual property. On the basis of a generalization, a theoretical basis for the management of industrial enterprises is formed. Prospect for further research in this directions is to balance the process of developing, constructing, using or commercializing intellectual property in order to implement the functions of management of activities of industrial enterprises. Further development of the management of objects of intellectual property in accordance with the process-functional approach will improve the efficiency of production and profitability of enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Burennikova N. V., Zavgorodniy I. V., Burennikov Y. Y. Activity of Industrial Enterprises: Essence, Morphology, Some Approaches to Measurement of Results (p. 122 - 130)
The article clarifies the definition of «activity» in the context of the proposed and/or developed further on paradigms of «resources - activity - result» and «effectiveness - scale - performance» as a genetically modified form, taking into account the structure (composition) of this activity, involving herein the concept of «morphology of system» (with consideration of enterprise as a system at the micro-level). It is substantiated that in the researches concerning the activities of industrial enterprises as production systems, in addition to common scientific and well-known specific methods, approaches and instrumentarium of scientific developments, it is possible to take advantage of the possibility of supplementing the prevailing in modern economic theory method of structural analysis with a genetic approach. The basic signs have been defined and some classifications of the activities of industrial enterprises have been allocated. It is emphasized that the unity of the form and content of activity implies their relative self-sufficiency and active role of the form of activity in relation to its content. It is pointed out that in the process of activity the cause-effect relations should be taken into account. Making use of the modified Euler – Venn diagram, the logic-methodological link between the trueness of the paradigms of «resources – activity – result» and «effectiveness – scale – performance» of an industrial enterprise as a production system are illustrated, taking into account the essence of the category of efficiency, which combines the qualitative (effectiveness) and quantitative (scale) components. The first of the above paradigms is visualized in the context of «system input – output» (using the «black box») for exploration of further directions of the enterprise’s activities, taking into account existence of the internal and external environment. It is emphasized that the optimal managerial decision on performance can be sought in simple both scientific and specific methods. It is determined that the use of the theory of genetic algorithms as methods that allow finding the optimal solution to problems of any complexity, due to the fact that they operate not by the ways of obtaining results, but the results of solving problems, – serves as an effective means of finding the best solution for enterprises’ performance due to the principle of evolution embedded in such algorithms. The main stages and a variant of the genetic algorithm are provided. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shevchenko A. V. Strategic Priorities of Introducing Smart-Specialization into Ukraine’s Industry (p. 130 - 135)
The article is aimed at exploring the potential of smart specialization of industry in the regions of Ukraine and developing recommendations on measures of the State support for the introduction of this approach in the industry, taking into account the world experience and Ukrainian realities. The advantages of applying the smart specialization approach to bringing the industry out of crisis, revitalizing the innovative component of growth and developing new industry branches are described. Key principles of the approach have been defined, which consist in selectivity, cross-sectorality, inclusiveness and innovation-orientedness. The results of calculations of the localization coefficients of industrial production for the specialization industries in the regions of Ukraine are presented and analyzed. The obstacles to the introduction of the smart specialization approach in Ukraine are detailed, with regard to the low innovation, digital, managerial and financial readiness of potential participants. A number of first-line measures to implement the approach in Ukraine have been proposed, including: development of the White Paper and the Smart Specialization Strategy; creation of the State system for the development and protection of key technologies; increased engagement with the EU smart-specialization institutions and development of partnerships with European regions; elaboration of an information-analytical support system for smart specialization; provision of diversifying the sources of financing for regional smart-specialization projects; introduction of instruments to support the participation of SMEs and universities; attraction of private investment and others. Article is written in Ukrainian
Glukhova V. I., Tsyhan R. M., Kharchenko D. M. Modernization of the Basic Means of Mining and Processing Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 157 - 164)
The mining industry belongs to the basic industries of Ukraine, and the enterprises of the industry are export-oriented. This predetermines the priority development of technical rearmament of existing mining enterprises in order to improve the efficiency of mining production in general. The main production funds are an essential part of the means of production, and therefore they play a crucial role in the economy of mining enterprise. The problems of reproduction of basic means are important in the economic activities of mining and processing enterprises. Reproduction of the main funds of mining enterprise is one of the most important factors in the activation of investment activities in the mining industry in Ukraine. Currently, the renewal, modernization and replacement of obsolete equipment are becoming the main factors for improving the return on fixed assets, increasing profits, productivity and, ultimately, increasing the economic potential of the mining industry. The development of market relations has led to the need to improve the methods of reproduction of basic means. The final results of the enterprise’s business activities depend on the status and efficiency of use of basic means. The basic means as the main element of the material and technical basis play an important role in the production-economic activities of enterprise and should be used appropriately and efficiently. Therefore, the work towards the restoration of the enterprise’s basic means is urgent and remains one of the main issues in the current economic situation in the country. Current trends in economic development in Ukraine increase the responsibility of economic entities for the results of their activities, largely depending on the availability of basic means, their technical condition and efficient use. A common matter for the renewal of basic means is the substantiation for financing the relevant activities: first of all, an assessment of the enterprise’s trust funds, formed from profits and credit resources, must be carried out. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rakhman M. S., Rudenko A. M. Paradigms of Tobacco Market Producers and the Philip Morris International's Place in Ukraine (p. 164 - 171)
The article is aimed at scientific researching the status of production, sales and product range of tobacco products, existing terms of trade and promising tendencies in the modern world and domestic markets, as well as analyzing activities of Philip Morris International as one of the leading players in the market. The main players, volumes of their income, production capacities, employment in the industry and the impact of illegal trade are characterized. The authors analyze structure of the Philip Morris International's assortment portfolio with the share of branded products against the total consumption volume, structure of revenues and market segments in terms of consumer benefits and demand. Separately analyzed is the new generation products with potentially reduced risk, gaining increasing popularity. A study on the main indicators of British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco and Imperial Brands in the global market is carried out: revenue and profit volumes, structure and profitability of the strategic portfolio of each company, geographical presence and segmentation of products in the market. The status and key indicators of the national tobacco market are considered: capacities and volumes of sales, major brands, price segment; negative impact on the market caused by illicit trade is allocated. A comparative analysis of the performance of international tobacco players operating in the Ukrainian market in 2018 is carried out, the place of Philip Morris International is separately analyzed. The main problems of tobacco producers and salesers both in the world and in domestic markets are indicated. The results are summed up and proposed ways to improve the sales system of Philip Morris International in the world market in general and in the market of Ukraine in particular. Article is written in Ukrainian
Buryk Y. I. Food Industry in Kherson Region: Regional Dimension of Modern Dynamics (p. 166 - 170)
The article is aimed at studying the current status and major tendencies in the functioning of food industry in Kherson region, to form strategic development guidelines and to ensure competitiveness in the conditions of an unstable external environment. It is determined that the food industry is a strategically important industry sector in the agro-industrial complex of Kherson region. The region’s food industry enterprises have a fairly wide specialization and provide the population with a wide range of products such as meat, dairy, flour and cereals, bakery, etc. The dynamics of the main indicators of development of the food industry in Kherson region during 2010-2017 were analyzed. Despite the priority of the industry in the region, the deterioration of the main indicators of development of the food industry in Kherson region continues, which is associated with increased competition in the foreign food market, severization of requirements to their quality characteristics, low per capita income. The contribution of food industry enterprises to the Kherson region industry in terms of sales volumes, exports, capital investments, foreign direct investment and the number of employees is considered. Using the SWOT analysis, essence of the strategic guidelines for the development of Kherson region food industry has been identified, considering the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the industry in the context of sustainable development of the State’s economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mnykh O. B., Savchenko O. K. The Factor Environment of the Diversification of Development of Energy Companies in Market Conditions (p. 149 - 155)
The essence and features of the diversification of development as an economic phenomenon and a dynamic process of changes in market competitive conditions are considered. Relevance of the diversification of development of energy enterprises and the prospects for its investment in the new conditions of development of Ukraine’s economy, which became a member of the European Energy Community in 2011, is proved. Both the foreign and domestic practice of implementing the diversification policies in the energy sector are analyzed. Conceptual models of the influence of external and internal factors on the diversification of development of energy enterprises are build and their interaction is proved. The energy intensity of gross domestic product and the rate of its change based on the built trend for 2010-2018 are provided. The features of the diversification of development of Ukrainian energy enterprises in the conditions of changing political environment and formation of competitive market conditions are defined. It is that the new model of the energy market, in which innovation will play an important role, should be reflected in the management of business processes of energy enterprises, rationalization of the structure of their intangible assets and functional reload in line with new challenges to the management in crisis situations. A quantitative characterization of dynamic changes and performance indicators of the integrated energy company DTEK based on the built regression models is carried out. The strict requirements of the external competitive environment, as emphasized in the work, should change the policy of diversification of energy monopolies in the direction of implementing positive structural-functional changes. The problematic issues of the diversification of energy development at the level of macro- and micro-economy and the directions of further scientific and applied research are defined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shushkova Y. V. Identifying the Factors and Obstacles to the Reindustrialization of Ukraine’s Economy on the Basis of the Innovation-Technological Modernization (p. 141 - 147)
The article is aimed at identifying the factors and obstacles to the reindustrialization of Ukraine’s economy on the basis of technological modernization at the current stage of the country’s socio-economic development. It is reasoned that the innovation-technological development of the country’s economy can be managed by means of a quality and efficient State policy, the formation and adjustment of which is carried out taking into account internal and external, manageable and unmanageable factors and conditions. The results of studies by both domestic and foreign scholars examining the causes, conditions, factors and obstacles of the innovation-technological activity in Ukraine are presented. The major conditions and factors of modernization of Ukraine’s economy are identified and generalized by the grouping attributes: resource and market, institutional-legal, organizational, financial-economic, professional, socio-psychological. It is concluded that the policy of ensuring the modernization of the domestic economy should be systemic, balanced and directed to all these spheres; its formation and implementation should take into account the factors of financial-investment, material and technological support, institutional-legal system of functioning and organization of process management, financial-economic incentives and socio-psychological motives of all subjects of the system of scientific, research, innovation and technology activities in a close and mutually beneficial cooperation with the actors of the real sector of the national economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kushnirenko O. M. Imperatives of Innovative Transformations of Ukraine’s industry in the Context of Increasing Technological Challenges of the Industry 4.0 (p. 148 - 155)
The article explores the features of innovative transformations in the context of the rapid spread of the achievements of Industry 4.0, substantiating the key factors of their impact on the industrial development of Ukraine. Key factors influencing the spread of new technologies, namely: consumer requirements, technological readiness of enterprise and partnerships, are defined. Social factors for accelerating innovative transformations in industrial production with the introduction of the Industry 4.0 technologies are allocated separately. In analyzing modern approaches to the causes and factors that determine the development of digital technologies of the Industry 4.0, these are classified by levels of manifestation, degree of influence and functional characteristics. As a result of the research, possible ways of adapting to new technological challenges for Ukrainian producers are allocated, in particular: strengthening the ability to collect and apply data; relationship between value chains; developing customer digital interfaces and eliminating cyberthreats. The critical role of the State in narrowing the technological gaps and creating a favorable environment for innovative industry renewal by developing and implementing industrial modernization programs is substantiated; transition to the principles of the circular economy; creating the conditions for integrated digital-based staff training to develop digital qualification skills; development of innovative infrastructure that would accelerate the movement of innovative developments into production and to the market. Prospects for further research is substantiating the directions of consolidation of efforts by the State, business and the public to increase the readiness of Ukraine’s industry to urgent global and national challenges – the proliferation of digital production technologies of the Industry 4.0 (digitalization, artificial intelligence, robotics, development of «green» energetics, use of the newest materials) and overcoming the technological gaps in productivity. Article is written in Ukrainian
