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Regional Economy


Bozhko E. A.
Formation of Organisational and Economic Principles of Analysis of Regional Real Estate Markets (p. 36 - 38)

The basic principles of interpretation of data flows in the market of real estate have been studied in the article and the scheme of organisational and economic mecha-nism of the study of regional real estate markets has been formed which is the important component in improvement of theoretical and methodological mechanism of real estate management.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №2-2011, Vol.1

Afanasyev N. V., Salashenko T. I.
Regional Programs of Energy Supply and Energy Saving: the Base of Stable Development of Meso-Systems (p. 53 - 55)

The basic stages of development of regional strategies of energy saving were defined and the in-terconnections of these strategies with other programs of stable development of a region were studied by the authors in this article. The algorithm suggested by the authors allows to define the map of the most attractive for investments power efficient technologies for a region.

Article is written in Russian

Grinashchuk I. I.
Methodic Support of Forecasting of Development of Financial Potential of Administrative-Territorial Unit (p. 56 - 58)

The article substantiates the necessity of the use of adaptive models of forecasting of development of financial potential of administrative-territorial unit as the most adequate for this process. It has been proved that the use of the methods of forecasting is the motivational measure of acti-vation of processes of socio-economic development of the territory.

Article is written in Russian


Yagolnytskii O. A.
Method of Detection of Cluster Initiatives Areas (p. 12 - 16)

The article defines the problem of detection in cluster initiatives and their possible solutions. An method for detecting clusters using quantitative characteristics and qualitative methods for evaluating the regional economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vanina N.
Influence of Fuel and Energy Complex of Economic Security of Region (p. 17 - 19)

The real increase of the people's welfare in the region as well as the problems of energy-saving technologies introduction into various spheres of activity have been considered in the article. Complex solution of the tasks providing the real sector of the regional economy with installed power at its maximum rational use in the condition of swift and inadequately growing prices and tariffs on power resources has been offered.

Article is written in Russian

Moschytska T.
Theoretical Approach to Definition of the Role and Place of Regional Territorial Subsystems in the System of National Economy (p. 20 - 22)

In the article essence and basic conformities to law of functioning of the system of national economy are exposed and a role and place of regional territorial subsystems are reasonable in its structure.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №5-2011, Vol.1

Klebanova T. S., Trunova T. N., Smirnova A. Y.
Algorithm of Assessment and Analysis of Disproportions of the Levels of Social and Economic Development of the Regions (p. 34 - 38)

The article suggests the algorithm of assessment and analysis of disproportions of the levels of social and economic development of the regions that allows bringing about its normalization, making the analysis of existing disproportions and grouping the regions according to the levels of social and economic development as well.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mezhenskaya V. V., Kholodzyan O. S.
Model of the Process of Formation of the Balance of Local Budgets of Ukraine (p. 38 - 41)

The article presents the formalization of the process of formation of the balance of local budgets with the use of methodology of structural analysis and designing of IDEF0, considers the mechanism of formation of funds of local budgets which includes detailed description and analysis of activity directed at formation of receipts and expenditures of local budgets.

Article is written in Russian

Nikiforova O. V., Chagovets L. O.
Assessment of Heterogeneity of Development of the System of Regional Markets of Labor of Ukraine (p. 41 - 44)

The article makes the assessment of heterogeneity of regional development of markets of labor. It makes the breakdown of regional markets of labour into two clusters with the help of procedures of cluster analysis and studies the dynamics and characteristics of assigned clusters.

Article is written in Russian

Rayevnyeva O. V., Bobkova A. Y.
Models of Space Dependence in Analysis of Convergence Processes of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 45 - 48)

The article is dedicated to the problems of study of space dependencies in development of the regions of Ukraine. It substantiates the expedience of using the model of conditional convergence as econometric instruments of diagnostics of convergence-divergence tendencies of regional development. It suggests assessing the presence of interregional space interconnections with the help of Moran test.

Article is written in Russian


Barkov Y. I.
The formation of regional economic policy of free economic zones (p. 26 - 31)

The article deals with the formation of regional economic policy of free economic zones on the basis of the general theory of regional economics.

Article is written in Russian

Chagovets L. O., Nikiforova O. V.
Assessment of Differentiation of Socio-Economic Activity of Regional Zones (p. 31 - 34)

The article considers the problems of assessment of differentiation and disproportion of activity of regional zones and makes the analysis of inequality and heterogeneity of socio-economic development of the regions of Russian Federation.

Article is written in Russian

Dymchenko O. V.
Complex Approach to Solution of Problems of Definition of Values of Financial Aid to Local Budgets (p. 34 - 36)

The article gives the methodology of calculation of subsidies to local budgets which takes into account the level of provision of population of the territory with the services in the spheres of education, healthcare, housing and communal services etc., that allows to create the same standard for the population of the regions of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.1

Amosov O. Y., Karachentseva E. A.
Market of Labor in a Region: Tendencies and Perspectives of Development (p. 51 - 53)

Stages of analysis of the situation at the regional office market power of the eyes, provided the influence of the crisis factors. The analysis of the state of the labor market in Kharkiv region in 2008 - 2009 years. The tendencies in the labor market in Kharkiv region, which makes it possible to determine the prospects for its development of the script.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova R. N.
The Use of SWOT-Analysis in Formation of the Strategy of Development of Regions in Bulgaria (p. 53 - 56)

This article examines the SWOT analysis method, which makes possible the generation and grounding of ideas in the implementation of the policy of development of the particular regions in the country. The method can find wide application in settling issues and making strategic decisions on the social and economic development of the regions in the country, competitiveness of business and the increase of population`s life standard.

Article is written in Russian

Rayevnyeva O. V., Bobkova A. Y.
Diagnostics of Inequality in Revenue of Regional Budgets of Ukraine (p. 56 - 58)

The article analyzes the trends in differentiation of regional budgets in terms of tax burden based on two groups of inequality indicators: ? and ?-convergence.

Article is written in Russian

Aksonova I. V., Sierova I. A.
Determination of Competitiveness of the Region and the System of Indicators of Its Assessment  (p. 59 - 61)

The article deals with the concept of sustainable development in the region summarized the concept of regional competitiveness, the system of statistical indicators to measure the competitiveness of the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bielikova N. V., Volyk I. М.
Factors of Actualization of the Range of Problems of Formation of Regional Policy in Conditions of Recovery from Recession of the Economy of Ukraine (p. 62 - 64)

In the article considered basic problems of forming of regional policy are taking into account the modern state of the economic system of Ukraine, and also the distinguished basic factors that influence on efficiency of it forming.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.2

Abramova I. O., Gerasymchuk Z. V.
Theoretical Study of Factors which Cause the Crisis of Socio-Economic Development of the Region  (p. 61 - 63)

The article reviews approaches to the classification of the factors causing a crisis of socio-economic development of the region included deficiencies of such classifications based on the analysis and proposed his own classification of the factors causing the crisis of social and economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krivorotov V. V., Kalina A. V., Savelieva A. I.
Forecasting of Indicators of Development of Energy Sector of a Region (p. 63 - 66)

The high relevance of the problem of forecasting performance of energy in the region in addressing the socio-economic development is shown. a methodical approach to forecasting electricity consumption in the region based on economic and statistical modeling is presented. On the example of the Sverdlovsk region scenarios of socio-economic development of the territory are developed and ??the forecast electricity demand in the context of the developed scenarios is made.

Article is written in Russian

Shevchenko O. V.
Depression of regions in Ukraine and possibilities of its overcoming (p. 66 - 68)

Irregularity of social and economic status of Ukrainian regions caused both subjective (economic activity) and objective (resource potential) factors and multiplied the structural crisis conditioning regional depression. Depression must be eliminated or at least, weakened, and due to this it is necessary to work out the general strategy of State and development programs for particular region.

Article is written in English

Bashta A. I.
Economic Analysis of Modern Energy Balance of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (p. 68 - 72)

The article considers the basic components of the energy balance of AR Crimea in energy and economic variants, gives the directions of the use of potential sun energy, makes economic analysis of space distribution of the volume of consumption and generation of energy.

Article is written in Russian

Veschipan O. A.
Assessment of Socio-Economic Development of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 73 - 75)

This article concerns the comparative assessment of the level of socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine. The classification of regions by cluster analysis is carried out.

Article is written in Russian

Gromyka N. K.
Simulation model of adjusting of development of region (p. 75 - 79)

The problem of design of regional raz-vitiya is examined in the article. The existent going is analysed near the construction of models of socio-economic development of region. It is well-proven that most perspek-tivnym for the decision of this problem there is an imitation design. The existent simulation models of regional development are considered and directions of their improvement are offered. Taking into account these suggestions the simulation model of development of region, allowing to study and estimate, is developed

Article is written in Russian

Snigova O. Y.
Approaches to Identification of Old Industrial Regions in Foreign Scientific Literature (p. 79 - 81)

In the article the basic approaches of the foreign scientists-researchers of problems old industrial areas to definition of a category „old industrial areas” are considered. The basic characteristics old industrial of areas determined by the foreign scientists on the basis of empirical researches are established.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Boichenko V. S.
Regional Innovation Development: Essence, Subjects, Objectives and Priorities (p. 23 - 26)

The article identify and analyze such concepts as: «development», «innovation», «region», «regional development», «innovative development». The essence, subjects, goals and priorities of regional innovation development were identified. The author’s vision of all the concepts above were defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naumenko M. O.
Claster strategy of the regional development (p. 26 - 30)

The article is devoted to formation of strategic management system for region that is appropriate to conditions of society development and new status of region as social and economic system. The element of the conceptual device of the theory of regional economy is specified. The comparative analysis of regional management methods is carried out.

Article is written in Russian

Karachentseva E. A.
Condition of the Market of Labor in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 31 - 36)

The conditions for the allocation of general trends in the labor market in a regional context. Isolated components of the labor market. The necessity of making a discrete taxonomic analysis and the definition of current trends in the labor market regions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian

Kozhanova Y. P., Sierikova T. M.
Basic Directions of Improvement of Region Development Management (p. 36 - 38)

The article is devoted to improving the economic policy regulation of regional development and the mechanism for its implementation, given the current state of Ukrainian economy.

Article is written in Russian


Khalilov A. E.
Business activity of region as factor of development (p. 67 - 70)

In this article is discussinh a competitiveness through three level control system. Structural approach is examined at extensive and intensive development of region in the system of national economy. Innovations are grounded through expansion of the economic system.

Article is written in Russian


Galuschak I. Y.
Formation of Strategic Objectives of Economic Development of a Region (p. 21 - 24)

In the given article essence descriptions and functions of region are analyzed as systems, organizations, subject of forming of strategic aims and development with the selection of current and strategic modes of his functioning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Solyar V. V.
Modern Methods of Determining the Status and Development of Infrastructure on the Region (p. 24 - 27)

On the basis of the analysis of existing approaches to the assessment of the condition of objects of social infrastructure the author of the article suggests the use of an integrated approach. This approach involves the assessment of status, scale, dynamics and the availability of the services of the infrastructure with the account of the territorial-sectoral and functional factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fokina N. A.
Identification and Analysis of Threats to Economic Security in the Region (p. 27 - 30)

The problems of loss of natural resources and their impact on the economic security of the Crimea. The question about the need to establish a system for natural resources in the region and their ecological and economic indicators.

Article is written in Russian


Gerasymchuk Z. V., Bilyk O. S.
Strategic directions of increase to the competitiveness of regions of Ukraine taking into account ecological components (p. 90 - 91)

In the article strategic directions of increase to competitiveness of regions of Ukraine taking into account ecological components and basic strategies of providing of competitiveness of region are offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherchik L. M., Kolenda N. V.
Features of forming the strategic potential of recreation system of region are on way of providing of its competitiveness (p. 92 - 93)

The features of forming the strategic potential of the recreation system of region are considered in the article. The detailed description of every stage of forming of strategic potential of the recreation system of region is given.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bril M. S.
Basic economic progress of east regions of Ukraine trends (p. 94 - 96)

Basic progress of industry of the Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov areas trends are analyzed in the article. A conclusion is done about the necessity of creation of interregional coordinating councils of development of complex strategies of socio-economic development of contiguous areas. An accent is put on the role of this advice in the context of providing of effective inter-branch and interregional connections.

Article is written in Russian

Mironenko N. A., Gizenko N. N.
«Subversive innovation» as a basis of increasing the competitiveness of the Dnipropetrovsk region economy (p. 96 - 98)

The article examines enterprises` current state of mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine. Discusses ways to improve the competitiveness of these business entities. The recommendations are given and the use of «subversive innovation» is analyzed in this sector of the economy.

Article is written in Russian

Rassikhina V. Y.
Management priorities regional development wool processing on the basis of innovation (p. 98 - 100)

In the article the principles, criteria and conditions for the effective management priorities of regional innovation development of processing wool is considered, the basic trends and technological innovation based economic development area of sheep is defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fedulova L. I.
Ukraine has an infrastructure of support of enterprise: regional aspect (p. 100 - 103)

In the articles the results of analysis and determination of tendencies of support of development of enterprise are exposed at regional level. It is developed suggestion in relation to the improvement of policy of complex support of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stefaniuk О. D.
Socio-economic development Crimea on the basis of clusters (p. 24 - 31)

In the article the analysis of socio-economic development is conducted ARE Crimea. An example of effectively functioning’s clusters is made on territory of our state. Features and prospects of cluster model of development of economy come to light on the basis of social – economic development of region.

Article is written in Russian


Sinitsa T. V., Osmirko I. V.
Policy of Regional Development of Ukraine: Reality and Prospects (p. 40 - 45)

The normatively legal base of adjusting of regional development of Ukraine is examined, the level of socio-economic development of re­gions is evaluated, the necessity of determination of priority approach­es to forming a public policy of regional development is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savkiv U. S.
Integral Estimates of Sustainable Development of the Region (p. 45 - 50)

In the article on the basis of the use of method of tacsonomy the indexes of sustainable development - economic, social and eco­logical are calculated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Piddubna L. I., Shestakova O. A.
Problems and trends in the development of export potential of Kharkiv region engineering enterprises (p. 51 - 55)

In this article the detailed analysis of causes and factors affecting the deterioration of competitive positions of engineering enterprises of Kharkiv region has been made. Ways of these enterprises export potential development and improvement of their competitiveness have been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khairova E. A.
The Criteria of Assessment of Innovation Ac­tivity of Economic Subjects of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Modern Economic Conditions (p. 55 - 58)

The article is dedicated to the consideration of the criteria of in­novation activity assessment of the subjects of economic activity. It gives the assessment of innovation activity and perceptibility, competitiveness of the AR of Crimea, provides the authoring of the system of indexes for calculation of innovation development and competitiveness of the region.

Article is written in Russian


Riazanova N. O.
Structural Ingredients of Export Potential of Region (p. 98 - 101)

The basic going is considered near determination of structural ingredients of export potential of region, the functions of realization of export potential of region are reasonable.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ryazantseva N. O., Voronova A. G.
Regional policy forming in the context of economic security (p. 103 - 106)

The current estimate of the existing condition and trends identification of the country’s regions are considered in article. The research of the regional policy major theoretical foundations are made, especially consider the need to ensure economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Uskov I. V.
Decentralization as basis of becoming financially of independent local authorities of power (p. 107 - 111)

In the article essence and role of budgetary decentralization are certain in the conditions of reformation of economy of Ukraine. Based on European experience, the mixed model of budgetary device of country, including both principles of budgetary federalism and principles of budgetary unitarism is worked out.

Article is written in Russian

Morozova N. L.
Organizational aspects of communication politics and her role are in development of enterprises of Kharkov region (p. 112 - 116)

Basic tasks and problems of communication politics of machine-building enterprises, and also possible ways of their decision, are considered. The necessity of reformation of structure of management and realization of communication politics of industrial enterprise is reasonable. Introduction is offered in the structure of management and realization of communication politics of enterprise of additional department.

Article is written in Russian


Grynevych L. V., Afanasiev A. V.
Problems of Formation of Economic Security of a Region (p. 95 - 97)

In this paper a study on this emerging economic security in the region. Presents the main threat to economic security in the region are highlighted in the general direction to solve the problem.

Article is written in Russian

Zhurakovska А. V., Poliakova O. Y.
Calculation of the Volumes of Shadow Sector in the Economy of a Region by the Reasons of Appearance (p. 97 - 99)

The article is devoted to evaluation of the shadow economy in the region. In this article was calculated the volume of the shadow economy in the Kharkov region by the types and causes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kvasniy L. G., Soltysik O. O.
Forecasting of the Region Development on the Basis of Spatial Class Models (p. 100 - 104)

Analysis of socio-economic situation in the region, using the method of SWOT-analysis identified the strengths and weaknesses, investigated the potential opportunities and threats in the context of internal and external conditions. Predicted the major socio-economic indicators of Drohobych district based on space-class models.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Milevska T. S.
Region Innovation Activity Estimation (p. 104 - 107)

In this paper presented the relevance of studies of innovative activity in the region. Also the standard methods for evaluating innovative potential and list of their shortcomings and future directions for improvement.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dubinina M. V.
Modern Trends in Institutional Social Services Rural Area (p. 97 - 99)

The analysis of social and institutional spheres of rural areas at regional level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhavoronkov V. A.
Social-Economic Development of Region: Institutional Aspect (p. 99 - 103)

The institutional aspects of social-economic development of region are considered where the special role is played by regional authorities and civil society institutions that serve as institutional basis for the formation of the social economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zinchenko Т. Y.
Features of the Use of the Landed Resources of Municipal Agglomeration (p. 103 - 106)

In the article the brought features over of the modern state of the use of the landed resources in the Odesa municipal agglomeration. Conducted analysis of the use of the landed resource of agglomeration in relation to distance from a city-center. Modern market of earth and investment attractiveness tendencies are certain in a municipal agglomeration.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chupryna O. O.
Research of the Market of Work in Frontier Regions as Factor of Labour Migration (p. 106 - 109)

The condition of the market of work in frontier regions as factor stimulating development of processes of migration is analysed. The complex of measures directed on development of the market of work in view of specificity of frontier territories is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Novikova M. M., Mazhnyk L. O.
The Systematic Approach Measurements to Socio-Economic Development of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 36 - 39)

In the article considers the measurement of socio-economic status of the regions of Ukraine on the stage of economic growth and the formation of a national system of territorial administration.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pursky O. I., Moroz I. O., Moiseyenko O. I.
Social and Economic Monitoring as the Factor of Stable and Balanced Development of Region (p. 39 - 41)

Mechanisms of functioning of monitoring system of social and economic devel-opment of region are considered. It is allocated four levels of social and economic monitoring of regional development. Functionally system of monitoring is divided into three interconnected blocks. The applied aspect of monitoring is connected with introduction of information system of current monitoring of indicators of social and economic development of region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semykina M. V., Pustovit M. V.
Socio-Economic Obstacles on the Way of Upgrading Labour-Resource Providing of Region (p. 42 - 47)

On the basis of analysis of the state of social-labour relations in Ukraine and, in particular, in the Kirovohrad area, contradiction in their development and dominant of social tension were determined, necessity of activation of social dialog for interests of upgrading labour-resource providing of region and economy growing was grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grynevych L. V., Zirko Y. V.
Definition of Regional Development of Sector Economy (p. 47 - 49)

The article analyzes the level of regional development in Ukraine in terms of GVA and GVA per capita in order to create a more effective mechanism for managing the economy of the state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gruzd M. V.
Approaches to Analysis and Evaluation of Integration Capacity Cross Border Region (p. 50 - 52)

The methodical approaches to analysis and evaluation of potential cross-border integration in the region. Examined in detail the components of the integration capabilities and color indices of integrated assessment, which are used to determine the level of integration of European regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dymchenko O. V., Dymchenko V. V.
Prospects for the Formation of Information Systems at the Regional Level (p. 53 - 55)

The definition of information, tasks of the information systems formation and search methods for evaluating of information resources at regional level is offered in the article. The most essential aspects of information – dispatching of technological process, GIS-technology application, the introduction of financial settlements centers, creating a unified information system are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boroh N. M.
Ways to Improve the Mechanism for the Replenishment of the Profitable Part of the Local Budget of Ukraine in a Crisis Economy (p. 55 - 56)

Considered the essence of local budgets and possible ways of increase of them is considered profitable part in a crisis period. Proposed options for increasing revenues in local budgets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kropivka A. Y.
Development of the Theory of Capital and the Regional Aspect (p. 57 - 59)

In this article the etymology of an economic category «the synthesized capital» is treated by force of the combining of social, human and intellectual capitals in the regional aspect.

Article is written in Russian


Kurkina M. P., Zotov V. V.
Human Potential as a Category of Social Management of the Region (p. 53 - 56)

Possibility of application of the term «human potential» as a category of social management is studied in the article. Methodology of categorical approach to identification of the human potential allows (in practice) to consider parameters of evolutionary growth of the society in context of increase of efficiency of social management.

Article is written in Russian

Miroshnichenko P. I.
Determination of Efficiency of Investment Development of Regions (p. 56 - 61)

The structural changes of the use of investments on the types of economic activity are certain. The use of coefficient of efficiency of the use of investments is offered. Rating estimation of regions of Ukraine is carried out on volume the receipts of investments and their effective use in accordance with the result of economic development of regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Strizhichenko N. A.
Euroregion as a Form of Cross-Border Cooperation (p. 61 - 64)

The article describes the nature and forms of cross-border cooperation. The differences of the euroregion from other forms of cross-border cooperation are discovered and its benefits have been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pashkevych M. S.
The State of Financial Support for Innovation Development of Ukraine's Regions (p. 43 - 46)

The article substantiates the need to regulate the regional innovation development based on evaluation of economic efficiency of financial support given to research institutions and enterprises in regions for making innovation activities. A number of indicators that can determine the efficiency of costs incurred on innovation and productivity of workers employed in innovative and scientific sector is offered. The analysis of actual data for the regions of Ukraine is given.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tatarkin A. I.
Development of Regional Industrial Complex Using Cluster Initiatives (p. 32 - 41)

This paper reviews the status and prospects of the Middle Ural industrial complex using cluster initiatives of the regional Association of industrialists and businessmen of Sverdlovsk region. The experience of the Urals in development of a comprehensive growth program for the industry of Sverdlovsk region until 2020, which part is the Concept and Program of implementation of cluster policy in the region, is generalized and represented.

Article is written in Russian

Derkach N. I., Litvin M. V.
German experience of financing of economic development of regions (p. 42 - 47)

The strategy of regional development of Germany, system of the interbudgetary smoothing of Germany are analysed in the article. The features of forming of profitable part of local budgets in Germany are investigational. Practical recommendations in relation to introduction of German experience of financing of regional development in Ukraine are developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oksenyuk Y. I.
Forming and Development of Regional Innovative Clusters (p. 47 - 50)

The questions of forming and development of regional innovative clusters are examined in the article. Authors are consider foreign experience of the use of cluster models, technology of forming innovative a cluster is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bolshenko S. F.
Forming the Competitiveness of Labour Potential of Region: Theoretical and Methodical Aspects (p. 79 - 83)

Theoretical and methodical positions of forming the competitiveness of labour potential of region are considered, essence of labour potential and its basic elements is certain. The system of indexes are worked which characterize competitive edges and competition positions of labour potential of regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Goryachuk V. F., Pankov A. V., Kozlov P. P.
Capitalization as a Mechanism for Increasing the Competitiveness of the Territory (p. 83 - 86)

The main definitions of capitalization in Ukrainian and foreign science are observed. The classification of capital is discovered. The capitalization influence on the competitiveness of the territories is identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dedilova T. V., Tokar I. I., Yaroshova Y. V.
Investment Attractiveness of the Regions of Ukraine as an External Factor of Strategic Management Competitiveness of the Enterprise (p. 87 - 89)

Analysis of investment attractiveness for regions of Ukraine has been carried out, problems have been pointed out and conditions for spurring investment activity taking into account subdivision of the regions according to the level of investment activity have been determined. Necessity of considering impact of the region investment attractiveness as an environmental factor at the enterprise strategic management has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnonosova O. M., Oliinyk A. D.
Competitiveness of Regions in the Conditions of Globalization (p. 90 - 93)

The role and an importance of the region in the context of globalization were discussed in the article. The concept of creating the Euro-regions which enhance the competitiveness of the European countries were considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Leshchuk V. F., Busnyuk S. V.
Formation of Cluster Structures in the Volyn Region. (p. 93 - 96)

In the article investigates the possibility of establishing clusters in the Volyn region according to sectoral specialization and the available natural resources. Based on the research were proposed formation in the Volyn region of cluster structures: the tourism, agriculture cluster, wood cluster, cluster flax, cluster machinery and transport and logistics cluster.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk V. I.
Financial Independence and Region Development (p. 96 - 99)

In article the economic essence of financial independence of local government is considered. The basic problems in system of formation of local budgets in Ukraine are allocated. Practical recommendations concerning increase of level of financial independence and region development are developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sichkarenko K. A.
The Organizational and Technological Basis for Regional Innovation Cluster (p. 100 - 103)

This article is about economic role of cluster formations, especially their role as impact factor in innovation development. These are results of analysis of examples how to use clusters as a tools in innovation policy. Also the article include dates about different types of cluster, their formations, differences between them, their structure and mechanism of effects on high-tech industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nisfoyan S. S., Sobolev V. G.
State of Machine Complex of Region (p. 104 - 107)

The dynamics of the machine-building complex of Ukraine and Kharkiv region was investigated. The dynamics of changes in the scope of industrial output in the Kharkiv region was analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rozgon I. V.
Methodical Approach to Development and Implementation of Target Comprehensive Programs for Increase of Competitiveness of the Region (p. 107 - 110)

In the article the methodical going about development and realization of the having a special purpose complex programs in relation to the increase of competitiveness of region is offered, requirements to the government having a special purpose programs within the framework of region’s competitiveness increasing are formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Svetlichnaya D. A.
Сoncept of the regional information system for measuring and managing of the natural resource potential of the region (p. 111 - 115)

The article is devoted to developing the concept of the regional geographic information system for evaluation and managing of the natural resources potential of the region, the justification of the goals, objectives and functions of its creation and the development of the structure of hardware, software, information and analytical systems, because in conditions of general informatization and in the context of Ukraine’s transition to a sustainable development using of traditional methods and tools in a regional management should be based on using of new information systems and technologies potential.

Article is written in Russian

Smolych D. V.
Motivation Actors Innovative Market Cross-border Region to Unification in a Cluster (p. 115 - 118)

The paper analyzes the essence of innovation clusters and the role of key actors in such education. The basic motivation of subjects innovative market cross-border region to unite for cooperation within the cluster and presented the author's vision of their essence.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krikun N. A.
Information Support of Reproduction of the Intellectual Potential of the Regional Society (p. 119 - 125)

In this paper are highlighted the importance of information support of decision making in the management of the reproduction of the intellectual potential of the regional society. The functions of the regional information system for the process of reproduction of the intellectual potential of society were highlighted. An algorithm for constructing maps of the intellectual potential of the regional society are made. A simple thematic maps on phases of reproduction and generalized map of the intellectual potential of society Donetsk region were built.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ievsieieva O. A.
Improvement of Government Control of Educational System Development in the Region (p. 341 - 346)

In the article the essence of innovative processes has been investigated in the system of education and the classification of educational innovations has been developed. The problems of innovative development of higher educational establishments of Ukraine have been exposed. On the basis of analysis of strategies of internationalization of higher education in different countries and forms of internationalization in Ukraine the principal reasons, braking the processes of internationalization at Ukrainian higher school have been exposed. The classification of innovative educational technologies has been developed depending on the aims of application, features of realization and the results and necessity of their application has been grounded for the higher educational establishments of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pakulina A. A.
Innovations in the Management System of the Development of the Social Complex of the Region (p. 347 - 349)

The factors of the rapid development of the social complex of the region activities have been exposed. The expediency of using the program-aim approach in the regional management mechanism has been grounded, that allows centralizing the actions both at forming the strategy of the region social development and at the resource supply defining of its accomplishment. The content of the aim regional programs has been determined in the context of the priority solution of the social problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotik V. V., Gulay Y. S.
Generalization of Concepts «Passenger Railway Transportations» and «Privileges Passenger Railway Transportations» in the Context of Socio- and Economic Transformations (p. 350 - 353)

In the article are generalized, specified and given determination of concepts «Passenger railway transportations» and «privileges passenger railway transportations» which were not offered and bocce accepted until now. The determination will allow extend a category vehicle, will give possibility to operate more exact, certain, compatible concepts in subsequent researches, that appears actual in the conditions of reformation of railway industry on the whole, and at reformation of mechanism of grant of privileges in the passenger sector of railway transportations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omarov Shakhin A.
System Dynamics Model of Sustainable Development in the Region (p. 353 - 360)

The paper presents the results of a study aimed at developing a system dynamics model of sustainable development in the region. It is proved that the management of sustainable development in the region should be based on a reasonable forecast of the future. However, under current conditions, with a high level of instability, there are many possible futures. Therefore it was concluded that the modeling of regional development is appropriate to use a scenario approach, engendering possible scenarios. The paper proposed the development of a simulation (system dynamic) model of the Kharkiv region, which includes the following basic block: "Social services", "Budget", "Economy", "Investment", "Foreign Trade", "Innovation" and "Ecology". The article describes the structure of the blocks and provides flow diagrams and cause-effect relationships in them.

Article is written in Russian


Ievsieieva O. A.
The Improvement of Government Control Over the Development of Physical Culture and Sport in the Region (p. 46 - 51)

The article deals with the conception of sport development as the basis of the improvement of government control over physical culture and sport system progress. The problem of financing the physical culture and sport in the developed European and American countries has been studied. The possible financial sources in Ukraine have been defined. The municipal authorities of control over physical culture and sport are considered to be the priority direction of government control.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnonosova O. M., Yermolenko O. O.
Theoretical Aspects of Forming of Spatial Asymmetry of Placing of Labour Resources in the Economy of a Region (p. 52 - 56)

In the article the analysis of approaches to determination of the concept of «Spatial asymmetry» is conducted. The experience of both Ukrainian and foreign scientists is investigated. The comparison of term «asymmetry» with words-synonyms is carried out. The grouping of determinations of spatial asymmetry is conducted based on the characteristic features and the specified definition of the term «Spatial asymmetry of placing of labour resources», which emphasizes the temporal, resource and regional aspects, is suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Uskov I. V.
System of Estimation of Management Efficiency by Finances of Local Authorities (p. 56 - 61)

Systematization of methods and approaches for the estimations of management quality local finances is carried out in the article. It was worked out and was offered for Ukraine system of indicative indexes for the estimations of financial and management internalss by finances of local authorities, in the conditions of height of financial independence of territorial educations.

Article is written in Russian


Ievsieieva O. A.
Innovation Development of a Regional Health Care System (p. 94 - 100)

The article offers such a classification of innovations, which takes into account modern tendencies of health care development. It reveals and systematises factors that determine innovation development of health care institutions in a region. It provides scientific substantiation of directions of perfection of infrastructure provision of a patient care institution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pakulina A. A.
Education System in Ensuring Stable Development of a Social Complex in a Region (p. 100 - 103)

The article offers to establish innovation enterprises among higher education institutions. It justifies that a legislative package that facilitates technology transfer should become an incentive for development of innovation economy in Ukraine. Integrated education is considered as a mechanism of practical realisation of feedback between production and education. And it is offered to consider them as a common scientific and innovation complex taking into account interrelation of scientific and innovation complexes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pashkevych M. S., Palamarchuk T. A., Kunina D. N.
Factor Analysis of Economic, Social, Innovation and Ecological State of a Region Using Example of Dnipropetrivsk Oblast (p. 104 - 108)

The article performs factor analysis of the state of economic, social, ecological and innovation spheres of Dnipropetrivsk oblast using Principal Component Analysis. Stable development of a region is the aim of the factor analysis in the conducted research. It is justified that stable regional development manifests itself in equilibrium not only between economic, social and ecological spheres, but also between the said spheres and innovation processes. Four basic factors, which have an impact upon dynamics of region development on the principles of stability and unite 75 various indicators, have been specified. It is established that factors of internal economy of a region and external global market situation are factors of positive impact upon stable development of a region. Factors of the state of main production assets of companies and the level of resource intensity of production have a negative impact upon dynamics of development of a region and do not contribute to its stability.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volokhata V. Y.
Tendencies of Development of the Market of Attracted Resources of the Banks of Kharkiv Region (p. 109 - 115)

The article analyses tendencies of development of the market of attracted resources of the banks of Kharkiv region at the modern stage. Importance of analysis of the market of attracted resources at the regional level has been substantiated. It is established that the situation in the market of attracted resources of Kharkiv region was ambiguous in the year 2012 and was characterised both by positive and negative tendencies, which requires further measures on ensuring its stability.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zubritskaya Y. O.
Complex Assessment of Labour Potential of an Agricultural Company of Zaporizhia Oblast (p. 115 - 121)

Assessment of the labour potential of a company does not have a common methodical approach. Excessive number of non-systemised indicators, which are included into assessment, is also a problem. The article presents author’s methodical approach to complex assessment of the labour potential of an agricultural company. Secondary assessment of the labour potential of an agricultural company of Zaporizhia oblast has been conducted. A number of specific features of the labour potential of agricultural companies of Zaporizhia oblast have been revealed – reduction of a general number of staff and minimisation of the number of top management, low level of education of core personnel and very high fluctuation of personnel in some companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Averkyna M. F.
Logistics Management of a City as a Priority Tool of Ensuring Stable Development of Cities (p. 70 - 74)

The article substantiates a necessity to apply logistics management as a priority tool of ensuring stable development of a city. It studies an essential characteristic of logistics management of a city and analyses existing approaches to its understanding. It determines functions, methods of logistics management of a city and also specific features of management of primary and secondary flows of a city, which would allow ensuring its stable development. It formulates priority directions of management of primary and secondary flows of a city.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdan N. M.
Realisation of economic interests of a region in the context of ensuring regional development (p. 74 - 77)

The article substantiates a necessity of accounting and modelling co-ordination of interests at different levels of economic activity for development of programmes on planning and regulating processes of regional development. It considers problems of formation of economic security of a region through realisation of regional economic interests. It justifies importance of effective realisation of economic interests for the process of regional development. It determines factors of realisation of economic interests of a region in the context of ensuring economic security of a region. It proves an inseparable link between realisation of economic interests of a region and formation of economic security of a region in the process of regional development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pakulina A. A.
Concept of management of stable development of the city social complex on the basis of life quality imperative (p. 78 - 82)

The article substantiates the concept of management of stable social development of a city on the basis of life quality imperative. Results of activity of city subjects are considered as a totality of levels of social services and their elements, which includes identity of purpose – maximal satisfaction of a set of needs, interests and values of the population. Improvement of quality of life of the population is a criterion of goal achievement. City is considered as a form of territorial social complex, which possesses multi-useful value in use and expressed by a totality of services, products and goods, which are produced by commercial and non-commercial organisation and bodies of municipal management for satisfaction of a complex of social needs and improvement of quality of life of the population. Definition of a city with an accent on subjects and objects of management of social development is given for the first time.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sidorenko I. V.
Conceptual approaches to identification of an integral indicator of the level of investment into innovation development of transportation and road complex (TRC) of the region (p. 82 - 87)

The article offers scientific solution of the problem of ranking Ukrainian regions by the criterion of volume of investment into innovation development of the TRC. It develops a relevant method of calculation of an integral indicator with consideration of consistency of influence of basic factors and the level of their transformation upon final results with preset parameters of functioning. Method of calculation of an integral indicator is based on structuring modules of formation of a system of criteria dependence of indicators of investment attractiveness by levels of their influence. This method envisages logical formation of three modules, which reflect the stage of identification of totality of bases of development of TRC of the region, conditions and resources of development of TRC of regions and formation of indicators of assessment of effectiveness of regional TRC functioning. System combination of the said indicators by logical stages of assessment allows determination of influence of each element of formation of an integral indicator upon changes in its final value. The offered structuring allows optimisation of obtained values with consideration of influence of factors upon each individual region. Ranking regions in accordance with the obtained results of calculations makes it possible to get graphical and mathematical distribution of Ukrainian regions by elements of formation of investment attractiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kalambet S. V.
Budget Risks and Specific Features of Their Optimisation at the Regional Level in Ukraine (p. 90 - 96)

The article systemises risks, which influence revenue and spending parts of local budgets. It marks internal and external factors and conditions, which influence the level of the budget risk. It develops a system of assessment of risks of formation and execution of local budgets, which facilitates timely managerial decision making on their optimisation and reduction.