Oleshko T. I., Savelieva D. O. The Current Status and the Prospects of Development of the New Electrical Power Market in Ukraine (p. 92 - 97)
Ensuring a sustainable energy supply is one of the top strategic priorities in the 21st century, a critical condition for the normal functioning of all sectors of the world economy. Energy security is the most important part of the life-sustaining activity of the country. It is interpreted as the protection of citizens and the State in general against the threats of shortages of energy and energy resources, arising from negative natural, man-made, managerial, socio-economic, internal and foreign policy factors. Among the aspects of energy security is the status of power generation capacities and the prospects for their development for the near and long term. The article is concerned with researching the current status of electrical power industry in Ukraine and the prospects for its development by means of the launched new electrical power market. The main problems of operation of the electrical power industry and ways to solve them are considered. The dynamics of electrical power consumption in Ukraine are analyzed. Data on the status of today’s Ukrainian energy sector, which can make a significant contribution to the transition to sustainable innovation development of the Ukrainian economy and provide an expanded reproduction of Ukraine’s combined energy potential, are presented. The features of operation of the new electrical power market, its structural components, as well as the main goals and objectives for integration with the European power grid are considered. Based on the results of this study, it can be noted that Ukraine has great opportunities to become a significant partner in the provision of European energy security. Conducting such a study will allow to assess the prospects for the development of Ukraine’s electrical power industry and the benefits of integrating the Ukrainian power grid into the ENTSO-E. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kniaziev S. I. Smart Industry: Building the Basis for a New Stage of Economic Growth in the World (p. 150 - 162)
The article is aimed at analyzing the processes of establishing smart industry in the leading countries, defining the prospects determined by its development in the world, as well as the place and role of Ukraine in these processes. The fundamental feature of the modern period is identified, which consists in the structural change of the world economy, caused by changes in technological orders. The end of the latest economic cycle coincided with the outbreak of a pandemic of a previously unknown virus (COVID-19), leading to the worst economic crisis of recent decades. New challenges, risks and threats are formulated, associated with the change of structure of the world economy, and, accordingly, fundamentally new processes of competition, which take place in the conditions of changes in technology, communications, etc. Features of the industrial smart enterprise – flexible cyberphysical production facility, which provides accurate settings on the consumer and is based on the use of big data as a component of the smart industry – are disclosed. The experience of forming strategies of the smart industry construction by the leading countries: Germany, the United States and China, which will play a leading role in the formation of the new model of «reasonable growth» of the world economy in the near future, is analyzed. Also considered are the features of the EU’s national strategic programs on the digitalization of industry and the construction of Industry 4.0, formed in response to the main challenge of our time - the insufficient pace of digitalization of industrial sectors along with the development of innovation. New perspectives, opportunities and problems related to the development of the smart industry in Ukraine are defined. A number of proposals are presented, the implementation of which will help to overcome the current economic crisis and Ukraine’s exit on the trajectory of stable economic growth. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kudin T. V., Saiapin S. P. The Renewable Energy Strategy from the Perspective of Public Welfare (p. 163 - 171)
The main global tendencies in both the traditional and the renewable energy are displayed. By means of the generally accepted standard indicators, the article compares the cost of generating a unit of energy using both the traditional and the renewable sources. Monetary estimates of the environmental impact of the traditional energy are presented. A brief analysis of the status of traditional energy in Ukraine and the prospects for the development of the separated renewable energy sectors are provided. In this, the authors show that as a result of the current status of the traditional energy industry (nuclear, thermal, hydropower) the path of development of renewable energy is the only practical way out of the most difficult situation. The life of nuclear power, taking into account the extension, ends by 2030. Thermal energy is characterized by an extremely low efficiency factor and the highest concentration of hazardous substances in the atmosphere among European countries. A comparison of the prospects for solar and bioenergy has shown that the positive impact of bioenergy on the environment should be taken into account when estimating the efficiency of generation. Should this be not taken into account, it turns out that bioenergy has significantly worse economic efficiency indicators relative to solar and wind power generation. Based on the construction of the optimization model of the solar power generation station (SPGS), it is proved that the efficiency of investments in solar energy is improving along with the growth of installed power. Estimates of the payback period at different amounts of annual electricity consumption by the household, depending on the amount of installed capacity, have been made. Estimates of the discount profit of the project for a guaranteed life of operation have been made. It is shown that investing in SPGSs can be used by the population as an efficient financial instrument. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hilorme T. V. Assessing the Efficiency of Use of Energy Resources Based on the Conception of Sustainable Development (p. 174 - 180)
The article is aimed at assessing the efficiency of use of energy resources at the national level. According to the carried out analysis of the policy of various countries in the energy sector, it is possible to allocate the following models of building up the country’s energy sector: national-monopoly and national-competitive. The indicators of energy consumption and energy efficiency, functionally related to the main indicator of the country’s economic development – the production of gross domestic product per capita – are considered. The energy consumption and energy efficiency indexes in Ukraine for 2007–2019 are calculated. The accomplished forecast of changes in the per capita energy consumption index and the efficiency of use of energy resources based on exponential smoothing demonstrates the effectiveness of the chosen Energy Strategy of Ukraine. This makes use of the MS Excel «forecast sheet» package, allowing to build up three scenarios of changes in energy consumption and energy efficiency indices for the period of 2020–2024: realistic, pessimistic and optimistic variants. It is proved that the general low level of energy efficiency in Ukraine is primarily related to the deterioration of fixed assets and technologies, the crisis status of the economy as a whole and an inefficient energy policy of the State. It is proved that constant monitoring of the indicative indicators of energy saving and energy efficiency at various hierarchical levels of the economy will allow to implement optimal managerial decisions on energy development, control of energy costs, timely prevention of occurrence of crisis situations. Prospect for further research is to build up a model of social behavior of agents based on sociability (micro-environment) and the degree of diversity of elements (macro-environment), as well as the model of the ecosystem of agents for energy saving issues on the basis of the conception of «predator-prey». Article is written in Ukrainian
Tashcheiev Y. V., Voitko S. V., Trofymenko O. O., Riepkin O. O., Kudria T. S. Global Trends in the Development of Hydrogen Technologies in Industry (p. 103 - 114)
The article defines the main prerequisites and analyzes trends in the use of hydrogen technologies taking into account energy potential and ecological features of hydrogen. The main technologies of hydrogen production are considered, the prospects and disadvantages of their use are determined. The capital expenditures and the cost of hydrogen in different ways of obtaining it are analyzed. The comparison of distributed and centralized production routes is carried out. The principles of alkaline, REM and SOE electrolyses are analyzed. On the basis of analysis, systematization and generalization of the studies of numerous scholars, the potential possibility of transition to hydrogen economy is analyzed. As a result of the study on the electrolysis of different technological types, a comparative analysis is carried out in the form of a matrix of advantages and disadvantages. The main factors that affect the cost of «green» hydrogen are defined as follows: energy potential of renewable sources; cost of basic and auxiliary equipment; availability and cost of water resource; cost of land plots for placing basic and auxiliary equipment; operating costs. The predictive values of the technological and economic indicators of the «green» hydrogen production are presented, in particular: capital expenditures, operating costs, system efficiency, etc. Research of the adopted strategies for the development of hydrogen economy in developed countries allows to conclude that hydrogen use is a promising low-carbon solution in the energy sector. It is identified that hydrogen production is advisable to carry out in close conjunction with renewable energetics, which will enable to obtain economic and environmental effects. Prospect for further research in this direction is the development of a strategy for transition to hydrogen technologies of Ukraine on the basis of economic and mathematical modeling. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Salashenko T. I. The Alternative Model of Competitive Electric Energy Market of Ukraine (Part 1) (p. 115 - 124)
Ukraine has introduced a quasi-competitive electric energy market of the European prototype, which has significant functioning defects. Correction of this model should take into account the requirements of the European cross-national legislation, peculiarities of the national energy system and the most successful experience in liberalization of electric energy markets of other world countries. The article proposes an alternative model of the competitive electric energy market of Ukraine, which provides for: introduction of exclusively organized form of electric energy trading over a long time interval; development of spot segments of the market through an effective combination of different trade mechanisms and pricing methods; development of the balancing management system on the basis of combined dispatching. The time market of electric energy is presented by the authors in the form of the market of financial derivatives for electric energy, which can either be converted into physical electric energy, or can be cascaded for shorter periods of time, or can become basis for financial settlements. The one day in advance market is divided in 3 sessions: the first two of which function at the declared prices, while the third one - at the margin prices. The intra-day market also operates on the basis of multi-session trade: it is proposed to introduce 6 intra-day auctions and continuous trade. The balancing market is represented by two segments: the balancing power market and the balancing energy market, which together allow to introduce combined dispatching in the energy system. The authors have identified significant advantages of this model compared to the existing one, which will ensure operational efficiency of the competitive electric energy market in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Salashenko T. I. The Alternative Model of Competitive Electric Energy Market of Ukraine (Part 2) (p. 117 - 127)
The development of a competitive electric energy commodity market in Ukraine does not guarantee the creation of the necessary conditions for the security of electricity supply and the adequacy in developing the energy system. The conflict of commercial interests with the physical needs of the energy system causes the need to introduce the capacities market as a complementary segment to the electric energy commodity market. Ukraine has determined that the capacities market will function in the form of competitive procedures according to the targeted scope-oriented approach. Ukrainian capacities market has not yet been launched, but it is already possible to assume its potential ineffectiveness and inefficiency. Significant disadvantages of the electric energy cycle of Ukraine prove the insufficiency of a targeted approach to its organization. In addition, there are also pathological systemic problems with regard to the electrical energy industry of Ukraine (narrow diversification, inflexibility, heavy overtime load of power units, isolation and rapid development of renewable sources of electricity generation). The article proposes an alternative model of Ukrainian capacities market, which provides for: the organization of the balancing capacities market for the preliminary dispatching of both physical and commercial electric energy flows in the energy system; formation of the market of traditional capacities to ensure the adequacy of the development of the energy system; development of the market of alternative capacities for the integration of renewable electric energy generation, taking into account the requirements of flexibility of the energy system. The authors have identified significant advantages of this model compared to the proposed one, which will ensure operational security of electricity supplies and adequacy of the development of the energy system. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gavrys P. O., Gavrys M. O., Gavrys O. M. Features of Risk Management and Organization of Internal Audit at Industrial Enterprises (p. 128 - 135)
This article is aimed at studying the problem of risk management at industrial corporations. It examines the nature of risk and its impact on the way the modern corporations operate. The main types of risks are analyzed on the example of their classification, developed and applied by the leading German insurance company Allianz. It among them are 10 main types of risks, including risks associated with IT systems in enterprises (in particular, cyber-crimes, failures of IT systems, leakage and loss of data), production and supply chain risks, risks of changes in legislation and regulatory policy (in particular, duties, trade wars, sanctions, protectionism), force majeure and natural disasters, changes in markets (increased competition, new competitors, fluctuations, stagnation and fall of markets), fires and explosions, climate changes, reputational risks, risks of new technologies and macroeconomic factors such as monetary policy, government austerity programs, inflation, changes in resource prices, etc. The examples of occurrence of such risks in real enterprises are given. The role and the importance of risk management at industrial corporations is determined. The model of three "lines of defense" in risk management of industrial enterprises is described, where the "first line" includes operational management and internal control mechanisms, the "second line" – the services of enterprises, responsible for management and control of risks on the ground, in particular, financial control, security service, services of quality control, compliance with standards and others, and the "third line" is internal audit. The practical aspects of its application are defined. The role and function of internal audit in risk management of companies is determined. The differences in scope and goals of internal audit as compared to other corporate compliance and governance functions are highlighted. Article is written in English
Neseniuk Y. S. Economic Strategies of Innovative Competitiveness of Textile Industry Enterprises in the Categories of Costs and Results (p. 109 - 118)
The article is aimed at diagnosing the costs of textile industry enterprises and developing economic strategies for innovative competitiveness of enterprises focused on the growth of their results. In terms of dynamic approach to the growth rate of value added volumes the article allocates the following sub-sectors - leaders and outsiders. In terms of structural approach, it is shown that the bulk of the value added accounts for the production of other textile products, primarily the production of finished textiles, except clothing. The overall tendency of textile production to increase positive financial results during 2010-2019 is statistically proved. The sub-sectors with cumulative losses and the greatest contribution to the formation of the financial result of the textile industry are allocated. The tendency of all types of textile production to increase the proportion of profitable enterprises is identified. It is shown that there are no large enterprises in the textile industry, and the main share of the financial result is formed by medium-sized enterprises, except for the production of finished textile products, apart from clothing, and other textile products for technical and industrial purposes. The main economic strategies of innovative competitiveness of textile industry enterprises are substantiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sobkevych O. V. The Tasks of Industrial Policy to Increase the Competitiveness of Regions and Strengthen the Economic Security of Ukraine (p. 118 - 123)
The article is aimed at researching modern tendencies in the industry of Ukraine, identifying problems and risks influencing its development, and specifying the measures directed towards improving the State-based industrial policy to increase the competitiveness of regions and strengthen the economic security of the country. The main systemic problems hindering the development of industry and the restoration of positive dynamics are defined, which are as follows: large-scale deindustrialization; deterioration of the technological structure of production; inefficient structure of production with the prevailing raw materials, energy-armed, «dirty» productions; weakness of cooperation relations in industry, low degree of cooperation of enterprises in value chains; consolidation of the monopoly-oligarchic model in many markets; shortage of skilled labor for industry needs; lack of a legislatively enshrined strategic course of industrial development; significant regional concentration of industry. It is indicated that at the regional level the tasks of economic development are effectively solved thanks to the concept of smart specialization (sensible specialization). A positive experience in the implementation of pilot projects of smart specialization in the regions of Ukraine is presented; the main directions of implementation of smart specialization and cluster development, which should be implemented at the level of public administration, in order to increase the competitiveness of regions and strengthen economic security in Ukraine, are determined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kostenko D. M. A Substantiation of the Main Technical-Economic Characteristics of Energy Plantations and Production of Solid Fuel from Biomass of Energy Crops (p. 123 - 132)
The article is aimed at substantiating the basic technical-economic characteristics of energy plantations of miscanthus and production of solid fuels from the obtained biomass on the example of a particular project. As a result of the study: the analysis of the production volume of solid biofuels on the basis of quantities from a given area of plantation was carried out; net income of the complex was determined, which was calculated on the basis of accepted production volumes and «reasonable» wholesale prices, which were determined in a costly manner and provided for the provision of a sufficient level of profitability of economic activity; the current (operational) costs of economic activity of the complex were determined, calculated according to the standards established by analogues of industrial production of biomass from energy crops and its processing into solid biofuels. Also the economic feasibility of implementing an investment project on laying the plantation of miscanthus and production of solid biofuels from the resulting biomass was assessed. In general, in the presence of adequate State-based stimulation of solid biofuel production from miscanthus biomass, the economic efficiency of the project will be high, and the project itself is commercially feasible. Prospects for further research in this direction are substantiation of the main technical-economic characteristics together with feasibility of creating complexes for the transformation of solid biofuels into commodity energy – both electric and thermal. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vinnychenko O. V. Analyzing the Problems of Develoment of Nuclear, Thermal and Renewable Energy in Terms of the Electric Power System of Ukraine (p. 132 - 138)
In order to research the process of development of the energy systems of Ukraine, the current status and problems of development of nuclear, thermal and renewable energy are analyzed. The global trends in the development of nuclear energy is identified and it is noted that after the short-term decline caused by the accident at the «Fukushima-1» nuclear power plant, a gradual increase in the number of operating reactors has begun. The crisis situation in the nuclear and thermal energy market is outlined. Within the framework of the existing PSO (Public Service Obligation) model, the National nuclear power generating company «Energoatom» suffers significant losses. The limitation of electrical energy production at nuclear power plants in 2020 is an insufficiently grounded measure that will adversely affect the energy security of the country. Shutting down the power units of nuclear plants means that instead of producing energy one begins to consume energy, while a constant duty with ongoing servicing of equipment and maintaining the security systems is required. It is indicated that the coal-fired power plants of Ukraine have already developed their estimated resource and have an extremely low usage rate of installed capacity. In addition, coal-fired power plants in Ukraine are used in maneuvering modes, to cover peak loads, which leads to accelerated wear and tear of equipment and reduces production efficiency. A comparative analysis of the development of renewable energy sources (RES) is carried out and it is proved that the increase in electrical energy production due to RES requires the development of sufficient maneuvering capacities. The current situation indicates that the capacities of HPP and PHES are not sufficient, so at this time coal-fired power plants are used for such purposes, but such a part-time mode of operation leads to further wear and tear of equipment and an increase in emergency situations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Andriishyn N. M. The Conceptual Principles of Improving the Management of the Gas Production Complex of Ukraine on the Bases of the Experience of Leading Oil and Gas Companies (p. 165 - 172)
The main directions of improvement of the gas production complex management and the role of individual factors affecting the efficiency of its activities are determined. Taking into account that the oil and gas complex is a system of enterprises and organizations for various functional purposes, united to meet the needs of consumers in provision of natural gas, on the example of improving the organizational structure and management system of NK «YUKOS», all stages of its transformation into a world–class oil company are considered. Recommendations on the use of positive experience in Ukraine are provided. It is shown what achievements of NK «YUKOS» have already been taken into account in the reform of the management system of JSC «Ukrgasvydobuvannya», – in particular, today it is conditionally represented by three large sectors: upstream, midstream and downstream. The upstream sector includes the search for potential underground or underwater natural gas fields, drilling of exploration wells, drilling and operation of the wells extracting unprocessed natural «wet» gas; the midstream sector provides transportation (pipelines, railways, barges, oil trucks or regular trucks), storage and wholesale of gas, while networks of natural gas pipelines aggregate gas from natural gas purification stations and deliver it to consumers – local utilities; the downstream sector usually refers to the processing and purification of natural gas, crude oil, as well as the sale and distribution of products derived from natural gas and crude oil. Distribution by sector in gas production allows to classify fixed assets in accordance with the above–mentioned sectors: drilling rigs, offshore drilling platforms, well repair machines, software for geological exploration and geophysical research – upstream; well plumes, inter–industrial gas pipelines, condensate pipelines, oil pipelines, booster compressor stations, equipment for the complex gas preparation – midstream; gas processing and oil refineries, petrol stations – downstream. Much attention is paid to the development of the intellectual potential of the gas production complex, as it ensures both the successful development of production and the formation of effective management of the company. Article is written in Ukrainian
Orlova O. M. Risks of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (p. 131 - 137)
The article is aimed at the theoretical generalizing and systematizing the risks of industrial enterprises in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The essence of the concept of «risk» is analyzed and the need for its estimation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is specified. The main classification features of risks in the activity of industrial enterprises are considered. The state of Ukraine’s industry in 2020 is examined and it is concluded that as a result of the coronavirus crisis it is in a difficult situation. A number of risks are identified and their negative impact on the activities of industrial enterprises in Ukraine, both in quarantine and in post-quarantine conditions, is characterized. Among them are: financial-economic, international, commercial, industrial, and social risks. The expediency of application for the estimation of determined risks of statistical, expert, accounting-analytical, analytical, economic and statistical methods, as well as methods of analogues, sensuality, scenarios, Monte Carlo, is substantiated. Given the uncertainty of the time frame associated with the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, it is proposed to constantly monitor risks in order to improve the situation in the sphere of industry, which will allow timely detection of weaknesses and identification of the negative manifestation of crises in various industry sectors. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of a mechanism for managing and reducing the negative impact of identified risks on the activities of industrial enterprises in both quarantine and post-quarantine conditions, as well as outlining the instruments for ensuring the positive effect of the proposed mechanism. Article is written in Ukrainian
Iakovenko V. S., Harkusha V. V. Trends in the Development of the Solar Energy Generation Market of Ukraine (p. 114 - 119)
The research is aimed at analyzing and finding the reasons for the specific development of the solar energy market of Ukraine, defining the interaction on the part of the State and its role, furthermore the role of monopolists-generators and small generating equipment in private households. As result of the research, the following issues are considered: specifics of the formation of a share of the segment of solar power plants among renewable energy sources; the largest companies – solar energy generators in Ukraine; dynamics of changes in the «green» tariff and installed capacity of solar power plants over the past decade; development of the direction of small solar power plants installed by households and the largest generating regions of Ukraine by both the number and the installed capacity of the households’ SPP. Analyzing modern analytical reports on renewable energy generation, it is appropriate to note that a system of indicators, which is being created currently to reflect the real state of development of renewable energy, indicates a certain prospect of scientific research in this direction. Modern problems of development of the generating renewable energy market are defined, among which the following are defined: changes in legislation on the «green» tariff, which leads to changes in the investment climate and attractiveness of generation projects, the conflicting mechanisms of tariff auctions; potential threat of shortage of both storage and transport capacities (due to disproportionate development of generation volumes and its infrastructure support) etc. Based on the analysis of existing development trends, conclusions have been drawn about the future state and development of the solar energy generation market. The need to form a balanced national strategy for the development of renewable energy, taking into account the current conditions for reducing the «green» tariff and the cost of generating equipment, as well as taking into account the national interests of the State, the interests of monopolists and households, has been established. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lohosha R. V., Semchuk I. A. The Socioeconomic Bases of Biofuels Production Business at the Organizational Level (p. 175 - 187)