Article is written in Russian

Averkyna M. F.
Formation of criteria of ensuring stable development of a city in accordance with patterns of equifinality (p. 97 - 101)

The article is devoted to the problem of formation of criteria of ensuring stable development of a city. The article reveals specific features of functioning of subsystems of a city. It studies and reveals the essence of the patterns of equifinality. It provides information on origin of criteria and defines their basic content. The author formulates basic criteria with respect to the processes of ensuring reproduction of resources and regulation of flows in a city: specialisation, innovation, concentration and attractiveness. It defines the following criteria for reproduction processes: rationality, security, accessibility and renewal. According to the author, ensuring the process of regulation of flows in a city should correspond with the following criteria: optimality, intensiveness, load and ecology. The formed criteria are used for defining the essence of the “stable development of an individual system” notion as a prerequisite of formation of the author’s theory of stable development of a city.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bril M. S.
Macro-Economic Indicators of Development of Ukrainian Regions (p. 102 - 106)

The article is devoted to the study of macro-economic indicators of Ukrainian regions. It considers the resource and natural potential and socio-economic development of individual regions, which is a result of the imperfect territorial administration. It analyses main macro-economic indicators of development of regions of the country by geographic division, namely: areas of territories, population, gross regional product of a mega-region, employment and unemployment, and volume of investments. It specifies conditions of stable socio-economic development of each mega-region. It identifies a mechanism of synchronisation of decisions, which is based on self-governing. It offers ways of perfection of the system of administration of territorial socio-economic systems in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Orlova O. M.
Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Complex Assessment of Efficiency of Regional Investments (p. 106 - 112)

The article conducts analysis of approaches with respect to definition of the “investment efficiency” notion. It studies experience of both domestic and foreign scientists. It identifies qualitative characteristics, by which it is expedient to conduct assessment of efficiency of investment provision of socio-economic development of regions. It offers a methodical approach to complex assessment of efficiency of investing into economy of regions. It analyses the level of efficiency of investing into regions of Ukraine before and after beginning of the world financial and economic crisis in 2008 – 2010.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogoslavets O. G.
Mechanism of formation of territorial recreation complexes in Ukraine (p. 112 - 117)

The article is devoted to theoretical, methodical and practical issues of formation of indicators of resource security and intensity of development of the recreation sphere of Ukrainian regions under conditions of post-industrial economy. It marks directions of optimisation of the recreation sphere of individual regions, which lie in territorial modernisation of the existing recreation potential and creation of new functional components of the recreation space. With this purpose in mind, measures on creation of centres of tourism and recreation are offered for improvement of city centres and elements of territorial recreation systems under objective conditions of insufficiency of recreation resources in them. Tasks and functions of specialised logistics centres are studied for spatial expansion of recreation borders of regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Parkhomenko N. O.
Characteristic of Economic Indicators of Stable Development of a Region (Using Example of the Lugansk Oblast) (p. 117 - 121)

The article gives characteristic of indicators of stable development of the Lugansk Oblast. It analyses main economic indicators of the Lugansk Oblast during 2007 – 2011. It characterises the existing in Ukraine methods of assessment of economic security and stable development of the region. It identifies a tendency of changing the state of development of the region (Lugansk Oblast) in 2011. It conducts comparison of main indicators that identify limits of the state of development of the region using different methods. It justifies expediency of development of full value tools for conducting macroeconomic forecasting of assessment of the state of regions in the context of identification of the level of manifestation of crisis phenomena. It offers to use tools of system dynamics for forecasting crisis phenomena of the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Boronos V. G.
Taking into Account Impact of Shadow Economy upon the Level of Financial Development of the Region (p. 113 - 118)

The article considers specific features of taking into account the shadow sector of economy when assessing financial possibilities of the region. It analyses main components of the financial potential of the territory: financial potential of local authorities, enterprises, households, financial intermediaries, export and import potential, all-state financial potential and investment potential. It justifies a necessity of formation of an efficient mechanism of assessment of gross and net financial potential of the region. It offers to use correction factors that allow finding the level of financial potential with consideration of hidden (shadow) financial flows and also determining prospective levels of financial potential. On the basis of duplicate financial flows the article conducts comparison of calculation of net and gross financial potential of the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ievsieieva O. A.
Development of the Organisational and Economic Mechanism of Effective Realisation of Innovation Development of a Big City (p. 119 - 123)

The article develops an economic mechanism of effective realisation of social development of a big city, which is oriented at indicators of life quality and which uses principles of innovation development. It considers the role of big cities in political and socio-economic world environment and analyses problems of their development and role of regulating factors. It forms key principles of development of a big city and elements of a complex innovation system. It reveals specific characteristics of a big city as an economic and social system that ensures processes of current consumption, reproductionm of resources and realisation of future needs. It determines stages of development of the strategy of development of a big city. It provides indicators used when assessing activity of a big city. It offers indicators of assessment that take into account indicators of life quality and principles of innovation development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pakulin S. L.
Innovation Socio-Dominant Development of the Region (p. 124 - 128)

The article proves that social development is a dominant of economic priorities of the state under conditions of the knowledge economy. It specifies essence of administration of innovation socio-dominant development of the region. It proves that the dominant of regional administration are social goals and not economic interests. It justifies factors of formation and development of the socio-dominant innovation economy of the region. It reveals main tendencies of formation and development of socio-oriented innovation economy of the region under modern conditions. It proves that the most important direction of socio-dominant development of economy is the change of priorities of innovation activity in the regions with technical and economic innovations to social innovations. It reveals main directions of socio-dominant development of innovation economy of Ukrainian regions. It offers measures on formation the socio-dominant innovation economy of regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Murashko N. I., Nazarko S. A.
Strategic Landmarks of Educational Components in Formation of Intellectual Potential of the Region (p. 129 - 134)

The article considers the role of higher education in formation of intellectual potential of the region, identifies problems of its development and offers measures on their solution. It marks that intellectual potential of the region is formed and used under the influence of many factors, which determine specific features of its reproduction, namely: social, demographic, financial, information and communication, educational, scientific and technological, innovation, and infrastructural. The authors assume that the offered list of main components of intellectual potential is not exhaustive. It could be expanded both by means of inclusion of new elements (for example, some researchers speak about organisational potential) and by means of fragmentation of existing components (for example, fragmentation of the social factor into political, moral, media-capital and other components). The article covers main problems that make for disproportions between the level of education of workers and their competitiveness in the labour market. The authors offer specific proposals on elimination of the said disproportions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Leontyeva Y. Y., Timoshchenkova O. A.
Regional Tourist Destination and its Socio-Economic Development (p. 165 - 170)

The article considers theoretical problems of socio-economic development of regional tourist destination, namely: it gives a modern notion of tourist destination with the use of achievements available in scientific and practical literature on this subject and identifies its essence, characteristics and specific features of formation. It considers a historic approach to identification of destination as the main element of the system of tourism. It marks goals, tasks and direction of socio-economic development of the region in general and the role of regional tourist destination in this process. It also touches the problem of managing regional tourist destination.

Article is written in Russian


Ievsieieva O. A.
Improvement of the System of a big City Life Quality Management (p. 48 - 53)

The article considers the system of a big city population life quality management. It proves that life quality management should not be an end in itself, it should be realised and oriented at support of the management system and development of supporting resources. It considers a person’s life quality as a complex of indicators that characterise its satisfaction with respect to the norms, habits and traditions, supply of material benefits, security, access to education and medical service, state of environment and freedom of social relations. It reveals nine basic principles of construction of the efficient system of a big city life quality management. It identifies indicators of assessment of the big city population life quality, established by living standards.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tarasova V. V.
Relationship of Society and Environment under Regional Socio-economic Conditions (p. 54 - 60)

The article considers interrelations of society and environment with the use of the main methods of statistics – table, graphical of parallel rows and correlation ones on the basis of the system of integral indicators, determined at the level of the method of specific participation. It reveals a low level of nature and man-caused security, unsatisfactory ecological and sanitary-epidemic situation, connected with an imperfect strategy of conducting economic activity and major disproportions in the use of territories, deformed structure of economy of many regions, and predominance of ecologically dangerous productions. The article establishes dependence between the state of health of the population and the state of air and water pollution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boev V. Y.
Increase of Energy Efficiency in Infrastructure Branches of the Region as a Basis of the Process of Modernisation (p. 60 - 63)

The article shows the increasing role of formation of the foundation of energy efficient technologies in infrastructure sectors of the region as one of the basic elements of the process of modernisation of the country economy. Infrastructure plays the role of a priority sector of modernisation, in the basis of which are energy efficient technologies, a proper merger of which results into a system that is capable of providing the territory economy with a quality growth by means of intensive development.

Article is written in Russian

Himinets V. V.
Organisational and Institutional Mechanisms of Provision of Stable Development of the Carpathian Region (p. 63 - 68)

The article conducts analysis of ecological and economic problems of the Carpathian region. It considers ecological and economic mechanisms of realisation of the concept of stable development of the Carpathian region. It justifies urgency and importance of active and effective inter-oblast ecological and economic co-operation in the territory of the Carpathian region. It assesses the ecological situation and shows that a considerable anthropogenic transformation of landscapes and major environment pollution is characteristic for all oblasts of the Carpathian region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nitsenko V. S., Popovich V. V.
Problems of Stable Development of the Odessa Region (p. 69 - 73)

Development of market-oriented socio-economic relations in Ukraine contribute to activation of processes of development of city and regional infrastructure. This results in increase of volume of production of various material benefits, directed at satisfaction of first priority needs of the population. This also results in the growth of social tension connected with pollution of environment caused by activity of industrial, processing, agricultural and other enterprises. In order to assess problems of stable development of the Odessa oblast, economic and social measuring instruments were used with a set of various indicators. Results of the studies testify to a low level of ecological management and high level of ecological danger in the region. That is why, solution of the issue of ecological component of stable development through development of economic and social components should become the first priority task at the level of the Odessa region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanova A. A.
Existence of Methodological Approaches to Development of the Concept of Increase of Regional Competitiveness (Using Example of the City of Chernihiv) (p. 74 - 79)

More and more attention is paid to significance of branding as an instrument of increase of competitiveness of the territories in the process of development of globalisation and urbanisation. However, today one can feel insufficiency of scientific research connected with selection of methods of formation of the brand concept, which are the most adequate for territorial identity. The article considers stages of the strategy of formation of the city brand as an instrument of increase of competitiveness of destinations. It analyses necessary resources of the territory and allocates competitive advantages, which should be included into the general concept of the city brand. It offers an optimisation complex of methods in the context of development of business processes and formation of effective branding of the city. For the first time ever the author applied the SWOT-analysis method for the study of recreation and tourist potential of the City of Chernihiv (Ukraine) and developed methods of ranking unique characteristics of destinations by the strength of their impact in the model of territorial identity. Using the new methods, based on quantitative sociological research, one van select key and auxiliary characteristics, which should be included into the basis of formation of the future concept of the city brand.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Popova N. V.
Clusters as the basis of innovation development of transportation and logistics system of a region (p. 63 - 67)

The article considers importance of formation of a transportation and logistics cluster of a region from the point of view of European integration movement of Ukraine. It analyses experience of different countries of the world in establishing and functioning of clusters, including transportation and logistics ones. It considers advantages of cluster strategies for organisation of a transportation and logistics system and factors that facilitate its development. It formulates the tasks that have to be solved for establishment of a regional transportation and logistics cluster. It offers a structural model of formation of a transportation and logistics cluster, which includes a main body consisting of not one cluster-forming enterprise but a number of enterprises that provide transportation and logistics services. It makes conclusions and identifies prospects of organisation a transportation and logistics cluster and requirements in improvement of assessment of its effectiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gerashchenko D.
Functional Zoning as an Organisational and Economic Mechanism of Optimisation of the Use of Land in Suburbs of a Megapolis (p. 68 - 72)

The article justifies a necessity of improving the organisational and economic mechanism of development of the use of suburb land under conditions of the market transformation of economy. It considers specific features of application of an organisational and economic mechanism of functional zoning of the suburb and its advantages if compared with the mechanism of the target use. Zoning is identified as allocation of homogeneous territorial zones, where certain types of land use are limited either with direct prohibitions and orders or with increased tax rates, and so on. The article analyses and generalises principles of organisational and economic mechanism of formation and use of the natural resources potential of a territory. A special attention is paid to the market aspects of the problem of functional zoning. The article describes possibilities of functional zoning using example of one of the suburbs of the Kyiv megapolis, in the result of which it develops requirements with respect to allowable types of use of land lots within the allocated zones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Onyshchenko O. V.
Methodical Grounds of Assessment of Prospects of Creation and Development of a Cluster Model of Interaction of Power and Business with Participation of Regional Airports (p. 73 - 79)

The goal of the article is to study advantages of clusterisation for activation of activity of regional airports. When conducting analysis of works of foreign and domestic scientists, the article identified a prospectiveness of use of the cluster approach. As a result, it develops methodical grounds of assessment of prospectiveness of creation and development of a cluster model of interaction of power and business with participation of regional airports. It offers as a criterion of assessment the integral indicator of the degree of prospectiveness, which generalises influence of qualitative and quantitative factors. It develops a cluster model of interaction of power and business with participation of regional airports, which can activate development of regional airports and enterprises of the region in the result of numerous advantages of their unification. The prospect of further studies in this direction is application of this cluster model in activity of regional airports of Ukraine with the aim of reestablishment of their activity and increase of the level of their competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tyrinov A. V.
Identification of the Level of Effectiveness of Activity at Engineering Enterprises of the Kharkiv Region (p. 80 - 84)

The article studies effectiveness of activity of engineering enterprises of the Kharkiv region using the method of cluster analysis with the use of the tree-like clusterisation and k-averages, which allowed obtaining consistent results. 23 economic objects were divided into 5 clusters: with a very high, high, middle, low and very low levels of effectiveness of activity. Moreover, the first and fifth clusters include only 1 enterprise each (PJSC FED and OJSC Lozova Car Repair Plant respectively), and the majority of enterprises were in the middle cluster, which reflects the normal law of distribution. As regards influence of indicators upon the level of effectiveness, the article identifies a priority influence upon distribution of enterprises by personnel profitability and average influence upon profitability of own capital and profitability of operation activity, which reflects contribution of each of the variables into the common level of effectiveness of activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanova A. A.
Ways of Financing Projects of Increase of Regional Competitiveness under Conditions of Deficit of Means (p. 85 - 89)

The article makes an effort to solve the problem of financing a project of branding of territories under conditions of deficit of means, The problem is topical due to the fact that projects of branding of territories of cities in particular are long-term and their effectiveness cannot be measured in precise numbers, which significantly complicates the process of attraction of potential investors for financing. Since a brand is an intangible asset, it is quite difficult to identify and assess that part of the cost which it creates. The author offers to consider the stage of project financing as a separate projects with its goals, tasks, resources and executors. The article provides an algorithm of analysis of available resources of financing with attraction of the most efficient of them. Moreover, it provides a list of possible social contradictions and risks, which can appear in the process of financing a branding project. In the result of the study the author develops an optimal model of financing a territory branding project under condition of the deficit of the budget funds. Conclusions and results of the study have a practical value not only when improving scientific approaches to the process of territory branding, but also for representatives of local self-governance, who realise the projects of increase of competitiveness of regions in practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Andrenko O. A.
Social Tension as a Threat to Socio-Economic Security of a Region (p. 119 - 123)

Assessment of social tension as one of the main threats of social security of a region, its causes and consequences and regularities of development is a topical task of interdisciplinary studies. Analysis of theoretical studies testifies to the absence of a common methodological approach to formation of the scientific and methodical basis of assessment and development of the system of indicators, which characterise the level of social tension in regions. The article offers an economic and mathematical model that allows formation of justified sets of private indicators and obtain a rating assessment of the level of social tension in Ukrainian regions. The studies showed that the growth of social tension is linked with the unsatisfactory criminal and ecological situation, inability of the population to pay for utilities in time due to a low level of income and untimely payment of wages. The high level of tension is observed in industrially developed eastern regions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hazuda L. M., Khaustova K. M.
Comparative Integral Assessment of Investment and Innovation Potential of the Wood Processing Industry of the Carpathian Region (p. 124 - 131)

The article conducts a comparative assessment of the investment and innovation potential of the leading types of industrial activity of the region with the aim to identify strategic alternatives of development of the investment and innovation activity of the wood processing industry. The methodical basis of the conducted analysis is a combination of the methods of rating and integral assessment of the potential by types of economic activity. In order to follow the principle of comparability of data for types of activity differing in volumes, technologies, sales markets and used resources, the article uses the system of relative indicators of provision and effectiveness of use of production, investment and innovation resources. The results of the conducted study testifies to a certain disproportion of development of the investment and innovation potential of individual types of industrial activity. In particular, the wood processing industry is characterised with a relatively high level of investment potential and low level of innovation potential. It substantiates urgency of formation of a system of measures of activation of innovation activity at the level of the industry on the basis of attraction of investment resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yergin S. M.
Alternative of Strategic Development of Regions not Connected with International Competition (p. 132 - 136)

The goal of the article is to justify theoretical and methodical approaches to realisation of alternative variants of strategic development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea not connected with branches of its international specialisation. Analysing the economic practice of the recent time and systemising and generalising works of many scientists, the article proves a necessity of conduct of the branch diversification of Ukrainian regions in general and Autonomous Republic of Crimea in particular, which have no prospect of joining international chains of cost creation. In the result of the study the article specifies stages of transformation of economic policy in the Crimea, justifies a necessity of development of a complex programme of socio-economic development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which would allow engaging the whole natural and economic potential of the region, including activation of development of local resources of minerals for construction purposes, which are in abundance in the region. This direction of development is especially valuable since mineral mining can develop in depressive regions of the Crimea. Prospects of further studies in this direction is identification of the degree of impact of growth of mineral mining for construction purposes on the general level of socio-economic development of the southern regions of Ukraine and individual branches and sectors of its economy.

Article is written in Russian

Pedchenko N. S., Ignatenko V. Y.
Improvement of the Mechanism of Taxation of Real Property in the Context of Formation of the Budget Potential of the Region (p. 137 - 143)

The goal of the article is the study of modern problems of the mechanism of charging real property tax and identification of a complex of measures on its improvement. On the basis of analysis of foreign experience of real property taxation the article offers a complex of measures of reformation of the mechanism of real property taxation. It states that the use of the property area as a basis of taxation in Ukraine is caused by insufficient development of the cadastre of real property and register of real property rights. It grounds that the existing method of charging the tax is not efficient and needs to be improved through introduction of adjustment ratios. The offered formula of calculation of tax size would allow taking into consideration the citizens solvency level, increase receipts of local budgets and expand independence of the bodies of local self-governing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chursina N. M.
Assessment of Labour Potential of a Region in the Context of Ensuring Equilibrium of the Labour Market Structure (p. 143 - 149)

The article offers methodological foundations of identification of an integral indicator of assessment of labour potential of a region, namely: it develops a scheme of assessment and allocates indicators – stimulators and de-stimulators, which form the structure of a complex assessment of the labour potential. The article offers to assess the state of labour potential of a region, taking into account three components (demographic, economic and educational), based on calculations of a multi-dimensional mean value. The developed methods were used for an assessment of labour potentials of the districts of the Donetsk oblast in dynamics for 2007 – 2011. It is established that the maximum integral indicator in 2011 among the districts of the Donetsk oblast was in the Maryinskiy district and the minimum one – in the Novoazovsk district. The article conducts a classification of the districts of the Donetsk oblast by the value of integral indicator of the labour potential (it allocates districts with a low level of labour potential, districts with an average level of labour potential and districts with a high level of labour potential), which should be taken into account when grounding the regional development strategy, development of the personnel policy and directions of balancing the regional labour force market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yachmenova V. M., Volobuyev I. V.
Analysis of Approaches to Formation of the Image Policy of a Region (p. 167 - 172)

The article is devoted to analysis of modern approaches to the process of formation of image policy. It specifies main advantages and shortcomings of developments on formation of the image policy. The specified advantages would become a basis for formation and realisation of the image policy of a region. The article considers the existing regulatory acts, which regulate formation and realisation of the image policy in a certain region. It formulates main requirements to the process of formation of the image policy of a region. It shows specific features of formation of the image policy of a region. It identifies that formation of the concept of the image policy should be accompanied with the following conditions: image of a region should correspond with the strategy of development of a region in general; the image should be interconnected and exist at three levels: international (external image policy), state (institutional) and regional (for the population of a region).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pilko A. D.
Setting the Task of Assessment of the Level of Security of Territorial System Development (p. 173 - 179)

The goal of the article is interpretation of main results of the conducted analysis of existing approaches to assessment of the level of socio-economic development of the region territorial systems, assessment of the level of economic, social and ecological security of the region and also the level of sustainable development under conditions of system transformations. The article offers to consider the “development security” category from the point of view of the following stands: as a notion that characterises boundaries, within which both values of individual integral indicators of development of modelled systems and parameters of mutual compensation of influence of security factors for dynamics of the balanced achievement of goals of development of a territorial system can vary; and also as a notion that focuses on the priority of ensuring achievement of goals of social security in the wide meaning of this notion against other local goals of society development – economic, military, ecological and scientific and technical progress goals. Analysis of the evolution of the security paradigm made it possible to set the task of assessment of the level of security of the region and its territorial systems. The task, solution of which is set for the process of the study and, first of all, the tasks of analysis of investment priorities in the context of minimisation of the level of social tension in territorial systems of the region and also the tasks of calculation of threshold values of integral indicators of security of development of territorial systems of the region could become a basis for development of the prospective direction of monitoring and relevant target-oriented programmes of development of territories and also of the Concept and strategies of sustainable development of the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holovnia O. M.
Problems of Instruments of Development of Local Self-Governance under Conditions of Ensuring Stabilisation of Economy (p. 132 - 137)

The article considers sustainable social development of local society as a universal technology. Such a technology covers all levels of management, creates conditions for the market and allows consolidation of various social groups. Technology is developed and realised under specific conditions and specific features of economic, organisational and socio-political levels and structure of development of a municipal society. Today, unfortunately, insufficient attentions is paid to the issues of constructing a complex of technologies capable of ensuring dynamic economic development of an integrated system of municipal management. Moreover, one of the directions of the municipal policy should be creation of a system of employment of population and re-training of employees and formation of new working places. Associations of local self-governance bodies could play a significant importance in protection of interests of territorial societies. In order to solve the issue of attraction of the population to participation in local self-governance, it is necessary to establish a feedback between the society and its self-governance bodies – both elected by citizens and its executive structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Leonenko N. A.
Innovation Potential of the Region as a Basis of Reproduction of Economic Potential (p. 138 - 142)

The article considers the role of innovation potential of a region in ensuring stable social reproduction of economic potential. It identifies components of innovation potential, which characterise resources and ability to realise them, that identifies capabilities of territorial enterprises to develop in innovation manner. It underlines importance of development and adaptation of the methods of calculation of the overall development of innovativeness for Ukrainian regions with the purpose to assess the state of innovation activity in the country compared to neighbouring countries – EU members. The article offers an approach, which allows development of conceptual directions of innovation strategy of economic growth. It emphasises priority of establishment and support of the regional innovation system as a necessary factor of development of innovation infrastructure and gives proposals regarding the issue of creation of innovation structures in the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lamskyy M. D.
Income of Local Budgets as a Tool of Ensuring Powers of Self-Governance Bodies (p. 142 - 147)

The goal of the article lies in the study, analysis and assessment of the state of income of local budgets. The article identifies main sources of income of local budgets in Ukraine and their importance in formation of main money funds of the local self-governance bodies. It studies problems of scantiness of the income part of budgets in the process of performance of powers by the local bodies of authority. It identifies and analyses changes and reforms after introduction of the Tax Code, which did not provide solution of the issue of sufficiency of the income part of the financial resource of local self-governance. In the result of the study the article gives recommendations with respect to a possibility of expansion of the income base of local budgets for financing both the social and economic directions by local authorities. It develops specific proposals on strengthening the financial base of regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Riabushka L. B., Koylo V. V.
Analytical Assessment of Financial Ability of Local Budgets to Ensure Socio-Economic Development of Regions (p. 148 - 155)

The article describes conceptual grounds of functioning of local budgets, their role, importance and aim in socio-economic development of the state and its regions. The main task of the study is improvement of theoretical and methodological grounds for assessment of financial capability of local budgets as an instrument of socio-economic development of regions and development of practical recommendations on strategic directions of financial provision of regional development. The proposed model of assessment of ability of a local budget to ensure socio-economic development of a region is based on indicators of the budget potential, financial potential of the population and investment potential of the region. The article justifies importance of re-formation of local budgets as a main component of socio-economic development of territories through application of strategic directions of financial provision of local budgets with absolute, average, low and crisis levels of financial capacity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Markuts Y. I.
Three-Dimensional Visualisation as an Innovation Approach to Forecasting the City Budget Income (p. 156 - 165)

Forecasting city budget income is a very important instrument of the budget management through which it is possible to assume the future financial influence of the current budget policy and economic tendencies for achievement of long-term plans and identify alternative ways of solution of existing problems. The goal of the article is development of a model for complex system analysis, economic assessment of execution and forecasting income of the budget of the city of Donetsk with the aim to make high quality, timely and efficient managerial decisions with respect to the budget on the basis of an innovation approach, which is a combination of methods of interpolation, imitation and three-dimensional visualisation. The result of the study is diagnostics of narrow places in execution of the city budget for the studied period of 2008 – 2012, detection of interconnected budget income items, identification of existing tendencies of execution of the budget income and forecasting the income part of the city budget for the period of 2013 – 2017.

Article is written in Russian


Pohrebytska H. M., Ilyasova M. K.
Cognitive Approach in Study of Some Aspects of the Strategic Potential of the Economic System of the Crimean Region (p. 93 - 98)

The article considers the notion of strategic potential of the economic system, which includes the aggregate of available resources and reserves for development and realisation of the selected strategy. The tourist and recreation sphere of the Crimean region as a sector of economy is a priority one from the point of view of long-term development. The goal of the cognitive analysis of the studied system of strategic potential of the southern region is to understand the mechanism of functioning of the system (mechanism of phenomena and processes that take part in the system) and also forecasting of development of the economic system of the studied territory. The article provides the procedure of this type of modelling for study of some aspects of the strategic potential. It provides a cognitive structurisation, which includes questioning experts, identification of basic factors and identification of the degree of positive and negative influence of the factors upon the elements of the economic system. On the basis of the analysis results, the article identifies the role of each key factor in study of the strategic potential of the economic system of the Crimean region.

Article is written in Russian

Bibikova V. V.
Analysis of the Level of Development of the Socio-labour Sphere of Ukrainian Regions (p. 99 - 105)

The goal of the article is the study of the level of development of the socio-labour sphere of Ukrainian regions. In order to achieve the goal, the article develops a complex scorecard, which takes into account all elements of the socio-labour sphere (socio-labour relations, labour market system of labour reimbursement, social accompaniment of labour activity, professional development of economically active population, level and quality of labour life, safety and security of labour). On the basis of the use of the developed scorecard, the article conducts an integral assessment of the level of development of the socio-labour sphere of regions. In order to get more objective information about the state of the labour sphere of Ukraine, the article uses its subjective assessments by population. In the result of the analysis, it reveals a lack of progressive changes of the socio-labour sphere in majority (60%) of Ukrainian regions, availability of significant differentiation of regions by the level of its development and the irregular character of changes of separate elements of the labour sphere both within one administrative and territorial unit and among different regions of Ukraine. The article justifies a necessity of conduct of regular diagnostics of the state of the socio-labour sphere of Ukrainian regions with the use of a developed scorecard.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Skrypnyk N. Y.
Specific Features of Development of Competitive Potential of Ukrainian Economy: Regional Aspect (p. 89 - 94)

The article considers main problems of disproportions of regional development in the context of social development of Ukraine. It identifies the complex of multidirectional factors that form prerequisites and threats of competitiveness of regions, caused by increase of the degree of their integration with various levels of socio-economic development and competitive capabilities. It conducts analysis of dynamics of Ukrainian rating by the index of global competitiveness for the period 2004 – 2013 and identifies main factors that resulted in the loss of competitive positions among basic strategic partners in the geo-economic environment. It proves that economic system is under influence of external and internal fluctuations, which surpass its adaptive possibilities and provoke the state of instability. On the basis of results of complex diagnostics of socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions of Ukraine the article identifies main competitive advantages, constraints and their aggregate influence upon the position of Ukraine in the global world economic environment. The article identifies the tendency of build-up disproportions of regional investment climate and growth of divergence of development of regions, which testifies to declarativity and imperfection of the regulatory and legal base on the issues of state regional policy, absence of effective mechanisms of regulation of interrelations of central bodies of executive authority with regions and regions between themselves, inefficiency of application of certain legislative instruments of stimulation of development of regions. The article justifies the strategy of spatial economic development of Ukraine on the basis of formation of the growth poles.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Haysarova A. A.
Development of the Mechanism of Ecological and Economic Management of the Region with Consideration of Provisions of the Cluster Theory (p. 94 - 99)

The article systemises theoretical approaches to development of the mechanism of ecological and economic management with consideration of possibilities of clusterisation of the system of nature management of the region. It considers the essence of the “cluster” definition in economy. In the result of the study the article justifies the essence and forms of the “ecological cluster” notion. It marks out main directions of development of the mechanism of ecological and economic management on the basis of formation of two types of ecological clusters, which allows solution of not only economic but first of all ecological problems of territories.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Leliuk S. V.
Methodical Approach to Organisation of Monitoring of Financial Security of an Administrative and Territorial Unit (p. 99 - 104)

The goal of the article is development of a methodical approach to organisation of monitoring of financial security of administrative and territorial units (ATU) of Ukraine. In the course of the study the article forms an information base for holding monitoring on the basis of accounting data. At the stage of detection of indicators of levels of financial security of regions the article conducts analysis of scientific works dedicated to these problems and forms a list of individual indicators, on the basis of which integral indicator of financial security of regions was calculated. Positioning of regions with high, medium and low levels of financial security was conducted by the scale of intervals, developed on the basis of application of Fibonacci ratios. For each of the detected ATU groups the article builds a regression model, which allows identification of socio-economic factors that influence financial security of regions, among which: index of consumer prices, profit, share of investments into the fixed capital of the region in the general state volume and others. Issues of forecasting the levels of financial security of ATU on the basis of neuronet modelling require further studies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Reznikova O. S., Semenenko V. S.
Analysis and Assessment of Main Economic Indicators of Activity of Agro-industrial Enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (p. 77 - 82)

The goal of the article lies in analysis of the modern state of the level of resource availability and efficiency of functioning of agro-industrial enterprises of the Crimean region. The article studies works of scientists, considers problems of concentration of agro-industrial production and land resources, economic efficiency of agro-industrial production and factors of its increase, however, issues of analysis and assessment of activity of agro-industrial enterprises of the AR Crimea stay unstudied. The article analyses and assesses main economic indicators of activity of agro-industrial enterprises of the Crimean regions, studies the state of efficiency of production of agricultural products in agro-formations of the region and also assesses the modern state of efficiency of functioning of agro-industrial enterprises of the AR of Crimea. The article offers prospective directions of increase of efficiency of functioning of agro-industrial enterprises that include technical re-equipment of production, increase of a number of people engaged in production of agricultural products and significant increase of well-being of a rural worker.

Article is written in Russian

Prytychenko T. I., Prokhorova T. P., Rozhko V. I.
Formation of a Territorial Brand Using Example of the Kharkiv Oblast (p. 83 - 94)

The article considers the notion, stages of formation of the territorial brand and approaches to the territorial brand positioning. It justifies expediency of the territorial brand formation. It analyses existing approaches to the territorial brand formation using example of the Kharkiv oblast, studies Kharkiv city and oblast ratings, reveals perception of the Kharkiv region brand by the target population through a sociological poll, gives recommendations on development of the strategy of the Kharkiv brand positioning and develops measures directed at promotion of the Kharkiv brand.

Article is written in Russian


Baduda M. P., Zhuk I. I.
Conceptual Grounds of Financial Provision of Realisation of the Regional Policy (p. 39 - 44)

The goal of the article is development of conceptual grounds of financial provision of the regional policy and determination of financial mechanisms of its realisation. The article offers theoretical and methodical approaches to financial provision of the modern regional policy: it formulates new principles of financial provision of regulation of regional development, identifies criteria of assessment of effectiveness of impact of the financial policy on development of the regional socio-economic system. It considers structure of financial resources, which form financial provision of the region. It notes that efficiency of financial provision of regional policy is directly identified by the structure of sources of financing of the socio-economic development of the region. Growth of stability and security of the financial system of the region is possible under condition of growth of the share of personal income and reduction of dependence on external sources of financing. In accordance with the results of the conducted studies the authors form their own concept of financial provision of realisation of the policy of regional development. The prospect of further studies in this direction is improvement of the mechanism of financial provision of regional policy in the direction of its correspondence with modern challenges of socio-economic development of the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rodymchenko A. O.
Formation of Methodical Approaches to Assessment of the Level of Development of the Regional Logistics System (p. 45 - 49)

The goal of the article is development of the methodical approach to assessment of the level of development of the regional logistics system (RLS), which would allow complex assessment of socio-ecologo-economic aspects of its functioning. In the course of analysis of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, who conducted assessment of the level of development of RLS, the article reveals advantages and shortcomings of these methods, namely, the fact that they do not take into account assessment of influence of its functioning upon the natural environment. In the result of the study the article offers a methodical approach to determination of the indicator of the level of RLS development, which includes economic, ecological and social components. At the same time, when calculating the integral indicator of development of these components, the article offers to take into account weighting coefficients by the Saaty method, which has a high level of co-ordination of assessment made by experts. The author believes that the prospect of further studies in this direction is formation of an organisational and economic mechanism of management of ecology oriented RLS, which would allow development of a set of managerial measures directed at ensuring efficient management of flow processes of RLS under condition of reduction of eco-destructive impact on environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Marchenko O. V.
Socio-economic Development of a City as an Object of Managerial Activity (p. 80 - 85)

The goal of the article is the study and analysis of main directions and possibilities of socio-economic development of Ukrainian cities under modern conditions. The article considers main branch authorities of participants of socio-economic processes in the territory of Ukrainian cities. It shows that city administration is carried out in several stages: conceptual, strategic and tactical administration. Satisfaction of needs of the population is considered as a main goal of city administration and includes a significant number of sub-goals, which were grouped and combined by three directions, namely: satisfaction of material needs, satisfaction of needs in life safety and health care, and also satisfaction of cultural needs. The article shows components of the mechanism of city administration and considers individual instruments, which influence its efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shekhovcov R. V., Tambovcev S. N., Abdullaev R. A., Norkina A. G., Rybkina A. S.
State Policy of Development of the Investment Sphere of the Region: Using Data of Rostov Oblast (p. 86 - 93)

The article considers regional aspects of the state investment policy using example of Rostov oblast. It identifies main approaches and instruments of realisation of state policy by stimulation of the investment process in Russian Federation regions. It analyses post-crisis dynamics and structure of investments into Rostov oblast in 2008 – 2012. It considers the established investment image of Rostov oblast through the prism of ratings calculated by international and national rating agencies and also authoritative professional editions. The article offers main concepts of the regional investment policy that determine imperatives of realisation of the investment potential of Rostov oblast. A set of tasks, consecutive solution of which would ensure sustainable development of economy and social sphere of the region, is proposed within each of the four concepts.