The article is aimed at defining the priorities for the development of the biofuel market in Ukraine to ensure the energy security of the country and satisfy the country’s energy needs. Prospects for the bioenergy sector of the economy in the world will be determined primarily by the optimization of national policies in the matrix of multifarious criteria. The place of the Ukrainian model is highly likely to be determined, on the one hand, by the development of the national market, on the other hand, by the production of raw materials for world biofuel markets. At the same time, this market and production in Ukraine remains only a potentially promising model that requires a scientific substantiation for its efficiency. As a result of the study, it is specified that the bioenergy industry has serious limitations and problems of economic nature that require scientific substantiation. After analyzing the limitations and prospects of the industry development in Ukraine at the level of agricultural enterprises that could deploy biofuel production, it should be emphasized that: 1) there is currently no biofuel market in Ukraine: there is no significant production, hence the proposal still remains unformed; there are no agents (firms, enterprises) of the market that would form the established demand; the necessary norms, institutions, mechanisms of the representative market have not been developed; 2) there is no successful experience of such a business both in Ukraine in general and in agricultural enterprises in particular. From here, as well as taking into account the above-mentioned aspects, the attractiveness of this business, including investment, needs to be justified. Enterprises of this group will face funding problems, as well as technical and technological support problems. Therefore, special careful economic substantiation of the market efficiency model and business processes is required; 3) because of these reasons, the task of scientific substantiation of the model of efficient management of this business becomes highly topical. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matsko N. G., Niekrasova L. A. Assessing the Production Potential of Innovatively Active Industrial Enterprises on the Basis of IECO Analysis (p. 188 - 193)
The article is aimed at forming a methodological and practical basis for assessing production potential, taking into account the directions of strategic management, which are inherent in the innovatively active industrial enterprises. The essence of the strategy of enterprise development, the main factors of ensuring the efficiency of the strategy are examined. The need for a qualitative reliable assessment of production potential in the formation of an innovative strategy for the development of the enterprise is substantiated. Assessment of the conformity of production potential to the developed strategy allows to decide on the implementation of measures to fulfill the goals of the enterprise or to search for opportunities and reserves to increase the level of production potential. As result of the research, a methodological approach to the assessment of production potential with the help of IECO analysis is developed, this analysis allows assessing the production potential in the context of the main directions of strategic management, the development of which ensures the efficiency of the enterprise: innovative activity, ecological responsibility, competitive positions, organizational adaptability. IECO analysis is based simultaneously on the resource conception and the conception of competitiveness and provides both quantitative and qualitative assessment of production potential. The use of IECO analysis also allows to determine the impact of elements of production potential on its formation and development, which is useful in determining the priority of focusing the attention of the management of enterprises on the relevant element of the potential. Since the analysis results in an integral indicator in a value expression, this analysis can be used as one of the methods for assessing the value of a business. Prospects for further research in this direction are to develop a model for optimizing the components of production potential in order to achieve the maximum possible economic effect and ensure the possibility of using production potential to the full extent. Article is written in Ukrainian
Honcharenko D. O. The Theoretical Approaches and Methodological Principles for Development of Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Production in the Conditions of European Integration (p. 194 - 201)
The article is aimed at disclosing the theoretical approaches and substantiating the methodological principles of development of high-tech pharmaceutical production (HTPhP) of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration. The author identifies the nature of development of HTPhP in developing countries and displays the related obstacles; the new form of dependence on the supply of intermediate goods for production and finished medicines for healthcare, manifested in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, is specified. It is noted that the key determinant of obtaining sustainable competitive advantages of the Ukrainian HTPhP should be the construction of strategic networks with key stakeholders of the national innovation system on the part of companies. It is substantiated that the involvement of TNCs technologies can be a catalyst for the modernization of Ukrainian pharmaceuticals, provided that this process is accompanied by an active policy of the State. It is shown that despite the fact that Ukraine has created a regulatory framework, which generally relies on the guidelines defined by the EU and WHO, Ukraine continues to increase its dependence on imports of pharmaceutical goods. It is determined that the current normative acts in Ukraine regulate legal relations in the pharmaceutical sector, but do not define either priorities for pharmaceuticals or measures for their implementation. Endogenous barriers and exogenous threats impeding the development of HTPhP of Ukraine are identified. It is recommended to balance the interests of consumers and manufacturers with the interests of the State when choosing the benchmarks of the HTPhP development policy of Ukraine. In view of the development of pharmaceuticals, attention is paid to a significant role of consciousness of doctors and patients regarding the quality and efficacy of medicines produced in Ukraine; mental and value changes, transformation of informal institutions; improvement of framework conditions for innovation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bieloborodova M. V., Yurchyshyna L. I. Functional Analysis and Development of Integrated Manufacturing Systems of Industrial Enterprises (p. 201 - 206)
The article specifies the key economic aspects of the functioning and development of integrated manufacturing systems of industrial enterprises. The article is aimed at substantiating the prospects for the development of integrated manufacturing systems as one of the paradigms of the organization of the production process. The methodological instrumentarium of the research consisted of the following methods: retrospective analysis, synthesis, critical analysis, graphic method, generalization method. In modern conditions, more and more attention is paid to the new integrated level of manufacturing systems, which can be considered as a combined production system from an aggregate of multi-level constituents of production systems of enterprises with the most progressive organizational and technological capabilities, created for a limited time in order to implement complex projects. The evolution of the organization of production systems with the allocation of modern paradigms of variability and integration is researched. The role of technological niches in the development and marketing of multitechnological platforms as examples of integrated manufacturing systems is outlined. The main requirements for production systems created in technological niches are such parameters as their flexibility, the level of automation and the possibility of integration. It is determined that flexible or integrated production means that the functional spectrum of multitechnological platforms should be maximized. The flexible production strategy is more profitable than conventional manufacturing, if there is a high probability that additional functions will actually be applied in the future, and the integration of functions will cause lower costs than the integration of an additional single-technology machine. Integration of manufacturing technologies is an urgent paradigm for designing production systems within the framework of evolutionary theory. The direction of technological progress is determined through the concept of suitability, which represents a fuzzy image of a prospective product developed in accordance with the technological paradigm in the selection environment. The problem of classification of flexible, reconfigured and integrated manufacturing systems is the prospect of further research. Article is written in Ukrainian
Romanko O. P. Ukrainian Enterprises in the Tandem of Decarbonization Policy (p. 207 - 214)
The article is aimed at reflecting the essence of the course of European countries to reduce carbon emissions, which is the core of the policy of decarbonization. The stages of implementation of such a policy lead to structural changes in production, and quarantine conditions during the pandemic lead to changes in public consumption of certain types of goods. In addition to the economic stages of the implementation of the «green program», the EU countries have developed an investment plan to activate private and public production in the appropriate direction. Private investors join it in order to get involved in projects with the State guarantee of their implementation – both in European countries and from abroad. At present, such promising and global economic and investment measures to ensure the policy of decarbonization are not taking place in Ukraine. However, the private sector of Ukrainian production reacts ahead, in contrast to the State legislative position, with a certainty as to priority opportunities in order to increase competitiveness. Taking into account these major external factors of influence, it is identified the goods that have undergone significant changes in their demand, namely: devices for heating the premises. The dynamics of the sale of this product has increased in the world market due to lockdowns in different countries, and in the Ukrainian market – due to the fact that domestic producers have competitive prospects. The article examines the volume of world imports and exports of devices for heating premises, describes ways of selling Ukrainian goods abroad, as well as reasoned prospects for new, underserved foreign markets. In addition, domestic enterprises carrying out innovative production of this ware are identified and an analysis of its competitiveness is carried out. The successful sale of this product is facilitated by the independent work of the domestic producer to promote its own export goods, as well as existing consumer changes due to the deepening of most European countries into the «green» policy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vostriakova V. I. Assessing the Potential of Renewable Energy Production as a Driver of Economic Growth (p. 146 - 152)
The presented article aims to study the relationship between consumption and production of renewable energy and economic growth expressed in GDP per capita of the countries that invest the most in the development of renewable energy (USA, EU, China), and in the global dimension – for comparison with Ukraine and Russia. The World Bank’s secondary data for 1990-2015 and methodology of linear regression modeling were used for the research. An analytical review of the growing global investment potential of renewable energy in terms of general dynamics, sectors and leading countries in the context of investments in renewable energy sources was carried out. The results of correlation-regression analysis demonstrate a high correlation relationship between alternative energy consumption and economic growth of more developed countries with high GDP per capita than countries with lower GDP. The findings are consistent with other publications reviewed in the research. In addition, the increase in both China’s and the world’s GDP in the share of alternative energy production has a positive impact, and the increase in the share of consumption is negative. Whereas at the level of such countries as the USA, the European Union and Ukraine – on the contrary, consumption itself has a positive impact. The development of alternative energy has a negative impact on the economic growth of the Russian Federation in both indicators. According to the results of the carried out study, it can be summarized that countries with both high and low GDP should take all necessary measures to increase consumption and production of renewable energy sources, which provides for the formation of a favorable investment climate for large-scale investments in renewable energy, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the pace of economic growth in the long term. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hilorme T. V. Substantiating the Economic Project-Based Parameters of Rocket and Space Technics in Conditions of Sustainable Space Activity (p. 80 - 88)
The publication is aimed at determining the project parameters of the latest rocket and space technics. It is stated that when developing projects, it is necessary to take into account all phases of the life cycle of rocket and space technics in accordance with European standards as follows: phase 0 «Mission analysis/needs definition», phase A «Feasibility», phase B «Preliminary design», phase C «Detailed design», phase D «Qualification & Production», phase E «Operation», phase F «Utilization». On the basis of fractal analysis, a graphic interpretation of the comparison of SWOT-analysis components for the development of the rocket and space industry is constructed. The advantage of the model is the compactness of development due to the use of one platform and operational efficiency of use due to the absence of the need to upload data to a specialized system. Practical recommendations on the development of a national strategy for the innovative development of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine in the conditions of sustainable space activities are provided. It is identified that the weakness and a threat to the activities of the aerospace industry is insufficient financing for implemented projects and inefficient distribution of funds among its components: science – production. It is proposed to use Blockchain technology as an effective instrument for the cyber security of space objects. Possibilities of Agyle management are considered as a means for overcoming barriers to the introduction of innovative solutions in space activities. The mathematical model of project selection when maximizing the economic effect is presented, which takes into account both the economic components (the costs of «life» of the project, the budget for implementation, the cost of deferred decisions), as well as the social and ecological effects. The system of criteria for selecting and limiting a rocket and space technics project is substantiated. Prospect for further research is the substantiation of the project parameters of the latest rocket and space technics from the positions of other components of general efficiency: technical, social and ecological. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hubarieva I. O., Kriachko Y. M. Assessing the Raw Material Potential of Woodworking Industry of Ukraine and Countries of the World (p. 89 - 95)