Article is written in Russian

Revenko O. V., Mykhasiova N. V.
Budget-tax Factors That Determine Competitiveness and Economic Growth of Regions (p. 94 - 99)

The article considers specific features of influence of budget-tax factors upon quality economic growth of the region. It analyses resource-innovation factors of quality economic growth of the region. It studies the modern state of inherent for Ukrainian economy conditions, which are problematic for business, and establishes that instability of the state policy and corruption take first places among the most problematic factors of business development in Ukrainian regions. It proves that changes of specific weight of regions, for which high significance of tax factors is characteristic among the most problematic aspects of business conduct, have their own specific features depending on the level of competitiveness, which determine further economic growth of regions. It allocates conditions of strengthening competitive positions of regions that influence economic growth.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kaziuka N. P.
Analysis of Gender Aspects of Professional Segregation of Women in the Labour Market of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (p. 100 - 105)

Development of efficient policy of employment of the region is impossible without analysis of gender inequality of men and women in the labour market of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast and restriction of professional capabilities of women compared to men. Due to this, problems of employment of population of both genders and inequality in reimbursement of their labour require a detailed study. The article analyses problems of gender segregation of women in the labour market of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, deliverance and employment of unemployed by gender and assesses sizes of wages of men and women by types of economic activity and develops a set of measures fort overcoming manifestations of gender professional segregation. The article considers world tendencies of gender segregation, legal provision, scientific and organisational support, a complex character of realisation of theoretical developments, etc. The article analyses modern tendencies of employment by gender and age groups, justifies definitions of “segregation”, “gender segregation”, “gender professional segregation” and “horizontal and vertical segregation” notions and offers efficient methods of overcoming manifestations of gender inequality in the labour market of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast. The article formulates proposals for specific measures directed at overcoming manifestations of gender segregation in the regional labour market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko K. V.
Social Responsibility in the Field of Socio-humanitarian Conditions in Depressed Areas (p. 48 - 51)

The article disclosed and justified the essence of social responsibility in terms of depressed regions of Ukraine. The role of corporate social responsibility and public as a powerful factor for social problems solution and at the same time economic growth potential, especially in depressed areas was examined. The complex of measures for the implementation of development strategies for territories with different levels of economic development was suggested. According to the results of the study the desired direction of development of territories in overcoming the problems identified in the socio-humanitarian sphere were offered. The attention is focused on the need to strengthen the role of social responsibility and its promotion by the state and civil society to address social problems in the socio-humanitarian sphere, especially in depressed areas.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poliakova O. Y., Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Approaches to a Rapid and Fundamental Diagnose of the Problems of Socio-economic Development of the Regions (p. 52 - 57)

The paper analyzes the problem of constructing of diagnostic systems of socio-economic development of the regions, which is the key to effective management and prevention of crisis situations in various spheres of life in the region. The proposed approach to building a system to diagnose problems of socio-economic development of regions suggests that diagnostic system must be formed on two levels: rapid diagnosis, the purpose of which is to identify the problems of development, and fundamental diagnosis, the purpose of which is to determine the causes of problems and threats to social and economic development of the region, taking into account industry-specific regions and enterprises engaged in economic activity in the region, and other characteristics of the region. Timing of the diagnosis should be coordinated with the time needed to make decisions, especially operational management. It is shown that the most appropriate instrumental methods for rapid diagnosis methods are short-term forecasting, signal approach, leading indicators; within the fundamental diagnostics – structurally logical analysis, correlation and regression analysis, VAR-models and simulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zveryakov M. I., Smentyna N. V.
Creating a Network of Regional Development Agencies in Ukraine: Domestic Experience and a Guide to Action (p. 57 - 63)

The aim of the article is to analyze the domestic experience of creating a network of regional development agencies in Ukraine and proposals to overcome the basic problems of functioning and institutional intermediaries. This article gives a general description of the creation and activities of the institutes in the country that identify themselves as regional development agencies. The problems of their functioning were systematized. The study proposed a unified approach to the essential Regional Development Agency, taking into account the scale and scope of the institutional intermediary to promote coordinated regions of the country in the direction of promoting socio-economic development of midlevel theories. In terms of "guide to action" on the way to create a network of regional development agencies an approach to the essential institutional intermediary was suggested, its official status with the formation position, organizational and legal forms and sources of funding. Taking into account the strategic objectives of regional development agencies the main areas of its activity were identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Luchyk S. D., Chaplinskyi V. R.
Social Prerequisites for the Formation and Development of Intellectual Capital in Rural Areas of the Region (p. 64 - 68)

The purpose of the article is to study the influence of social factors on the formation and development of intellectual capital in rural areas of Khmelnytskyi oblast, which is used in the agricultural sector of the region. While analyzing statistics and synthesis publications of domestic and foreign scientists the social infrastructure of rural areas of Khmelnytskyi oblast were assessed. The study identified new directions of development of intellectual capital. It is proved that the innovative development of the agriculture sector will contribute to the development of the social infrastructure of the village, which, in turn, will keep the established intellectual capital, use it effectively and develop. Further research in this direction will be scheduled to determine the amount of training intellectual capital to ensure the competitiveness of the agricultural sector in the region. At the conceptual level should develop a strategy of development of all components of the intellectual capital of agricultural sector: human, organizational, and social consumer.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Blahun I. S., Kvasnii Z. V.
The Modeling of Relations Between SME Sector, Foreign Investments, Placement and Region’s Economic Growth (p. 71 - 76)

The main goal of the article is to model the relations between development of small and medium enterprises (SME), flows of foreign investments, innovativeness of businesses, structural changes in placement and regions economic growth. The research method is the study of relations between many-dimensional variables investigated with the use of various gauges (indicators). The diagnostic variables required for this purpose were created within the period between 2007 and 2011. The research defined that the factors investigated considerably affect the course of regions economic growth. It studies the level of regions economic growth between 2007 and 2011 and offers the regions rating. The model offered reflects main relations within the course of regions economic growth with the consideration of economy’s spacial structure in the perspective of the ties between regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vakhovych I. M., Chul O. M.
Formation of the Strategic Guidelines of the Creative Regional Development Based On the Cluster Analysis (p. 57 - 65)

In the article the state of the creative regional development in the context of the industries of the creative economy has been analyzed. The integral assessment of the creative economy development in the regional scale made it possible to determine the remoteness of the regions from each other in terms of the corresponding development level. On this basis, through the use of the cluster analysis, in particular the spherical divergence method, regions were united into balls, characterized by similar progress and trends of the creative economy development within the ball's sphere. For each of the balls the authors have marked its creative development trends. According to the results of the assessment the main strategic guidelines for the further policies of the creative development control were formated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhuravlyova I. V., Nemashkalo K. R.
Empirical Studies of Social Capital Formation at the Meso-level (p. 65 - 72)

The aim of the article is to study the characteristics of the formation of social capital in the region as a tool for the formation of the regional community, taking into account the specificity of each individual region. The empirical study of meso-level social capital of 25 regions of Ukraine was conducted using cluster analysis. Outgoing data classification selected the following by cluster analysis: the integral index of human development, the regional GDP per capita and the level of the average wage in the region. As a result, it was determined that the regions of Ukraine on the factors influencing the formation of a regional social capital are divided into three clusters.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gerasymchuk Z. V., Klimovich O. M.
Method of Analysis of the Effectiveness of Inter-regional Relations (p. 72 - 76)

The article deals with the existing methods, analyzing the integration processes in the region, analyzes methodological approaches to the assessment of scientists inter-regional cooperation within the country. The main problems and contradictions in the studied scientific and methodological approaches, which in turn do not take into account the various aspects of the deepening of mutually beneficial relations between the regions of the country, were identified. As a result, studies have highlighted the main stages of the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of inter-regional relations, as well as the author's proposed method of assessing the effectiveness of inter-regional cooperation, which will take into account the level of integration of the regions, the level of competitive advantages of regions and synergy analysis of inter-regional complementarity of competitive advantages of regions. Application of the proposed method of calculating the efficiency of interregional cooperation will provide a solid foundation for building relationships between the regions and ensure successful and effective development of their future cooperation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tur O. V.
Determining the Requirements for the Formation of an Administrative and Territorial Unit of the Basic Level in Ukraine (p. 76 - 80)

One of the main problems that the modern study of regional economies examines, is the search of ways of leveling the uneven socio-economic development of territories and overcoming signs of their doldrums. As practice shows, a significant obstacle to overcome uneven development of areas is the presence of distortions of administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine, which, in turn, requires scientific methods of reform. The purpose of this paper is to study the requirements of the formation of a territorial unit of the basic level – bulk, which is the basis for effective local self-government and territorial organization of power. The study substantiates the necessity of taking into account a wide range of criteria for the formation of bulk, allowing them to group on grounds such as population; powers of local self-government; proportionality of the administrative-territorial and socio-economic development of the territories; the possibility of formation of viable communities. Given these requirements will allow to reasonably determine the approaches to the implementation of administrative-territorial reform in order to create sustainable socio-economic development of the territories.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Omarov Shakhin A.
Evaluation of Scenarios of the Socio-Economic Development of the Kharkiv Region Based on Simulation Model (p. 87 - 98)

In the article results of research aimed at building a simulation model of the development scenarios of the Kharkiv region with evaluation of the designed model are presented. The simulation model consists of the following units: economy, population, budget, environment, innovation, foreign economic activity and has been implemented by means of the simulation modeling system Vensim 6.1. On the basis of the model, with purpose of evaluating the potential areas of development, the following groups have been designed and analyzed: base, investment, innovation and investment scenarios. The results of the base scenario analysis showed that while the trends of the last 10-12 years will continue to persist, paces of economic growth of the Kharkiv region will be slowed down, although the positive developments would occur in almost all economic activities. The scenario modeling of the socio-economic development of the Kharkov region revealed that in most of the criteria the group of investment scenarios is dominated by a group of innovation and investment scenarios, the best situation shows the innovative investment scenario in the machine-building industry. It was also determined that in any case of implementation of one scenario the foreign direct investment should be facilitated concerning the development of industrial production, not the financial activities. It is proved that the costs of innovations will contribute to improvement of development not only in the elaboration and development of the new technologies, but also of the new innovative products.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Horbatova Y. F.
Program and Target-Oriented Approach to the Development of Economic Sectors in the Regions of Ukraine: the Theory, Practical Use and Directions of Quality Evaluation of Target Development Programs (p. 98 - 105)

This article focuses on the theory and practical use of the program and target-oriented approach to the development of economic sectors in the regions of Ukraine as well as directions of solution to the problem of quality evaluation of target development programs. Interpretations of the major categories of program and target-oriented approach by domestic and foreign scholars was provided and was determined that its essence consists in solving the set problem through the planned measures, which shows a distinct target nature and is provided with the necessary resources. Principles of program and target-oriented approach, multi-way classification of target programs were examined. Practice of program and target-oriented approach as used in the countries with developed economies was analyzed. The basic legislative acts, governing the application of program and target-oriented approach in Ukraine, were examined. Modern methodical approaches to estimating the quality of specific target programs in the various sectors of economy, their strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement were analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pavlov K. V.
The Development of Traditional Crafts in the Regions as a Factor of the Import-Substitution Model of Modernization of Russian Economy (p. 106 - 113)

In connection with the crisis developments in the global economy and the imposition of economic sanctions against Russia by the developed Western countries, special applicability has gained the import-substitution model of modernization of the Russian economy, one of the most important directions of which at the regional level, particularly in the republics, is the resumption and development of traditional crafts, by which the titular nations and nationalities have been occupied from olden times. The article is aimed at the determination of the regional factors and specifics of the implementation of the restructuring, technical upgrading and modernization (especially the import-substitution model of modernization) of the Russian economy on the basis of the analysing and studying of the positive foreign and domestic experience of innovative development of the reproduction systems. Methods of comparative statistical analysis, strategic analysis and method of enumeration were used. The results indicate that consideration of the regional and sectoral characteristics also is important in the implementation of the modernization. The so-called ethnic economy is reviewed in detail using the example of the Udmurt Republic. Thus, the process of modernization of the economy, in addition to the technological aspect, also includes ethnic, social, ecological, ethical, aesthetic and other aspects. The development of traditional crafts by the titular nations of the republics within Russia will facilitate the implementation of an effective economic policy of the import substitution as in the whole country so in its individual regions, as well as the development of the import-substitution model of modernization of the economy in general.

Article is written in Russian

Cherniaieva A. O.
Problems of Formation and Development of the Regular Labor Force at the Regional Level (p. 113 - 118)

The article is aimed at identifying the problems of formation and development of the regular labor force at the regional level as well as grounding of solutions. Based on cluster analysis, the key characteristics were identified, that distinguish regions of Ukraine in the level of formation and development of regular labor force. In addition, the following clusters were highlighted: in the formation – the highest level cluster with the imperfect system of the initial professional training, the high level cluster with a better system of the initial professional training, the medium, low, and the lowest level clusters; in the development – the highest level cluster, especially in the subsystem of the advanced training, the high-average, low and the lowest level clusters. The distribution of the Ukrainian regions in terms of the formation and the development of regular labor force allowed to form the following segments: small segment with the high and very high levels of formation and development of regular labor force, the smallest segment with the average level of the studied signs, the large segment of the outsiders – regions with the low and very low indicators.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielikova N. V., Omarov Shakhin A.
Problems of Formation of the System of State Support of Development of Regions in the EU Member States (p. 43 - 47)

The article is aimed at analysis of the experience of State support of regional development in the countries of the European Union. The logic of formation of the system of State support of the regions of the EU is determined. The general principles of financial backing of regional development of the EU and directions for coordination of regional policies for the EU member states are considered. On example of Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic models and objectives of regional development are defined. The basic principles of regional policy in the EU member states are summarized. Specifics of formation of regional groupings as a tool of interregional cooperation were studied.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pashkevych M. S., Churikanova O. Y.
Influence of Cognitive Paradigm on the Formation of Regional Policy: Qualitative Analysis Based on Researches of Scientists in Ukraine and in Russian Federation (p. 48 - 52)

Scientific and methodological approaches to the management of regional economies with a cognitive approach were studied. Principles for building of cognitive maps to increase the efficiency of formation of regional policy of the State was analyzed. It was found, that principles of cognitive approach to regional policy is based on the progressive analysis, conducted from general to particular. This means that an effective way of building cognitive models will be to analyze the regional economy not only as an overall system, but also to divide it into subsystems with analysis of each individual part, which ensures an integrated system approach. For solving of particular regional challenges a particular group of factors (regional indicators) was used. During the study, groupings of all the factors, that are applied when solving problems related to the management of the regional economies, were carried out. The total number of factors identified in the paper counts more than 50. Further prospects for the use of cognitive approach to improving the regional policy of the State were outlined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kutidze L. S.
Definition of Strategic Keynotes of the Effective Use of the Export Potential of Region (p. 53 - 58)

The article is aimed to define the strategic keynotes of the effective use of the export potential of region to their further implication in developing a strategy as well as the appropriate organizing mechanisms for management of the potential at the regional level. Based on analysis of functions of the export potential of region was determined that these main criteria were innovation, diversity of exports, international integration and cooperation of enterprises. It is proved, that persistence of traditional industries and consistent policy of forming the profile of international specialization is of today's importance for regions of Ukraine, and so the problems of development of export potential must be analyzed for each industry, present in the region. It was defined, that a prerequisite for effective use of the export potential of region is the existence of a management system. It is suggested to analyze the development of export potential of region as oriented towards the strategic keynotes of its effective use and opportunities for achieving them through the development of the regional environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysarevskyi I. M., Voitenko K. K.
Increase of the Tourism Potential of Cities through Formation of the Region's Tourism Cluster (on the Basis of Worldwide and National Experience) (p. 58 - 63)

In this article the efficiency of the cluster approach to increase of the tourism potential of cities through the study of national and worldwide experience, related to the tourism clusters, was proved. With this objective, examples of cluster formation and development in South Africa, Australia and the United States were considered in details; examples of clustering in other countries were explored (Italy, Scotland, Ireland, France, Indonesia, Turkey, Egypt, U.A.E., Thailand, etc.) and analysis of the most successful examples of clustering in Ukraine was carried out (green tourism cluster «Oberig»; tourism cluster «Kamianets»; cluster «ЕКОТUR»; tourism and recreational cluster «Gogolivski mistsia Poltavshchiny»; Slavutich city public organization «Tourism cluster – Slavutich», tourism cluster «Pivdenne turistichne kiltse»). On the basis of the carried out SWOT-analysis creating of a tourism cluster in Kharkov region with inclusion of small cities with their «big» history and rich cultural and historical heritage has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Baitsym V. F.
Destinations and Sources of Investment into the Sustainable Energy Development of Cities in Terms of the Indicators of Socio-Economic Development of Urban Areas and of Improving the Quality of Life (p. 64 - 69)

To overbear the significant disparities in economic development of cities of Ukraine towards cities of the EU countries, particularly when taking into account the country's European choice, that resulted in signing of the Europe Agreement, a substantial acceleration of the development of high-tech industries is necessary while the priority, first and foremost, should be national scientific and technological development, connected with the overall modernization of the system of urban infrastructure, – heating system, energy supply, water supply, sewerage, waste recycling, urban transport, as well as other areas of production and consumption. All above indicated requires substantial financial resources and wide use of new and innovative approaches to address the problems of energy and housing-communal sectors in Ukraine. The article analyzes and illustrates the main directions, sources and mechanisms for attraction of investments into sustainable socio-economic development of cities, regions, countries, reforming of housing-communal services and especially energy saving. It has been proved that local and regional authorities should develop an understanding of the need for a system of long-term planning in the field of local economic policies aimed at sustainable development and careful use of all types of resources in accordance with the target goals and priorities as to the strategies, which provide a high level of quality of life to the citizens.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Komelina O. V., Shcherbinina S. A.
Funding of Measures to Increase the Energy Efficiency of House Building at the Regional Level (p. 96 - 102)

The article is aimed to study the present status and future prospects of funding of measures to increase the energy efficiency of of house building at the regional level. It was specified that funding of measures for modernization of central heating systems and increasing of the energy efficiency of living houses should be carrying out simultaneously. Flow of housing funds and the commissioning of housing for 2009-2013 by regions of Ukraine was analyzed. Various sources of funding to increase the energy efficiency of buildings, in particular the programs of international donor organizations, bank loans for energy-saving, funding programs for measures to improve the energy efficiency of living houses by region were considered. It has been determined, that the optimal implementation of the energy efficiency measures in the house building is possible on the basis of the working relationship of State, business and community, with attracting investments from various sources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ponomarenko O. O., Loseva O. H.
Cluster Approach to the Study of Inflation Processes at the Regional Level (p. 103 - 108)

The relevance of topics related to the analysis of inflation processes at the regional level is growing, considering that regionalization is a tendency of the world development. The objective of this article is to identify the feasibility of a study of inflation processes at the regional level by means of cluster analysis with a view to the further implementation of the obtained results in the formation of ways to overcome the excessive inflation in Ukraine. At the first stage of cluster analysis three groups of indexes are to be studied: index of industrial production; volume index of gross regional product; consumer price index, which are the most widely used indicator of inflation in the regional context. As result of the conducted analysis of indexes of 25 objects there are nine clusters, among which four are isolated cases, that means unique to certain indexes, and five clusters, which bring together from three to seven areas. The results, obtained in the course of cluster analysis, show as subclusters with minor differences, so the clusters with significant heterogeneity in the middle of the group. Consideration of the «local peculiarities» of the checked indexes will help to transform antiinflationary tools and enhance the effect on implementation of the local measures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grygoruk P. M., Fedorova T. J.
Components of the Regional Socio-Ecological-Economic System in the Context of Sustainable Development (p. 109 - 113)

The article is aimed to identify the main components of the regional socio-ecological-economic system (SEES) and chances of their interaction in the context of sustainable development, thus sustainable development of a socio-ecological-economic system is seen as stability of each of the subsystems and the system as a whole, and in a broad sense is meant the dynamic functioning of the entire system, including all kinds of stability. To ensure the transition towards permanent environmental-oriented development, particular attention should be paid to the formation of the major concepts and mechanisms of the SEES, because in this system the characteristics of the natural, social and economic conditions of the region are determined. While influencing the state of the natural environment through the own activities, exploiting the natural-resource potential of a territory, the society determines the level of health, provision of the necessary foods, depopulation of the citizens i.e. all that, what forms the level of society's living in that territory. In turn, the living standard of the population largely determines the environmental situation. The possibility of SEES functioning at the regional level should be based on: identification of specific characteristics of regions; determination of level of development of the productive forces and production relations; determination of compliance with the existing legal basis for the implementation of sustainable development in the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skibska K. O.
World Experience of Supporting the Development of Clustering Processes (p. 114 - 121)

The article is aimed to study the world experience of supporting the development of clustering for its further implementation into practice of the regional governance in Ukraine. The expediency of the issues considering the support of cluster initiatives has been substantiated. World experience of supporting the development of clustering processes was studied. Practice of interaction within the cluster is disclosed by example of European countries, as well as North America and the Far East countries. The national characteristics of cluster development in frame of region are determined. The vision of substance of programs and conceptions of the clusters' development has been expanded. Industry orientation, innovation priorities and global trends of clustering were generalized. A comparison of the world experience with the existing practice in Ukraine was carried out. Issues and priorities were highlighted, which must be reviewed taking into account the advanced world experience. Areas for improvement of supporting the development of clustering processes in the Ukrainian economy have been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sheketa Y. Y.
Long-Term Unemployment in the Carpathian Region: Imperatives of Formation, Mechanism for Prevention (p. 122 - 127)

In the article features of the regional labor market are highlighted, its inherent properties and features are allocated. A comparative evaluation of the indicators of registered long-term unemployment in the Carpathian region by the State employment service and the indicators calculated by the State statistics service on the basis of methodology of the International Labor Organization was carried out. Main areas of improvement of the mechanism for prevention of long-term unemployment in the Carpathian region of Ukraine as the main premise of preserving its human resources, using the budgetary, credit and tax levers of influence, have been formed. The mechanism for preventing long-term unemployment was suggested to be implemented through the promotion of investment and innovative upgrading the infrastructure in the region, creating the zones of intensive scientific and technological development and the cross-regional production system, participation of the region in international scientific and technical cooperation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savchenko N. V.
Forming the Methodological Approach to Evaluation of Basic Indicators of the Socio-Economic Status of Region (p. 128 - 135)

The article is aimed to form a methodological approach to evaluation of the socio-economic status of region, to identify the dominant direction for estimation and substantiation its efficiency, reliability and unambiguity when comparing the results of regional development, competitiveness and economic security of territories. As result of applying of multistage routines of the analysis of efficiency, intensity, structural adjustment and recession in the regional industrial production; investment activity; level of education of the population; value of «labor» resource a set of procedures for evaluation of the socio-economic situation of the Ukrainian regions has been formed. In accordance with the proposed sequence, a comprehensive assessment of the socio-economic situation of regions of Ukraine on the basis of available statistical data was carried out to identify regions with the best indicators of economic security, to characterize the main issues of territorial development. Reliability of the methodology for the assessment and the used set of indicators was tested by evaluating the socio-economic stability of region and its individual indicators in dynamics. The prospect of further research in this area is to make use of additional indicators (for example, deepening the industry analysis) that will help to more clearly identify strengths and weaknesses in the areas, which characterize the level of competitiveness of their economies, and to identify key management actions to ensure their economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Goliyad N. Y.
Formation of a System of Indicators of the Socio-Economic Development of Region (p. 136 - 141)

In the article questions of relevance concerning choice and formation of a system of indicators of the socio-economic development of region are considered, an algorithm for formation of such a system has been proposed, which consists of two stages: forming a hypothesis regarding the indicators and forming the information space of the study. The elaborated algorithm allows to create a system of indicators, taking into account the following criteria: objectivity of displaying the level of socio-economic development of region; correctness as to the goals and objectives of the study, which is also considered the basis of any studies of processes in a region, since the latter is representing a complex socio-economic system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko K. V.
Issues of Increasing the Competitiveness of Depressive Regions in the Context of Economic Globalization (p. 85 - 90)

The article is aimed at estimating the competitiveness of Ukrainian regions and identifying the fundamental economic forces that determine the level of competition and attractiveness of doing business in a particular industry branch in general and the region in particular. In the analysis and synthesis of numerous works of scientists, essence of competitiveness and depression of territories in the context of economic globalization has been disclosed and substantiated. The indicators of competitiveness that reveal problems of the depressive territories are considered. Competitiveness of Ukrainian regions has been analyzed and the basic problematic factors have been identified, which cause depression and affect the competitiveness of the outsider regions of Ukraine as well as the regions that have worsened their positions in the rating of competitiveness. Taking account of the study results, directions of reforming the system of public administration and ways to overcome the identified problems are proposed. The main attention is focused on the need to strengthen the role of social responsibility and its popularization by society and the State to address territorial issues, especially in the depressive regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prushkivska E. V., Kutsenko V. I.
Analysis of the Diversification of Branch Structure of Region Economy in the Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis Periods (p. 91 - 96)

In the article features of the diversification of branch structure of economy in the regions of Ukraine are explored. Branch structure of the economy in the regions of Ukraine in the pre- and post-crisis periods was analyzed to determine that there has been little change in the structure of the regions' economy. Based on an index of industry branches concentration, a ratio of diversification for the branch structure of economy in the regions of Ukraine has been determined. A comparative analysis of changes in the diversification level of the branch structure by region has proven that this structure has barely changed in the post-crisis period, and in some regions has even worsened. Necessity of forming the industrial branch structure of economy has been substantiated, which will be able to ensure the sustainable development of regions in particular and the national economy in a whole, rational use of natural resources potential, the maximum implementation of advances in scientific and technical progress, taking into account traditions and value orientations at the regional level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yermachenko V. Y.
Inequality of Regional Development as a Factor of Formation of the Tourist Flows in Ukraine (p. 97 - 103)

The article is aimed to determine the degree of dependence of tourism activities upon the territorial and structural differences in the regional economic systems as well as general trends in development of the national economy of Ukraine. On the basis of the official information from the State statistics service of Ukraine the main quantitative and qualitative indicators of functioning of the tourism economy have been analyzed, a comparison of the structure and dynamics of the similar indicators in other sectors has been carried out; backgrounds of the currently existing regional disparities in the tourism industry in Ukraine have been studied. As result of the study, the specifics of calculation of the performance indicators of the tourism enterprises' activities are explained; general trends in the development of the national tourism market and the main problems of its functioning are defined; structure of the national economy by sectors was explored in terms of types of enterprises and regions of Ukraine; existence of structural and regional imbalances in the activities of enterprises in the tourism sphere has been disclosed. Prospects of the further researches are modeling the influence of factors of the formation of the current socio-economic situation in region on development of the tourist industry and the establishing of tourist flows.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Blahun I. S., Honak I. M.
Valorization of the Regional Tourism Area (p. 104 - 110)

A method of valorization of tourism area (VTA) is proposed. Estimation attributes of tourism area have been defined in accordance with the criteria. On the basis of statistical materials of the Ivano-Frankivsk region an approbation of the method has been held. With assistance of the Pearson correlation coefficient the dependence between the tourism function, the number of the relevant attributes of VTA and their values has been determined. The common indicator of the potential attractiveness of the locality for development of tourism function has been determined, which is an average of the two main fields: tourism and investment attractiveness. The area with general attractiveness of the localities with both high and low level of development of tourism function has been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pilko A. D.
Formation of Mechanism for Managing Food Security of Region (p. 87 - 91)

The aim of the article is to highlight the major findings of the conducted analysis of existing approaches to definition of «food security», as well as forming of a mechanism for managing food security of region in terms of systemic transformations. The key efficiency criteria for regional food markets, and consequently, for the food security of region, are identified. The factors, on which the level of food supply security in the region depends, are systematized. The factors that determine the level of actual food consumption per capita in the territorial system and, consequently, the level of food security, are presented. To conduct a rapid assessment of the level of food security in the region, has been proposed that indicators of the food consumption level, foods availability, as well as the indicator of self-sufficiency of region be used. The tasks, which are designated during the study, can become the basis for development of perspective areas of monitoring, as well as appropriate target programs for ensuring the food security of the regions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Umanets T. V., Shatalova L. S.
Preconditions for the Formation of a Mechanism for Ensuring the Economic Self-Sufficiency of Region (p. 92 - 96)

The article is aimed to analyze preconditions for the formation of a mechanism for ensuring the economic self-sufficiency of region in accordance with the present day challenges. The spheres of activity, which stand for preconditions for the formation of a mechanism for ensuring the economic self-sufficiency of region, have been marked, an analysis of their status in the context of globalization and decentralization of power has been conducted. The main purpose of regions and the tools, which will provide for achieving it, have been outlined. The necessity of improving the efficient mechanisms of territorial managerial systems from the view of the relevant regulation of the economic self-sufficiency of regions, development of new systems and methods of implementation of this process, has been substantiated. The need to implement the policy of «polarized» development while forming strategies for socio-economic development of the territories and defining the regional priorities has been proven. An analysis of efficiency of the system of local self-governing authorities, existing in Ukraine, has been carried out as well as proposed to improve it in compliance with generally accepted European principles in the context of decentralization of power. The necessity of formation of mechanism for ensuring the economic self-sufficiency of region, taking into account the main regularities of distribution of productive forces and the territories' development priorities has been substantiated, the underlying principles have been specified. The process of establishing a new information paradigm in the context of globalization has been explored. It has been proposed not just to quantify the economic self-sufficiency of territories in the regional studies, but also to elaborate a mechanism for ensuring this.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miklovda V. P., Slava S. S., Mashiko K. S., Riabak M. I.
Spatial-Functional Approach to Development of Timber Industry Complex in Zakarpattia Region (p. 40 - 49)

The research is aimed at building a model of development of the timber industry complex (TIC) in the region, based on spatial-functional principles and elaborating recommendations on improvement of integrated tools for support and stimulation of development of the TIC. Research methods: economic and statistical analysis; expert survey of business representatives, social organizations, government and local authorities; cluster analysis based on k-means method, tree-structured clustering; cartography. Economic analysis of results of the study made possible to substantiate four clusters (depending on the combination of existing tools for support and development of the types of activity and the related tax revenues), which form the core of the TIC, and the three following levels of its development. The information thus obtained was used as a basis for building a spatial-functional model of TIC in Zakarpattia Region and provided its visualization in cartographic form. Based on a synthesis of current results as well as results of the previous researches on possible and applicable tools in the field of regional policy support and promoting business development, the article proposes a comprehensive set of tools to meet the needs of the TIC in general and its particular types of economic activities in Transcarpathia. The guidance component is presented in terms of: human resourcing, organizational and advisory support, fiscal-budgetary support, programming methods and additional tools, which, taken together, can produce a synergistic effect.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryvoruchko M. Y.
Analysis of the Interregional Differentiation in the Socio-Economic Development in Ukraine in Terms of the «New Economic Geography» (p. 50 - 55)

The article is aimed at studying the interregional differentiation in the socio-economic development in Ukraine. As the methodological basis of the research served the theory of «core – periphery», in the framework of which influence of size of both the industrial market and migration on the income level of the population by regions of Ukraine has been analyzed. Results of the study suggest to substantiate the thesis of the «New economic geography» as to positive relationship between the factors set out above, thus proving the presence of regional divergence of socio-economic development in Ukraine. However, results of the empirical analysis cannot be considered definitive, they are intended to actualize the further studies of interregional differentiation in socio-economic development in our country. Diversity of perception of the «New economic geography» within the scientific field determines the need for further analysis of interregional differentiation in Ukraine that can be directed to the study of the influence of agglomeration effect at the level of income level of the population, prices, and employment in the regional context, as well as the study on concentration of incomes of the population in the capital of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Analysis of Existing Methodical Approaches to Establishment of the System of Monitoring the Socio-Economic Development of Regions in Ukraine and the Countries of the World (p. 62 - 67)

The article analyzes the existing methodical approaches to establishment of the system of monitoring the socio-economic development of regions in Ukraine and in the countries of the world. Methodology of monitoring is widely used in the systems of statistics of socio-economic trends in almost all countries of the world. In Ukraine, complex calculations according to the analyzed methods currently are not carried out and are not used on the official level, the new guidelines are neither elaborated or implemented. Then, there is none of the information components of modern efficient public management in terms of integrated assessment of socio-economic development in Ukraine as whole and in its regions. At the present stage of development of Ukraine, priority decisions are required for decentralization of power, modernization of regional policies and the empowerment of local authorities for the development of territories. To make effective managerial decisions on the efficient implementation of these tasks is essential to develop improved methodological approaches for monitoring and evaluation of socio-economic development of regions, using objective and adequate system of indicators that would ensure the accuracy of the estimate, take into account trends and enable prognostics of regional development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dmytryshyn L. I., Romankiv I. M.
Improving the Processes of Managing the Development Persistence of the Regional Economy by Using Neuro-Fuzzy Technology (p. 67 - 76)

The article is aimed to study the processes of managing the development persistence of the regional economy by using neuro-fuzzy technology. In the article the relevance of applying theoretical models and technologies of neural networks is substantiated, which make possible to consider the processes of managing the development persistence of the regional economy in conditions as close as possible to current realities. A model for evaluating the effectiveness of management of development persistence of the regional economy was built, including the definition of levels of efficiency of the economic-financial, social and environmental components of persistence according to the formed estimation scale, whose structure helps to carry out a detailed analysis of «contribution» from each of the indicators, characterized through the individual components in the resulting indicator of effectiveness of managing the development persistence of the regional economy. Implementation of the model for evaluating the effectiveness of management of development persistence of the regional economy provides for valid choosing strategic areas of socio-economic development of the region, which will result in the specific development indicators. It has been determined that effectiveness of managing the development persistence of economy management of the Ukrainian regions for 2009-2013 basically meets the level of insufficient persistence with values close to an acceptable level that threatens to deepen the crisis processes in the regions and may cause undesirable effects associated with increased social tensions in society.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Baranik Z. P., Chernenko D. I.
Grouping of Regions of Ukraine Depending on the Level of Development of the Market of the Laboratory-Based Health Services (p. 65 - 70)

In the article, methodological provisions for market research in terms of laboratory-based health services with a view to the classification of regions of Ukraine, depending on the level of securing the population in the regions with such services, have been elaborated. A comprehensive study and assessment of the market situation in terms of laboratory-based health services at the regional level has been proposed, using the cluster analysis and the multidimensional means method. The basic tasks, which can be accomplished using the cluster analysis, have been disclosed. The main advantages and disadvantages of different methods of cluster analysis, as well as features of their application, are considered. Classification of regions of Ukraine was carried out using different algorithms of cluster analysis. Alternating the use of the method of complete association and the method of Ward, followed by application of the k-means method, allowed to substantiate the possibility of combining regions of Ukraine in three clusters, building a dendrogram of the relevant associations, as well as to identify and analyze the composition of the regions included in each cluster.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Guryanova L. S., Kavun S. V.
Conceptual Scheme for Analysis of Spatio-Temporal and Structural Effects of Regional Financial Policy (p. 71 - 77)

One of the major problems in development of the national economy is strengthening the imbalances in development of regions. This leads to the increasing threat of disintegration of the national economy, social tensions, emergence of crises. A direction of solving this problem is to develop new conceptual approaches to substantiation of territorial development policies. The article considers the conceptual scheme for analysis of spatio-temporal and structural effects of financial regional policy, which is represented as a complex of interconnected modules. To accomplish the tasks of each module we use the method of evaluation of structural dynamics, cointegration analysis, models for error compensation, the methods of spatial econometrics, methods of multivariate analysis, scenario approach, simulation, the method of system dynamics, production functions based on panel data. Implementation of the proposed approach in activities of the regional systems will provide for assessing the balance of economic growth, the stability of economic system, its response to «shocks», to explore the effects of interregional interaction, estimate the effects of financial regional policies, select the projects, to which the mixed forms of financing can be applied.