Woodworking industry is one of the important components of the forestry complex of Ukraine and countries of the world. The article is aimed at substantiating the methodological approach to the assessment of the raw material potential of the woodworking industry of the country. It is proposed to carry out an integral assessment of the raw material potential of the woodworking industry of the country according to the following components: forest-land percentage of the territory, reserves of forest stand, the total volume of wood production, the volume of production of commercial wood. The matrix of positioning of Ukraine and countries of the world in the plane of coordinates «Forest area – forest-land percentage of the territory» is formed. The level of integral indicator of the state of raw material potential of the woodworking industry of Ukraine and the countries of the world is most influenced by the component of «forest-land percentage», and among partial indicators are the following: production of commercial wood per resident, area of forests per resident, and forest stand per resident. Using cluster analysis (k-means), three clusters of countries of the world are allocated according to the integrated assessment of the raw material potential of the woodworking industry of the world countries. Calculations of the raw material potential of the woodworking industry of Ukraine showed the following: according to the integrated indicator of the state of raw material potential of the woodworking industry in 2019 (0.0847), Ukraine took 31st place among 36 countries of the world. The carried out cluster analysis showed that Ukraine in terms of integral components joined the group of countries with a low level of raw material potential of the woodworking industry; according to the comprehensive assessment of the component «forest-land percentage» (0.0365) Ukraine took the 32nd place; according to the comprehensive assessment of the component «timber resources» (0.1887) – 17th place; according to the comprehensive assessment of the component «wood production» (0.0445) – 33rd place; according to the comprehensive assessment of the component «commercial wood production» (0.0949) – 29th place. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tatar M. S. The Process-based Socio-Economic Interaction of Economic Entities in the Context of Global Challenges (p. 165 - 176)
In the context of global challenges, the issue of modification of mechanisms of socio-economic interaction of economic entities, the search for a new, innovative mechanism of interaction of economic entities during socio-behavioral restrictions becomes actualized. The article is aimed at analyzing the process-based socio-economic interaction of industrial economic entities, which involves a study of the subject composition, interaction options and desired results during the implementation of various business processes by industrial economic entities. The main features of socio-economic interaction, as well as the list of entities of socio-economic interaction of industrial enterprises are presented. It is proposed to consider the socio-economic interaction of industrial economic entities within business processes, since each business process is characterized by its subject composition, intensity of interaction, place of implementation, direction of interaction, etc. Differentiation of interaction within business processes will allow to identify its features and options of influence, and determining further on the impact of global challenges on each business process will make it possible to adjust the results of interaction between entities depending on scenarios of global challenges and offer a selective strategy for mutual coordination of actions of economic entities directed towards counteracting global challenges. In the terms of further research, it is planned to determine the degree of interaction of various entities with the enterprise, namely: suppliers, consumers, competitors, the State (direction and strength of regulation, control, assistance to the enterprise, the possibility and instruments of the enterprise’s influence on the decisions of the authorities), etc., as well as define the nature of the change of entities, options and composition of interaction under the influence of global challenges and analyze the communicative aspects of interaction of entities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shpilevskiy V. V., Kostenko D. M., Shpilevskyi O. V. The Methodical Aspect of the Choice of Innovative Technologies for the Production of Alternative Types of Motor Fuel (p. 176 - 187)
The article is aimed at developing a methodological approach to a consistent and rational choice of promising for the development in Ukraine types of alternative motor fuel and innovative technologies for its production, substantiation of the system of technical and economic indicators of the complex for the production of synthetic motor fuel from the low-grade raw materials. One of the key problems of Ukraine’s energy provision today is its high dependence on the import of finished motor fuel, which can be reduced by the development in the country of alternative types of motor fuel based on the latest technologies. The article, based on the provisions of economic theory, discloses the essence of the developed methodological approach to the consistent choice of promising types of alternative motor fuel for their development in Ukraine and innovative technologies of its production. The developed methodological approach for rational choice of promising for the production in Ukraine and use of motor fuel types includes an evaluation of the following: compliance of consumer properties of certain types of motor fuel with the requirements of the existing motor fleet (target); efficiency of motor fuel production technologies (capabilities); sufficiency of resource provision for the production of motor fuel (restrictions). The methodical approach is brought to the level of the methodology, the use of which allows to identify promising types of alternative motor fuel for use in the country and innovative technologies of their production. Along with the developed methodical approach, the expediency of development in Ukraine of the synthetic motor fuel industry is proved on the basis of using the method of indirect coal liquefaction (according to the Fisher–Tropsch method). The result of the work is a system of technical and economic indicators of the complex for the production of synthetic motor fuel from the low-grade raw materials. Article is written in Ukrainian
Borodina O. A. Formation of a Conceptual and Analytical Model for Improving Energy Efficiency at Local Levels in the Context of Decentralization (p. 26 - 33)
The purpose of this article is to develop and substantiate a conceptual and analytical model of the structure of energy generation and consumption at the local level in the context of the decentralisation reform in Ukraine on the basis of an analysis of current world-wide and European trends as to ensuring a sufficient level of energy efficiency. The current trends of world energy consumption are illustrated, the forecast for the development of renewable energy is built, the energy efficiency analysis of the national economy is carried out. In order to form a holistic system of energy management on the local grounds, a model of generation and consumption for use at the local level is proposed, the financing of which is provided for by the results of the use of a comprehensive mechanism. A number of normative and organizational-institutional proposals on the normalization of energy efficiency improvement processes are suggested. The factors of energy efficiency of this model, financial instruments for its effective functioning in the form of a mechanism of interest-making budget revenues and specialized funds are disclosed; organizational and institutional support of such reform is proposed; the functional dependence of the target function of the model of energy generation and consumption is detailed, taking into account the methods of generation and the main consumers at the appropriate levels. The analysis of the main risks is carried out and the flaws of this process are defined; a number of regulatory and institutional transformations are proposed to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of an effective policy of energy efficiency of hromadas thus ensuring the energy security of the State. It is recognized as expedient to adopt a package of bills and resolutions on energy cooperation, organization of a biofuel exchange. The model of organization and functioning of a cooperative for the generation and consumption of solar energy, which is based on the regulatory framework, is presented. The above mentioned allowed to develop scientific and applied recommendations for improving regulatory provisions, which will enable the hromada to become an effective player in the wholesale electricity market, marketing the energy according to the green tariff. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gavrysh O. A., Kukharuk A. D., Gavrysh I. O. Economic Harmonization of Activities of Industrial Enterprises on the Basis of Sustainable Production (p. 34 - 39)
The article considers the need to introduce various levers of economic influence and elements of sustainable production in the work of Ukrainian industrial complex as an important condition for economic growth of the company, the preservation of ecological balance and sustainable development of our State. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of economic harmonization of industrial companies and the search for opportunities of rational use of resources to improve their efficiency and implementation of global standards of sustainable production. Having studied the achievements of domestic scientists, certain normative acts and directions of sustainable development of the country, the authors came to the conclusion that application of economic instruments, among which tax benefits and subsidies, investment attraction, governmental support of eco-projects, financing of modernization of production process, establishment of material responsibility, stimulates industrial entrepreneurs to function on the basis of sustainable production, covering rational environmental management, regulation of ecological safety norms and indicators, the polluter pays principle, increase of energy efficiency, etc.. Such measures are encouraged at the State level by providing comprehensive support to the industrial segment of the market, but the authors emphasize that companies should be directly interested in this, because economic harmonization on the basis of sustainable production provides the economic welfare of the enterprise, allows it to become more profitable and at the same time reduce the environmental pollution caused by it. In turn, this positively affects the solution of a number of problems of economic and environmental nature, the solution of which will contribute to the sustainable development of Ukraine, in particular. The prospect of further research is the continuation of the analysis of economic harmonization as the key to positive changes in industry through the optimization of enterprises, taking into account the generally recognized standards of sustainable production to ensure sustainable development of our State. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shyfrina N. I. The Integral Assessment of the Financial Potential of Mining Enterprises of Ukraine on the Basis of Taxonomic Analysis (p. 27 - 32)
Ukraine is one of the leading countries in the world that have mineral and raw materials deposits on its economic territory, the development and use of which are due to both the needs of the national market and significant foreign demand for this type of export products. The mining industry of Ukraine, in these circumstances, is a strategically important sector that has a significant impact on almost all socioeconomic spheres of functioning: its products are a resource base for many major domestic industries – metallurgy, chemical industry, construction, agriculture, and others; it has a positive effect on the balance of payments of the country, as well as on the standard of living of the population as an integral part of the energy market of services. Further development of the mining industry of Ukraine directly depends on the attraction and most effective use of financial potential, which determines the relevance of further research and developments in this direction. The purpose of the study is to elaborate an integral assessment of the financial potential of Ukrainian mining enterprises on the basis of taxonomic analysis. To achieve this goal, the publication uses general-teaching methods of analysis and synthesis – to carry out a study of the state of the mining industry of Ukraine; methods of coefficient analysis – to determine the financial condition of the enterprises under study on the basis of their accounting statements; methods of mathematical modeling are also used – to determine the taxonomic indicator of the financial potential of the enterprises under study. The publication examines the current state and indicators of business activity of the mining industry of Ukraine; a coefficient analysis of the financial condition of six domestic enterprises-representatives is carried out; an integral methodology for assessing the financial potential of mining enterprises based on the determination of the taxonomy indicator is proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Shpilevskiy V. V., Zinchenko V. A., Shpilevskyi O. V. Global Challenges and Prospects for the Structural Development of Ukraine’s Electric Energy Industry (p. 86 - 98)
One of the important problems of the economic development of Ukraine today is the low energy efficiency of social production with a high level of external energy dependence. The purpose of the study is to define modern global challenges, and, with account of them, to outline the prospects for the structural development of the electric energy industry in Ukraine. The current vision of the prospects for the energy development of the world economy is analyzed on the basis of the results of foresight forecasts, accomplished by the leading international institutions and energy companies. The content of the global energy transition and its main directions in the electric energy sector is analyzed. It is determined that along with the paradigm of the global energy transition, considerable attention is paid to the development of environmentally friendly generation methods, which primarily include electric energy generation based on renewable energy sources (RES). The aggregate of power generation technologies is divided into two types according to two common features of resources: 1 – power generation technologies, which are based on the process of converting organic and nuclear fuel into electric energy; 2 – power generation technologies, which are based on the processes of converting energy of inexhaustible and renewable energy sources (except biological) into electric energy. A methodology for calculating and comparing the resource characteristics of power generation technologies is developed; resource intensity is computed; the costs of electric energy production using power generation technologies are provided; a comparative comprehensive (technical-economic) assessment of the efficiency of technologies based on the use of the matrix method is presented. Based on the carried out analysis, an overall rating of the efficiency of power generation technologies is compiled. Technologies expedient for use in Ukraine have been identified. It is proved that the priority measures for the structural-technological modernization of the energy complex of Ukraine should be the implementation of development directions consistent with the provisions of the paradigm of the global energy transition, namely: the creation of a new generation power grid management system (smart grids); development of distributed energy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Shpilevskiy V. V., Kostenko D. M. Analyzing the Raw Material Potential of Motor Fuel Production in Ukraine and Its Regions (p. 99 - 121)
Motor fuel is an important component of both energy and national security of any country in the world, as it provides civilian transport and military equipment with the necessary energy resource. After the invasion of the armed forces of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine and the destruction resulted from shelling of a number of oil and gas processing plants in the country, a difficult situation has developed that requires either an urgent restoration or creation of a new production of motor fuel on the country’s own raw material base. The aim of the study is to determine the current status of the raw-materials potential for the production of motor fuel in Ukraine and its regions. To achieve this goal the authors have: considered the combustible minerals of the country; analyzed the distribution of reserves and production of natural gas, oil, coal, and peat; examined the structure of distribution of their balance extractive reserves by regions of Ukraine, and the dynamics of production; computed the total energy potential of combustible minerals of Ukraine; identified sources of renewable resources that can be used for energy production; determined that the first-generation liquid biofuels include bioethanol and biodiesel; calculated the current technical potential of bioethanol production from corn and rapeseed by regions of Ukraine; identified the leading regions in terms of the potential for the production of liquid biofuels in Ukraine; formed the structure of energy potential by types of combustible minerals and biofuels in the country; determined the total energy potential of combustible minerals of Ukraine and formed the structure of the total energy potential of combustible minerals and biofuels in the regions of the country. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matiichuk L. P. Stabilization of Transformation Processes in the Energy Security Measurement System of Ukraine (p. 127 - 134)