Article is written in Russian


Bondarenko S. A.
Analytical Estimation of Dynamics of Innovation Activities of Industrial Enterprises in the Odessa Region to Identify Opportunities for Ecologization of the Region (p. 77 - 85)

The article is aimed at an analytical estimation of dynamics of innovation activities of industrial enterprises of Odessa region to identify opportunities for ecologization of the region. The current state of innovation activity and innovation activeness of industrial enterprises in the Odessa region has been analyzed, which allowed to identify the main problems and key obstacles to implementing environmental innovation for ecologization of the region. It has been determined that the main problem is the undeliberate policy of financing the innovation activities of industrial enterprises. In addition, State governance remains in critical condition regarding the ability of regulating the innovation activities in the sphere of environmental management. It has been specified that the mechanisms for stimulating the environmental innovation are not effective in the Odessa region, that's why environmental innovation at the industrial enterprises are scarcely implemented. The relevance of supplement of the regional policy with effective incentive mechanisms to ensure the implementation of the conception of environmentally sustainable development at the level of entities of the real sector of economy has been substantiated. The main directions for implementing the policy to ensure the ecologization process in the region have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zakharchenko S. V.
Management Efficiency as a Factor of Competitiveness of the Regions of Ukraine: the International Dimension (p. 52 - 58)

According to methodology of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD-Lausanne), the theoretical and methodological foundations of assessment and analysis of management efficiency in view of the Ukraine's regions are described. The factor of efficiency as to the regions' management has been considered using such sub-factors as status of the public finances, implementation of the tax policy, institutional and social framework, compliance with the business legislation. To assess and analyze management efficiency as a factor of competitiveness of the regions and the detalising sub-factors, the author's own methodic is suggested, which provides distinction of the indicators-stimulators and the indicators-destimulators, as well as use of the procedure for their normalization and «weighing» – based on the relation of the values of each indicator for both Ukraine and one of the leading countries. According to the carried out calculations by the factor and the sub-factors of the management efficiency, ratings of the international competitiveness of the Ukrainian regions as well as areas of improvement have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mylenkyi V. M., Strokan O. A.
Methods for Determining Heterogeneous Factors in the Reproduction Process of a Region's Functioning (p. 58 - 63)

The article is aimed to study different methods for estimating the innovation subsystem of regional economy and to elaborate an algorithm for estimation of the reproductive activity of region. A mechanism for estimating the innovation and economic opportunities of regions has been substantiated and implemented, taking into account the number of persons employed in the economy and the quality of human capital, amount of investments and fixed assets, as well as the innovative component that, taking into account the outcome of the ongoing economic activities, provides to estimate the use of available objective capacities of economic entities. Studying the multidimensional and complex problem of reproductive activity of territories is carried out through seven stages starting from the situation-transformational analysis of the indicators by region for the periods, and ending with an integrated estimating the use of innovation-economic resources, i.e. the objective capacities available. The formation, functioning and development of the innovation subsystem of regional economy is characterized by the totality of orienting pointers, which are firstly the resources (in the framework of the institutional provision, number of staff and training of research personnel, as well as characteristics of the intensity), secondly the outcomes, thirdly an effective use of the innovation opportunities available.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Biluk R. R.
Mechanisms and Tools to Ensure the Economic Security of the Regions of Ukraine in the Process of Decentralization (p. 67 - 72)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the applied mechanisms and tools for systemic ensuring the economic security of the regions of Ukraine in the process of decentralized reorganization of the executive powers. It has been revealed that in Ukraine a considerable number of projects of laws have been developed, legislation acts and policy documents have been passed, declarative provisions for the decentralization of powers as well as for reforming the local governance have been presented. It has been confirmed that the decentralization of powers in Ukraine is a necessary step, given the European integration course of the both foreign policy and the internal economic development of the State. However, it has been determined that an administrative-territorial reform may not only positively affect the economic security of region, but can lead to some negative results as well. It has been found that such planning of both the economic development of region and ensuring its security, on the one hand, has its risks, and on the other hand, generates new opportunities and prospects. A complex mechanism for ensuring economic security of the region, including institutional, organizational and economic constituents, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kharuk K. B.
Influence of the Reform of Local Self-Government in Ukraine on the Formation and Development of Labor Potential (p. 73 - 78)

The article determines the peculiarities of formation and development of the labor potential in the process of the reforming local self-government in Ukraine. It has been found that an integration of population, the system of economic entities, infrastructure units, scientific-technical potential allows to determine the need for modern spatial forms of concentration of labor potential, i.e. for consolidated territorial communities. With the purpose of formation and development of labor potential, considering impacts of the reform of local self-government in Ukraine, the following activities has been proposed to be carried out: improving the living standards of rural residents, creation of productive jobs, socio-economic cooperation between communities, infrastructure development, use of natural resources, socio-labor, agricultural and industrial capacities, effective use of rural socio-labour potential, development of agricultural production, rural non-farm activities, development of social infrastructure, creation of advisory service and introduction of a system of continuous education, development of family medicine, collaboration with regional and central authorities, involvement of the regional budget funds, establishment of a fund for economic development, cooperation with domestic and foreign investors. It has been determined that the introduction of the above measures will affect the increase in employment within the consolidated territorial communities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shchepak V. V.
Development of Management of Territories Based on the Use of Geographical Information Systems (p. 74 - 79)

The article is aimed at studying the kinds of activity of the bodies for territorial administration, as well as examining the possibilities of the use of geographic information systems in the management of territories. Four kinds of activity of bodies for territorial administration have been allocated. It has been determined that the main task of a territorial administration is to find solutions to a complex of regional socio-economic problems, such as creation of conditions for a dynamic and balanced socio-economic development of region, sustainable use of natural resources of the territory, effective protection of environment. It is proposed, at the regional, municipal and object levels of management of territories, to use the geographic information systems (GIS), the concept of provides for creation of multilayer electronic charts (the reference layer describes the geography of the territories, each of the other layers reflects one of aspects related to the status of the territories). The structural-logic model of development of a territorial administration has been elaborated. Further research should be directed to the formation of strategies for development of the administrative-territorial units on the basis of the studied approaches to zoning the territories, in terms of capabilities of the geographic information systems.

Article is written in Russian

Parkhomenko N. O.
Conduct of Enterprises in the Luhansk Region under Conditions of Disintegration of Economy, an Evaluation on the Basis of Cluster and Factor Analysis (p. 79 - 86)

The article is aimed at carrying out both cluster and factor analysis on the main indicators of the activity of enterprises of Luhansk region during the period of disintegration of economy to identify features of the conduct of Ukrainian enterprises in the crisis times. The article conducts an estimation of activities of enterprises from different spheres of activity for 2014, a list of factors that affect the status of enterprise is presented, the estimated development of enterprises is characterized. Attention is focused on the importance of forecasting the economic condition of enterprise, use of economic-mathematical methods has been proposed in this regard. The result of the study provides a rationale for classification of enterprises under conditions of instability, crisis and disintegration of economy, appropriateness of a particular variant of economic conduct for a timely decision-making as to the sustainable functioning of enterprise.

Article is written in Russian

Beglarashvili O. P., Kulik A. V.
Development of Stores in the Cherkasy Region (p. 86 - 91)

The article is aimed at studying the regional aspects and trends of development of retail trade stores in the Cherkasy region. Some regional aspects of the main development indicators for the development of retail trade stores in the Cherkasy region were highlighted. Dynamics in terms of indicators of quantity of enterprises, trade area of retail stores, turnover of the retail trade of legal entities, provision of population with trade area, as well as consumer price indices were analyzed. Prospect of further research in this direction is development of strategies to ensure rational territorial organization of retail trade network, which should contribute to reducing regional asymmetries in the levels of the territorial organization of retail trade network.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kozyrieva O. V., Heiman O. A.
An Analysis of Inequality in the Socio-Economic Development of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 93 - 104)

The article presents the results of the study on the problem of inequality in the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine. The article analyzes the distribution of regions of Ukraine by the following indicators: per capita GRP, per capita income, unemployment rate, migration rate, as well as combined indicator of social development. A matrix for determining the problematicity of Ukrainian regions in the plane of the socio-economic development has been proposed. On the basis of the matrix, a distribution of the regions of Ukraine in 2001 and 2013 has been accomplished. Criteria for identification of dynamics of GRP for regions of the country has been proposed, its impact on the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine has been analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Challenging Issues of Socio-Economic Development of the Regions of Ukraine and Proposals for Addressing them in the Context of the Reform of Decentralization of Power (p. 105 - 115)

The publication considers challenging issues concerning the differentiation of socio-economic development of the administrative-territorial entities (national and sub-national), which is one of the most topical issues of development of economic policy for most countries in the world. The importance and topicality of managing imbalances in regional development are postulated by that they provoke emergence and intensification of contradictions in reconciling the economic interests between regions, as well as between center and regions, increasing political fragmentation, economic disintegration and social explosions. Therefore, one of the priority reforms in Ukraine today is the reform aimed at decentralization of power, which provides for the establishment of an effective system of organization and management of socio-economic development at the local level. The main challenging issues are: annual growth of the gap between the regions-leaders and other regions of the country, causing rise of social tensions, absent points of economic growth in most parts of the country, unconformity of the system of administrative-territorial division of the country with the EU standards. One of the main directions in curing interregional differentiation and overcoming the problems of regional development in Ukraine is modernization of the system of administrative-territorial organization and local self-government bodies. Special attention should be given to consideration of the issue of establishment and functioning of a self-sufficient community, which is defined as the base level in the system of local self-government.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khomjak M. S.
A Model of Regions Development in the Domestic Financial Space (p. 116 - 121)

The article is aimed at studying the operable models of economic development of regions as well as development of a contemporary model, which would take into consideration the accumulated domestic and foreign experience, all this together will contribute to regional development. The tasks of this article are set as follows: clarifying the substance of the term of «region»; synthesis of characteristics of region's financial space; evaluating the efficiency of foreign models of regional economic development; development of a domestic-based model of region development. Formation of the basic directions of regional development in the local financial space is a new task, which has risen before the Ukrainian society in the middle of the second decade of the 21 century. In developing these directions, potential resources should be taken into consideration, activity of both the State and its social structures should be intensified, an effective monitoring of the use of resources, including financial resources, should be ensured. All this calls for consolidating the population, authorities, business structures, and only in view of such important setting, it is hoped to increase the paces of regional growth.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Analysis of the Main Indicators of Socio-Economic Development of the Kharkiv Region and its Administrative-Territorial Units (p. 106 - 118)

The publication conducts an analysis of the socio-economic development of the Kharkiv region and its administrative-territorial units. The Kharkiv region has a fairly strong economic potential and demonstrates a high level of socio-economic development. Along with this, asymmetries in the development of administrative-territorial units of the Kharkov region do not decrease, the constant reallocation of resources from the more economically self-sufficient territories in the region towards the less self-sufficient leads to internal regional tensions and deprives the administrative-territorial units of incentives to economic growth. Establishment of an effective system of organization and management of socio-economic development at the local level in Ukraine remains one of the priority tasks for implementing structural reforms. One of the main directions in addressing the interregional differentiation and overcoming problems of regional development in Ukraine is modernization of both administrative-territorial organization and local self-government bodies, through the implementation of the decentralization reform.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Prodanova L. V., Fomina O. O.
The Economy of the Regions of Ukraine: Lost Resources and Reserves of the Future (p. 114 - 120)

The article is aimed at studying the regional characteristics of the economy of Ukraine, identification of trends and consequences of such a development for the national economy. The main task in the range of the above defined aiming is estimating resources (including the lost resources) and reserves for regional development. On the basis of an analysis of statistical material, features of the economy of the regions of Ukraine have been determined, which has provided to identify and in some cases to confirm a series of changes that adversely impact the socio-economic development of the country. The uneven development together with growth of interregional socio-economic disparities have been proven. The article presents an attempt to estimate extent of the losses of resources for regional development of the country as result of the events that occurred from the beginning of 2014 on the South and East of the country. According to the estimates received, the country has lost a fifth part, and on some selected items – a quarter or even a third of the socio-economic development potential of its regions. The results of the analysis could become a basis for an efficient regional policy by the State.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V.
Analyzing and Evaluating the Industrial Sector in the Socio-Economic Development of the Kharkiv Region (p. 121 - 128)

In the publication both analysis and evaluation of the industrial sector in the socio-economic development of Kharkiv region has been conducted, which has considerable industrial potential that provides a high level of the socio-economical development of region. Effective socio-economic development of both the country as a whole and its individual regions and territories is not possible without the efficient functioning of the real sectors of economy, especially industry. Industrial development in Ukraine during the years of independence shows very negative trends. Integration of Ukraine into the contemporary global market requires a comprehensive and detailed study of the socio-economic potential of the regional level, in particular industrial sector, that gives an opportunity to evaluate the dynamics, trends, current status of the socio-economical components of regions and make a forecast as to the future development of the country and its territories. Special attention should be given to consideration of issues on the establishment and functioning of economic growth points in the regions, especially in terms of industrial sector. It is advisable to conduct additional research to identify causes of the structural changes in the industrial sector of the Kharkiv region and develop recommendations on the conduct of activities that would help to overcome the negative processes affecting development of the territories, as well as generate proposals for the effective use of the existing industrial potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Analyzing and Evaluating Structural Processes in the Socio-Economic Development of Kharkiv Region (p. 129 - 137)

In the publication both analysis and evaluation of structural processes in the socio-economic development of Kharkiv region has been conducted. Ukraine is actively integrating into the contemporary global community, and this requires in-depth examination of the socio-economic potential of the regional economy, detailed study of the interaction of economic, social and environmental processes as to specific territories, social processes in the country. For the efficient regional governance in Ukraine one of the priority areas for reforming is decentralization of management of the economy, because only the direct initiatives in the region provide an opportunity to ensure the effective management and development of the region's own economy and potential. One of the main directions towards correction of interregional differentiation and overcoming problems of the regional development in Ukraine is modernization of the administrative-territorial organization together with local self-government bodies. Special attention should be given to consideration of issues on the establishment and functioning of a self-contained territorial community, which is defined as a basic level of a local government system, establishment of points of economic growth, both at the level of the consolidated territorial communities and at the regional level. It is advisable to carry out further detailed studies to determine the causes of structural change in the economy of Kharkiv region and develop recommendations on conducting activities to overcome the negative trends impacting the development of territories.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kasych A. O.
Resourcing the Modernization Processes in Ukraine: Regional Aspect (p. 138 - 143)

The article is aimed at studying problems of resourcing the modernization processes in the national economy. On the basis of reasoning the need for integrated monitoring of the status of resourcing the modernization processes, the objective of analysis and the basic principles of formulating an appropriate methodology has been defined. It has been proposed that regional approach should be used to conduct such an analysis. The developed methodology for analysis of resourcing the modernization processes is presented in the form of a structural-logic model. It is suggested to consider five groups of indicators (material, financial, institutional, personal resources and innovation), by which a comparative analysis of the corresponding resourcing is conducted. On the basis of the developed methodology, an analysis of resourcing as to the regions of Ukraine has been conducted, which provided to form a comprehensive view of the problem: the overall level of resources together with status of certain types of resources in all areas. Prospect of further research in this area is development of scenarios for revitalizing modernization processes of individual regions in terms of different level of resourcing.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V.
An Analysis of the Main Indicators of Socio-Economic Development of the Sumy Region and Its Administrative-Territorial Units (p. 56 - 66)

In the publication an analysis of socio-economic development of the Sumy region and its administrative-territorial units has been conducted. The Sumy region has an average economic potential and demonstrates a moderate level of socio-economic development. Along with this, asymmetries in development of the administrative-territorial units of the Sumy region do not diminish, the constant reallocation of resources from the economically more self-sufficient territories of the region towards the less self-sufficient territories leads to the internal regional tension and deprives the administrative-territorial units of stimuli to economic growth. Establishment of an effective system of organization and management of socio-economic development at the local level in Ukraine is one of the priority tasks for structural reforms in the country. One of the main directions towards clearing the interregional differentiation, to overcome the problems of regional development in Ukraine, is modernization of the administrative-territorial structure and bodies of local self-government through the reform of decentralization of power. Careful attention is required when considering the issues of creation and functioning of a self-contained territorial community, which is defined as a basic level in the system of local self-government, when creating points of economic growth – both at the level of territorial communities and at the regional level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semyhulina I. B.
An Analysis of the Main Indicators of Socio-Economic Development of the Poltava Region and Its Administrative-Territorial Units (p. 67 - 79)

In the article an analysis of socio-economic development of the Poltava region and its administrative-territorial units has been conducted. The Poltava region has a strong industrial and agricultural potential and demonstrates a high level of socio-economic development. Development of administrative-territorial units of the Poltava region is more evenly distributed than in the Kharkiv region, where the gap between socio-economic indicators and their dynamics by the administrative units is profound. In the Poltava region, on the contrary, deviations of the key indicators from the averages by region are smaller and the dynamics of indicators' change are not as rapid. As a consequence, in the Poltava region there are more points of growth than in the Kharkiv region. Formation and functioning of an efficient system for organization and management of socio-economic development at the local level is one of the priority tasks of the decentralization reform in Ukraine. In this context, establishment and functioning of a self-contained territorial community, as well as points of economic growth – both at the level of territorial communities and at the regional level – is of particular importance because it creates a foundation for the efficient development of the territories and the country as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Modernization of the Public Administration System in Ukraine: Preliminary Results and Problematic Issues of the Decentralization Reform (p. 63 - 74)

The article is concerned with a crude summary of results of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, identification of the problematic issues that arise in the process of its implementation, and providing recommendations on how to address them. An ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine has been conducted, the level of its implementation has been evaluated. The existing problematic issues and risks of the decentralization reform have been analyzed, recommendations for dealing with them have been provided. A number of conclusions has been made, in particular, that establishing a legal framework, which is a necessity for the decentralization reform, should take place in parallel for all industry areas and not in fragmentary manner. This will provide an opportunity to not declaratively, but actually start the process of the profound transformation to ensure the improvement of quality of life of citizens, effective management of territorial development, formation and operation of the substantively self-sufficient united territorial communities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oleksandrenko I. V.
Conceptual Approaches to Determining the Market Value of Region (p. 74 - 80)

The market value of region is an indicator of its efficient development, competitiveness and the ability to adapt quickly to the new integration changes. As far as there aren't researches on determining and forming the market value of region, the aim of this article is development and conceptual substantiation of an approach to determining the market value of region. A theoretical analysis of available theories of value has been carried out, allowing to organize them and to allocate the basic conceptions in the plane of the value determination of object. Thus, resource, effective and market value conceptions have been allocated. Each of the theories of value was studied in detail, which allowed to allocate the main cost factors and substantiate the key factors in forming the value of region. Defining the market value of region has been substantiated in terms of the resource, the effective and the market value conceptions. Results of the research can serve as basis for development of methods for estimating the market value of region, identifying the factors of its formation and provision.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kozyrieva O. V.
An Analysis of the Legislation of Ukraine on the State Support for Development of the Disadvantaged Regions (p. 17 - 27)

The article analyzes the national legislation on the State support for development of the disadvantaged regions. The article is aimed at identifying the main stages of formation and evolution of legislation on the regional development in Ukraine, including support for development of the disadvantaged regions, its objectives and characteristics of the implementation as well as determining the major achievements, challenges and directions of its improvement. The authors have proposed a structural-logic model for studying this problem. An analysis of the Ukrainian legislation on regional development has been carried out within the selected four time periods of its evolution: Stage I – 1991-1999; Stage II – 2000-2004; Stage III – 2005-2013; Stage IV – from 2014 until now. On the basis of the carried out analysis has been proved that by 2016 the main regulatory and legislative provisions guaranteeing this process in the country was established, but it still is characterized by insufficient systemacity, the practical implementation of the adopted documents demonstrates their crudity and improper performance. Some directions of improvement of the national legislation on development of the disadvantaged regions in Ukraine have been proposed with the aim of removing the allocated shortcomings and ensuring the accomplishment of the objectives set.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Socio-Economic Development of the Regions of Ukraine in the Conditions of External and Internal Challenges (p. 28 - 39)

The modern course of Ukraine towards the European integration and integration into the world community requires effective mechanisms for the optimal combination of both national and regional components of the socio-economic development. In order to implement an effective public administration in Ukraine, in particular at the regional level, one of the priorities for introducing structural reforms is identified as reform of the power decentralization and modernization of the public administration at both the national and the local levels, which provides to more effectively ensure the socio-economic development of the separate territories and the country as a whole. In the publication, an analysis of the socio-economic development of regions in Ukraine during 2014-2015 has been conducted, an estimation of dynamics and tendencies of the development of regions has been given. Solutions to the problematic issues of the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine in the conditions of crisis of both socio-political and socio-economic processes have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Socio-Economic Development of the Northeast Macro-Region (Kharkiv, Poltava, and Sumy Regions): Analysis and Evaluation of the Basic Development Indicators, their Dynamics and Trends (p. 46 - 53)

The presented materials consider the current Northeast macro-region, composed of Kharkiv, Poltava, and Sumy regions of Ukraine. Dynamics of the main indicators of development of these regions and of the macro-region in general have been examined, their trends have been identified. Characteristic of the macro-region in general and its regions in particular is diversity of the natural, economic and geographic characteristics that impact the nature of development and distribution of productive capacities in the macro-region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhuchenko A. M.
The Methods for Factor Analysis of the Sustainable Regional Development (p. 65 - 70)

The article is aimed at describing the methodical approach together with analyzing dynamics of the development of territories of different levels. At the focus of this research is a human which serves not only as a tool for economic development, but also as its goal. A system of criteria and internal factors for evaluation of sustainable development of region has been developed, which differs from the existing indicators, reflecting the use of both quantitative and qualitative «advantages of the region» with the aim of identifying the «destabilization factors» of the sustainable development of territories. The criteria system is structured by using the method of the analysis of hierarchies (MAH). The proposed minimum set of 58 criteria for analysis supports combination of several methods for analyzing the development of territories, including the estimation of the quality of human living: the development of the human potential index; the quality of life index; the index of innovation; the global index of competitiveness; the integral sustainable development indices (suggested by many scientists) of territories of different levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Socio-Economic Development of the City of Kharkiv: Trends, Features, Importance of the City for Regional and National Economy (p. 71 - 80)

In the publication, an analysis of socio-economic development of the city of Kharkiv has been conducted, the existing opportunities as well as existing potential have been evaluated, their importance for local, regional and national economy has been determined. Trends and features of development of the city, its role in the economic and social life of the region, administrative center position impact the character of development and location of social and productive forces in the region, are crucial for both internal and external environment. The powerful industrial potential of the city, development of the transport network both of the national and the international importance, a high level of the scientific-technical and educational potentials on the basis of the considerable human and social resources provide the competitive advantages of the Kharkiv region. On the basis of the allocated features, trends and problems, conclusions on perspectives and priorities for development of the city have been formulated. A detailed study of the competitive advantages determines the topicality of research aimed at further defining the conceptual and strategic foundations for the future development of the city and the region as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pilko A. D., Harda T. P.
Socio-Economic Development of Region: Search for New Orientations and Implementation Mechanisms in the Context of Evolution of Security Paradigms (p. 112 - 116)

The article is aimed at highlighting results of examination of the existing groundwork concerning the task of socio-economic development of region, as well as developing own recommendations to formulation of orientations for the regional socio-economic development of region and regional socio-economic policy. The article identifies the main shortcomings of the existing practice in addressing these tasks. The main factors that must be considered in the process of developing regional development programs have been concretized, taking account of evolution of security paradigms. Taking into consideration the existing shortcomings of concepts of the economic, social, environmental security and sustainable development, an approach to defining the priorities of regional development within the framework of security paradigm of development has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bubenko P. T., Drapeza Y. V.
Developing a Combined Approach to the Tariff Regulation in the Housing and Communal Services (p. 117 - 122)

The article considers the mechanism of formation of a combined approach to the tariff regulation in the housing and communal services. The key aspects of the tariff regulation are characterized. The proposed scheme of the tariff regulation takes into consideration not only the internal factors (loss of resources, debts of the housing and communal services enterprises, shortcomings of control system), but also forecasted changes in the external environment (inflation, investment resources, possibilities of the State social policy). The regulatory functions of tariffs are responsible for both the financial sustainability of the housing and communal services enterprises themselves and the elevated social standards of living of the population. The regulatory function of tariffs is also aimed at achieving a balanced equilibrium between the interests of producers and those of consumers. A conceptual model of the tariff regulation contains a complex of organically interrelated activities, including in-depth analytics of the industry sector, evaluation of the situation status, consideration of consumers interest in quality of the services provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Irtyshcheva I. O., Dubinskaya I. I.
The Orientations for Increasing Efficiency of Human Resource Management: the Regional Aspect (p. 123 - 128)

The article analyzes the regional labor market. The reasons for insufficient use of labor resources in the country's regions have been determined. It is specified that in Ukraine occur adverse changes in the structure of employment, in particular, the sectoral vocational-qualification structure of employment is being deformed; number of unemployed persons with specialized secondary education and higher education, released out of the fields of science, culture and education, which determine scientific and technical and spiritual potential of society, is growing. Evaluation of the efficiency of human resource management is one of the most difficult problems of management and administration at the level of regions of Ukraine, and this problem has been insufficiently researched. The correlation and regression analysis aimed at identifying the impact of workforce development on the economic condition of region provide possibility to determine the reserves for increasing the efficiency of human resource management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielikova N. V.
Formation and Development of Trends of the Structural Dynamics of Economy of the Regions of Ukraine in the Process of Implementing the Reforms (p. 87 - 92)

The article is aimed at substantiating a theoretical and methodical approach to evaluating the impact of economic reforms on the formation of directions of the structural dynamics of development of economy of Ukraine and its regions. A logic chart of the structural restructuring the economy of the regions of Ukraine under the influence of economic reforms has been proposed. It has been proven that one of the basic objectives of economic reforms should consist in enhancing the compatibility and consistency of trends of the structural dynamics of developing the regional economy with the global trends. To do this, in the process of planning the overall reform strategy and substantiating road maps for each individual reform, it is advisable to carry out analysis of the Forsyth-forecasts, provided by the global scientific community, for economic development of Ukraine and other countries of the world. The principles to overcome the technological backwardness in terms of formation of new trends in the structural dynamics of development of economy of the regions of Ukraine have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Blahun I. S., Savchyn I. Z.
The Conception of the Convergent Development of Regions of Ukraine (p. 92 - 97)

The article examines the basic definitions of the category of «convergence» and suggests an authors’ own interpretation of this category. A classification of convergence by types and models has been proposed, methods of testing models of real convergence have been identified, characteristics of these models have been provided. The authors’ own conception of the convergent development of regions of Ukraine has been formulated, its universality and comprehensiveness have been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
The Transformation of the System for Public Administration in Ukraine: Monitoring and Analysis of Implementation of the Decentralization Reform (p. 98 - 104)

The contemporary socio-political processes that occur in the context of the European integration course, which is chosen by Ukraine, are inextricably related to issues of the regional development, local and territorial democracy. Formation of the foundations and principles of reforming the local self-government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine, in accordance with provisions of the European Charter as to local self-government, is an inextricable component of the national legislation in this sphere. Priorities in the modernization of today’s Ukrainian society remain further democratization of development processes and extending directions of the decentralization reform on the principles of subsidiarity, which is aimed at formation of the optimal administrative-territorial structure and an efficient system of public administration of socio-economic development at the local level.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vdovychenko L. Y., Volosiuk M. V.
Status and Development Trends of Enterprises of the Marine Economy Complex (on Example of the Mykolaiv Region) (p. 77 - 82)

The article is aimed at studying the status and development trends of enterprises of the marine economy complex of the Mykolaiv region. Both the current status of functioning of the enterprises of marine economy complex and the priorities of their investment activities at the level of the Mykolaiv region have been researched. A SWOT analysis of the regional enterprises of the marine economy complex has been carried out, on the basis of which the need for defining a common strategy on the parts of the State, of the regional, scientific, and entrepreneurial structures for growth of these enterprises, based on their investment-innovation development, has been proved. Prospect of further research will be determining the directions of functioning of the marine economy complex of Ukraine in the regional context, taking into consideration the status and development trends of enterprises of the marine economy complex on example of Mykolaiv region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivanova O. Y., , Laptiev V. I.
The Mechanism for Self-Development of Regions in Terms of the Problem-Oriented Management (p. 121 - 126)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the components, methods, principles, entities of the mechanism for self-development of regions by means of the problem-oriented management. The article proposes a definition of self-development of region through the allocation of the basic conditions of self-reliance, self-governing, self-financing, based on both the self-sufficiency and the interrelation of these concepts. The conception of ensuring the self-development of regions of Ukraine has been substantiated, a road map for implementation, as well as a methodological approach to determine the priority areas for stimulation of self-development of regions using methods of the problem-oriented management have been elaborated. A mechanism for ensuring the regional self-development has been proposed. A theoretical approach to the comparative analysis of the nature of regional development has been elaborated, which involves positioning of regions by the level of self-development on a three-dimensional matrix of «self-reliance – self-governing – self-financing».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova K. M.
The Theoretical Approaches to Evaluation of the Regional Potential of Industry Sector (p. 127 - 131)

The aims of the article consist in systematization of the theoretical approaches to evaluation of development potential of industry sector within the region boundaries, defining its economic essence and structure. The author’s own definition of the «potential of industry sector in region» is provided, its economic essence and structure have been determined from the standpoint of regional authorities, investors, and individual enterprises. It has been substantiated that evaluation of potential of industry sector in region is an important stage in the development of regional strategy and sectoral programs, as well as individual strategies for development of individual enterprises. In this context, the article considers methodological approaches to the choice of indicators for evaluating potential of industry sector and its economic stability in region as an important part of the strategic management at all levels. Prospects for further research in this directions will be development of methodological approaches to evaluation of specific and integrated indicators of potential of individual industry sectors in the regions, as well as recommendations for their use in the process of strategic modeling.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Palyvoda O. M., Karpenko O. O.
The Social Effects of Functioning of the Regional Clusters in the Economy: Mechanisms of Formation and Approaches to the Calculation (p. 103 - 108)

The article is concerned with analyzing the social results of functioning of the cluster networks as important components of forming positive image of the companies’ totality in the opinion of consumer. These networks are also responsible for increasing incomes as well as improving the investment climate in the regions. Groups of social effects at the micro-, macro-, and regional levels have been allocated, a system of indicators for calculating them has been proposed. The article analyzes mechanisms of formation of such social effects as creation and modernization of both additional and existing jobs, growth of both the employment and the welfare of population, maintaining the ecological balance, improving the availability of workers with the necessary for the market qualifications, as well as formation of social capital. Special attention is paid to the possibility of emerging adverse social effects and importance of foreseeing measures in order to neutralize them. The algorithm for evaluation of the social effects of cluster interaction has been proposed. The presented studies have practical value for company managers along with representatives of both the local and the national authorities in the planning and evaluating the results of functioning of the regional clusters.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pyvavar I. V., Lisna I. F., Morozova N. L.
The Features of Regulation of the Housing and Communal Services in the Regions through the Use of Methods of the Multivariate Statistical Analysis (p. 109 - 118)

The article is aimed at a further development of the theoretical-methodological support together with elaboration of practical recommendations on the State regulation of housing and communal services in Ukraine. The stages of formation of mechanism of the State regulation in the sphere of housing and communal services have been considered, its main principles, functions, and models have been allocated; methods for reforming housing and communal services have been implemented through the use of the multivariate statistical analysis techniques (the integral rating evaluation and the cluster analysis). The groups of administrative territories with common problems were defined, using the integrated indicator of the level of development of housing and communal services in the individual regions each of them was evaluated and rated. The most effective levers of the State regulation have been determined. A matrix of the management strategy has been developed, thus allowing adaptation to the level of development in an individual region. Some basic strategies for management of housing and communal services have been proposed, following which the corresponding priority directions of regulation on the basis of assessment of the status of development of the sphere of housing and communal services can be elaborated in accordance with the relevant components and the existing potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Odintsova T. M.
The Multiplying Influence of Savings of Population and the Financial Resources of Enterprises on the Socio-Economic Development of Regions of Ukraine (p. 118 - 122)

The article is aimed at studying the influence of the population’s savings and the financial resources of enterprises on the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine. Conditions for stabilizing and improving the socio-economic level of development of regions were considered, based on the multiplying influence of savings through transformation of them into capital investments through the network chain of «gross regional product – population income – spending – taxes – savings – capital investment – gross regional product». The thesis that the multiplying effect of savings of population manifests and fosters the economic growth on the assumption that the savings provide the formation of capital investments, aimed at the growth of the gross regional product, has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Korepanov G. S.
The Statistical Evaluation of Regularities in Formation of the Investment Attractiveness of Ukrainian Regions (p. 72 - 77)

In the article the methodical approach to calculation of the territorial indices of potential and efficiency of investment is suggested, based on the adapted international methods of the UN Conference on trade and development (UNCTAD), which helped to identify the most and the least attractive regions of Ukraine in terms of investment potential. The article identifies 23 indicators for the regional level, grouped into five basic factors: attractiveness of market; price and quality of the labor force; availability of the necessary infrastructure; availability of natural resources, safety of investment activity. The calculations of indices of potential of the investment attractiveness and ranking of regions of Ukraine by the allocated five factors have led to the conclusion that in 2013 and 2015 first place in the overall evaluation was occupied by the Dnipropetrovsk region and the last place – by the Volyn region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Fedulova S. O.
The Theoretical Foundations of Evaluation of the Dynamic Efficiency of the Regional Socio-Economic Systems (p. 56 - 62)

The article is aimed at determining the applicability of the dynamic standard theory to evaluate the dynamic efficiency of the regional socio-economic systems (RSES). The theoretical and methodical issues of evaluating the dynamic efficiency of the RSES were considered. It is suggested that the theory of «dynamic standard» be taken as a basis. This approach implies a comparison of the existing conditions of system with a particular mode of the reference functioning of economic system. It has been determined that such an evaluation is easy to interpret, allows for compressing a large amount of information on the results achieved, and for a comparative analysis. So, we suggest that the RSES development standard be set on the basis of the indicators dynamics. Considering the dynamics allows distinguishing one development option from another, a certain step from the next or previous one. Constructiveness of this approach to the systemic evaluation of the dynamics of economic systems is determined by the fact that the proposed formal apparatus is based on the principles of dynamic compatibility and dynamic subordination of indicators. These principles can be implemented in most possible cases, as the pace characteristics of the economic dynamics are the inconsistent compared values (the characteristics of economies that are not comparable in statics become comparable in dynamics).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovalenko S. O., Masterenko Y. I.
The Local Budgets in a Decentralized Environment (p. 45 - 49)

The article considers the problems of strengthening the financial autonomy of local budgets in the current context of implementing the reform of decentralization of power. Status of economic development and the income level of population in the regions of Ukraine has been analyzed, characteristics of decentralization, as well as its preliminary outcome, have been described. Attention is focused on positive points in the development of regions in which the united territorial communities have been formed. It has been proposed to raise the mass awareness of population in the regions of Ukraine about the substance of the reform and its objectives, to establish a body of financial control for local councils, and to arrange computer monitoring of the flow of financial resources of the territorial communities along with periodic coverage of its results in the local media in order to increase the transparency of costs management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zabarna E. M.
Managing the Process of Development of the Region’s Infrastructure through the Attraction of Investment in Innovation (p. 49 - 54)

The purpose and tasks of the study are determining the main directions for activating the investment process of innovation orientation in the system of infrastructure development of the regions of Ukraine. The article carries out an analysis and identifies negative trends in the regional investment sphere. It has been displayed that structural changes in order to achieve a stable rate of economic growth requires the search for effective instruments to mobilize investment resources for innovative production. The need for allocation of the innovation vector as a priority to attract investment to regions has been proven. To this end, conceptual approaches to improving the infrastructure of region have been proposed: establishment of regional innovation centers for new technologies, which will, among other things, facilitate development of the regional market for securities and special insurance funds. In this regard, the main directions of the regional innovation-investment policy have been outlined.