Radical transformations of the Ukrainian energy system also caused changes in energy policy. However, the interpreted provisions did not provide for extraordinary differences regarding the modification of energy measures in terms of individual regions. These actions subsequently caused the institutional transformation of fuel, gas, and electric power measures on the way to economic liberalization. Energy policy combines legal, organizational, financial and economic regulation in the country's national policy context. Implementation of innovative technological improvements in the FEC allows for: modernization of the energy system; improvement of infrastructure; integrating advanced foreign practices into one's own system; application of innovations following the EU legislation; introduction of hydrogen technologies and the transition to clean energy. Creation of reserves to avoid the shortage of energy resources: formation of the legislation of Ukraine regarding the reservation of oil and gas storages; creation of an Eastern European gas and oil center (hub) in Ukraine; formation of a system of increasing price competition on European markets through reservation. Assimilation of experience and formation of established norms of behavior on energy saving includes: improvement of normative and legal aspects of the regulation of economic activity by business entities; technical improvement of production processes; application of systematic monitoring and energy audit; achieving the effect of scale during the production and consumption of energy resources. The energy efficiency of the use of resources in view of their diversity and the use of FEC allows for: reliability and continuity of energy supply; pricing; normative and legal instruments of regulation; projects related to the implementation of efficient energy use; measures to preserve the environment. Diversification in the application of RES in energy segments provides for: diversifying the ties with the countries of the energy society; resuming the cooperation with Poland through the ?winouj?cie LNG terminal in the context of gas and energy; activating the transit of energy resources through Slovakia, Moldova, and Romania. The function of the energy system following EU legislation and modern global challenges consists in: implementation of the priorities of the Green Deal; transition to clean energy; application of hydrogen energy; establishing the infrastructure for the use of RES. Article is written in English
Shchurov I. V. Formation of Business Models of the Energy Sector of the Economy on the Basis of Neotechnological Reproduction (p. 74 - 82)
The purpose of the article is the formation of business models of the energy sector of the economy on the basis of neotechnological reproduction. According to the results of the carried out study, we can state that, despite the fact that Ukraine has a strong fuel and energy potential, it lags behind the most economically developed countries in the technological, information, and digital provision. The old model of industrialization, based on the circulation of an increasing number of natural, material and labor resources, must now be changed to meet the requirements of neotechnological reproduction. The article, based on the results of the carried out analysis, defines that the pace of transition to efficient energy use does not keep with the goals declared by international politics. Energy conservation, bioenergy, carbon capture and storage are prime examples of areas where there is significant potential for technological development, still it is unlikely to be realized unless decisive policy actions will lead to the necessary investments. Some significant progress in the development and implementation of new technologies was achieved only where the policy clearly demonstrated the value of technical innovation. The recovery of the national economy is happening at a faster pace than previously expected, though still maintaining some imbalance of supply and demand in the energy market, which, in turn, influences the stability of energy carriers prices. In the future, energy will face many more shocks and periods of turbulence. Therefore, the government faces the difficult task of developing an individual, comprehensive and balanced approach to the development of a national strategy for the development and formation of energy security. The basis of this process will be the desire to ensure national energy security, that is, taking into account both environmental and economic aspects through proper diversification of energy supply sources. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nesterchuk O. S., Hrechko A. V. The Problems and Prospects of Attracting Investment Resources in the Machine-Building Industry in the Conditions of Martial Law (p. 142 - 148)
The article is aimed at studying the state of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises and the peculiarities of the infusion of investment resources into their activities, also identifying problems and prospects for attracting investment resources to the industry during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Based on the analysis, systematization and generalization of the works of many domestic researchers and data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the dynamics of attracting capital and foreign direct investment in Ukrainian machine-building enterprises in the period 2014–2022 was considered. As result of the study, the machine-building sectors with the greatest investment attractiveness are identified and the expediency of infusion of investment resources exclusively into them was substantiated. The main tendencies and problems of investment support for innovative development of the machine-building sector of the domestic economy are identified and characterized. It is substantiated that as a result of the aggravation of the military conflict, part of the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine has suffered significant damage, so there is an urgent need for investment resources. A general analysis of the needs of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises in investment resources was carried out and specific amounts of necessary financing were distinguished. The machine-building enterprises of Ukraine, which occupy priority positions in the industry and require the largest amount of investment resources, are allocated. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of strategies and projects directed towards attracting foreign investment resources to the field of domestic engineering – both during the war and after its end – since the active provision of investment resources will transform the Ukrainian machine-building industry into a more innovative one, thereby contributing to the improvement of the state of the national economy of Ukraine in general. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Shpilevskiy V. V. World Market of Synthetic Liquid Fuels: The Features and Development Prospects (p. 164 - 172)
The production of and trade with synthetic liquid fuels (SLF) is an integral part of the global market. The issues of energy security and energy independence have especially acutely raised before the countries of the world in the light of today’s conditions. They are especially important for Ukraine, which has suffered enormous damage as a result of full-scale military aggression of the russian federation. Positive experience in the development of SLF production in the countries of the world and global trends prove the relevance of further study of this problem in order to identify opportunities and ways to meet domestic needs for liquid fuels on this basis. The purpose of the presented research is to determine the features and prospects for the development of the global SLF market. The article analyzes the raw materials-based and regional features of the development of the SLF market, as well as the main technologies of its production and the main manufacturers. It is determined that the development of world production of SLF today takes place in two different (alternative) directions, which are determined not only by the use of different resource bases, but also by production goals, i. e.: the production of SLF based on the use of GTL technologies in order to expand the commodity (including the export) nomenclature of hydrocarbons produced in the country; production of SLF based on the use of СTL technologies to cover the shortage of liquid hydrocarbons in the country. It is proved that the growth factors of the SLF market, including: the unstable situation in the crude oil market; political uncertainty in the world and dependence on oil supplier countries, which does not ensure the energy security of consumer countries; the environmental friendliness of the SLF and the desire of governments to achieve the zero emissions target by 2050, etc., suggest an even stronger growth in the synthetic fuel market than predicted, since the issues of energy security and energy independence in the context of the military aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine have come to the fore in many countries of the world, which will intensify the acquisition of other sources of fuel production in particular. Article is written in Ukrainian
Danyliuk M. O., Barabaliuk R. S., Kovalskyi T. A. Modern Contradictions in the Domestic Electric Power Industry (p. 130 - 136)
The article is concerned with studying the current state of the domestic electric power industry and the existing and potential contradictions between stakeholders in the process of its restoration and modernization. Based on the studies of world experience, possible changes are indicated, namely: recovery of the energy system on the basis of decentralization; development of mini-power plants; creation of an energy storage system at existing hydroelectric power plants; development of hybrid projects in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) and the introduction of other generating capacities of «green» energy. The need to amend the Draft Concept of the «green» transition of Ukraine until 2050 to increase the share of electric energy from the nuclear energy sector is substantiated. It is noted that the domestic energy sector will undergo significant changes in the coming decade, but positive changes are possible only with the interaction and beneficial cooperation of all business structures, as well as with the support of their activities by individual territorial communities and public organizations. Attention is focused on a significant number of stakeholders in the electric energy market, some of which have counter interests, which will cause conflicts and contradictions. The article also points out that one of the important ones is the contradiction between the need for a radical energy transition to new technologies and the interests of current raw materials and energy monopolies to maintain the status of traditional energy for as long as possible. As a result of the study, it is determined that the current sector of the domestic electric power industry is characterized by a significant number and versatility of contradictions, which are proposed to be classified on the basis of «sphere of manifestation» into the following: economic; social; market-based, and technological. It is proposed to consider the processes of detection and identification of contradictions as an important prerequisite for a solid foundation in order to ensure a stable, consistent and innovative development of the electric power industry sector of the national economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kotliarov Y. I. Specifics of Economic Relations in the Thermal Power Industry of Ukraine (p. 157 - 170)
The main directions of Ukraine’s development in the medium term are the recovery and development of the country after the russian armed aggression, as well as the reform of the mechanisms for managing and regulating the economy in general and the thermal power industry in particular in accordance with the criteria set for accession to the EU. The aim of the study is to identify and generalize the specific features of economic relations in the thermal power industry of Ukraine. The article proposes a classification of factors that can be used to characterize the heat supply system of a particular settlement; the Ukrainian legislation regulating relations in the field of heat supply is studied; the prerequisites for reforming the heat supply sector in the direction of creating regional thermal energy markets are determined. The features of the organization of heat supply in the regions and settlements of Ukraine by types of energy carriers and the structure of thermal energy production are studied (steam or hot-water boilers, combined heat and power district heating, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants). The structure of thermal energy production in some large cities of Ukraine is analyzed. It is determined that an important feature of activity in the field of thermal supply is the centralization of capacities. An analysis of thermal supply systems in large cities of Ukraine has been carried out and it has been proved that the simultaneous use of both large generating capacities and small autonomous boiler houses is typical. Based on the study of existing projects of new buildings from the Database of Energy Certificates of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, it is proved that in recent years, in the design and construction of new residential buildings, there has been a tendency to abandon district heating. The features and priority of the use of various heating schemes in residential new buildings of the country are determined. The ownership structure of economic entities in the sphere of district heating of communal energy in Ukraine is analyzed. The number of unprofitable and profitable enterprises of thermal power engineering is studied in the context of forms of ownership. The features of economic relations in the thermal power industry of Ukraine are generalized, which generally characterize the specifics of the organization and functioning of this sphere and constitute the basis for its further reform and post-war development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Andreiev O. V., Duginets G. V. Contract Manufacturing as a Factor in Enforcing Post-War Recovery Processes in the Economics of Ukraine (p. 191 - 196)