Article is written in Russian


Shubenko I. A.
The Decentralization – First Steps of Development and Old Problems (p. 85 - 90)

The article is aimed at developing proposals to find ways to improve the material and financial bases of the United territorial communities. The process of decentralization of power, which is going on currently, means transferring the authorities of the State to the local level. Today we can acknowledge both the successful steps of this reform and the fact that old problems are persistent in the United territorial communities. To the problems of such kind belong the virtual lack of agricultural land in communities and the payment of salaries informally, which significantly reduces the taxation base, necessary for development of the community’s financial resources. The first of the above issues needs to be addressed through institutional and legal measures, and the second – through a system of incentives for the creation of official jobs. The community leaders may not only assist into creating new jobs in the agricultural sector, but also take an active part in the creation of agrarian cooperatives, making use of communal resources. These measures will provide an opportunity to increase financial resources and encourage the communities’ autonomy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gnatenko I. A., Rubezhanska V. O.
The Logic of Introducing Innovation Activities into the Regional Labor Market in the Context of its Cyclical Development (p. 110 - 115)

The article is aimed at implementing an implication of the theory of wave-like (cyclical) evolutionary development of the economic system with regard to the regional labor market and determining the time for the most effective introduction of innovation influence according to development cycle of the labor markets in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The article schematically depicts the dissipative system of the cyclical evolutionary development of the regional labor market. The status of the regional labor market in each of the phases of the development cycle has been characterized. An evaluation of the efficiency of introducing innovations in the regional labor market, depending on the development cycle of this market, has been provided. The phase of the development cycle in which the labor markets of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions are effective has been defined, and the causal relationships that show these markets being in the «crisis» phase, have been described. It has been concluded that it would be useful to modify the existing policy of innovation impact on the regional labor markets of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in line with the development phase of the markets indicated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gritsaenko M. I.
The Place of Social Capital in the Formation and Integration of the Territorial Communities (p. 116 - 123)

The article is aimed at studying the mechanisms for activating the integration of territorial communities through the formation and use of social capital. The relevance of the study of administrative and territorial reforms based on the integration of the territorial communities from the perspective of the formation and use of social capital has been disclosed. The results of decentralization of power have been analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of this process have been highlighted. On the basis of studying publications on the indicated issue, the essence of the concepts of «community» and «territorial community» has been defined, their constituents and relationships with social capital have been disclosed. The article proposes application of an integrated estimation based on the method of expert estimations, which allows for the determination of the socio-economic performance of a single territorial community (STC), comparison of the activities by territorial communities and their integrations in the region, as well as the desirability of creating a STC. Prospect for further research is an analysis of the directions of institutional change, which facilitate the implementation of mechanisms for the effective development of social capital of both the territorial communities and the STC.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bushynska V. V.
The Classification of the Regions of Ukraine on the Level of Development of Knowledge Economy (p. 63 - 67)

The article considers the basic approaches to measuring the knowledge economy. The similarity of Ukraine’s regions was analyzed according to the «knowledge economy» criterion with the use of the KAM (Knowledge Assessment Methodology). Cluster analysis was used as the primary tool in such a methodology. The author considers different types of sinter relationships in this approach, namely, the single link, the centroid method, the Ward’s minimal variation method. The latter one was used during the study, as it was best suited to an analysis in which the subjects were territorial units. To this end, the statistical base of values of the key influence factors for 2012 and 2015 was used. Cluster maps have been built to display sinter entities similarities between the regional knowledge-based economies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchokina E. U.
The Regional Dimension of Innovative Development of Economic Entities (p. 68 - 72)

The article is aimed at analyzing the innovation activity of economic entities in the regions of Ukraine and substantiating the need for applying new approaches to the management of territorial development. The current tendencies in the economic development of Ukraine and its regions, which show a priority for the strengthening and efficient utilization of their innovation capabilities, have been identified. The dynamics of economic activity of innovative industrial enterprises in the regions of Ukraine for the period of 2013-2016 were analyzed. The current situation regarding the financing of innovation activities in Ukraine has been presented. The content of the economic category of «innovation potential» has been examined. The author has proposed to implement the institutional-managerial innovations that would result in the improved socio-economic development of region, improved use of new knowledge and technology, and enable enterprises to be innovatively active. The specificity and relevance of applying the principles and methods of the territories marketing in the formation of foundations for the development of regions have been indicated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V., Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
The Dynamics of Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine and its Regions in the Real Sector of Economy (p. 111 - 118)

One of the priority directions for structural reforms in Ukraine on the road to European Integration is the reform of decentralization of power and modernization of the system of public administration on the national and local levels, allowing for a more efficient provision of the socio-economic development of both the individual territories and the country as a whole. However, the actual indicators of the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine indicate a further increase in the inequality of their development. These tendencies have been particularly accentuated by the socio-political and socio-economic crises that took place in the country during 2014-2015. The publication carries out an analysis of the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine during the period of 2014-2017, and assesses the dynamics of socio-economic development of the regions in the real sector of economy. Proposals have been presented to address problematic issues of socio-economic development in the regions of Ukraine in the context of crisis occurrences in the social-political and socio-economic spheres.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrenko N. O.
The Conceptual Approaches to Strategic Management of Region Using the Spatially Localized Agrarian Economic Systems (p. 119 - 125)

The article is aimed at improving the theoretical and methodical provisions of the cluster approach to development of the spatially localized systems of the agricultural sector of Ukrainian economy at the regional level. Based on generalizing the relevant theoretical provisions, the identified characteristics of formation and development of the spatially localized systems, it has been found that, originating in the form of economic growth zones, they have been transformed into clustered and subclustered forms. It has been indicated that a prospective form of further development of the spatially localized systems is formation of subclustered structures that take account of the established specialization of localities, appropriate infrastructure, resource availability. The possibility of creating a project of developing a cluster formation was discussed on the example of the Central Economic Area. A complex of basic requirements for the intended localization of the cluster has been formulated. Proceeding from the results of the study, practical proposals for strategic management of region have been developed on the basis of development of cluster formations, using the spatially localized agrarian economic systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudchenko A. Y., Stolietova I. G.
The Details of Developing the Strategic Documents for Regional Development and their Information-Analytical Support (p. 126 - 132)

The article is concerned with details of development and implementation of strategic planning documents, regional development programs, and formation of their information-analytical support. The stages of development of a strategic planning system in the current practice of public administration in general and of region in particular have been provided and characterized. It has been concluded that the key element in the mechanism of the State regulating the regional development is its conceptual principles, which are formed under influence of the theoretical-methodological principles of regional development, implementation of world-wide experience, requirements for the State regulation of regional development from the standpoint of other interdependent directions of the State economic policy, and taking into consideration assessment of the current status of development of regions. The information-analytical support for mechanism of the State regulation of regional development should be understood both in a broad and in a narrow sense. The first sense involves formation of a coherent system of methodical support for the collection, processing, storing, protection of information, accumulation of database, preparation of analytical materials on various aspects of regional development with an appropriate scientific accompaniment, while the second sense remains within boundaries of the Section V of the Law of Ukraine «On principles of the State regional policy», regulating the monitoring of implementation of the State regional development policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasilchuk N. O., Perepeliukova O. V.
The Current Trends of the Donor Assistance in Ukraine in the Context of the Development of United Territorial Communities (p. 107 - 111)

The article is aimed at displaying the current trends of the donor assistance to Ukraine in the context of the development of United Territorial Communities (UTC), after three years of begin of the global reform of local self-government and territorial organization of authorities according to the principles of decentralization. This process has been joined by the international community, which actively supports the reform and commits substantial funds for its implementation throughout the country. In this regard, there is an urgent need for regular monitoring and generalization of the results of this assistance, which includes a sequence of actions by donors, recipients, specially authorized bodies on implementation of structural reforms and programs of socio-economic development of Ukraine in both qualitative and quantitative terms. The generalized information on trends in the international donor assistance to the development of United Territorial Communities allows to draw solid conclusions on the nature of the dynamics (success or failure) of the reform, building on this basis forecasts as to further development of UTC.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kravets T. V., Verhai T. I.
Assessing the Level of Production Potential of the Regions of Ukraine with Use of Neural Networks (p. 112 - 119)

The problem of improvement of methods of estimation of level of development of regions of Ukraine on production potential on the basis of building of integrated indicators and carrying out of clustering has been considered. It has been proposed to apply an integrated approach to analysis of the aggregate of indicators of the regions’ performance, characterizing the production potential, with the purpose of constructing integrated indicators by different approaches and with subsequent clustering of regions using the Kohonen neural networks. Use of the Kohonen maps along with database clustering allowed to design multidimensional data in a two-dimensional space, to carry out an analysis of the resulting cluster system, and to improve the results of clustering by selecting the optimal quantity of split groups. The convenient form of visualization of results of clustering provides for localizing features and making the corresponding corrections in the rating list, proceeding from expert judgments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdan N. M.
The Institutional Models of Participants Interaction as Instrument for Regional Development (p. 120 - 127)

The article is aimed at studying the processes of interaction of participants at the regional level. The necessity of search and development of directions of cooperation of participants in process of realization of tasks of both sectoral and regional development has been proved. A peculiar philosophy of cooperation has been formulated, it has been proved that it should not appear as some legal formality. The objectives of cooperation within in terms its broad understanding have been defined, taking into consideration the conception of classical marketing complex (4P). The basic theories of cooperation have been reviewed, on the basis of analyzing these it has been found that an intensifying precisely the non-economic conditions of cooperation at regional level is necessary, and also that cooperation and interaction in region should be considered with understanding of function of different parties to the discussed forms of cooperation. A characterization of forms of both intra- and inter-sectoral cooperation of the participants, operating at the regional level, has been developed. The importance of the institutional forms of cooperation in relation to the processes of solving common problems of both the sectoral and the regional development has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Baranik Z. P., Stolietova I. G.
The Theoretical-Methodological Approaches to Statistical Assessment of Implementation of Strategic Objectives of the Socio-Economic Development of Regions (p. 128 - 131)

The article considers the theoretical-methodological approaches to statistical assessment of implementation of the State strategy of the regional development in Ukraine. A system of indicators based on the principles of statistical approach has been formed to assess the status and development of regions. In the suggested system of indicators, priority is assigned for the characteristics that provide the area of vital activity of region: demographic situation, economic activity, relations in the labor market, etc. The formed system of indicators is suitable for assessment of socio-economic development in regions, level of their competitiveness, degree of territorial socio-economic integration, and efficiency of public administration in the sphere of regional development. Using the suggested system of indicators, the implementation of goals and objectives of the State strategy of regional development can be assessed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
The Dynamics of Reforming the Public Administration System in Ukraine: Monitoring and Analysis of Implementation of the Reform of Decentralization of Power (p. 132 - 138)

The European integration choice of Ukraine, enshrined in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, has defined the strategic direction of the country’s development for the near future. One of the main directions of the country modernization is the reform of administrative-territorial, political, public administration systems and establishment of the democratic institution of public power – the local self-government. Formation of foundations and principles of reforming the local self-government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine in accordance with the basic provisions of the European Charter of local self-government is an integral part of the national legislation in this sphere. Carrying out monitoring and analysis of the implementation of the reform of decentralization in Ukraine, as well as assessment of the level of its implementation and efficiency of functioning, identification of problematic issues and risks of implementation of the decentralization reform are very important for timely provision of recommendations for the appropriate solutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Panasyuk V. M., Bakum I. V.
The Efficiency of Development of the Social Infrastructure of Region with Orientation on its Priority (p. 144 - 147)

The article is aimed at researching the criteria for assessing the efficiency of development of social infrastructure of region with orientation on its priority. It has been determined that the main measures and instruments for substantiating the social infrastructure development priorities can include: targeting, targeted programming; operational regulation; strategic planning; rationing and budgeting; predictive modeling according to the scale of its potential on the basis of methodical assessments of efficiency of its development. It has been defined that the types of activity providing the population with production and social services have their own specificity and features, as well as corresponding methods for assessing their activity. Five groups of indicators were allocated, considering which it is recommended to carry out assessments of the types of activity providing the population with production and social services: structural, production, personnel, financial, investment-innovative. Given the small number of indicators of development of each type of infrastructure, as well as regional specificity and type of development of infrastructure industries, it is necessary to apply a regional-differentiated approach to the assessment of their provision with infrastructural facilities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarevska O. M.
The Current Status of the Economic Security of Poltava Region (p. 148 - 156)

The status of economic security of Poltava region in 2012–2016 was analyzed, the analysis was conducted using the developed methodology for assessing economic security of region, which is based on the joint use of indicative and functional methods. In order to assess the status of economic security of region, a system of indicators, divided by economic security components, has been formed using functional approach. The information-analytical provision of assessment has been formed using statistical information on the socio-economic development of the region. The influence of factors of destabilizing and destimulative nature on the status of economic security of the region has been researched. It has been concluded that the economic security of Poltava region is unsatisfactory, despite the existence of some positive tendencies, which at present are not sustainable.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zvarych O. I.
The Human Capital of Region as One of the Determining Factors for Development of the Knowledge-Based Economy (p. 157 - 165)

The article is aimed at defining the role of human capital as a factor for economic development and competitiveness of regions in a knowledge-based economy. In the theoretical part of the article, the concept of human capital and the components determining its quality are formulated. The emphasis is placed on the growing importance of human capital in the knowledge economy and on the role of human capital as one of the factors contributing to the development of regions. The analysis and assessment of each of the components of human capital were carried out, and on their basis the integral index of human capital for the regions of Ukraine was calculated, with the help of which the level of their competitiveness was determined. The accomplished analysis provided to conclude that, unfortunately, during the period researched in all regions of Ukraine there was a decrease in the number of students, as well as the number of education workers in terms of the equivalent amount of 10 thousand people, while the first variable decreased faster, indicating the need for rethinking and subsequent innovative changes in the higher education system of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kukharska N. O., Klievtsievych N. A.
The Normative and Legal Mechanism for Provision of the Strategic Planning of Regional Development (p. 79 - 84)

The normative and legal provision of the strategic planning of regional development is presented. Features of strategic planning at the regional level in modern conditions are considered. The problems that prevent the use of the system of strategic planning without giving an opportunity both to develop significant plans and to ensure their realization were analyzed. It has been determined that Ukraine as a whole has a normative and legal base for the efficient development of regions, but it requires systematization and harmonization, as some issues are still unresolved. Proposals for further improvement of institutional mechanisms of strategic planning at the regional level are presented, which will improve the quality of development of strategic documents in the process of adoption of managerial decisions. Prospect for further research is the formation of scientifically substantiated proposals to improve the legislation regulating the issues of planning and implementation of strategies for socio-economic development of regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pereverzieva A. V.
The Methodical Approaches to the Classification of United Territorial Communities on the Basis of Analysis of Financial and Human Resources (p. 64 - 69)

The article researches methodical approaches to the classification of united territorial communities on the basis of analysis of financial and human resources. The united territorial communities have been grouped and the matrix of classification of the united territorial communities has been constructed on the basis of an analysis of the relationship «own income – quantity of population». It is determined that most of the communities are characterized by the direct dependence between the population and the amount of their own incomes. Application of the discriminant analysis allowed to classify the united territorial communities by a certain set of their characteristics, as well as to identify differences between the groups, which provided possibility to classify new objects according to the principle of maximum similarity. On the basis of the carried out calculations dominance of the weight of such indicator as the volume of own income has been identified. It is emphasized that those communities that have sufficient financial resources and, accordingly, have a high level of self-sufficiency, can provide a significant level of the human resources development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zernova S. P., Untilova D. M., Bondarenko О. M.
The Clustering of the Regional Economy in the Conditions of Decentralization (p. 48 - 54)

The article researches the role of clusters in the conditions of decentralization of the socio-economic system of Ukraine. The cluster organization of the regional economy is an important sign of their innovative development and a condition of creation of the socio-economic system of a new level which would correspond to the current conditions. The regional clusters are able to act as efficient mechanisms capable of providing significant synergies through the integrated use of resources (material, labor, financial, information, etc.) of a certain territory. The cluster model becomes particularly important in the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for strategic management of the regional development in the context of decentralization. Thus, the main purpose of the article is to research the influence of decentralization processes on the efficiency of functioning of clusters and the socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdan N. M.
The Conceptual Approaches to Formation of the Mechanism for Coordination of the Economic Interests of Actors at the Regional Level (p. 55 - 61)

The article explores features of materialization and coordination of the economic interests of actors at the regional level. It has been determined that a regional socio-economic system has a complex internal structure, as result of a certain system of economic interests within the region. It is proved that development of region is impossible without permanent process of interaction of actors of regional economy on the basis of creation and functioning of such system, which would be suitable to their economic interests. It is suggested that definition of harmonization of economic interests be understood as a process of coordination, a combination of actions by the economic actors that contributes to the progressive development of economy. It is substantiated that an integral part of the system of planning and management of the regional development is the system of monitoring of certain indicators as well as of the indicators characterizing the status and dynamics of all aspects of functioning of the regional socio-economic system, reflecting the degree of coherence of economic interests at the regional level, as only under such a condition it is possible to achieve the most efficient parameters of development and competitiveness of region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mazur A. B.
Generalizing and Analyzing of the Indicators of Economic Development of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 80 - 85)

The publication generalizes and analyzes the indicators of economic development of the regions of Ukraine. It is substantiated that the degree of development of the national economy is determined by certain indicators. The most important among them are gross domestic product (GDP), gross national product (GNP), exports, imports, turnover of foreign trade, unemployment rate, inflation, budget deficit, level of public debt. The analysis of dynamics of GDP of Ukraine for the period of 2011–2016 is carried out. It is determined that economic development of the regions of Ukraine is always closely connected with the technological structure of its material production capital and the human production capital. It is concluded that the dynamics of indicators characterizing economic development in the regions indicate an increase in the imbalances as to their development, are unstable and depend to a large extent on the influence of various factors. In such conditions the problem of formation of a long-term strategy of social and economic development of regions in order to reduce the existing imbalances is acutely topical.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dub A. R.
The Rental Property as a Direction of Transformation of Household Savings into a Development Resource of Region (p. 86 - 93)

The article is aimed at identifying possibilities of transformation of household savings into resource of development of region on the basis of an analysis of directions of investment of household funds and assessment of the real estate market in Ukraine. The main directions of investment of household funds are characterized as follows: investment of funds in bank deposits, purchase and sale of foreign currency, and purchase of real estate. The volumes of investment of household funds in financial instruments and real estate are analyzed in the regional cut of Ukraine. The reasons of low investment activity of households are disclosed. It is identified that only investments in real estate, particularly in the primary market, can simultaneously influence the development of region and bring profit to households. Expediency of development and legalization of the market of rent of real estate for investors and bodies of local self-government is substantiated. Regional programs to promote and support the development of rental market through the provision of targeted credits are proposed to be implemented at the local level. Emphasis is made on the need to differentiate renters for taxation purposes depending on the number of property items in their property.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Popova I. A.
The Directions of Improving the Management Efficiency of Financial-Economic Security of Industrial Complex of Region (p. 94 - 99)

The publication substantiates the directions of improving the management efficiency of financial-economic security of industrial complex of region. It is indicated that efficiency of the Ukrainian economy depends to a large extent on the level of industry development in the regions, which today are marked by significant sectoral, territorial, and functional differentiation. The existence of a close relationship between the actors of financial relations in the system of financial-economic security is proved. Factors of financial-economic security of industrial complex of region are allocated and divided into several groups. The general ways of overcoming problems of financial-economic security of regions together with measures on increase of efficiency of use of own economic potential are allocated. It is indicated that the main importance of the system of financial-economic security of industrial complex of region should consist in its preventive nature. Key objectives of the financial-economic security management of industrial complex of region are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yevdokimov O. V.
The Problems of Development of Separate Territorial Communities (p. 100 - 104)

The article is aimed at identifying the optimal strategies for the development of separate, i.e. not united, territorial communities. In the course of analyzing the normative base and economic statistics as to functioning of domestic municipalities, the economic, social and other advantages and disadvantages of organizational forms of both separate and united territorial communities were determined. In view of this, recommendations were suggested for the prospective and the short-term provision of functioning of separate territorial communities. The results of this research can further be used in unifying the organizational form of the domestic municipalities, and, therefore, to develop a common strategy for their socio-economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnonosova O. M.
The Development of Local Self-Government in the Course of Reforming the Territorial Structure of Ukraine (p. 105 - 110)

The purpose of the reform of administrative-territorial structure is to determine the rational spatial basis for the organization of public power to ensure the accessibility and quality of the social and administrative services provided, efficient use of public resources, sustainable development of territories, possibility to respond adequately to the social and economic challenges, and implementation of the State regional policy. There is an urgent need to find ways to change the existing system and to form an administrative structure that corresponds to the current political, socio-economic situation and facilitates a dynamic development of the country’s regions. Such activities require consideration of the interaction and interrelations between the territorial entities in the national socio-economic system, between the central and local branches of government, the search for ways to revitalize socio-economic processes. The State regulation of development of territories should be directed to reformation of the local self-government by methods of decentralization of power authorities, consolidation of resource provision and strategic planning of development of territorial communities. Neither decentralization, nor consolidation, nor strategic planning are possible without administrative and territorial reforming of cardinal character and content.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailenko D. H.
Sustainability of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine’s Regions (p. 111 - 114)

The priority direction of the socio-economic development of Ukraine and its regions is the vector of ensuring sustainability of national, regional and local interests. Their provision will contribute to high social standards of quality and population's standard of living as well as increasing the level of competitiveness of Ukraine’s regions. The article is aimed at analyzing the indicators of socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions, identifying regions-leaders and the regions requiring additional state-funding programs. The calculations presented in the publication demonstrate that a significant part of Ukraine’s regions is not self-sufficient and requires subsidies from the budget, which results in poor sustainability in the socio-economic sphere; therefore, it is necessary to elaborate a program to overcome socio-economic polarization of the regions based on the involvement of the local potential.

Article is written in English


Myskovets N. P., Skakovska S. S.
The Role of Decentralization in the Management of Natural-Recreational Potential of Territory (p. 81 - 86)

The article is aimed at defining the main aspects of decentralization reform impacting the territory’s natural-recreational potential. The current status of implementation of the decentralization reform is characterized, the main priorities in the association of territorial communities are defined. The experience of Poland in the implementation of reform of decentralization is analyzed, the «Report on the status of gmina» is considered in detail, the most actual moments for assimilation of the experience in the Ukrainian united territorial communities are allocated, which will facilitate a rational use of the natural-recreational potential of territory with maximum capitalization. The authors have allocated the factors that influence the formation and functioning of united territorial communities. The changes in the tax and budget codes to increase the financial capacity in management of financial resources of united territorial communities, and more precisely the means of communities and enterprises, are displayed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Molodchenko T. G.
The Problems of Ensuring the Harmonization of Economic Interests in Region (p. 87 - 92)

The publication identifies the problems of harmonizing economic interests at the regional level. The necessity of research on interests of economic entities of regional level is specified, because contradictory interests of tiered subjects of economic system are manifested through their economic relations. It was clarified that regional policies to ensure sustainable development of the region should be based on economic, social and environmental policies. The approaches to definition of the nature of economic interest are allocated. The authors have reasoned that the main feature of functioning of the regional level is its own, specific system of economic interests connected with presence of many entities of economic activity on territory of the region: enterprises of local, regional, and of the State subordination, various institutions, and private enterprises. It is concluded that regional confrontations of economic interests, unfortunately, are very poorly amenable to regulatory actions by the State and regional authorities. Harmonization of economic interests in the region should be based on a combination of joint efforts by the State, business and society to find directions to eliminate contradictions for a balanced socio-economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Valiullina Z. V.
The Corporate Activities in the Context of the Development of Regional Integration Associations (p. 44 - 50)

The article is aimed at defining the level of interrelationship between corporations and regional integration associations. An interaction of interests of international corporations and regional integration associations is determined. In particular, competitive advantages of regional integration organizations and the interests of international corporations in the course of development of integration associations are allocated. It is proved that cooperation within the framework of an integration association opens up additional opportunities for corporations to increase access to necessary productive resources, and this, in turn, is one of the most important motives for deployment of transnationalization. Distribution of the largest corporations by sector of economy is carried out depending on the indices of market capitalization. The research used the indicators of flows of both inbound and outbound investments for the period of 1970–2016 from four regional integration associations – NAFTA, EU, ASEAN, LAS. On the basis of calculations the values of indices of dynamics of input and output foreign direct investments have been determined, which have shown, that modern corporations act as immediate bearers of two key tendencies of internationalization of world economic activities. It has been proved that corporations have become not only key actors in the world market, but also define basic trends in the international trade in goods and services, international capital movements, and play a key role in the creation, development, and dissemination of innovations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Savchyn I. Z.
Analyzing the Indicators of Population Size, Structure and Employment in the Economic Development of Regions of Ukraine (p. 54 - 60)

The publication analyzes the influence of population size, structure and employment on the economic development of regions of Ukraine. The current situation and its impact on the convergent development of the regions in the future are analyzed. Also volume and dynamics of the gross regional product per capita by region are analyzed. This indicator is compared at the beginning and at the end of the analyzed period. Assessment of development of regions of Ukraine is carried out. The obtained results of research as to population size, structure and employment in economic development of regions of Ukraine make possible assessment of their development on the basis of the calculated indicators. It is now possible to apply the obtained results for assessment and analysis of economic development of regions, as well as to identify the impact of individual indicators of population size, structure and employment on the level and tendencies of economic development of regions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysarevskyi I. M., Yevdokimov O. V.
The Interaction of Local Self-Government Entities: Algorithm, Objectives and Tasks (p. 61 - 65)

The publication is aimed at disclosing the problems arising in the sphere of interaction of the members of a territorial community with the bodies and officials of local self-government (LSG) concerning its implementation, and potential ways of solving these problems. Within the terms of the carried out research the following problems of interaction of LSG entities have been disclosed: imperfection of normative-legal base regulating the procedure of interaction of LSG entities; excessive cumbersome structure of the public administration apparatus; lack of interest of the LSG parties in cooperation; lack of trust between local authorities and the public; lack of an effective mechanism for the implementation of feedback; low level of public consciousness of the population and, as result, absence of an effective algorithm for implementation of LSG.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulin P. K.
Analyzing the Current Normative-Legal Provision of the Public Administration System of the Socio-Economic Development of Regions in Ukraine (p. 255 - 261)

The system of public administration of the regional development in Ukraine in the conditions of integration into the European and global economic space requires substantial modernization on the basis of introduction of principles of decentralization, balance, competition, and sustainable development. The issues being actualized nowadays, are the questions of search for new strategic approaches to administration of territorial development, aimed at reduction of differentiation of the level of socio-economic development of regions by equalization of conditions of economic activity, rational use of production and resource potential of regions, achievement of sustainable economic growth, improvement of socio-economic indicators of the living standard of citizens of Ukraine. In the conditions of reforming the local self-government and territorial organization of authorities, the following matters become relevant: development of new approaches to formation and implementation of both efficient mechanism for and instruments of public administration of regional development taking into attention the territorial peculiarities; scientific-methodical provision of definition of priorities for development of separate regions (territories, communities etc.), studying and use (where it is expedient and possible) of experience, principles, and tools of realization of regional policy in the EU countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lazebnyk I. O.
Differentiating the Regions of Ukraine by the Level of Employment Quality (p. 133 - 139)

The article considers the questions concerning theoretical-methodological principles of differentiation of regions of Ukraine by the level of quality of employment. The aim of the research is to form theoretical-methodological principles of building a multidimensional indicator of statistical assessment of quality of employment for creation of a scientifically grounded base of improvement of territorial and local employment programs in Ukraine. The interrelation of such categories as «work», «employment» and «job» is disclosed. Features of application of the European multidimensional index of statistical assessment of quality of work are considered. The author substantiates expediency of application of integral index of quality of employment, which should estimate connection of all kinds of work activity, performed against payment, and/or profit from the point of view of employees: their health and safety, and also their psychological and economic well-being. To assess the quality of employment in terms of regions of Ukraine, the author proposes a regional index of quality of employment (RIQE), which is based on four sub-indices: wages, forms of employment and protection of work, health and safety, working conditions. The values of the integral index of quality of employment are calculated by the constituents for regions of Ukraine in 2017. A ranking of regions of Ukraine is carried out according to the values of integral index of quality of employment with distribution on constituents.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nashkerska M. M.
The Methodological Aspects of Assessment and Analysis of the Market Potential and Its Structural Components (p. 140 - 146)

The article is aimed at researching the structural components of market potential, defining their essence, and formulating a system of indicators. The main components of the market potential are production, innovation, consumer potentials and market infrastructure. The essence of components of market potential, in particular regional potential, is considered. It is proposed to carry out analyses and evaluations of the components of market potential in the following directions: innovation potential – in terms of production-technological, scientific-intellectual, and managerial-organizational directions; consumer potential – purchasing power of market participants (consumers) to purchase goods and services and saturation of the market with goods and services; production – resource and productive directions; market infrastructure – transport-logistic and information-analytical directions. Within each direction, a system of indicators is proposed, to be used for analysis and evaluation of individual potentials and for calculation of the integral indicator of market potential. In the perspective, methodological improvement of quantitative evaluation of the market potential and its components requires further scientific development on the basis of the proposed system of indicators.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shashyna M. V.
The Regional Aspects of the Structural Modernization of Ukraine’s Economy (p. 107 - 112)

The article is aimed at researching the regional aspects of structural modernization of Ukraine’s economy. It is determined that during the period of economic growth both the national industrial and the national agricultural complexes could not implement the strategy of modernization and restructuring. All the changes were of spontaneous nature and were caused mainly by changes in the international environment. It is proved that the main task of the structural modernization of Ukraine’s economy at the regional level is to create conditions for development of the key sectors of economy, which will be determined by the quality of human capital, the level of technological perfection, and the status of production infrastructure. It is substantiated that each region of the country has its own specific features, connected with geographical location and economic relations of enterprises, which should be taken into consideration when researching the regional aspects of structural modernization of Ukraine’s economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Samojlik M. S., Dychenko O. Y., Datsenko V. V.
Estimating and Forecasting the Resource-Ecological Security in the Context of Ensuring the Economic Security of Region (p. 113 - 119)

The article proposes methodical bases for forecasting of resource-ecological security in the context of development of ecological component of national economy. In particular, they include an adaptive model of estimating and forecasting the status of the resource-ecological security by means of the taxonomic analysis and the main components methods, indicative management, determination of factor loadings which impact security the most. The article also propose the system of supporting the decision-making for implementation of optimal management, realization of which allows to identify peculiarities and tendencies of development of the given sphere and to adjust financial flows, directed to financing of the nature-protective and resource efficient measures. The inverse relationship between the growth of economic security and the decline of resource-ecological security is determined, which indicates the raw-material orientation of the Ukrainian economy, gaining profit from the seizure of natural resources and deterioration of the quality of natural environment. Practical application of the developed approach is possible within the program-target method of management at development and realization of the State programs directed towards increase of stability both the resource-ecological security and the economic security of the State against the internal and external risks and threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matvieieva N. M., Slavuta O. I.
The Analytical Support for the Development of the Water Supplly and Sewage Industry in Kharkiv Region (p. 120 - 125)

The article is aimed at disclosing the regional features of the sphere of water supply and sewerage in Kharkiv region for formation of perspective directions of development of this industry. It is identified that the public utilities of Kharkiv region have tendencies of development, inherent for the Ukrainian public utilities in general: constant decrease of volumes of provision of water supply and sewerage services; high level of deterioration of water supply and sewerage networks; significant losses of water in the network; unsatisfactory technical condition of the enterprises of this industry; stable excess of the actual cost of utility services over the average rate of implementation; absence of own sources of improvement of technical condition of water supply and sewerage systems. Prospective directions for further researches are improvement of financial and economic mechanism for functioning of the industry, development of own sources of financing on the basis of a stimulating tariff formation, expansion of the existing sources of income by connecting of new consumers to water consumption and sewerage systems, search for additional sources of income.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Honta S. V.
The Scientific Approaches and Methods of Analysis of Social Infrastructure of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 151 - 155)

The article is aimed at highlighting the approaches and methods of analysis of social infrastructure of regions. It is noted that social infrastructure is a sphere that includes a wide range of industries that provide recreation and comfortable human existence. The following quantitative and qualitative methods of economic analysis are considered: system approach, cluster analysis, situational analysis, wavelet analysis, statistical approach, statistical analysis, qualimetric analysis, dialectical analysis, regional analysis. Their advantages have been generalized in the context of research on the level of social infrastructure development. The qualitative method of analysis of branches of social infrastructure according to the axes of «the State property – private property» and of «macro-level – meso-level» is suggested, providing the opportunity to find the most optimal proportions between the State-owned and private enterprises, as well as between the national and the local management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Humenyuk V. V., Pereguda R. I.
The Formation of Financially and Organizationally Capable Bodies of Local Self-Government in Ukraine (p. 156 - 163)

The article is aimed at identifying problems and defining ways of creating a system of capable territorial communities. For this purpose a systematization and analysis of the statistical materials, scientific researches of the current legislation and the conceptions of amending it are carried out. As a result, the imbalances in filling the local budgets are identified due to the excess of public transfers over the tax payments; further imbalances can be identified in the ratio of the local and the national tax payments (significant excess of the share of the latter). The authors substantiate inefficiency, low controllability of the system of territorial administration because of concentration of powers, administrative apparatus and financial resources in the State authorities and limitations of local self-government. A system of measures is defined that will ensure: a) formation of a new structure of self-government and the State administration bodies to ensure the financial and the organizational independence, efficiency of the local councils; b) increasing the share of local taxes in securing the needs of territorial communities. The indicated measures can be embodied in changes to the current legislation of Ukraine. This will ensure the efficient management of community economic resources to maximize the provision of needs of its members. Prospect for further research is to define the territorial organization and the desired structure of revenues for community budgets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Revko A. M.
The Methodological Principles and Criteria of Structural Analysis of Social Infrastructure of Regions of Ukraine (p. 164 - 169)

The article is aimed at substantiating the system of methodological principles and criteria of evaluation of influence of the socio-humanitarian space on development processes of the social infrastructure of the regional economic systems. It is determined that development of social infrastructure of the socio-humanitarian space of regions of Ukraine depends on three basic factors: institutional, humanitarian and socializative. The system of the methodological principles of formation of social infrastructure, which, apart from the traditional general scientific and specific groups of principles, is supplemented by the principles of participativity as the ability of people to feel part of their communities by actively participating in decision-making on the development of social infrastructure components (education, culture, health), their cohesion and focus on solving social problems, inherited and accumulated in the transformational period; continuity, which presupposes an understanding of the historical process of the formation and development of the socio-humanitarian space and reflects the totality of socio-economic values of the territorial communities, their permanent, continual improvement. The priority criteria of structural analysis of the social infrastructure of regional economic systems are substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voznyak H. V., Pelekhatyy A. O.
The Budget Policy of the Regions of Ukraine in the Focus of the Reform of Financial Decentralization: Conceptualization and Directions of Improvement (p. 170 - 177)

The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical and methodological aspects of the budget policy of regions and substantiating the directions of its improvement in the context of reform of financial decentralization in Ukraine. A theoretical generalization is carried out, a new vision of budget policy of development of the regions of Ukraine is suggested, and the scientifically-practical recommendations as to its implementation in conditions of deepening of the financial decentralization reform are grounded. It is proved that the theory of regional self-development is the basic theoretical postulate according to which it is expedient to form the concept of the budget policy of development of region. The criteria of development of region are defined as follows: self-sufficiency, self-organization and self-government. The necessity of taking into view the influence of financial decentralization on the development of regions is substantiated, which leads to increasing the importance of budget policy in ensuring the regional development. It is shown that the most negative manifestation of financial decentralization is deepening of imbalances of the socio-economic development of regions and the horizontal budget competition between regions. The proposed conception defines strategic priorities for the implementation of the budget policy for the development of Ukrainian regions, and specifies the list of tasks required to achieve them. As a result of the carried out research, the authors proposed a number of measures that could intensify the regional development budget policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Semenenko I. M.
The Preconditions for Institutionalizing the Sustainable Development of Region through Targeted Management of Enterprise (p. 115 - 120)

The publication is concerned with the preconditions for institutionalization of the sustainable development of region on the basis of target management of enterprise. The article is aimed at generalizing the existing researches on institutionalizing the sustainable development of region for the formation of a certain theoretical basis of institutional provision based on the targeted management of enterprises. The analysis of the basic researches of both domestic and foreign scholars on the institutional provision of sustainable development is presented. According to the results of analysis of these researches, the corresponding generalization is accomplished and the basic contexts of the institutional maintenance of sustainable development of region are allocated: organizational, security-based, innovative, communicational, motivational, behavioral, educational, nature-using, political, legal. In connection with increasing attention to the global problems of mankind, which directly affect the sustainable development of individual regions, further research of creation of the theoretical basis for an appropriate institutional support of the sustainable development of region using the targeted management of enterprises is topical and requires attention.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gayvoronska I. V.
The Branding of Destination in the Process of Reproduction of a Regional Tourism Product (p. 121 - 132)

The article is aimed at researching the role and place of branding in the process of reproduction of a regional tourism product. The essence of the category of «branding of destination» is defined, which allows identifying the main differences from the category of «branding of the place (territory)». It has been determined that the purpose of branding is to promote certain characteristics of a place or recreation area to potential visitors (tourists, travel agents, investors in the sphere of hospitality) with the help of a properly created image. In addition, the features of branding of territories and destinations for the formation of the targeted measures to promote unique characteristics of destination to potential visitors are allocated. The key roles of brands and branding strategies in the development of tourist destinations are systematized. It has been determined that the process of formation and positioning of a tourist destination brand should be targeted at creation of values and their meanings (sense). The structure of the content elements of the value-oriented concept of branding a tourist destination is defined. The conceptual model of branding in the reproduction process of a regional tourism product is substantiated. It is proved that target setting is an important element of the branding process, as it provides for balancing the goals of all stakeholder groups. Prospects for further research in this direction are evaluation (monitoring) of the brand of regional tourism product to determine its efficiency, as well as formation and adjustment of the branding model to ensure sustainable reproduction of destination as a regional tourism product.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Simkiv L. Y.
The Strategic Priorities of the Regional Economic Policy in the Context of Determinants of Economic Growth (p. 96 - 101)

The article is concerned with development of strategic priorities of the regional economic policy. It is defined that the regional economic policy according to the direction of managerial influences is an integral part of the State regional policy, the State economic policy, as well as the socio-economic policy of the regional development. It is specified that the regional economic policy is implemented at the regional and intraregional levels, and includes a system of goals and tasks in the field of management of the socio-economic development of region and the territorial entities comprised therein. The strategic goals of the regional economic policy, which are based on consideration of a set of tasks, are defined and substantiated, the implementation of which will contribute to the improvement of the regional economic policy, solution of the issues of eliminating the interregional disproportions, stimulation of a high-quality economic growth, and raising the standard of living of the population in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the implementation of the outlined tasks is related to a number of risks that need to be taken into view.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdan N. M., Sidelnyk V. V.
The Tourism Image of Region as an Instrument to Manage Its Investment Attractiveness (p. 102 - 107)

The article is aimed at researching the theoretical and practical approaches to the definition and formation of the tourism image of region; identifing the problems influencing formation of a positive image, and developing recommendations on improvement of tourism image in the context of attraction of investments. A theoretical generalization of approaches to defining the category of «image of region» is carried out; a number of factors that impact formation of the image of region is determined; it is proved that they can characterize the investment climate and influence the increase or, conversely, the decline in investment activity. It is substantiated that formation of the tourism image of the region is a pre-created image with the help of existing resources, which forms a positive attitude of consumer with the help of the formed sequential measures. The defining role of local authorities in formation of investment receipts in the region is determined. It is suggested to understand the investment attractive environment as the investment climate, i. e., the formed objective indicators that promote investment revenues and define the level of investor’s readiness for investment. According to the results of research directions of creation and maintenance of a positive tourism image of region in the context of attraction of internal and external investments are developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Averkyna M. F.
The Sustainability of the Urban Agglomeration in Ensuring the Regional Development (p. 108 - 113)

The article is aimed at disclosing features and elaborating criteria for sustainability of agglomeration in ensuring the regional development. The peculiarities of agglomeration formation are disclosed and its main subsystems are defined. The term of «sustainable development of agglomeration» is formulated and the criteria for ensuring this development are indicated. The necessity of institutional provision of sustainable agglomeration development within the region is substantiated. The organizational provision of implementation of the strategy of ensuring sustainable development of agglomerations is presented. The author indicates the need to elaborate a qualitatively new approach to ensuring sustainable development of agglomeration, which should provide for a coherent dynamism in achieving a balance between the rational use of socio-ecological-economic resources, their reproduction, which will eventually impact the achievement of an acceptable status of socio-ecological-economic security, provision of an effective integration of the subsystems of cities, development of agglomerative connections.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Beliavtseva V. V.
Transformation of Development Management Functions at the Regional Level (on the Example of the Kharkiv Region) (p. 114 - 121)

Important scientific and practical task concerning identification of trends in the transformation of functional activity of the public administration apparatus in the region is solved in the article. The development of analytical function is shown through a complex approach with the allocation of interconnected blocks, in each of which analytical work is carried out with its volume of information, taking into account the freedom of the manager and his professional level. It is an opportunity to use a different method-toolkit in a single system, taking into account the specifics of economic processes and controlling the innovations of modern management. Schematically interpreted the integration of the functions of analysis and synthesis, on the basis of which justified the feasibility of defining the development object as an isolated system (distinguished among others from the environment), which has its own specificity, and therefore requires an individual approach to the definition of scenarios and options for obtaining a result. Integration of analysis and synthesis involves the formation of a comprehensive information environment that is necessary for a comprehensive assessment of the facts, potential, constraints and prediction of the direction of development. Development is interpreted as a complex transition of the economic system to a new state, which is characterized by adjustments, that allows a newer assessment of the essence of the management of the development process with the allocation of innovative change tools.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pyvavar I. V.
The Methodology of Research on the Unevenness in Development as a Factor of Ensuring the Economic Security of Regions of Ukraine (p. 147 - 157)

The problem of unevenness in development of regions is considered, which leads to weakening of their economic protection against the external and internal risks. The mechanism for diagnostics and measurement of unevenness in the socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine is elaborated and its influence on the grade of economic security at the regional level is analyzed. The results of the work are the conducting a cluster analysis of regions; calculation of the integral index of the economic security level; construction of the spatial-dynamic model, as well as calculation of the coefficient of unevenness in development. Two groups of regions differing in terms of economic security are identified. In order to define the integral level of economic security, a taxonomic index has been calculated, confirming the constant imbalance of regions in terms of their development in the national economy and increasing the unevenness in development over the years. As significant factors of the classification are defined housing fund and income of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Simkiv L. Y.
The Conceptual Bases for the Formation and Implementation of the Regional Economic Policy (p. 157 - 162)

The article defines the conceptual bases for the formation and implementation of the regional economic policy. It is substantiated that the given concept will ensure increase of competitiveness of regions, achievement of a balanced territorial development, implementation of the complex of the initiated reforms at the local, regional and national levels. In the course of the research, an algorithm for the development and implementation of the regional economic policy has been developed, which involves a certain sequence of stages – from the choice of conceptual bases, principles of its formation to defining the substantiation of strategic goals and tactical tasks, as well as the instruments for implementation and evaluation of their effectiveness. The main approaches to the formation of the concept of regional economic policy are considered and the priority directions of this policy are defined. It is substantiated that this policy should be aimed at solving strategic but not current problems of the regional development and promoting the efficient use of the internal potential of regions; improvement of inter-budget relations; extension of powers of the local self-government bodies; preventing the growth of disproportions in regional development, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasyltsiv T. G., Lupak R. L., Rudkovsky O. V.
The Formation of the Model of Modernization of the Social Sphere in the System of Sustainable Endogenous Growth of Regions of Ukraine (p. 163 - 169)

The article is aimed at substantiating the system of formation of the model of modernization of the social sphere in the system of sustainable endogenous growth of regions of Ukraine. An analysis of the status of social security in the regions of Ukraine is carried out, which includes calculation of the integral coefficient of the social security of regions. It is determined that the general situation connected with social security in the regions of Ukraine is unstable, and in some regions critical. The sequence of changes in the model of social security in the system of sustainable endogenous growth of regions of Ukraine is defined, allocating the alternatives with regard to the decisions of regional authorities whether to preserve the current situation with shortcomings of the social security system or to eliminate them, which resulted in the formation of a qualitative model of social security. A model of social security in the system of sustainable endogenous growth of region has been developed, in which the directions of implementation of the regional social security policy are defined. According to these directions a set of the instruments focused on the formation and efficient functioning of the system of social security and achievement of its purpose within the framework of the policy of ensuring the sustainable endogenous growth of region is proposed. It is determined that in formation of the social security model is important that all its elements are oriented towards achieving a certain goal and are being introduced in accordance with the social security components of region: security of population reproduction and labor potential, security of the social sphere, security of the labor market and employment of population, migration security. Prospects for further researches in this direction are strategic directions, instruments and means of implementation of the model of social security of region in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozachenko G. V., Zavora T. M., Suprunenko A. S.
Assessing the Socio-Economic Security of the Poltava Region (p. 170 - 181)

The emergence and materialization of threats to the socio-economic system of region necessitate assessment of the socio-economic security of region and formation of its policy oriented towards provision of security. Reliability of assessments of the socio-economic security of region depends crucially on the chosen method of assessment, the most common of which include functional (or complex), indicator, rating, index, taxonomic methods and assessment models. The article presents the results of assessment of the socio-economic security of the Poltava region, carried out using the functional method within terms of protective approach to definition of the content of the concept of «socio-economic security of region». The results of the assessment identified problematic aspects in almost all components of the socio-economic security of region, resulting from the implementation of threats to its socio-economic system. In order to strengthen the socio-economic security of the Poltava region, it is necessary to organize its provision within the limits of regional administration, which will facilitate timely identification of threats to the socio-economic system of the region and developing measures to strengthen it.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanko O. P., Bodnaruk I. R.
The Influence of the Innovation-Investment Activity on the Regional Competitiveness (p. 181 - 188)

This article for the first time uses economic-statistical methods to research interaction of the innovation-investment activity and competitiveness at the level of region. For the complex research of individual and general influence of competitiveness of region and its innovation-investment activity, the Granger test and correlation-regression analysis are applied. The Granger test gives an opportunity to define causal relationships between the indicators of the innovation-investment activity of region. Pairs of indicators of the innovation-investment regional activity are defined and grouped according to the presence of communication, force and direction of influence. The correlation-regression analysis is used to determine the regional impact of the innovation-investment activity on the competitiveness. The character, closeness of relation and degree of influence of separate innovation-investment indicators on GRP are determined. Based on the actual data of the obtained dependency models of the analyzed indicators, a three-year forecast for the regional management of competitiveness is conducted.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Beliavtseva V. V.
Scientific Support and Practice of Reshaping Districts of a Region (p. 73 - 79)

New tasks of the regional strategy in terms of enlargement of districts in regional territories are considered. The concept of the changes is based on the need to remove the contradiction that has arisen in connection with the creation of united territorial communities (UNCs), when the functions of the united communities and district state administrations coincide and are duplicated. Indicators to characterize the situation, some axiomatic provisions, and a new model for ensuring the development of enlarged districts are proposed. The role of suburbanization as a strategic function of the development of territories is determined, and it is proved that suburbanization has an opposite effect on the development of cities and urban-type settlements. It is shown that the main problematic issue of the process of enlarging districts is to determine the proportions and balance between state influence on the regions and the limits of self-government.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasyliv V. B., Beztelesna L. I.
Evaluation of Economic Impact of Universities on Regional Development (p. 80 - 85)

The impact of a university on regional subsystems: political, demographic, economic, infrastructural, cultural one is highlighted. It is established that the existing foreign models evaluate the direct, indirect and induced impact of universities on regional economic development. The most popular methodology for studying economic impact of universities on the regional economy is the ACE methodology. It is proved that its use in Ukraine meets certain difficulties due to the lack of statistical data. Statistical data in Ukraine do not allow for evaluating the indirect economic impact of university expenditures and calculating the corresponding multiplicative effect. Domestic approaches to evaluating the impact of universities on economic development are analyzed. The impact of universities in the UK and Ukraine on regional economic development is compared. Using the example of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, the impact of the university on the economy of the Rivne region is analyzed. The ways for adapting world experience to domestic realities are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tymchyshyn J. V.
The Instrumentarium to Explore Approaches to the Economic Security of Regions (p. 83 - 88)

The article is aimed at improving the theoretical approaches and substantiating the methodical instrumentarium for ensuring the economic security of regions. In view of the existing scientific heritage, the author’s own approach to defining essence of the definition of «economic security of region» is presented, which is proposed to be considered from the perspective of: 1) status and competitiveness of the region’s economy; 2) safe and independent operation; 3) protection of the regional economy from destabilizing factors; 4) ability to provide the region’s reproductive processes; 5) adaptability of the economy, its capability to function effectively under the influence of destabilizing factors and threats. As a result of the study, the methodical instrumentarium for evaluating the level of economic security of regions is substantiated, based on the indicator approach with selection of a number of indicators in terms of its main components: financial, production, innovation-investment, demographic, social. It is noted that the proposed indicators can have a stimulating, disstimulating and neutral effect on the economic security of regions. The level of regional security should be differentiated in the range of the following criteria: optimally permissible, limitable, dangerous, dangerously-critical. Prospect for further research in this direction is a substantiation of an algorithm and possible approaches to defining the level of regional security based on methods of the cluster analysis, instrumentarium economic and mathematical forecasting, composing of ratings.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Beliavtseva V. V.
The Value Approach to Restructuring the Administrative and Territorial Organization in Ukraine (p. 89 - 94)

The publication contains conceptual provisions about the role of value orientations and rethinking them in the new conditions of reforms on the decentralization of power. The regional values of Kharkiv region, which make up the potential of the regional territory, as well as the reasons for the growing interest of scholars and executives in the topic of «values», in particular those that characterize the relationship between the government and society, are defined. Within the value approach, the author allocates the «attitude to the territory» on the part of power structures, plus understanding of the «special status» of territories. A new direction of the value approach has been defined in the process of reforms on decentralization of power and development of local self-government. It is indicated that success of the reforms is not less related to the quality of human resources than to the availability of financial capital. The article allocates the components of development potential in conjunction with the basic and the new values, and proves that the fate of reforms depends on a successful solution to the objective problem – the existing imbalance of relationships between the power structures and the communities. The value approach is used for a new model of zoning of territories, as well as for indicating the attitudes towards the institutional innovations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bondarevska O. M.
Assessing the Status of Economic Security of Regions (p. 71 - 78)

The article analyzes the status of economic security of regions of Ukraine in 2012-2017, using the developed methodical approach of integral assessment. Its application will allow the most complete consideration of the impact of negative factors on the economic security of region; to diagnose its condition on the basis of the formed set of indicators, corresponding to the allocated functional components (meso-economic, investment-innovation, foreign economic, financial, social, demographic); to compare the calculated indicators with threshold values; to comprehensively assess the level of economic security of region as a whole and according to individual components; to define the intervals of the status of economic security of region (satisfactory, unsatisfactory, critical, or totally unsatisfactory). On the basis of a comparative analysis of the trends in the development of the researched regions, it is concluded that their economic security is unsatisfactory and that the most economic security indicators are significantly deviated from their thresholds. Positive trends still are of unsustainable nature and mainly relate to the financial component, which is evidence of the first positive results of the implementation of fiscal decentralization reform.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Halhash R. A.
The Natural Resource Potential and Opportunities to Mobilize Resources for the Development of Industrial Clusters and Smart-Specialization of the Luhansk Region (p. 79 - 85)

The article is aimed at reviewing the natural resource potential and the opportunity of mobilizing resources for the development of industrial clusters and smart-specialization of the Luhansk region. The article shows that the development of regions in the conditions of post-conflict transformation is possible through the formation of a comprehensive organizational and economic support of the system of regional governance along with the development of effective mechanisms for use of natural resource potential, as well as the search for opportunities to mobilize resources for the development of industrial clusters. The tendency to self-organize enterprises of regions as opposed to the centralized processes of formation of industrial complexes and establishment of the State cluster policy in Ukraine is defined. It is determined that as a result of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine there was a sharp deterioration in the socio-economic situation, which significantly changed the situation in all spheres of public life and caused the need to restructure the economy and the system of management of the region. It is defined that the most attractive spheres of economic activity in the territory of Luhansk, controlled by Ukraine, may in the near future be forestry, agriculture, recreation and tourism, and the chemical industry. It is determined that it is possible to create conditions for Ukraine’s economic and industrial development, to strengthen the competitive advantages of certain regions and to increase the economic viability of local communities on the basis of a combination of modern cluster policy, strategies of reasonable specialization together with decentralization policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenenko I. M.
The Compensation Mechanism as an Instrument for Harmonizing Interests in the «Region – Enterprise» Relationships for the Sustainable Development of Region (p. 85 - 90)

The publication is concerned with the issues of correspondence between the interests of enterprises and the regional government entities, as well as the search for compromises arising on the distribution of resources and empowerments in the «region – enterprise» relationships. The article is aimed at defining the appropriate types of compensation mechanisms that can act as a result of the search for compromise and an instrument for harmonizing interests in the «region – enterprise» relationships in favor of a sustainable development of region. The factors, influencing the readiness and willingness of the entities of regional development to compromise, are presented, and it is defined that the search for compromise plays a role in solving the problem of organizational imbalance. To address this problem, an analysis of possible correspondence of resources of performers (enterprise or region) and their empowerments is carried out, the results of which allow to determination of the equilibrium/dominance options between enterprises and region in the implementation of projects. Depending on the status of the equilibrium/dominance, the type of project distribution and the type of compensatory mechanism needed to address the problem of project redistribution depending on the status of the equilibrium/dominance is defined. Upon this basis, it can be argued that the elaboration of a technology of finding a sustainable equilibrium status between enterprise and the parties interested in a sustainable development of region takes further steps.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vaskivska K. V., Chopyk A. V., Lozinska L. D., Galimuk J. O.
Improving the Development of Suburban Territories (p. 91 - 100)

The article is aimed at researching the directions of development of suburban territories in the circumstances of decentralization. It is emphasized that suburban territories benefit economically when compared with the periphery through agglomeration effects, proximity to supply and sales markets, labor and the scientific and technical resources, established system of industrial-economic ties with the city. The influence of external and internal factors on the economic development of suburban territories is reflected. The sources of financing for the economic development of suburban territories are identified. The economic advantages are substantiated and attention is drawn to the problems in the management of development of suburban territories, considered in the context of the united territorial community. It is emphasized that the high level of consciousness of the territorial community, on the one hand, and the creation of economic conditions at the State level for the development of enterprises on the other, can contribute to the economic development of suburban territories. The issues of financial stability of enterprises and development of the resource potential of suburban territories are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zabarna E. M.
The Strategic Development of Territories Based on Overcoming the Regional Asymmetries (p. 101 - 107)

Modern processes of reforming the relationships between the «center» and the «region» as well as the need to create self-sufficient territorial communities require deep researches with the scientifically sound approaches to the formation of regional policy along with Ukraine’s development strategy on the basis of creating legal and financial preconditions for self-government, which is the purpose of this article. The main reasons for the increase in asymmetry in the regional development are defined, one of the reasons which are highlighted is that regions with diversely structured economy adapt to the new economic conditions differently. It is shown that interregional differences are a reflection of the increasing differentiation between the economic (differences in ownership and sectors of the economy) and the social (different groups of the population) constituents. An analysis of the development of Ukraine’s regions is carried out in terms of GDP, the level of competitiveness in industrial production, the innovation activity of the real sector, the human resources, and operation of the labor market. It is indicated that the main task of reforming the regional development of the State should be the creation of regional democracy as a system that efficiently and consistently enables the State with a complex regional structure, territorial communities with different cultural and linguistic compositions to live in harmony and economic well-being. Particular attention should be focused on: providing conditions for the regional economic and budgetary self-sufficiency; creating the conditions for inflows of investment to restructure regional economies; creating a new communal utilities system involving both regional and local government bodies; reforming the fiscal-budgetary and tax system in accordance with the needs of regions; developing plans and strategies for the development of individual territories; settling the rules and regulations of the land market; a clear definition of the role and place of local authorities in the management of public property.

Article is written in English


Romanko O. P.
Development of Activation Policy of the Innovative-Investment Activities of Region (p. 93 - 97)

The theoretical issues of the development of activation tools aimed at innovation and investment activity of the region in order to increase its competitiveness are researched. These proposals take into account subject, object and complex approaches to the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the business activity of the innovation and investment regional sphere. Implementation of these measures involves all strata of the population of the region, namely: subjects of regional governance, economically active subjects and the population, thus allowing to avoid disproportionate development of the subjects of region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rekun G. P., Medenets V. V.
Preconditions for Gaps in the Personnel Provision for Regional Development (p. 117 - 122)

The article examines one of the pressing problems of management theory, related to the definition of the concept of «personnel gaps». Influenced by the process of decentralization in Ukraine, the problem of personnel provision of regions has become widespread popularity. In regional development, human resources play an important role in the development of the territory as a whole, not individual enterprises. That is why the article is concerned with exploring the human resources as a key factor in the development of regions in Ukraine and other countries of the world - in order to identify and further on prevent the prerequisites for occurrence of personnel gaps. The current tendencies of personnel reproduction in the developed world countries are analyzed. The factors of reduction in human resources in Ukraine compared to other world countries are considered in particular detail, which is subsequently reflected in the personnel gaps. At the same time, the idea of rather positive influence of development of the latest technologies on personnel resources is defended, provided that there is a full-fledged market relations. After analyzing the experience of developed countries in the introduction of basic unconditional income, it was found that these activities were aimed at improving the morale of human resources rather than motivating them to find decent work. The introduction of basic unconditional income in Ukraine at the moment is impossible because of the threat of loss of business sentiment among citizens, as well as the lack of free sources of raising funds. Identifying and systematizing personnel gaps allows us to focus on the problems that stand in the way of regional development in the country. Prospect for further research in this direction is to define measures to prevent personnel gaps based on the solution of this global problem already studied and analyzed by foreign experience.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shved A. B.
Directions of Institutional Provision for Administration of the Economic Development of Regions (p. 83 - 88)

The article defines directions and develops a system of institutional provision for the economic development of regions. It is determined that in order to ensure an efficient economic development of a region and to overcome existing imbalances are necessary: the State regulation; legitimacy; regional initiative and regional implementation; specific targeted nature of the measures being developed; systematic approach, taking into account all types and methods of the State provision for a particular region; responsibility and control; focus on the program-targeted methods of solving problems in the context of transformational public relations. It is specified that the task of the State policy at the regional level is a weighted governance related to both the direct administration of regional processes and the implementation of regulatory impact, with the determination of boundaries and selection of softer methods to intrude in a certain area of functioning of the territory. In this context, the first priority is to uphold the principle of subsidiarity, implement government regulation through the adoption and implementation of legislative acts, and stimulate regional development through the State financing provided that internal resources are used with as much as possible expediency. It is noted that the system of institutional provision for economic development of regions (EDR) provides for the comprehensive development of all regions of the country, optimization of the deployment of productive forces across the country, and the leveling of conditions of economic management and human living. The existence of an institutionally developed regional economic system will accelerate the growth of the country’s economy. It is concluded that presence of problems in the economic development of region requires an improvement of the State policy in the sphere of regional development, its respective legal, organizational, economic mechanisms on the basis of institutional provision that will enable a long-term strategy for regional economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Denysov K. V., Kondratenko A. I.
Analysis of Foreign Trade in Goods of Zaporizhzhia Region in 2013–2018 (p. 88 - 95)

The article examines and analyzes the volumes of foreign trade in goods of Zaporizhzhia Region in 2013-2018. The time when the region had the largest and lowest volumes of exported and imported goods, as well as the highest and lowest growth rates of these volumes during the researched period, are identified. The geographical structure of the foreign trade in goods of Zaporizhzhia Region is analyzed. The authors determine which countries are the largest importers of goods from the region and from which countries the region imports goods the most. The main groups of goods that are exported and imported by Zaporizhzhia Region in trade with foreign countries are identified. Changes in the volumes of exports and imports of goods from the EU and the CIS countries in 2018 compared to 2013 are clarified. The role of these countries in the geographical structure of foreign trade in goods of the region is defined. The dynamics of changes in trade volumes of the region and Ukraine as a whole in recent years are examined, and the main reasons for these changes are identified, namely: the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Community on nuclear energy and their Member States, on the other hand; beginning of Russian military aggression against Ukraine in 2014. The need to diversify the geographical structure of exports and imports of the region and the country as a whole is substantiated. The main areas of assistance on the part of the State to local companies regarding their entering new markets are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kozina K. H.
Regional Features of the Development of Freight Transport Markets (p. 125 - 131)

The article is aimed at exploring the features of development of regional transport markets. Based on the carried out analysis, the approach to the distribution of regions of Ukraine by the level of development of these markets was considered. The main methods of analysis were the statistical method, the methods of cluster analysis of k-averages and the Ward method. As a result of the study, it was substantiated that the indicator, which provides an opportunity to allocate certain groups by the level of development, is the freight turnover of transport enterprises in the regions. On the basis of this, three groups of regions of Ukraine were allocated in terms of the level of development of regional freight transport markets: regions with consistently high levels of freight transport turnover; regions with consistently average levels; regions with consistently low levels. It is defined that the stable growth of freight turnover over a long period is a feature of regions with a high level of development of regional transport markets. For the regions that are part of the group with a stable average level of development, the feature is a stable dynamics of development without significant changes over a long period. A feature of the development of regional freight transport markets in the group of regions with consistently low levels is the dynamics of freight turnover, which is characterized by the absence of significant changes throughout the researched period. Prospect for further research in this direction is to predict the development of freight transport markets, taking into account the characteristics of each group of regions, which will constitute the basis for the further formation of long-term market development strategies as part of the regional program of transport infrastructure development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulin P. K.
Analyzing the Principles of Strategic Planning with the Introduction of Elements of Smart Technologies in the Process of Management of the Local Territorial Development in Ukraine (p. 132 - 139)

Strategic planning for the development of territories in Ukraine becomes relevant in the process of ongoing decentralization reform. United territorial communities, which can include cities of different sizes and opportunities (from cities of regional or district status to small cities), have received expanded powers and today have the opportunity to use existing and additional resources (natural, infrastructure, social, labor, financial, innovation, investment, information, science and technology) to increase local budget revenues, get better opportunities of influence on their development and create conditions for increasing the well-being of the population. Successful are the territories, which thanks to well-designed strategies develop existing opportunities, support and improve internal living conditions, successfully use external factors, which affects the flow of investment and further effective development using technological innovations. Modern strategic planning further on remains a way to solve a large number of complex and acute local problems of life support of community, create conditions and opportunities for development, improve competitiveness, introduce smart technologies in the process of managing territorial development. Analysis of existing strategic approaches to the management of territorial development provides a possibility to explore the principles of organizing the elaboration and implementation of development strategies of the territories, in particular smart cities, in Ukraine. Use of modern strategic planning mechanisms for almost all spheres of territorial development, based on the benefits of technological advances and new IT technologies, allows the identification and use of smart elements, in primarily for the efficient local development in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Analyzing the Problems of Rural Territories Development in the Context of Implementation of the Reform of Decentralization of Power in Ukraine (p. 140 - 147)

Exploring the rural development issues, given their direct impact on the administrative, territorial and socio-economic indicators of the development of communities, regions and the country as a whole, is becoming more and more relevant in the course of implementation of provisions of the reform of local government and the territorial organization of power in Ukraine. Rural territories provide a significant contribution to the economy, cause influence on the national food security, form an essential part of the country’s export potential. Newly created communities, especially in rural areas, have inherited a significant number of local problems, including poor economic development, inadequate quality of infrastructure, lack of free access to modern public services in almost all vital social spheres (education, health, transport, communications, finance, etc.). Existing problems of self-fulfillment and decent labor remuneration, first of all in the productive sphere, cause the outflow of the economically active population, especially young people, in search of work and better living conditions, characterize the high level of the current unemployment and the continuing ageing of the rural population, which as a result exacerbates social and economic problems in society. Finding ways to address local development problems, introducing an efficient system of integrated development of rural territories and achieving functional self-sufficiency in newly created communities, taking into account the benefits of the expanded powers granted in the the course of implementing the decentralization reform, require researching the new approaches to the public management of territorial development and the formation of a socio-economic basis upon their own available resources and the internal potential for achieving the sustainable economic growth, stimulating their development, and improving the socio-economic indicators of the living standards of citizens.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysarevskyi I. M., Meleshko K. К.
The Tourism and Recreational Potential as an Element of the Territorial Competitiveness (p. 148 - 154)

The article clarifies and discloses the essence of the conceptual apparatus of the tourism and recreational potential as an element of the competitiveness of territories. The problems of disclosure of the theoretic-methodological basis of the tourism and recreational potential, its functions and role in society as a source of innovatics in tourism have been actualized; the categories of «potential», «tourism», «recreation», «tourism and recreational potential», «tourism and recreational potential of territory» are defined. It is noted that digitalization, innovation, greater accessibility and societal change will continue to shape this sector, and companies will need to adapt to remain competitive while at the same time the tourism and recreational potential will be conceived as a means of achieving the goals of sustainable development and tourism attractiveness of territories. It is noted that the basis for the development of tourism and recreational functions, of course, is the tourism potential, which can be described as the most important determining factor in the development of tourism and increasing the competitiveness of territories. The tourism potential determines the possibilities of creating new tourism products. The carried out analysis of the component structure of the tourism and recreational potential will contribute to studying and developing the resource capital of the potentially attractive and competitive territories, thus influencing their investment and investment reputational status. It is concluded that the tourism and recreational potential is a rather capacious concept, which contains numerous determinants that define the tourism and recreational attractiveness of a certain territory. In view of the favorable conditions for tourism activities and significant profits for the needs of socio-economic development, most of the territory of Ukraine is successfully trying to develop the markets of tourism services, entering into a competition for the tourist flows.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yakimenko O. V.
The Theoretical Aspects of Formation and Use of the Potential of Industrial Enterprises of Region (p. 154 - 160)

It is noted that regional industrial complexes are in poor condition nowadays and require the renewal and modernization of fixed assets, efficient use of all available production resources and integrated use of the production and management potential of the enterprises. The main approaches to formation of the potential of industrial enterprise are considered and allocated, which are related to its functional structure and ensuring the creation and organization of a system of resources and capabilities that would enable to achieve a variety of the enterprise’s goals as a result of their interaction. Approaches that are unambiguous in the allocation of resource and target aspects in determination of potential, depending on historical stages in management, are considered. However, other factors in the interpretation of the potential of industrial enterprise must also be taken into account today. The mentioned approaches, from the management point of view, allow to disclose the instrumentarium of ensuring the efficiency of development of the regional economic systems of more qualitative basis. Despite the diversity of interpretations, common features are allocated, which is represented by the most of approaches. It is noted that the allocated factors and conditions for building and further implementation of the potential of industrial enterprises of region differ in their impact on the potential of business entities. It is concluded that, taking into account the conditions of the external environment, as well as the influence of its respective factors, on the potential of the enterprise, it is possible not only to predict possible fluctuations of separate (functional) potential opportunities, but also to develop and implement the necessary measures to adjust this influence on operating systems in order to achieve the intended goal.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lukyanov V. I.
Researching the Conditions of Development of the Transport Industry in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 160 - 165)

It is noted that transport is one of the basic types of activities of the national economy of the country. Transport creates conditions for the successful balanced and proportional development of the regional economy. But today the level of transport system and transport provision as a factor in the functioning of regional economies and the system of their transport-economic relations are not in their best condition and require changes in the organization of management both in the sphere of transport activities, and in renewal of fixed assets. An analysis of the proportion of Ukraine’s regions in terms of transport services has been carried out. It is defined that during 2014-2018 among the regions of Ukraine, the largest proportion in the volume of transport services was occupied by the city of Kyiv (on average 122,2%, there is a clear upward trend: from 21,9% in 2014 to 23,0% in 2018) and Odesa region (on average 12,7%, the indicator increased: 11,0% in 2014 to 13,2% in 2018). The smallest proportions in the volumes of transport services among the regions of Ukraine were occupied by Chernivtsi region (on average 0,76%) and Zhytomyr region (on average 1,2%). It is noted that the transport system is an essential component of the integration of global economy. Taking account of Ukraine’s very good geographical location and potentials, there is a need to improve infrastructure, implement existing transport strategies and introduce new ones, as well as enhance competitiveness in international markets. As a result of the research of the conditions of development of the transport industry in the regions of Ukraine, it was concluded that significant attention should be paid to the introduction of business stimuli of NTP, measures to improve competitiveness and at the same time reduce the self-cost of the provided services.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Morhachov I. V.
Regulating the Regional Innovation Processes and their Infrastructure Provision (p. 129 - 135)

The publication is aimed at closer defining the theoretical-methodical provisions of the State regulation of regional innovation processes and their infrastructure provision, which is the basis for improving the system of the State provision of the researched processes. Attention is drawn to regional innovation processes as a means of getting the region out of the depressive status by deepening and improving specialization in the international division of labor. The features of regulating regional innovation processes and their infrastructure provision are considered. Scientific and technical systems have been identified as elements of the latter. Regional innovation policy is recognized as an important instrument for the State regulation of the researched processes. Its essence, tasks, factors of influence, features, problems and subjects of implementation, objects of influence are specified. The causal relationship of the State provision of regional innovation processes, as well as the components of success of the latter, have been defined. As an important result of the researched processes, a by-product of the multiplied tax effect is considered, which is the economic basis of the State provision of innovative projects. The role of sectors of the economy in the course of implementation of regional innovative projects has been specified, taking into account the issue of risk acceptance and the possibility of taking advantage of the additional benefits of the successful regional innovation projects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sakhno T. A.
Economic Support for the Activities of United Territorial Communities (p. 135 - 142)

The article is concerned with studying the peculiarities of formation of the economic potential of united territorial communities. The article is aimed at defining the essence and exploring the components of economic support for the activities of united territorial communities. Approaches to the economic development of territorial unions and their financial support in terms of local economic development are systematized. The main factors of local economic development are defined. The categories that constitute the economic security of territorial unions, the order of formation of local budgets are disclosed. Changes in the Budget Code of Ukraine, which impact the formation of budgets of the united territorial communities, are determined. A comparative analysis is carried out and the dynamics of the growth of revenues of local budgets of the united territorial communities are trcked on the example of Cherkasy region. Among the obvious categories that can influence the processes of formation of the local budget are the peculiarities of administrative-territorial units. The analysis of individual financial indicators of performance of the budgets of the united communities in the context of the regions of Ukraine is carried out. The main advantages of this method are to determine the degree of financial autonomy of associations. Factors of influence on the financial viability of community are defined. It is found out that the economic autonomy of community depends on the financial resources that form the local budget and the factors influencing its build-up. The economic life support for the united territorial communities is the basis of local economic development and a priority for local governments. Strengthening their financial independence affects the socio-economic development of the region and the State as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmynchuk N. V., Kutsenko T. M.
Addressing Disproportions in the Region as a Basis for Development of Entrepreneurial Activity (p. 142 - 148)

The article explores the manifestations of asymmetry as a reflection of the existing disproportions of socio-economic development of the country and the region. It is proved that existing forms of disproportions (asymmetries) have both the objective and the subjective nature of manifestation, as well as an appropriate influence on the asymmetry of spatial development. The factors of comprehensive influence that cause deepening of interregional asymmetries in the current conditions are researched. It is emphasized that the formation of socio-economic policy at the territorial level should be carried out on the basis of a differentiated approach in accordance with the status and conditions of functioning of region, the peculiarities of implementation of entrepreneurial activity. Existing approaches to the detection of disproportions (asymmetries) are analyzed, which differ in the systems of the indicators used and the methodology of defining interregional and intersectoral deformations of regional development. It is determined that the ratio between the maximum and the minimum values of the socio-economic indicators of the region’s development helps to define the level of regional socio-economic disproportions. To research asymmetric processes in the regions, it is proposed to use relative indicators that are more substantial, deeper and more significative, as well as more fully reflect the underlying signs of differentiation, taking into account the results of entrepreneurial activity. It is specified that financial alignment is needed to smooth the development asymmetry. It is necessary to align the financial capabilities of territories, starting from the economic, social, environmental and demographic status of the corresponding region, the activity of entrepreneurial activity entities on the basis of setting real standards of their budgetary provision.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shashyna M. V.
Influence of Integration Processes on the Structural Modernization of Regional Economic Systems (p. 115 - 124)

The article is aimed at determining the peculiarities of processes of structural modernization of regional economic systems under the influence of integration processes, allowing to form an own vision of its efficient organization. The basis of the carried out study was the dialectical method of cognition. To achieve this aim, a number of general scientific methods were used: monographic method in the analysis of existing scientific thought; method of analysis and synthesis – for the purposes of expounding the author’s own vision as to the essence of integration processes; induction and deduction – when expounding elements of the process of structural modernization and others. Regional economic systems have become the object of the study; their structural modernization under the influence of integration processes have become the subject of research. In the course of the study, by generalizing the existing groundworks and experience of the development of Ukraine’s regions, against the background of established levels of integration processes, the author’s own vision as to the essence of regional structural policy is formulated, which is defined as a system of measures aimed at allocating its most efficient components, their support and stimulation, as well as optimizing other components, while its aim is to increase the overall level of development of the regional economic system. Having defined the main directions of Ukraine’s integration in the global economic community and their possible influence on the structural modernization of regional economic systems, it is possible to formulate the main tasks of structural policy and determine its role and place in the policy of the State’s development. Further on, the basic principles of structural modernization of regional economic systems and conceptual bases for implementation are formulated. As a result, priority areas of structural modernization of regional economic systems in the context of integration processes and their specific prospective characteristics are defined. The main scientific novelty of the study is a combination of systemic and programmatic approaches to formulating the conceptual bases of structural modernization of regional economic systems from the perspective of integration processes. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the fact that they are formulated from the point of view of Ukraine’s real integration into the EU and can be used in formulating the programs of reforming the structure of the economic systems of regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk O. H., Zlotnik M. L.
Analyzing the Status and Tendencies of Circular Economy Development in Lviv Region (p. 125 - 133)