The recovery of Ukraine, on the one hand, must take place very quickly, on the other hand, after the end of the war, Ukraine will face not only the problems of restoring industry and infrastructure, but also the demographic crisis, the loss of markets and logistical advantages, which will require building new ties and entering new markets. At this, a localized and certified production of medical products as part of the overall recovery process can contribute to solving the indicated problems. The purpose of the study is to identify the possibility of applying the advantages of contract manufacturing in the medical industry as a component of the process of recovering the industrial potential of Ukraine, taking into account the main world trends in this direction and development programs of countries that can become new trading partners of Ukraine. The study is based on a combination of methods of scientific knowledge with general scientific and special methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical quantitative and qualitative comparison and analogies. The experience of post-war industrial recovery in other countries of the world is identified in order to allocate the key factors that contributed to the successful restoration of production capacities. The development of contract manufacturing as one of the potential instruments for the recovery of industrial production in Ukraine after the ceasure of hostilities is considered. The current state of the sphere of contract manufacturing in the world market, in particular in the context of the European region and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, is studied. The key trends and prospects for the development of this industry are defined, as well as its significance for the resumption of industrial production in Ukraine after the end of the war, in particular in the medical field, is substantiated. The importance and expediency of using the advantages of contract manufacturing as an effective instrument for the implementation of strategies for the recovery and development of the national industrial sector of Ukraine are substantiated. Recommendations are outlined and approaches to the introduction of contract manufacturing in the medical industry are elaborated, which will assist to improving the health of the population and stabilizing the country’s economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tur O. V. Development of the Processing Industry of Ukraine as a Direction of Restructuring the National Economy (p. 202 - 208)
The aim of the article is to generalize the problematic aspects of the functioning of the processing industry of Ukraine. An analysis of theoretical approaches to the positioning of the processing industry as a factor of value creation for industrial products, which, through export, ensures the emergence of added value of other types of economic activity in foreign markets, is carried out. It is noted that against the background of in-depth processing of raw materials, the added value of finished products is growing at a significant pace and ensures an increase in gross domestic product and, accordingly, the development of the national economy. The properties of the processing industry are generalized, which consist in the production of orders for certain types of services, in particular research, information, educational, financial, etc., that ensures the development of innovations for the formation of new sectors of the economy. It is concluded that structural changes in the processing industry generate a transformation of the country’s economic system. Emphasis is placed on deindustrialization as a process of reducing the proportion of industrial activities in the structure of the economy and the share of processing industry in the structure of the country’s industrial sector, which has two forms. The first one is a decrease in the volume of industrial production, the second one is a slowdown in the growth rate of industry compared to other types of economic activity. It is noted that Ukraine is characterized by the first form of deindustrialization, characterized by such main problematic aspects as deterioration of the structure of the economy and negative shifts in the commodity structure of exports. The deterioration of the structure of the economy is determined by the inability to produce products with a high share of value added, which is accompanied by a significant decrease in the share of the processing industry in the structure of gross value added of the national economy, as well as a decrease in the level of manufacturability of industrial products. Negative shifts in the commodity structure of exports are reflected in the rapid decline in the volume of exported manufacturing products against the background of an increase in exports of raw materials. Prospects for further research in this direction are the formation of effective means for the revival of the country’s processing industry, in particular on the basis of the concept of the Novel Industrial Development of Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Salashenko T. I., Kostenko D. M., Khaustov M. M. The Fuel Security of Ukraine: Challenges and Ways to Overcome (p. 209 - 217)
Guaranteeing fuel security is an integral part of the problem of ensuring the national security of each country, on which its socioeconomic stability and defense capability depend. Over the past 20 years, Ukraine has not paid much attention to strengthening fuel security, gradually losing its own oil refining complex. The article presents a methodical approach to assessing fuel security by components of the product balance of crude hydrocarbons and motor fuels of Ukraine and highlights how it changed in 2000–2021. This approach is based on 14 local indicators and allows identifying the fuel security challenges both by component and in general. It is found that the lack of government attention to fuel security issues led to the fact that initially part of the oil refining complex of Ukraine went into russian ownership, was extensively exploited, and products were exported even under conditions of import dependence of the domestic market of motor fuels. The absence of a balanced investment policy has made Ukrainian motor fuels uncompetitive and led to the closure of most of the industry’s enterprises. Consequently, the overall level of fuel security decreased from 61% in 2001 to 36% in 2020. The destruction of the last oil refining capacities as result of russian armed aggression turned Ukraine into a country with a zero resource cycle of motor fuel and reduced the level of fuel security to almost 0. Among the ways of strengthening Ukraine’s fuel security in the post-war period are considered both the conventional ones: through maximizing its own oil production and importing crude hydrocarbons from world markets, and the non-conventional ones, e. g.: developing a resource cycle of synthetic motor fuel based on coal raw materials. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Shpilevskiy V. V. Conceptual Modeling of the Development of Synthetic Liquid Fuel Production in Ukraine (p. 181 - 190)
The article is devoted to conceptual modeling of the development of synthetic liquid fuel production in Ukraine. Conceptual models of development, as well as its scientific, analytical, institutional and organizational support are substantiated. A system of principles and tasks of modeling under the conditions of implementation of certain scenarios has been developed, the basis of which is the political and economic position of the country, which corresponds to: the wartime and post-wartime states, the period of recovery and stabilization of the economy. The factors and results of the development of the national production of synthetic liquid motor fuel (SLMF), system relationships between the elements of the models are determined. In general, the modeling complex is an integral system of conceptual provisions for the use of available resources, the creation of production, the organization and control of the results of investment and economic activity. The article carries out several simulations, completing them by a parametric model of development of production of synthetic liquid motor fuel, which, on the basis of data on the formed scenarios, made it possible to prove that the development of the production of SLMF in Ukraine can ensure a reduction in the country’s external oil dependence from 12 to 17%. Article is written in Ukrainian
Donets D. M., Suruzhiu I. S., Pryima P. B. Analyzing the Challenges and Threats to the Petroleum Products Market in the Context of National Security (p. 235 - 240)
In this work, based on the analysis of sources of information that are in the public domain, the major threats and challenges to the petroleum products market in the context of national security are identified. The concept of national security, its connection with other types of security and the place of the market of petroleum products in these relations are considered. A model of relations between the petroleum products market in the circle of national security has been built. For the petroleum products market of Ukraine, an analysis of factors that are threats and challenges both common to all countries and specific to Ukraine is carried out. The study identifies the main threats to the petroleum products market in Ukraine, including: the possibility of losing supplies due to the lack of medium-term and long-term contracts; intersection of interests of exporting and importing countries, which is reflected in their use of specific means of solving problems; blockade of ports, destruction of existing petroleum depots; the difficulty of creating a stock of petroleum products due to the vulnerability of warehouses or petroleum depots; problems with own production of petroleum products due to the destruction or damage of existing facilities for production of petroleum products and the vulnerability of places of extraction of raw materials for petroleum products; almost complete dependence on imports; political pressure on the petroleum products market both from exporting countries and domestic political pressure. The challenges to the market include the growth of the logistics leverage, the change in the preferences of buyers from gasoline in favor of diesel fuel and the rupture of previous logistic chains with the need to create new, as well as unplanned changes in transportation due to changes in the situation at the State borders. There is also a growing demand for the use of rail and sea transport for the supply of petroleum products to the markets of Ukraine. In this regard, an additional challenge is to pursue a reasonable pricing policy in these conditions in order to prevent a sharp increase in prices in the petroleum products market. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kotliarov Y. I., Shulha I. V., Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y. A Feasibility Study of Different Methods of Gasification of Brown Coal for the Production of Synthetic Motor Fuel (p. 128 - 138)
The aim of the article is to assess the feasibility of organizing the production of synthesis gas from brown coal, the reserves of which in Ukraine are sufficient. As a raw material base, the article considers the coal of the Novo-Dmytrivske deposit, which is located on the territory of the Kharkiv region. The balance reserves of brown coal in categories A + B amount to 284.4 million tons and in category C1 – to 95.6 million tons, that is, a total of 380 million tons. The average technical analysis data for the deposit are as follows: moisture per working weight is 51.2%; ash content per dry weight is 19.4%; the total sulfur content is 2.45%. The elemental composition of the coal of this deposit is characterized by the following data: carbon – 68.0%, hydrogen – 6.0%, oxygen – 23.0%, sulfur, nitrogen and other elements – 3.0%. To achieve the goal, the properties of coal of this deposit have been examined and the following technologies of coal gasification have been analyzed: Lurgi process (counter-current steam-oxygen gasification of coarse coal (or briquettes) in a stationary bed); Prenflo process (direct-flow steam-oxygen gasification in a pulverized coal stream); Texaco process (direct-flow oxygen gasification in a coal-water pulp stream). For each of these processes, material balances have been developed; the quality of gas synthesis, the possibility of organizing the production of the necessary energy resources, the level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, and the main technical and economic indicators have been evaluated. The calculations were made for an enterprise with a coal capacity of 9 million tons of actual weight per year. Based on the calculations made, the Lurgi process is recommended for industrial implementation. The advantages of this process are: the lowest temperature and pressure of the gasification process; a wider range of products obtained during gasification; almost optimal syngas composition in terms of H2 : CO ratio; the lowest emissions of carbon dioxide generated during coal gasification and preparation of synthesis gas for further use; the lowest production cost of prepared synthesis gas; the lowest specific capital investments (per 1 thousand m3 of prepared synthesis gas). The inexpediency of using the Texaco process for the gasification of brown coal is substantiated, as well as the directions for improving the Prenflo process for its further use in the gasification of brown coal of the Novo-Dmytrivske deposit are determined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kotliarov Y. I., Salashenko T. I. Conceptual Aspects and Principles of Formation of Competitive Heat Energy Markets (p. 204 - 215)
Thermal energy should be considered as a commodity that has its own competitive market, where equilibrium is established in the plane of «supply and demand», so it is necessary to separate commercial (production and supply) and non-commercial (transmission and distribution) functions of heat supply, ensuring the development of fair competition between producers of heat energy and minimization of its costs for consumers. It is proposed to develop competition in the heat energy markets according to the single buyer model. Such a market will be managed by an independent system operator. It consists of a market operator – a single buyer who manages the trading platform, as well as performs the functions of an administrator of settlements between producers and consumers, and a transmission system operator who is responsible for the transmission, distribution and dispatching of heating networks. The peculiarity of heat energy markets is the impossibility of separating the wholesale and retail levels, so there is no need to allocate the supply function. Conceptual provisions for the formation of competitive heat energy markets are based on: 1) zonal delimitation with flow market relations; 2) centralized dispatching; 3) the embodiment of the market infrastructure by an independent system operator; 4) organized over-the-counter trading in the form of a price dialogue for small settlements without backbone networks and exchange trading in the form of heat auctions for medium and large settlements with backbone networks; 5) derivatives (annual), spot (monthly), and balancing segments of the market; 6) the uniform non-discriminatory pricing for consumers and declared pricing on the basis of benchmarking for producers; 7) annual baseload contracts, monthly peak load contracts, and balancing time contracts. The principles of formation of competitive heat energy markets are: transparency, openness, economic efficiency, fair access, competitiveness of producers, fair competition, price compromise, balance and reliability, decarbonization. The expected results of the opening of competition in the heat energy markets are: transparency of heat purchase and sale transactions; minimization of heat purchase prices by consumers; optimization of the utilization of heat-generating capacities of the heat and power system; promoting the development of highly efficient and low-carbon district heating. The latter is especially important from the point of view of restoring Ukraine's energy system after russian aggression, as priority should be given to independent heat producers who use renewable energy sources, have excess or waste thermal energy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Shpilevskiy V. V., Shpilevskyi O. V. Assessing the Compliance of Gasification Products with the Strategic Objectives of the Achievement of Circular Economy (p. 216 - 224)