The article is aimed at researching the tendencies of implementation of business models of the circular economy and exploring the status of their use in the enterprises of Lviv region. On the basis of theoretical and statistical data, the prerequisites for development of the circular economy in both European and Ukrainian markets are characterized, the focus is set on the orientation of the European Union on the transition to circular models, also the relevance of researching this topic for Ukrainian enterprises is substantiated. The meaning of the 6R concept (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Recovery, Replace) is disclosed; interpretations of the terms «recycling», «recovering» and «reusing» are provided; a comparative analysis of the structure of waste management in Ukraine and in the EU is carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of introducing the «self-contained» models of production and consumption are allocated using the SWOT model, a PEST analysis of aspects of the external environment affecting the development of the circular economy in the Ukrainian market is carried out. Based on regional statistics for 2016–2018, the dynamics of the main indicators of waste management in the Lviv region’s enterprises are shown; the level of involvement of enterprises of Lviv region to the circular economy and features of the use of «circular» models are diagnosed; the main problems with the treatment of industrial waste in Lviv region are characterized; activities of selected enterprises involved in the circular economy, as well as enterprises that pollute the ecology of the region, are analyzed; structure of the formed waste is depicted by species. The main «self-contained» business models aimed at minimizing and disposing of waste are also analyzed, and recommendations on the introduction of business models of the circular economy for use in the enterprises of Lviv region are formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanko O. P.
The Cross-Cutting Analysis of Measures to Improve the Competitiveness of Innovation and Investment Activities (p. 134 - 140)

The article is aimed at analyzing regional development strategies and projects and their implementation activities for the western regions of Ukraine. As the Strategy is the basis of elaborated and promising regional economic and social development programs, taking into account the opportunities and needs of the regions themselves, it is becoming the only source of measures to improve competitiveness. The innovation and investment direction of the region development is partially covered in the second part of the Strategy, which focuses on stimulating the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region, the tourism sector of the region; attracting external and internal investment; increase in the activity of innovative consumption in all sectors of the economy, but this is insufficient level of support for innovation and investment activities, mainly experiencing an indirect influence. According to the analysis, the orientation of projects and measures aimed at innovation and investment activities in the region is characterized, allocating their advantages and disadvantages for the western regions. All measures of innovative and investment development of the region’s economy are grouped by the following directions: industry direction; vitalization of innovation and investment activities; consumption of the results of innovation and investment activities, allowing to allocate all directions of development of this sphere at the regional level. This system of recommendations provides a clear example of whether the presence or absence of a comprehensive vision of the implementation of the policy of innovation and investment regional activities, which, in turn, is one of the locomotives in the progressive development of the national economy. The recommendations can be used by management entities to optimize competitive advantage in the tactical and strategic periods.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Patytska K. O.
Regularities of Development of the Property Taxation System in Ukraine in the Context of Increasing the Financial Capacity of Territorial Communities (p. 129 - 135)

The article is aimed at determining the regularities of use of the budget potential of the united territorial communities (UTOs) based on the income from the collection of property taxes. The author’s own scientific approach is developed to analyze the efficiency of use of the budget potential of territorial communities based on the income from property taxes. The main problem of collecting property taxes in Ukraine is substantiated, which is the low share of income from collection of these taxes. However, in today’s conditions it rises especially acutely, which is connected with the strengthening of the financial capacity of local government in the conditions of decentralization processes in our country. It is determined that the level of efficiency in the use of the budget potential of territorial communities based on property taxes is generally quite low. The author allocates the main problems in the context of property tax collection: inefficient definition of tax rates and tax-exempt persons; differences in the application of the tax in different territories; non-accounting of the financial situation of property owners when taxing. It is determined that for the real estate tax, which is different from the land tax, as well as for land fees, there is an intrinsic problem of the efficiency of setting tax rates by local governments, on which the volume of tax revenues to the local budget, the number of taxpayers and the efficiency of the tax in general depend. Existence of different approaches to setting a real estate tax in the UTO with different income levels per person is proved: lack of interest of the high-income UTOs in increasing the proceeds of the real estate tax is also leading to the local government bodies’ leveling of the possibility to efficiently set taxation rules and increase the tax revenues. Increased efficiency in the use of the budget potential of territorial communities based on property taxes is identified. This demonstrates the understanding of the local government bodies of the benefits of using these taxes to improve the financial capacity of territorial communities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanchukevych M. Y., Kitseliuk U. M.
Analyzing the Socio-Economic Development of Regions in Conditions of Instability (p. 136 - 144)

The article is aimed at analyzing the socio-economic development of regions taking into account the factors of the unstable macro-economic environment. Monitoring and analysis of indicators of socio-economic development in such conditions is extremely important: it allows to determine the possibility of implementing a national strategy of regional development in the conditions of economic, socio-political instability and tension in the society, increased dynamism of indicators. Upon the directions of the research, key indicators of social and economic instability by the regions of Ukraine are defined. Indicators of social instability include income and expenditure of the population, average monthly wages, levels of unemployment and employment, infrastructure of education and health facilities. Indicators of economic instability include the number of economic entities by type of economic activity, structural statistics on economic entities, the total amount of expenditures by the directions of innovation activities of industrial enterprises. The carried out analysis of the proposed groups of indicators in the regional context showed that there are significant disparities in the development of Ukraine’s regions and the influence of instability factors on this development. Based on the system of indicators, a design of the study of socio-economic development at both the national and regional levels is formed, which will allow timely identification of existing disparities. Taking in account the determined aspects of regional development unevenness, it is suggested that the need for greater use of the opportunities of the State and society to mitigate the disparities of socio-economic development be emphasized. To this end, an analysis of the possibility of implementation of a national strategy of regional development in an unstable environment is carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babets I. H.
The Shadow Component of the Transport Services Market of Ukraine: Scale and Impact on the Economy of Regions (p. 145 - 153)

The article analyzes the factors of shadowing and the essence of illegal operations in the transport services market. The rates of shadowing of the type of economic activity «Transport, warehouse, postage and courier activities» for the regions of Ukraine in 2013 and 2018 are defined. A tendency towards reducing the shadow sector of the transport services sphere in the majority of regions is identified. The highest level of shadowing of the transport services market regarding the gross value added in 2018 was observed in the Luhansk region and in the city of Kyiv, and the lowest – in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The results of the regression analysis of the panel data of the indicators of socio-economic development and activities of transport services in the regions of Ukraine for the period 2013-2018 confirmed a direct link between the share of small businesses in the total number of enterprises and the level of shadowing of the transport services market, which indicates the attractiveness of such activities in terms of generating illegal income. A direct link between the consumer price index and the level of shadowing of transport services is identified, due to the increase in the unaccounted-for money supply, which falls into the legal sector of the economy, and the increase in prices as a result of the under-profiting of services. The direct impact of the increase in the share of profitable enterprises on the consumer price index confirms the participation of such enterprises in the formation of the shadow transport services market due to the concealment of some part of the revenues. The positive influence of capital investment in the transport services sector on inflationary processes is reflected in the reduction in the consumer price index while improving the investment efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyfor M. V.
Analyzing the Seasonality and Variability of Tourist Flows on the Example of the Western Regions of Ukraine (p. 154 - 160)

The article is aimed at studying the evaluation of the irregular distribution of tourist flow and its variability during a year, as well as the division of territories within the country with different seasonality. In the analysis of seasonality in the tourism sector, it is proposed to calculate the index of seasonality of the number of tourists from summer to winter and from autumn to spring, which, respectively, allows to determine the coefficient of variation during the year. It is substantiated that the irregular tourist route is well visible in some regions, where the number of tourists in summer is 3–4 times higher than in winter, and the number of overnight stays is even 5–7 times higher. It is determined that in 2016–2018 in most regions was observed a negative, significant or statistically very significant tendency in the seasonality index of the number of tourists. Taking into account the values of seasonality indices for the number of both domestic and foreign tourists; number of days spent overnight, as well as the variation in the number of tourists per year, in the western regions of Ukraine are allocated four zones with different seasonality of tourist flow: very high (Carpathian zone); high (mountain zone), low (Zakarpattia); middle (Prykarpattia). It is concluded that in the temperate geographical latitudes of Europe, including Ukraine, the seasonality of the tourist movement is a natural phenomenon, mainly due to the variability of weather during the year, which can affect the management of human resources in tourism, profitability of the tourism economy, as well as the demand and supply of services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdan N. M., Kravets O. M., Sоkоlеnkо А. S.
Management of Investment Support for the Development of Tourism and Hotel Business Enterprises at the Regional Level (p. 161 - 168)

The article explores the problematics of investing in the tourism industry at the regional level. The need and relevance of the research is determined by the insufficient development of theoretical and methodological aspects of the activation of investment processes, especially in the sphere of investment projects at the sectoral level. The article is aimed at researching methodical and practical approaches to the investment support for the region’s tourism industry, as well as developing directions for its activation. The need to form a new investment model in light of the modernization of Ukraine’s economy is proved. The basic conceptual principles of investing in tourism are developed: systemacity, alternativeness, investment culture, complexity, adaptability, and accounting for risk. Methodological principles of stimulating the investment provision of the tourism industry are proposed and a number of factors is defined, which have both a stimulating and a disstimulating effect on the investment attractiveness of tourism and hotel sphere. On the base of the research results, successive stages of the economic approach to activation of investment resources in the region are allocated and the instrumentarium to increase the efficiency of investment in tourism and hospitality is defined. Investment monitoring is the main instrument of investment controlling, namely: providing the information-methodological support for coordination and assistance to the investment planning systems, monitoring of implementation of investment activity and its information transparency. Upon the results of the research is determined that the introduction into practice of regional and industry management of investment monitoring will help to improve the efficiency of investment processes in tourism and hotel business, which will allow to activate the development of the specified industries at the regional and national levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Topalova I. A.
The Role of Regional Logistics Based on the Knowledge Economy (p. 169 - 175)

The article is aimed at researching the ways to introduce the knowledge economy into the regional economy on the basis of logistics. The relevance of the role of regional logistics on the basis of knowledge economy is determined. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the research, the issues of the need to introduce the knowledge economy into the regional economy for self-development and self-sufficiency of the regions are considered. An important role is given to the formation of logistics chains based on the knowledge economy, which ensures expansion of the regional and interregional cooperation. Along with this, the economic result of logistics as a process consists in creation of the added value. The main instruments on which modern business processes are based, taking into account the knowledge economy, are identified. The distinctive features of the knowledge economy are outlined (role of intangible and intellectual resources, knowledge act as a product, knowledge form an innovative product, widespread use of information and communication technologies). The knowledge economy forms a product in the form of new knowledge and the very important process is its introduction into the socio-economic system (region). The author considers impact of the regional and interregional economic relations on implementation of business processes, namely: formation of resources that take part in commodity exchange; reproduced process; producing part of the country’s national income (GDP); self-sufficiency, self-organization, self-development and self-reproduction of regions as socio-economic systems). The functions of e-logistics at the regional level are defined, and measures to introduce new knowledge as a resource into the region’s economy are formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kopylyuk O. I., Tymchyshyn J. V., Muzychka O. М.
The Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Evaluating the Level of Demographic Security of Regions (p. 93 - 100)

The article is aimed at improving the theoretical and methodical approaches to evaluating the level of demographic security of regions. On the basis of a review of existing scientific developments, the authors’ own approach to formulating the essence of the concept of «demographic security of region» is proposed, which is defined as a state of protection against threats and dangers, with ensuring the formation and maintenance of positive dynamics of both quantitative and qualitative parameters in the reproductive processes of the population of territory, their optimal balance, stability toward depopulation, and sustainable development. The authors have developed a methodical instrumentarium to evaluate the level of demographic security of regions, which is based on the most significant indicators, characterizing the presence, processes of reproduction, population movement, as well as allowing to identify major threats, dangers and fully estimate the status of the demographic situation of territory. On the basis of the points evaluation method and calculation of an integrated indicator, regions have been grouped by the critically low, low, medium, high and highest levels of demographic security. The region-leaders include the city of Kyiv - with the highest and Volyn, Chernivitsi, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Odesa, Zakarpattya regions - with a high level of demographic security. Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Sumy, Kirovohrad, Zaporizhzhya, Poltava regions are defined as outsider regions with the low level of security. The main threats to the demographic security of most regions of Ukraine remain high mortality rates, reduction of natural and migration population growth, exacerbation of depopulation processes. Prospects for further research in this direction are to substantiate the mutual relationship of demographic security with other components of the regional public system based on the use of the instrumentarium of cluster, factor analysis and economic and the economic-mathematical modeling tools.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makhsma M. B.
The Human Development of Ukraine’s Rural Population: The Regional Plane (p. 100 - 108)

The article explores the theoretical and methodological aspects of measuring the level of human development of the rural population. The peculiarities of its calculation for analyzing the standard of living of the rural population are defined. On the basis of systematization of scientific sources, generalization of theoretic and methodical developments on the analysis and assessment of the level of human development, a methodological approach to measuring the level of human development of the rural population in the regional plane is proposed. In accordance with this approach, an integral index of regional human development of the rural population is developed as a general indicator of human development of the villagers. The integrated index is calculated as an average value of five generalizing indices reflecting the most important aspects of human life: demographic development, labor market, property status, social environment, and living conditions. According to the proposed approach, the level of human development of the rural population of Ukraine during 2014-2017 is assessed in the regional plane. Concerning the integrated index of human development, all regions are grouped into four groups: regions with high, medium, low and very low levels of development. Leaders and outsiders among the regions of Ukraine in terms of living standards of rural residents are identified. Among the leaders in the calculated integral index of human development are Poltava, Mykolayiv and Chernihiv regions. The low level of human development is recorded for Donetsk, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankisvsk regions. The results of the research show the total low standard of living of the Ukrainian peasantry and the unevenness of its human development in the context of regions. This necessitates the development and substantiation of managerial decisions regarding effective measures aimed at eliminating the identified imbalances of human development for each region of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bubenko P. T., Dymchenko O. V.
The Territorial Organization for Innovative Development (p. 109 - 115)

The article is concerned with the research of scientific issues related to the acceleration of innovative development of the spatial economy, determining the degree of influence of innovations on the nature of the territorial organization of economic activity, providing a theoretical substantiation for the formation of innovation growth zones of individual territories (regions). The main objective is to define the features and contradictions of the current status of the system of territorial organization of innovation activity and to accelerate on this basis the pace of socio-economic development of a certain territory. The systematized literary sources on the topic of the research show that modern economic scientific thought does not pay enough attention to the study of the nature and influence of the innovation component, in its broad understanding, on the pace and quality of both the system of territorial organization and the dynamics of innovation development. This explains the undeniable relevance of the topic. The problem of the spread of innovation diffusion is researched in terms of the representation and positioning of an individual territory (region) as a subject of economic relations, as a multi-functional and multi-faceted economic system, and not as a place of only concentration of means of production and labor. Further development, symbiosis of the theory of regionalism, in particular the spatial organization of production, with the theory and practice of innovative entrepreneurship is the substantiation of the feasibility of creating and spreading the territorial poles of innovative growth. It is proved that an efficient innovation policy in a certain economic field of activity should be based on the functional properties of the forms of spatial organization of production, on the one hand, and the deployment of productive forces on the other. The idea of the nature and character of the existing forms of modern territorial organization of innovation activity is studied and further developed, which is a kind of network structure, which is a projection of production networks into a certain territory, or the so-called «networks tied to a place». The economic strength of such a territory is set not by the volume of material production, but by the mobilization resource of the entire network, its overall impact on the global market. Also the theory of clustering as one of the modern forms of innovation activity in a certain territory has acquired further development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tkachuk O. Y., Pankova A. Y.
Administration of Critical Technologies in AIC at Regional Level as a Foresight Tool (p. 93 - 99)

The Foresight technology is considered in world practice as an effective forecasting instrument, intended to research the future, or to prognose the future development of economic activities. Most of the authors consider the use of Foresight at national and global levels – through the theoretical or methodological aspects. Much less considered is the practice of applying Foresight at the regional level. Lack of experience on the practical application is one of the problems in increasing the competitiveness of regions in the prevailing conditions. The article considers the results of use of the method of critical technologies of Foresight concerning agricultural sector at the regional level. A region is regarded as a subject of competitive processes in the context of globalization. The purpose of the research is to determine the critical technology in AIC at the regional level, capable to implement in the final phase of the Foresight application to influence the industry production, markets, environment and, ultimately, competitiveness of the industry in the region. Outlining the scope of usage of Foresight, the authors consider the following key issues of the industry, which are: agri-ecological condition of the land; social issues – creation of workplaces in rural areas, provision of food production for the population, according to the medical norms and at affordable prices. The results of the research have found that the technology of keeping the dairy herd pasture-fed can become a critical technology, a potential factor in the revival of cattle breeding in the region. The presented approach will solve the problem of conservation of soil fertility as key competencies in development of the agri-industrial complex in the region, necessary for obtaining high yields of agricultural crops, and also allow to solve social problems with jobs creation, provision of the population with food products, according to the medical standards, and will impact the development of dairy products market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kraynyuk L. M., Polchaninova I. L., Pokolodna M. M., Vlashchenko N. M.
Digital Innovations in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector of the Kharkiv Region (p. 100 - 112)

The article presents the results of research on the status and perspectives of introduction of digital innovations in the tourism and hospitality market of Kharkov region in the context of four analysis axes: innovation of corporate website, e-commerce, information-communication technologies in business management and customer relationship management. The publication is aimed at analyzing the current status of using digital innovations by enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sector of Kharkiv region, as well as defining the most promising digital technologies for the further development of this sector. The subject of the study are managerial and organizational-economic relations arising in the process of development of the regional tourism and hospitality market in the conditions of digitalization. The analysis of the regional market related to digital innovations in the tourism and hospitality sector, was carried out with the use of quantitative data provided by the regional Department of Statistics, along with the information obtained as a result of a questionnaire survey of 116 enterprises of the sector. Using of fuzzy measures and the Choquet integral, the article identifies the factors of innovation that most influence the competitiveness of business in the sphere of tourism and hospitality, as well as the extent of their interaction. It is grounded that digitalization is an important instrument to increase the innovativeness of the business in the tourism and hospitality sector. Among the types of digital technologies that have the greatest impact on the process of business efficiency improvement, the innovations related to the improvement of corporate site and e-commerce, in particular the introduction of fintech and the use of artificial intelligence, are determined. The results of this research can be used by both regional and local authorities, management of enterprises of the regional tourism and hospitality market in determining the target priorities, forming and implementing the strategy of digital transformation, development of regional programs to promote the development of internal tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Meleshko K. К.
Analyzing the Recreational Resources of Kharkiv Region (p. 112 - 117)

The article analyzes the recreational resources of Kharkiv region. It is noted that its recreational resources due to the territory, geographical position, presence of a combination of natural, anthropogenic, technical, socio-economic complexes should be effectively used for tourism development in order to develop and restore the spiritual and physical forces of a person, to help increase both labor efficiency and the level of satisfaction with life. A detailed analysis of all types of natural recreation resources shows the possibility of development of thematic tourist areas by the districts of Kharkiv region. 70% of the natural reserve fund of Kharkiv region consists of different-profile wildlife preserves: botanical, entomological, hydrological, ornithological, forest, general zoological, hunting – of both local and national significance. It is noted that in the Kharkiv region there is a significant recreational potential, which is not limited by objects that have received the official status of national or regional importance, but still can lead to interest from potential users of tourist services. Analyzing the recreational resources of Kharkiv region leads to the conclusions, that in the region are fully present all types of natural and cultural-historical recreational resources for development of all types of tourism. There are favorable geographical conditions for creation of thematic tourist areas and directions by the districts of Kharkiv region. Registering, elaborating programs for preservation and development by the State institutions of different levels of wildlife preserves, protected nature areas, historical monuments, architecture, monumental art, etc. provide for their existence, but lack of financing inhibits the restoration, along with creation of appropriate infrastructure. Therefore, for the development of tourism in the region it is necessary to attract investments from enterprises and individuals.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Topalova I. A.
Stages of Construction of the Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Formation of Chains of Resource Support of the Self-Development of Region (p. 118 - 124)

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the stages of construction of the organizational and economic mechanism of formation of chains of resource provision of the self-development of region. To achieve this purpose, the following tasks were formulated and solved: to substantiate the basis for the formation of resource supply chains of regional commodity markets; to offer a methodical approach to determining the stages of construction of this mechanism; to build a structural and logical scheme of organizational and economic mechanism of formation of chains of resource provision of the self-development of region. The article provides a description and structure of the organizational and economic mechanism of formation of resource supply chains in regional markets, which defines the economic component (formation of market prices, interaction of chain actors in terms of output) and organizational component (flexible coordination of entities of the resource supply chains in the regional commodity markets) on the basis of the object-subject approach. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of the regional economy has been improved by introducing such concepts as: «Organizational and economic mechanism of formation of chains of resource provision of the self-development of region» and «Resource infrastructure of the region». A methodical approach to building the above mechanism according to the stages of its development and taking into account the model «regional authorities – science – business», which will allow resource chains of the region to participate in the formation of national income and achieve self-sufficiency and self-development of a region to increase the level of life of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Papp V. V., Boshota N. V.
Economic Security of the Region’s Transport Complex (p. 69 - 75)

The article substantiates the urgency of the development of the transport sector of the region as an important component of improving the economic security of the country, outlines the importance of the transport sector in ensuring the effective functioning of the economic system of the country. Improving the economic security of the transport sector is the basis for guaranteeing the security of regions, countries, a condition for sustainable socio-economic development. The relevance of the research topic is due to the role of the transport sector in the regional economy, as well as the unstable financial situation in the industry and the national economy as a whole. The purpose of the article is to study the organizational aspects of economic security of transport in the region. The article analyzes the main trends in the development of the transport sector, as well as the problems that exist in the industry. The modern features of the development of the system of economic security of the transport sphere of the regions are studied and the place and significance of the transport systems in the regional economy are determined. Indicators of increasing the economic security of the regional transport complex are proposed, possible risks of development and functioning of the transport sphere of the regions are outlined. The main factors that ensure the integrated effect of the functioning of transport infrastructure in the region and its impact on economic security have been identified. Conceptual provisions and institutional preconditions of increase of economic security of the transport complex, and criteria of their interaction with other spheres of economy of region are substantiated. The modern problems of economic security management of the transport complex of the region in connection with ensuring the economic security of the country are considered. The directions of strategic planning of development of the regional transport complex and increase of its economic stability are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozin O. Y.
The Theoretical and Applied Foundations for Assessing the Status of Economic Security of Regional Road Transport Complexes (p. 75 - 83)

The article is aimed at studying the current status of road transport complexes of regions in terms of formation of an effective system of their economic security. The current status of road transport complexes of regions is analyzed; tendencies in the development of freight and passenger transportation in the regional context are identified. Two main problematic directions of development of road transport in Ukraine are allocated: 1) status and compliance with the European road infrastructure standards; 2) updating rolling stock as a base for development of automotive services and improving their quality. The approach to the assessment of the status of economic security, based on the allocation of two functional components of road transport complexes is substantiated, which will allow to comprehensively assess the status of economic security and direct the actions of regional authorities to overcome exactly the direction at which the most critical indicators for the status of economic security can be observed. The indicators that provide an opportunity to evaluate the level of economic security according to production and infrastructure components are proposed. The assessment of the status of economic security of regional road transport complexes in 2018 was conducted. As a result of the study is identified that only two regions of Ukraine currently have sufficient level of economic security – Dnipropetrovsk and Zakarpattya regions. At the same time, while displaying a poor condition of infrastructure component Dnipropetrovsk region has sufficient level according to the production component, Zakarpattya region is characterized by sufficient indicators on both components. The status of economic security of road transport complexes in other regions in 2018 was medium or low. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of approaches to forecasting the status of economic security and development on the basis of the obtained results of effective measures to counteract threats arising in the process of operation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sarkisian G. O.
Some Aspects of the Regulation of the Tourism Industry in the Region (p. 83 - 87)

Tourism is an important segment of the enrichment of the State and regions, having mainly a multiplier effect on all other industries and spheres of activity. A sign of the developed countries of Europe and the world remains the high level of visiting and recognition by international visitors of attractions and cultural and recreational spectacles. Unfortunately, Ukrainian industry is at the stage of its insufficient recognition. The purpose of the article is to study important aspects of the regulation of the tourism industry in the region. The article considers the tourism industry of the country as one that requires reformatting of regulatory processes at different levels of its own functioning, monitors the main legal documents that ensure the activities of national and regional tourism markets, states their imperfections in relation to modern international tourism flows, suggests certain aspects on their improvement. Given the imperfection of the legal framework, the regulatory processes in the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism" should be improved, in our opinion, in particular in the part where the Law artificially creates conditions for the monopoly of the tourism industry and excessive intervention of the State in tourism. The functional responsibilities of regulatory institutions at different levels are specified, the synergistic effect as a result of their interaction and consolidation is proved. The practice of foreign countries regarding the formation of so-called regional tourist corporations, which synthesize different types of tourism, coordinate information support of tourism services, form a competitive pricing, is considered. These countries are grouped by the efficiency of regulatory processes in the tourism market by three models. A number of directions for improving the regulatory processes of tourism markets are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Bielikova N. V., Bekker M. L.
Analyzing the Modern Practice of Elaboration of Regional Development Strategies in Ukraine on the Basis of Problem-Oriented Approach (p. 88 - 95)

The article is concerned with generalization of modern practice of development of regional development strategies in Ukraine and substantiation of the advantages of implementing a problem-oriented approach to the process of strategizing the socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine. The methodological principles of implementation of problem-oriented approach in the process of strategizing the socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine for identification of problems and problematic situations of regional development and determination of strategic and operational goals on this basis are researched. The results of the study showed that the regions of Ukraine regulate socio-economic development using the regional development strategies; as of 2020, all regions of Ukraine have developed strategies for socio-economic development for the period up to 2027. Analysis of these documents showed that the process of identifying the problems of socio-economic and ecological development of region requires improvement, since there is currently no clear identification of problems in the existent strategies. Despite the lack of a clear list of regional development problems, all strategies contain a system of strategic and operational goals, but not all regions specify the indicators of their achievement. Also, not all of the analyzed regional development strategies contain substantiation for defining goals based on the analysis of the problems of socio-economic and ecological development of region. Prospect for further research is to improve the methodological principles of identification of problems of socio-economic and ecological development and implement them into the practice of developing regional strategies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dub A. R.
Determination of Coastal Territories as an Object of Implementation of the State Regional Policy in Ukraine (p. 99 - 106)

The formation of a new State regional policy in Ukraine on the basis of a combination of both the sectoral and the territorial approach requires comprehension of the functional direction of territories. The key point at that is a typologyzation of the territories of Ukraine on a functional basis, their delineation and concretization for the purposes of the State policy. The article is aimed at specifying and proposing the definition of coastal territories for the purposes of the State policy of regional development on the basis of an analysis of the achievements by domestic scholars, as well as the current legislation of both the European Union and Ukraine. The analysis, carried out by the author, showed that the current legal framework of Ukraine does not regulate all types of territories to which the State policy of regional development is directed. Such territories, in particular, include coastal territories. In the course of research, the methodology of typologyzation of coastal territories in the European Union is disclosed; an analysis of the segregating coastal territories by domestic scientists is carried out; a critical review of Ukrainian legislation on the interpretation of the concepts related to coastal territories is accomplished. The definitions of «coastal territories» and «coastal territorial community» are substantiated and suggested for the purposes of the State policy of regional development of Ukraine, taking into account the changes introduced by the decentralization reform.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bibik N. V., Yesina V. O., Rudachenko O. O.
The Informational-Analytical Principles of Budgeting Management in Amalgamated Hromadas (p. 107 - 116)

In connection with the processes of decentralization, the issues related to the formation of amalgamated hromadas (AHs) are gaining more and more attention. A big advantage in the creation of AHs is the transfer of significant powers from the State authorities on budgets to the local self-government. It is proved that the software in the sphere of management accounting and budgeting should include methodologies of implementation of the subsystems of both the budget and the process management, as well as means for projecting regulations of the financial management system. The authors propose the necessary minimum requirements for the software of the budgeting process, which display that due to a powerful and flexible system of formation of analytical reports, there is a significant improvement in the organization of work on the implementation and analysis of the budget. The list and characterization of the software available on the Ukrainian market are presented, which justify that the automation of budgeting through the introduction of an integrated information system is possible and depends only on the understanding of the importance and necessity of this process by the leadership of AH. The process of developing managerial decisions has a number of analytical procedures: analysis of the incoming information used for managerial decision-making; analysis of alternative solutions regarding the options; analysis of the progress of implementation of decision and analysis of deviations of the results obtained from the planned ones. Analytical activity is an integral attribute of the entire management process. According to the results of the research, one can conclude that the increase in the number of managerial tasks facing the leadership of hromada at the same time forms the preconditions for the creation of an informational-analytical system, the data of which will be able to satisfy any requests – both external and internal. Providing the necessary information at the right time on the basis of management accounting and analysis is the essence of the organization of information service of budgeting and management processes, contributes to the achievement of the goals outlined in the strategy for development of hromada.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miniailo О. І., Zinchenko K. А.
Formation of Regional Development Strategy in Ukraine (p. 111 - 117)

The subject of the research is theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the State-based regional development in Ukraine, which is influenced by the process of decentralization. The article describes the status and characteristic tendencies of unification of regions of Ukraine. The problems of «duplication» of administrative functions of subjects of the State-based regional policy, as well as establishment of interaction of the State bodies with local self-government are considered. Negative results from delegation of powers to local public authorities and transfer of financial resources to city budgets are disclosed. The article researches reasons for the imbalance of regions and its consequences according to different indicators, as well as the mechanism of the State-based regulation of balanced development of regions. It is determined that the regional development strategy should solve the real problems of the functioning of amalgamated hromadas and effectively implement decentralization processes. The place of information policy in the system of making effective managerial decisions is defined. The authors substantiate the objective need to form a more practical strategy and its possible impact on the development of local units and the country in general. The instruments of public administration in the process of abuse of power at the regional level are examined. A number of top-priority problems are specified, which should be solved in the process of implementation of the decentralization reform. In particular, the issue of «local oligarchy», abuse and corruption in the context of decentralization of budgets are considered. According to the results of the research, promising directions for improving the regional development strategy for the effective functioning of the capacity of territorial hromadas for the purpose of social and economic development of society are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Storonyanska I. Z., Benovska L. Y.
The Determinants of Economic Growth of Regions in the Newest Economic Theories (p. 118 - 127)

None of the existing theories of economic growth of regions has by now offered any opportunity for a complete solution to the problems. New realities of our time require new scientific approaches to substantiating the economic growth of regions, searching for determinants, leverages, principles. The article is aimed at theoretical-methodological substantiation for the economic growth of regions in modern conditions, defining the main determinants and principles of growth. Based on the analysis of the newest theories of economic growth of regions, it is stated that the main determinants of economic growth of regions in today’s conditions are a person with its human capital; the innovations that provide a breakthrough; informatization of all social and economic processes of society. A change in the emphasis of human capital has been made: if in the past attention has been focused on its educational component, then in modern conditions, knowledge, talent, creativity come to the fore. The emphasis in innovation development is the need for symbiosis of innovations and competitive advantages of territories. The peculiarity of the development of regions in modern conditions is their orientation to internal factors and the mechanisms of economic development, because economic growth is generated within the system. There was also a shift of emphasis from a stable development of regions to inclusive, which, in addition to the ecological component, takes into account the need to involve all members of society into solving problems of all territories. The determinants, goals, principles and levers of economic growth of regions are allocated in terms of the newest economic theories.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudachenko O. O., Klebanova T. S.
A Classification of Regions of Ukraine by the Level of Formation of Social Tensions (p. 128 - 136)

A classification of regions of Ukraine by the level of formation of social tensions together with determination of preventive measures aimed at preventing the creation of crisis situations are carried out. It is proved that the socio-economic situation typical for Ukraine has deteriorated significantly. This is evidenced by the decline of a large number of international indicators that characterize the stability of the country’s development. The suggested in the article methodological approach to the classification of regions by the level of formation of social tensions includes two main stages: substantiation of the system of socio-economic indicators that characterize the level of social tension; selection and substantiation of models of classification of regions. The carried out analysis of the values of socio-economic indicators of each cluster allowed to allocate the following classes of regions by the level of formation of social tension: 1st class – increased level of formation of social tensions; 2nd class – low level of formation of social tensions; 3rd class – high level of formation of social tensions. Of particular importance for the research is the 3rd class, i.e., the class with a high level of formation of social tensions, which leads to a crisis. The regions of this class should have serious government support in the social sphere. The results of the research showed that the number of regions classified with high level of social tensions is constantly growing and, unfortunately, the number of regions where the social sphere is more developed is decreasing. It should be noted that this situation is extremely dangerous, because it can lead not only to social, but also economic and political crises. The carried out analysis of the status of region of each of the received classes provides the possibility to prevent aggravation of crises in the social sphere and determine the list of preventive measures that can lead to a decrease in losses both in terms of individual classes and in the State as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bekker M. L.
Formation of Scientific Grounds for Identification and Structuring of Problems of the Region Development (p. 89 - 95)

The relevance of the article is justified by the increasing role of scientific provision for identification and structuring of regional development problems in the evolvement of directions of the State regional policy, as well as in the formation of strategies and programs of socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine. The article is aimed at substantiating the methodical approach to identification and structuring of problems of the region development. The analysis of the interpretation of the essence of concepts of «problematic region» and «depressed region» is carried out. It is defined that the concept of «problematic region» is wider, despite the fact that there is no such definition in the legislation of Ukraine. It is proved that in order to identify and structure the problems of regional development, it is advisable to apply the methodical approach developed by the author, which contains four consecutive stages, the implementation of which will allow to carry out a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the peculiarities of the regional development of Ukraine and identify the accompanying problems. Both the identification and structuring of problems along with determination of regional development goals is carried out in the measurements of «Natural-territorial and socio-economic potential», «Socio-economic and ecological efficiency», «Quality of life of the population». As for the above defined measurements of problem research and determination of regional development goals, it is proposed to apply the indicative indicators calculated using an additive method of convolution of their partial indicators and components. Prospect for further research is to improve the methodological provision of the goal-setting of development of regions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Global Trends in Public Management of Territorial Development in the Context of Decentralization of Power (p. 96 - 103)

The progressive development of each country is the result of an effective management system at all levels of economic administration. Of particular importance is regional (territorial) development, due to the growing role of public regional management, the formation of local self-government, the influence of public organization of power on the socio-economic development of territories. In the context of activation of processes of decentralization of power, public management, transfer into the regions of certain powers to local authorities and increased responsibility for their activities significantly expands the socio-economic status of certain territories (regions, communities), the issues of development and stimulation, availability of effective mechanisms and instruments for socio-economic development of region (territories, communities, etc.) are becoming relevant. The existence of regional development problems in Ukraine with clear signs of increasing disparities of socio-economic indicators, increasing the number of problematic and backward territories, exacerbation of interregional socio-political tensions necessitates studying the world experience of functioning and development of territorial socio-economic systems and opportunities for the use of best practices for the formation of their own regional policy on the basis of effective management of territorial development in the conditions of decentralization of power. Changes in the legislation of Ukraine in terms of decentralization of power should concern the consolidation of the constitutional basis of local self-government, determination of its system and functioning with further detailed legislative regulation. This, on the one hand, will ensure the constitutional guarantee of local self-government, on the other hand – will provide a legal framework for its further development and improvement.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulin P. K.
The Normative-Legal Provision of Public Management of Territorial Development of the Issues of Formation, Functioning and Development of Amalgamated Hromadas in Conditions of Decentralization of Power (p. 103 - 108)