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the choice and assessment of the feasibility of using non-traditional fuel and energy materials in the context of ensuring the development of a circular economy. The objective prerequisites, goals and initiatives for the development of the circular economy are considered. International agreements and plans define the achievement of climate neutrality, increase in resource efficiency and economic growth as strategic goals for the development of the circular economy, which are used in the article as criteria for assessing the compliance of gasification products with the requirements of the circular economy. A methodical approach to the selection of gasification products that meet the specified criteria has been proposed. Methods of measurement (calculation) of the impact of the product on the environment and resource efficiency of its production are substantiated. A selection of gasification products that meet the strategic requirements of the circular economy is carried out using the matrix method and a weighted assessment of a set of indicators. The main economic and еcological effects are determined, which are due to the development of gasification of solid fuel raw materials and need to be reflected in the practical substantiations of investment projects. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kotliarov Y. I., Salashenko T. I. Methodical Aspects of Pricing in the Heat Energy Markets under the Auction Approach (p. 115 - 128)
The development of competition in the heat energy markets with main heating networks is possible on the basis of the organization of unilateral heat auctions between heat producers. A prerequisite for opening competition in the heat energy markets is the separation of heat generation and heat networks, as well as the provision of regulated access to heat networks for independent producers. In terms of time segmentation, it is advisable to introduce: annual auctions, where basic heat needs are being contracted; monthly auctions – for peak needs, and daily auctions – for hourly imbalances. The article proposes organizational and technological regulations for conducting annual heat auctions, which should cover 80–90% of heat needs. Heat auctions should function according to the declared pricing method, where the producers who are the auction winners receive income for the contracted volumes of heat generation at a given price, while consumers pay a single weighted average price. Heat auctions operate under centralized dispatching, which provides for the coordination of physical and commercial heat energy flows, taking into account the technical specifics of heat networks. The article substantiates variants of economic and mathematical models of auction pricing in the heat energy market with different configurations of heat networks. As such a configuration, are considered heating networks with: 1) unlimited flow connections; 2) insulated heat producers; 3) system restrictions on throughput capacities within the heating area; 4) one-way and 5) two-way flows between adjacent heating areas. Establishment of a fair price for heat energy is reduced to solving the function of minimizing the weighted average price of heat energy for consumers under the following conditions: a) full satisfaction of consumer demand for thermal energy; b) technical capabilities of heat generation; c) connections and throughput capacities of heating networks within the heating area; d) directions of flows and capacity between adjacent heating areas. Each heat network represents a unique configuration of these conditions, therefore, the solution of the economic and mathematical problem of setting the auction price for heat energy will be different in each local heat market. Approbation of the proposed approach proves that with a large number of regulatory and systemic restrictions within the heating area, the price of thermal energy will increase, while bilateral flows of thermal energy between adjacent heating areas lead to a decrease in the price of thermal energy. The proposed methodological aspects of auction pricing for thermal energy should be introduced in large and medium-sized settlements with trunk networks, which will allow independent heat producers who work on renewable energy sources or have excess and waste heat to integrate into the market, contributing to the decarbonization of the city and the country as a whole. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sachenko A. O. Formation of the Conceptual Foundations of the Strategy of Neo-Industrialization of Industries (p. 128 - 137)
The aim of the article is to form the conceptual foundations of strategizing the development of industries under neo-industrialization with the application of the methodology for identifying strategic goals, objectives and measures and taking into account the system of factors and conditions of the institutional, organizational, and economic environment. The article confirms that the criteria for achieving the targets of neo-industrialization are deep structural changes and institutional reforms in the industrial sector of the economy. The sequence of formation along with the tasks of the strategy of neo-industrialization are allocated. The methodology for identifying the strategic goals, objectives and measures of the strategy of neo-industrialization of various industries is outlined. When analyzing the researchers’ works, it is found that the structure of the neo-industrialization strategy is predominantly standardized and includes such elements as the aim and initial conditions, problems and obstacles, objectives and strategic goals, principles, measures and mechanisms of implementation, organizational, financial and resource support, expected results, methodological support for monitoring and control, as well as the final part. The system of factors, conditions of the institutional and organizational-economic environment of the strategy of neo-industrialization of industries is specified. It is determined that during the formation of an aggregate of institutional, organizational, economic, socio-psychological and other mechanisms and the selection of instruments for implementing the strategy of neo-industrialization, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach, focused not so much on a certain functional and structural specialization as on achieving the aim and strategic goals of policy in this area. Such goals are: the formation and growth of new strategically progressive industries and of the real sector of the economy as a whole on the basis of high-tech industries, nano- and biotechnologies, new energy resources, automation and digitalization of business processes, the implementation of robotics in production and economic processes (the spread of smart industries). Article is written in Ukrainian
Budarin O. S. Problems of Import Substitution and Their Solution at Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 208 - 216)
The article presents the results of a study of the problem of import substitution at two levels of management, namely: macro- and micro-level. The aim of the article is to substantiate the scientific, methodical and practical aspects of import substitution in the current conditions of enterprise activity. On the basis of the analysis of the works of well-known experts on the problems of export-import activity, it is proposed to consider import substitution as a process of ensuring the efficiency of activity by: production of own competitive products with high added value; replacement of imported raw materials, materials and components with domestic ones that have a lower cost; diversification of production of quality products of lower value, which replaces imported products in the domestic market. Such a definition specifies the ways of import substitution in the conditions of a real enterprise. The problems and prospects of implementation of the import substitution strategy in the machine-building industry are considered. An analysis of the implementation of the import substitution strategy at the enterprise of JSC «Ukrainian Energy Machines» has been carried out. Some aspects of methodological support for determining import substitution at enterprise have been proposed. A multifactorial regression model of dependence of profitability of enterprise activity on the volume of exported products and volumes of imported raw materials, materials and components has been developed. On the basis of the SWOT analysis, effective ways to implement the import substitution strategy at the enterprise to improve the efficiency of its activities have been identified. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kotliarov Y. I., Shulha I. V. Analyzing the Directions of Transformation of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine (p. 217 - 225)
The aim of the article is to select and substantiate the technology of blast-furnace (coke-free) steel production, which can be used in Ukraine, taking into account the existing raw material base, the provision of the necessary energy resources and other specific conditions of the country. Technologies of direct reduction of iron (coke-free metallurgy), which are of industrial importance, are based on the interaction of iron ore (in the form of pellets) with synthesis gas (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide). In this case, hydrogen is used as an iron reducing agent, and carbon monoxide is burned with the release of heat necessary for the chemical reaction to take place. Synthesis gas on an industrial scale is produced either by steam catalytic conversion of natural gas or by coal gasification. Production of synthesis gas from natural gas can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to coke oven metallurgy (from 1.4–1.7 to 0.328 tons of carbon dioxide per 1 ton of iron). Yet, in the current conditions of Ukraine, this technology cannot be used due to the shortage of natural gas and high prices for it. Direct reduction of iron by synthesis gas obtained from coal in Ukrainian conditions has great prospects due to the presence of large reserves and developed coal mining of those grades of coal that are most suitable for gasification. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with this technology can be achieved if synthesis gas with a hydrogen content of more than 67% is obtained at the gasification stage. The article also discusses the prospects of hydrogen metallurgy, in which only hydrogen obtained by electrolysis of water is used as a reducing agent and a source of heat necessary for the reaction. Under the current conditions of Ukraine, the only source of electricity for electrolysis can be considered a specially built solar power plant. It is calculated that a power plant with a capacity of more than 100 MW is required to produce 1 million tons of direct reduced iron. The possibility of constructing a complex for the production of direct reduced iron using only hydrogen requires further research. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shulha I. V., Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kotliarov Y. I. The Methodical Approach to Substantiation of the Method of Coal Gasification for the Production of Synthetic Motor Fuels (p. 254 - 264)
The aim of the article is to substantiate the most suitable method of gasification of Ukrainian hard coal for further production of synthetic motor fuel. For this substantiation, a methodical approach has been developed, the use of which has allowed to obtain the following results. As a raw material base, the article recommends long-flame coal of the Western Donbass, located on the territory of the Dnepropetrovsk region, where powerful enterprises for the extraction and enrichment of coal operate. The most common methods of coal gasification in the world are analyzed: Lurgi (counter-current steam-oxygen gasification of large-lump coal (or briquettes) in a stationary bed), Siemens (direct-flow steam-oxygen gasification in the pulverized coal stream), Texaco (direct-flow oxygen gasification in the flow of coal-water pulp). For each of these methods, material balances have been developed; the composition and quality of the generated gas, the possibilities of organizing the production of the necessary energy resources, the level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and wastewater discharge have been evaluated. A methodology for calculating the composition of generator gas is proposed, which takes into account the composition of the blast (content of oxygen, water vapor or water). All calculations were performed for an enterprise with a coal capacity of 550 thousand tons of working weight per year. Based on the calculations and comparison of their results, the Texaco method is recommended for industrial implementation. The advantages of this method are as follows: the absence of a stage of steam production for gasification, the scarcity of the water cycle, which practically excludes the formation of wastewater, and the possibility of using contaminated water from other sources for gasification; the highest total content of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the resulting synthesis gas; the maximum assimilated capacity of production reactors and the largest number of capacities created in the world using this technology; utilization of the heat of the resulting gas to obtain a large amount of electric and thermal energy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Budanov M. P. System-Cluster Approach to Ensuring the Management of Energy Security of Enterprises in the Conditions of Entropy of the External Environment (p. 209 - 217)
The relevance of maintaining energy security at a high level is relevant both for the country as a whole at the macro level and for territorial entities of various types in the regions at the meso-level. Particularly acute are the problems associated with the disruption of previously established production relations, non-payments for the supplied energy resources, social and environmental tensions, etc. Under these conditions, great importance is attached to the issues of energy security of enterprises that determine energy security at the macro and meso levels of the economy. The complex structure of electric power systems (ЕPS) necessitates the development of adequate methods for determining their states, so that the measures formed taking into account the analysis carried out have the most optimal effect on changing the situation in a positive direction. The features of the system-cluster approach to ensuring the management of energy security of enterprises on the basis of the formation of energy clusters of the electric power system at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of the economy are studied. The content of the concept of «energy cluster» is presented in the aspect of studying the problem of ensuring the management of energy security of enterprises of electric power systems at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of the economy. The prerequisites for the formation of energy clusters are analyzed and the main theoretical approaches to cluster development, reflecting its multiaspectuality, are allocated. The system-cluster approach is considered as a set of measures capable of improving energy security by taking into account the territorial and sectoral relations of enterprises of the electric power system at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of the economy. Various approaches to the application of system-cluster technologies to ensure the management of energy security of enterprises of electric power systems at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of the economy are shown and a multi-level system-cluster approach is proposed. The theoretical and applied principles of constructing the configuration of management of the electric power system of the economy as a fractal-cluster object of energy security of enterprises in the conditions of entropy of the external environment on the basis of the system-cluster approach are formed. Scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of «system-cluster approach to ensure energy security management» are analyzed, as well as the author’s own interpretation of the concept of «energy cluster ensuring energy security management of enterprise» is provided. Article is written in Ukrainian