In modern world, the relevance of researching new approaches to the formation and functioning of economically capable territories in order to overcome significant problems in both the rural and the urban territorial communities and ensure their sustainable development under the influence of exacerbation of endogenous and exogenous risks is significantly increasing. Obviously, the current crisis situation of the territorial communities of the country, especially rural areas, cannot satisfy the interests and needs of citizens, communities and enterprises of all forms of ownership, as well as does not contribute to providing residents of the territories with jobs and modern public services. In addition, the search for new strategic approaches to the management of the development of territories aimed at reducing the differentiation of the level of socio-economic development of regions (territories, communities, etc) is actively carried out by equalization of conditions of economic activity, rational use of their production and resource potential, achievement of sustainable economic growth, increase of socio-economic indicators of living standards of citizens of Ukraine. The significance of the formation of the necessary legal framework for the functioning of a separate administrative-territorial system (region, territory, community, etc), assessment of its condition for further use in public administration of territorial development determines the importance of developing and implementing an effective system of regulatory documents to solve socio-economic problems and stimulate sustainable regional development in Ukraine, in particular territorial communities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Churikanova O. Y.
The Current Principles of Regional Development Management and Regional Policy Formation (p. 128 - 133)

The article is concerned with the current principles of regional development management and formation of regional policy. The key aspects and mechanisms of regional governance such as public administration and regionalistics are examined. The directions of research in the sphere of regional development management are provided. The main stages and components that provide for the implementation of the State policy of regional development are considered. Based on both Ukrainian and European regional development strategies, the following key principles of regional development management and regional policy formation are allocated: regional development based on the principles of sustainability; regional development based on the principles of circular economy; regional development based on the principles of typologization of regions; regional development based on the principles of investment policy. Each of these principles is considered separately in terms of the importance of application in the formation of regional development policy. During the analysis, it was noted that the topical issues in the formation of regional development strategies on the basis of sustainability were and remain the issues of assessment of the achieved results, which are distilled down to the development of a single conception and determination of the relevant goals of the group of indicators on which this conception should be based. It also emphasized the need to develop certain measures for the implementation of circular business models, development of transition strategy and policy of both the State-controlled and regional support. It is specified that in order to effectively develop territories in the management of regional development and formation of regional policy, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of each region, and therefore to perform a preliminary typologization. When considering regional investments in the formation of a regional development strategy, it is emphasized that in the formation of an effective investment policy at the regional level, the application of the approach based on the typologization of regions both in terms of development in general and in terms of investment development in particular becomes an important aspect. The general conception of regional development management and regional policy formation has been formed. The author emphasizes the conformity of such a conception to modern conditions for the development of Ukrainian regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Polishchuk A. S.
The Main Trends of Globalization and Urbanization and Taking into Account their Impact in the Process of Managing the Development of Regions of Ukraine (p. 133 - 141)

The article is aimed at determining trends in urbanization and globalization to take into account their influence in the process of managing the development of regions of Ukraine. It is defined that the level of urbanization in Ukraine over the past 30 years is high, while the regions of the country are significantly differentiated by the level of urbanization. The most urbanized are Donetsk, Luhansk, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia regions. The only region of Ukraine where the level of urbanization is being reduced is Zakarpattya region. Three regions of Ukraine - Ternopil, Chernihiv and Khmelnytsky are characterized by the most intensive urbanization processes, where the growth of urbanization is now almost ten times higher than the national average over the past 30 years. The research identified the main urbanization challenges, in particular: deepening the economic gap between cities and villages and between large cities and cities of region significance; economic development of the region determines the ability to unite and concentrate the creative capital; increase in inequality and segregation of the population; growth of the suburb crisis; unreasonable increase in house prices in cities to a level that is inaccessible to the majority of the population. The most significant globalization challenges include: increased global competition, growing regional differentiation and specialization; degradation of the real sector of the economy; significant increase in energy consumption; restricting access of a large part of the population to high-quality goods and services at reasonable prices; change of natural and climatic conditions for people’s life, strengthening ecological problems. The unreasonability of the widespread statement on the ineffectiveness of agglomerations and excessive absorption of resources is proven. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of theoretical principles and the development of practical recommendations for improving the adoption of managerial decisions at the level of regional governance bodies, taking into account the challenges of globalization and urbanization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kordzaia N. R.
Peculiarities of Formation and Development of Mechanisms for Food Provision of Region (p. 142 - 148)

The article examines the food provision, which is an important indicator of the quality of socio-economic development of a territory (region) in the daily consumption of food products by the population, strengthening the food security of the country. The conditions of administrative-territorial reform aimed at transferring powers from central authorities to local authorities have significantly changed the system of food provision of territories, which forms the level of integrity in terms of food security of the country. The changes have also affected the centralized food provision system through the transfer of novel principles from the State level to the regional level. A balanced and effective system of providing the population with food affects the quality of its life, economic security of the State, its regions, competitiveness of Ukrainian agrarian industry world-wide, including in the European markets. The measures developed in order to implement the targeted tasks of the Food Security Strategy of the Regions are planned for the period of 3-5 years. A structural-logical scheme of the organizational-economic mechanism for food provision of region is proposed as a set of economic, technological and organizational measures carried out by the State and other market actors at the level of both the country and the regions to meet the needs of the population with food products, regulating the sale of agricultural products, its processing, guarantees of improvement of quality and security of food products and their price availability. The author examines the main directions of implementation of the mechanism for food provision of region, which are the following: ensuring sustainable growth of production, availability of products for consumers; exchange of agricultural products; formation of a mechanism for regulatory influence on production, trade in agricultural products (national and regional levels); association of small farms within the regions; introduction of guaranteed minimum purchase prices (high profitability of production); improving the level of product quality, introduction of ecological norms to stimulate the production, producing and selling of environmentally friendly foods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Analyzing the European Practice on the Formation and Functioning of Local Self-Government and the System of Public Management of Territory Development (p. 149 - 156)

Effective until 2014 in Ukraine, the system of local self-government did not meet the existing needs of society. The functioning of local self-government bodies in most territorial communities did not provide the formation and support of the proper level of quality of life of citizens, necessary for the full development of people, their self-realization, protection of rights, provision of high-quality and affordable administrative, social and other services, did not create a favorable living space in the respective territories. The process of formation and development of the Ukrainian State required urgent reform of the administrative-territorial, political system and the establishment of a democratic institution of public power - local self-government, which is defined as the right and real capacity of a territorial community within the laws and powers to independently solve the issues of local development of their territories. Therefore, the reform of decentralization of power in Ukraine in 2014 was defined as one of the priorities, which provides for the construction of an effective system of territorial organization of power and public management of socio-economic development of territories. A detailed study of the experience of the formation and functioning of local self-government, best practices of the world countries, and in particular the EU countries, which have achieved sustainable development of territories and improved the welfare of their citizens, is relevant for the development of modern Ukraine and its regions and territories, as well as for the formation of its own effective public administration system at the local level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Obolentseva L. V.
Formation of Tourist Image of the City as a Strategic Direction of Development of Territory Marketing (p. 157 - 164)

The article is aimed at forming the tourist image of the city as a strategic direction of development of territory marketing. The article proves that a strong and positive image of the city is considered to be the effective and efficient mechanism allowing to fight for limited resources, competitive advantages and high competitiveness, representing a holistic set of characteristics, combining unique and original features of the city, as well as figurative ideas or perceptions that makes it possible for consumers, tourists, investors to distinguish and identify the city from among many other. The structure of the city’s potential, i. e., its economic, political, social and environmental components, on which the image of the territory is based, is provided. In the research, the existing instruments for creating and promoting a territorial image that can be used in both external and internal communications are proposed to be classified according to the four-component image structure, which includes conceptual, active, personal and attributive components. Studying the currently established image of the city and getting an idea of what position it occupies in the minds of target groups is an exceptionally important stage in the planning of urban marketing. Studying the image of the city is anything but easy task. That is why the article suggests to use an aggregate of different approaches, methods and specific tools in order to study the entire complex and multi-aspect nature of the image of the city of Kharkiv. An evaluation of such kind is needed in order to develop an algorithm for strategic management of the image of the territory. Whereas a positive and properly constructed relevant image can act as one of the instruments for attracting investments aimed at developing the territory and achieving the goals of the city development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chala T. G., Priadko Y. V., Slavuta O. I.
Statistical Modeling of the Energy Market Development in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 151 - 157)

The article is aimed at modeling the energy market of Ukraine on the meso-level, identifying its features and development problems, forming a system of indicators for monitoring the development of electricity production at the regional level. It is determined that Ukraine produces electrical power mainly from non-renewable energy sources, namely fossil and mineral fuels, using nuclear power plants and thermal power plants, which comprises 54% of the total electricity production. Wind, solar sources of electrical power, biofuels and hydroelectric power plants make up a smaller part of production – 7%. It is noted that Ukraine annually consumes about 92 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) of energy, has a high level of energy intensity of the economy, therefore, in order to reach the world average level, it is necessary to reduce energy consumption by 50 million toe. The level of losses of the produced and imported energy during its transformation and transportation to the end user is 44%. The potential for reducing energy consumption during consumption in sectors such as housing, budget-based and energy supply is about 19 million toe. To assess the state of the energy sector in Ukraine in 2019, a grouping of regions of Ukraine was carried out using cluster analysis. The regions that have entered the 1st cluster, namely: Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions, have the best prospects for the rapid innovative development of the energy market. The regions that are included in the 3rd cluster have the lowest values of energy sector development indicators among other clusters and require special attention to the development of new, cost-effective energy technologies. The system of indicators for the analysis of the energy market development on meso-level is substantiated. The proposed indicators are adapted to the indicators of monitoring the achievement of sustainable development goals, namely: sustainable development goals 7 «Ensuring access to inexpensive, reliable, sustainable and modern energy sources for everyone».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bushynskiy Y. V.
Methods of the Investment Attractiveness Assessment: The Regional Dimension (p. 157 - 163)

The theoretical and methodological approaches as to interpretation of the essence and methods of assessment of investment attractiveness of regions are examined, which allows to assert the absence of a generally accepted scientific approach and an objective valuation of the general investment situation in the regions. Based on the analysis of modern scientific approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of «investment attractiveness of region», a conclusion has been drawn about its characteristics, which are: value of using the region as a domicile of company; a combination of location advantages that can be achieved in the process of doing business and are due to the specific characteristics of the region in which the activities take place; a set of regional location advantages that influence the achievement of investor’s targets (for example, operating expenses, sales revenue, profitability); the ability to rent a place in the region; the ability to convince investors to choose a region as a place to invest; the ability to stimulate investment by offering a combination of location advantages that can be achieved in the process of doing business. The method of analysis of the cost or number of investments accomplished (or jobs created) in a particular industry to assess the investment attractiveness of the region is substantiated, which will allow to objectively determine the spatial differentiation of the inflow of foreign capital to a particular region. It is specified that when determining the weight of certain factors of investment attractiveness, the obtained values should allow to carry out a preliminary analysis of investment attractiveness, which most coincides with the actual investment activity of the regions. A generalized grouping by the level of aggregation (region, subregion, territorial community, amalgamated hromada, cities) of the categories (factors) of potential investment attractiveness is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mulska O. P., Gudzovata O. О.
Challenges of Financial Globalization for the Development of the Territories of Ukraine: Directions of Minimization and Regulation (p. 164 - 170)

The active development of digital technologies, in particular Internet banking, algorithmic trading, big data industry, credit electronic platforms, blockchain and cryptocurrencies with a gradual abandonment of cash payments, causes a radical transformation of the financial system of most countries and creates new challenges in monetary lending and increases financial imbalances in the regional development of Ukraine. The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical and applied bases of the study of the mutual relationship between the challenges of globalization and financial imbalances in regional development, substantiating the main directions of their regulation, and minimizing the negative consequences of financial globalization. The article defines the need for a radical transformation of Ukraine’s regional financial systems and the development of a new policy to counteract the challenges of globalization in order to overcome financial imbalances in the regions of the country, namely: clear separation of powers of the subjects of regional regulation of the cryptocurrency market; implementation of financial regional monitoring and control over the subjects of primary financial monitoring; development of digital infrastructure, creation of conditions for the implementation of network segmentation technologies; retraining and social adaptation of financial workers due to the active development of information technologies. Counteracting financial crime, money laundering, cross-border and international crime is a key component in overcoming financial imbalances in the development of Ukrainian regions. It is proved that the introduction of a comprehensive system of minimizing the manifestations of shadowing the monetary sector will have positive results in the context of strengthening financial security.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bril M. S., Pyvavar I. V.
Technologies for Researching the Level of Economic Sustainability of Regional System (p. 119 - 130)

The article contains the results of theoretical and practical aspects of researching the level of economic sustainability of regional systems. The conception of modeling the sustainability of the economic system of regional system is proposed, an aggregate of models for determining the level of the economic sustainability of region is formed. The research is aimed at improving the instrumentarium of systemic assessment and forecasting of economic sustainability of regional systems in strategic, tactical and operational directions, allowing to increase the efficiency of the State regulation in conditions of insustainability, inequality and deformed self-organization of regional socio-economic systems, as well as to obtain synergistic effect in ensuring the parameters of mutually coordinated development of components of economic sustainability of region. Taking into account the modern instrumentarium of methods and models for assessing and analyzing the economic sustainability of regional system, a conceptual methodological basis is proposed, the innovative nature of which consists in the application of the methodology of project analysis and business processes, instruments of economic and mathematical modeling, reflecting various systemic aspects according to a number of criteria and components, among which are distinguished the following: financial, technical and technological, personnel and intellectual, communication and information components. The proposed technology for assessing the level of economic sustainability of region includes three stages of research: formation of a set of models to determine the components of assessing the economic sustainability of region; diagnostics of environment threats and modeling of their impact on the level of economic sustainability of region; forecasting the level of sustainability of the regional system. The proposed methodological basis for assessing the economic sustainability of the regional system allows to quickly and adequately solve the problems of diagnosing sustainability and to form managerial decisions for the response of the economic system to the impact of external and internal threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Savchyn I. Z.
The Impact of Barriers on the Disproportionate Regional Development: A Review and Analysis (p. 82 - 90)

The article is aimed at distinguishing and analyzing the barriers to economic development of Ukraine, forming a theoretical basis for the implementation of a convergent development strategy in order to overcome them in both the short and the long term. The article analyzes the impact of barriers on the disproportionate development of regions, which, in turn, has negative consequences for the convergent development of regions. The author structured groups of barriers to economic development of the regions of Ukraine and provided their characterizations. The barriers are defined as those most easy to overcome and those overcoming which is difficult even in the long run. In the course of the research, the most important barriers as to the development of regions are distinguished, namely: arising from resource shortages; socio-political and cultural; related to planning; organizational and institutional; related to current management; related to monitoring and control. The author presents the conception of convergent economic development, directed, in particular, towards overcoming the extant barriers that slow down the development of regions. The relevance of a more detailed research of the development of regions of Ukraine within the framework of a single conception of convergence to unify the approach to overcoming the impact of barriers on the disproportionate development of regions is substantiated. It is proved that the conception of convergent development of regions is a holistic idea of the equilibrium development of regions, which includes a set of subjects and objects of regional development, a system of agreed goals and means of their achievement aimed at balancing and coordinating the development indicators and overcoming barriers. It is determined that the prerequisite for the effective implementation of the conception of convergent development of the regions of Ukraine is their adaptability – that is, the ability to respond to new requirements and opportunities arising from innovative upgrades of technology, innovations, modernization in management. The author also proves that there is a need to limit the scale of disparities in the economic development of regions by leveling the development barriers, which constitutes one of the main tasks of regional policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bоhuslаvskа S. І.
Transformation of Regional Management in the Context of Globalization to Ensure Sustainable Development of Ukrainian Regions (p. 90 - 97)

Modern directions of formation of the global economic, informational and financial space define fundamentally new tasks for the formation and development of forms and methods of management of regional systems. The article is aimed at substantiating the need to transform regional management to ensure sustainable development of Ukrainian regions in the context of globalization. The article develops theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «region» and presents an author’s own definition of this concept as an open holistic system, the unity of which is secured by a number of factors (of geographical, political, social and economic nature), the elemental composition of which is characterized by a wide range of elements (including regional institutions), which as a result of constant interaction and mutual influence acquire new qualities and characteristics and cause qualitative changes in the system. The main features of the regional system include: the ability to self-reproduction; purposeful nature and dependence of its functioning and development on the composition and completeness of resource provision. The content of the concept of «globalization» is closer defined. It is proved that globalization puts forward new requirements for regional management, restrictions on modern economic development are outlined as well. Regions of Ukraine are actively involved in the processes of international and interregional integration, and the foreign economic activity of the regions has significant prospects. At that, the degree, depth of involvement of the region in the international integration process, the success of its foreign economic activity directly depend on the focus on innovative conduct of financial-economic activities, complementarity in financing, the use of the mechanism of public-private partnership. The main challenges of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine (except for the pandemic) include: involvement of economic agents; development of engineering infrastructure; construction and renovation of housing stock; ordering land use; high-level support of employment; urgent ecological problems. Ensuring the sustainability of both regions and the State in modern conditions is possible by strengthening the horizontal links of interregional interaction. The latter expands the capabilities of regional governing bodies in terms of increasing the internal potential of the regions, creates conditions for more effective problem solving in the economic, social and political spheres. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of theoretical principles of regional management and the development of practical recommendations for its improvement, taking into account the challenges of globalization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Topalova I. A., Makoveieva O. V.
Adaptive Development of Regional Economic System Business Entities in the Conditions of Digitalization (p. 97 - 103)

Modern economic conditions dictate increasingly stringent conditions for the functioning of subjects (participants) in the market, which are primarily related to the globalization of the economy, the introduction of digital norms of business processes, increasing competition in all spheres of socio-economic life and the corona-crisis. That is why there are questions of adaptation of economic entities to certain changes and the development of their skills in a rather difficult economic environment and under the influence of external factors that sometimes are even impossible to measure. Further changes in the external environment and the place of economic entities of the regional economic system in them, we think that it necessary to consider from the standpoint of their adaptive development in the context of digitalization, which became the purpose of this scientific article. This purpose allowed to form the following tasks: to explore the essence of adaptive development; to determine approaches to the adaptive development of economic entities of the regional economic system, namely: system-complex, process-effective, flood-psychological; to introduce the structure of adaptive development of economic entities of the regional economic system from the standpoint of a synergetic approach; to improve the conceptual and categorical apparatus of regional economy, by introducing the concept of "adaptive development of economic entities of the regional economic system" (which, in this study we will understand the continuous process of transformation in the management system of economic entities, which is based on the transition of the system from one qualitative state to another under the conditions of established contradictions of the external environment and long-term (strategic) program of formation and increase of internal potential for the purpose of increase of efficiency of functioning of subjects of managing of regional economic system); consider qualitative changes in the implementation of the digital transformation of the regional economy. So, the adaptive development of the management system of economic entities of the regional economic system according to the environmental influences in the context of digitalization is a rather complex and multifaceted process that requires organizational changes within the management system and coordinated action by staff and management. Furthermore adaptive development requires the new competencies by staff, which makes it possible to move to a deeper immersion in the information and communication space through digital transformations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babets I. H.
Improving the Mechanism of Strategic Management of Structural Transformations of the Economy of Cities of Regional Significance in Lviv Region (p. 103 - 113)

The article analyzes the content of development strategies of cities of region significance in Lviv region and identifies the lack of goals, objectives and measures to improve the sectoral structure of the economy, as well as the limited ability of local authorities to influence the structure of the cities’ economy with the help of instruments that provide tax preferences for enterprises of priority industries, investors, small and medium-sized businesses. In order to eliminate shortcomings in the strategic management of structural transformations of cities, directions of improvement of the existing institutional mechanism in terms of taxation of the investment, innovation and entrepreneurial activity of enterprises of priority sectors of the economy, investors who finance the development of high-tech industries and high-tech types of economic activity, as well as enterprises operating within special modes of economic activity, are proposed. It is substantiated that the introduction of real tax preferences for enterprises will ensure the implementation of effective structural policy at the local level, since the authorities will receive real levers to increase investment, innovative, entrepreneurial activity in priority sectors of the economy. In order to strengthen control and responsibility for the implementation of strategic tasks, it is proposed to use the problem-target method in strategic planning of city development, which, unlike the program-target approach, provides for a clear allocation of resources between the goals aimed at solving structural problems in the economy. As result of the study, the list of indicators of structural changes in the economy and the basic principles of establishing quantitative criteria for achieving strategic goals to improve the structure of the economy of cities of region significance are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Syniura-Rostun N. R.
Financial and Credit Instruments in the Local Structural Policy of Urban Development in the Western Region of Ukraine (p. 162 - 169)

The article discloses the peculiarities of the use of financial and credit instruments, in particular local borrowings, in the local structural policy. It is identified that the task of local self-government bodies of cities is to form their own local structural policy, which would focus on innovative, technological and inclusive development. The implementation of such a policy requires the use of a number of instruments, including budget, investment, financial and credit, grant, marketing and management, tax, etc. An important place is given to financial and credit instruments, as they allow attracting additional financial resources for the development of the city economy. Among the financial instruments, the author examines local borrowings, including bond loans and local guarantees. Bond loans have not become a common insrtument for attracting financial resources, which is associated with a number of obstacles to their issue. Among the cities of the Western region of Ukraine, only Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk issued bonds for the period of 2015–2020. It is determined that local borrowing also does not play a significant role in the formation of the cities’ financial resources due to the low creditworthiness of the latter, as well as the complex procedure for obtaining. The instrument of local guarantees enables local self-government bodies to implement projects for the development of communal infrastructure and resource saving. Due to legislative restrictions, local self-government bodies cannot use local borrowings to implement local structural policies by supporting strategic sectors of the local economy. The full use of this instrument in local structural policy requires amendments to the legislation that would give greater autonomy to local self-government bodies and create opportunities for increasing the competitiveness of the urban economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nechyporuk O. V.
The Investment Attractiveness of Economic Activities in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 169 - 174)

The article is aimed at studying the investment attractiveness of types of economic activity in the regions of Ukraine, determining the impact of factor values (of types of economic activity) on the volume of products sold. As a result of the study, a methodical approach to the analysis and determination of investment attractiveness of types of economic activity in the regions of Ukraine is developed; the influence of factor values (of types of economic activity) on the volume of products sold is determined, the main ones are distinguished by means of correlation analysis and the significance of the selected factors of influence is checked using regression analysis. For the analysis, data was formed on the basis of official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. To obtain more accurate summary results, the data was normalized in order to convert the values of signs in the input vector to a certain specified range. After the normalization, summary data for correlation and regression analysis were computed. On the basis of the carried out analysis, the economic-mathematical models of influence of investment instruments of the State budget on types of economic activity and a model of influence of investment instruments of foreign direct investment on types of economic activity in the regions of Ukraine were built. The investment attractiveness of certain regions for public investment and for foreign investments is substantiated. Prospects for further research in this direction are the analysis of the impact of other factors on the investment attractiveness of a particular region and Ukraine in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sytnyk N. S., Zhovtiak K. V.
The Modern Trends in Development of Cooperation of Territorial Communities in Ukraine (p. 120 - 126)

Under the current conditions for the development of local finances, the issue of financial support for the development of territorial communities is especially relevant. According to domestic experience, not all hromadas are completely self-sufficient and able to fully ensure the implementation of socio-economic development tasks. In this case, it becomes necessary to search for additional sources of financial income and alternative instruments to solve issues of local importance. One of these instruments is the cooperation of territorial communities. The the article is aimed at examining the advantages and possible ways to improve the cooperation of territorial communities. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the legislative framework and domestic experience, the essence of the mechanism of cooperation between communities, as well as trends in its development in Ukraine, are considered. The relevance of the instrument of cooperation of territorial communities in the context of the introduction of administrative and territorial reform is characterized. The dynamics of the number of concluded agreements on cooperation between hromadas is analyzed. The main forms of implementation of cooperation between territorial communities, their signs and trends of application by local self-government bodies in practice are considered. The key areas in which interested communities cooperate most to solve common problems of socio-economic development are highlighted. The regional distribution of intermunicipal cooperation projects in Ukraine is analyzed. The main advantages of cooperation of territorial communities are characterized and ways to improve this mechanism in the conditions of modern development of local finances are proposed. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of proposals for spreading the practice of such cooperation in all regions of Ukraine and the creation of stimuli for local self-government bodies to use this instrument to ensure the development of their communities and provide high-quality public services to local residents.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Letunovska N. Y.
The Level of Health and the Factors Influencing the Position of Region on this Indicator in the Rankings (p. 127 - 136)

The article analyzes Ukraine’s position in a number of international rankings that determine the level of development of region and the quality of well-being of the population. Attention is paid to the analysis of the indicator of health level awareness, which is obtained within the framework of the survey of the opinion of the population of a particular country. A comparison of international welfare ratings by the presence or absence of a component of health in them when calculating the integral indicator is made. Statistical information on the values of this indicator in a number of countries of the European region and in Ukraine has been disclosed. The results of public surveys on the socio-economic situation of Ukrainian regions are presented. The level of health is chosen as a categorical factor, the dependence of which on certain factors is determined in the environment of the Statistica.10 software using the single-factor dispersion analysis alternately for the formed four groups of countries, which are ranked in accordance with the value of the self-conscious health level index. The analysis was conducted from the group of countries with the highest index value to the countries with the lowest values: the relationship between this indicator and the level of consumption of fruits and berries; the amount of organic farms and health care costs in the analyzed country. The statistical target relationship between the level of health awareness and healthy consumption among the population of the country is determined. For the «Number of organic farms» indicator, dependence is made only for groups of countries with lower positions in the health rating. With an increase in positions in the ratings, this factor is not indicative and does not affect the ranking itself. It is concluded that the behavior of the population, motivation for a healthy lifestyle are highly significant for the formation of a healthy environment in a region. The carried out bibliometric analysis identified further scientific developments of the author in determining the role of public health in forming the welfare of the region and the territorial brand.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dub A. R.
Prospects for the Transformation of Real Estate into a Source of Increasing the Financial Capacity of Territorial Communities (p. 137 - 144)

Real estate is one of the basic assets of functioning of the territorial community. However, due to improper activity or inaction of local self-government bodies, it remains only a nominal asset of the administrative-territorial unit and does not contribute to increasing the financial capacity of the territorial community. The article is aimed at identifying and suggesting possible ways to transform real estate into a source of increasing the financial capacity of the territorial community. In the course of the study, the extant obstacles were highlighted, including corruption schemes that cause local budgets to lose revenues from rent and alienation of communal property. It is noted the need to intensify the activities of local self-government bodies in the direction of inventory of all communal real estate, to establish its market value and increase the transparency of operations for the provision of communal real estate for rent. The possibility of development of municipal rental housing in large cities is considered. Special attention is paid to the real estate, which is privately owned as a quasi-asset of the territorial community, which ensures revenues to the local budget in the form of the tax on a real estate other than the land plot. The analysis of changes in the situation of the real estate market in 2020-2021, which indirectly affect the filling of local budgets with proceeds from the tax on a real estate other than the land plot, was carried out. The possible ways to increase the financial capacity of territorial communities by strengthening the role of communal and private real estate within the assets of the territorial community are identified, suggested, and substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shevchenko O. V.
The Toolbox for Recognizing the Groups of Ukraine’s Regions by Indicators of Disparities in their Social and Economic Development (p. 115 - 126)

The research is aimed at forming a toolbox for recognizing regional communities according to socio-economic development indicators. A carried out study of scientists’ works demonstrated a lack of evaluation tools for studying groups of regions by levels of disparities, which complicates the study of interregional disparities and the impact of various factors upon them. The paper carries out a classification of levels of disparities in the regions by spheres of development, formes a mathematical apparatus for recognizing and forecasting of levels of disparities in the regions. The groups of regions by levels of disparities in seven spheres of development is researched: general economic, socio-demographic, structural, socio-economic, foreign economic, natural-ecological, production. Three groups of regions were identified by levels of disparities in these areas of development: with balanced sphere disparities, with controlled (restrained) sphere disparities, with uncontrolled (unrestrained) sphere disparities. A spatial-dynamic assessment of disparities in the development of clustered groups of regions is advisable for the development and implementation of regional policy measures aimed at regulating the regional development disparities. The originality of the presented work is the study of cluster groups of regions by the levels of disparities in various spheres of life, which allows to assess interregional disparity in the complex and develop a number of measures to resolve the disparities in the development of regions within the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Palamarchuk D. M.
Regional Dimension of Energy Efficiency and Energy Security of Ukraine (p. 127 - 134)

The article is aimed at determining the opportunities of the regions of Ukraine for self-sufficiency in energy resources, improving energy security and energy efficiency, as well as forming a methodological approach to determining regional ratings by the level of energy efficiency and energy security. The indicators of energy efficiency and energy security, proposed in the article, is advisable to use as a base for a further system of indicators, applied to determine regional ratings of energy efficiency and energy security. The proposed indicators allow to comprehensively assess the level of energy security in the region, are relevant and can be easily calculated using data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. To assess the level of energy efficiency and energy security of the regions of Ukraine, it is advisable to use the author’s own methodology, which also allows to assess the availability and quality of energy resources use. The application of the proposed two-level system of indicators and the method of their calculation allows solving the problem of informing different categories of users about energy efficiency and energy security of the regions in order to determine the need for control influences in conditions of limited information. Based on the results obtained, both the State and regional administration bodies together with local self-government bodies will be able to assess the results achieved, compare them with the achievements of other regions and develop a system of measures to improve the energy efficiency of the regional economy and ensure energy security in the future. Further researches of the author will be aimed at calculating on the basis of the formed methodological approach of the rating of energy efficiency and energy security of the regions of Ukraine, carrying out a comparative analysis of the regions and developing proposals for solving identified problems, based on the rating results obtained.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V.
Essence and Types of Territorial Community: Analyzing the Theoretical Aspects (p. 134 - 145)

Each country forms its own systems of territorial organization of power and public administration, which occurs under the influence of the national, historical, geographical, natural, economic, social, cultural, demographic and other features. Considerable attention of researches of scholars and practitioners was paid to the creation and functioning of the territorial community. The choice of theoretical approaches and models of the territorial community influences the efficiency of the functioning of the local self-government system, the ability to fulfill the assigned powers, to ensure a high level of quality of life of citizens and sustainable development of the territory. Studies of global and domestic experience allow to systematize the accumulated knowledge on this issue, which makes it possible to offer a national system of public administration at both the central and the local levels using the best theoretical and practical developments of the countries of the world. Formation of the definition of the concept of the territorial community was carried out over a long historical period under the influence of versatile scientific judgments, ideas, theoretical approaches, practical research. The analysis and study of foreign and domestic experience on this issue is characterized by various formulations, views, principles, signs, etc. regarding the formation and functioning of territorial communities. In parallel with the phrase «territorial community», researchers use other names, such as commune, territorial communion, territorial collectivity, local co-partnership, socio-territorial community, etc. The lack of currently generalized scientific opinion regarding the specification of the content of a certain term, the variety of volumes and approaches to its interpretation confirms the expediency of further research on this topic.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shults S. L., Lutskiv O. M.
Priorities and Risks in the Implementation of Regional Smart-Oriented Economic Policy (p. 73 - 79)

The article discusses the economic essence of smart specialization. The European experience of applying the conception of «smart specialization» in strategic management is studied. The main components of the conception of «start-specialization» are considered. The directions of influence of start-specialization on increase of innovative activity and competitiveness of the territory are examined. The major problems, the solution of which start-specialization is aimed at, are identified. The emphasis is placed on the fact that smart specialization sets out not as much stimulating innovations, as activating the long-term structural changes in the region’s economy and be aimed at identifying strengths and developing competitive advantages of regions based on the extant structure of the regional economy. The need to introduce the conception of smart specialization in the sphere of implementation of regional economic policy in Ukraine is substantiated. The main goals, principles, priorities and risks of implementation of regional start-oriented policy are researched. It is noted that the implementation of the start-oriented regional policy, as a model of structural changes, will expand the opportunities for denfining and directly supporting priority types of economic activity for certain regions, which will increase their competitive advantages and contribute to the structural diversification of the economy on an innovative basis. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the main barriers to the implementation of smart specialization, the directions of their leveling are proposed. Attention is accentuated on the need to apply an integrated approach to the development of the regions of Ukraine, which provides for the mutual coordination of various policies implemented by the State and regions (economic, structural, industrial, innovative, foreign economic, etc.) and stakeholder activities in this process. An integrated approach to modern regional policy will ensure strategic planning of socio-economic development of region. Implementation of start-specialization priorities will facilitate the growth of the share of high-tech types of economic activity within the structure of the regional economy. The main instrument for the implementation of this direction of reforms should be regional strategies, the effectiveness of which will ensure the transition from prioritization to the implementation of specific projects.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Derykhovska V. I.
The Typification of Regions of Ukraine According to the Level of Development of the Trade Industry by the Method of Cluster Analysis (p. 159 - 164)

The article is aimed at analyzing peculiarities of the use of cluster analysis for typifyng the regions of Ukraine according to the indicators that characterize the level of development of the trade industry. The article defines the role and place of the trade industry in the country’s economy. In particular, the modern trade industry, experiencing the next stage of dynamic transformation changes, remains one of the leading sectors of the economy of Ukraine, its importance for the development of the national economy is very difficult to overestimate. Sufficient attention is paid to the regional aspect of the implementation of domestic trade, in particular, the study of the level of development of trade activities in certain territories of the country and their further comparative analysis. Taking this into consideration, the article discusses in detail the features and stages of application of one of the methods of modeling multidimensional processes (cluster analysis) for grouping the regions of Ukraine by the level of development of the trade industry. As the information base of the study, indicators characterizing both the current state of the trade industry and the prospects for its development are used. The analysis was carried out for the period of 2017–2020, which allowed to analyze the dynamics of changes in the regional segment of Ukraine’s domestic trade. The carried out analysis showed that the most stable, in terms of the level of development of the trade industry during the study period, is the first cluster – the regions with a high level of trade industry development (Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, and Kharkiv regions). The second cluster includes regions with an average level of internal trade development. Donetsk, Poltava, Zaporizhzhia and Vinnytsia regions are stable representatives of this cluster. The most numerous is the third cluster of regions with low levels of trade development, which can be explained by the prolonged impact of the socio-economic and political crisis that began in 2014. It is determined that Ukraine is characterized by uneven development of territories, the corresponding trend is inherent in the development of the trade industry in the regions justifying the results of clustering.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zakhidna O. R., Mlintsova A. O.
The Current State of the Financial and Material Base of Territorial Communities in Terms of Decentralization (p. 184 - 189)

The article defines the peculiarities of managing the financial and material base of territorial communities of Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization. The economic essence of the term «financial and material base» is given and the main components of this indicator are allocated, allowing to assess the financial security of territorial communities. The main factors of influence on the financial and material base of territorial communities related to the implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine are determined. New financial opportunities and responsibilities of administrative and territorial units are allocated, which is reflected in strengthening the own financial base of local self-government. A dynamic analysis of the ratio of incomes of the general fund of local budgets to the GDP of Ukraine during 2014–2020 was carried out. The process of transfer of the joint ownership objects to communal property of territorial communities in the context of regions of Ukraine as of 05.03.2021 is considered. Since the assessment of the state of financial and material resources of territorial communities is a complex process and includes the management of communal property, the main ways of using communal property are defined, among which it is worth to highlight: rent, privatization, independent use of property by the territorial community, leasing, concession and others. The assessment of the ways of using communal property objects on the example of the territorial community of Lviv for 2018–2019 was carried out. It is proved that the analysis carried out is evidence of an increase in the level of financial security of local budgets and a justification of positive trends in the growth of their resource base as a result of financial decentralization. Negative factors of influence on the main indicators of financial and material base of local budgets are determined. Also a number of problems faced by local self-government bodies are specified and ways to solve them are suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Leshchukh I. V.
Increasing the Central-to-peripheral Interaction of the Region Center and Districts of the Region: The Conceptual Aspect (p. 189 - 196)

In Ukraine, the partnership of regional centers and districts of region has great potential in the context of promoting the development of territories, because its implementation in the long term will allow to overcome the disparity in the level of socio-economic development of territories and increase the viability of region as a whole. However, given that this potential is not fully involved today, it is important to establish a dialogue between the territorial communities of the center and the periphery on the search for opportunities and prospects for joint development. The article proposes a conceptual approach to increasing the center-to-peripheral interaction of the regional center and districts of the region at the present stage of decentralization. It is emphasized that the basic principle of the policy of increasing the center-to-peripheral interaction of regional center and districts of region should be the principle of sustainability (achieving economic, environmental and social balance), and achieving the priorities of sustainable development should be consistent with other principles of effective center-to-peripheral interaction (in particular, parity, inclusivity, efficiency, effectiveness and strategic orientation, innovation, development, social cohesion, resistance, etc.). It is determined (taking into account foreign experience and domestic realities of regional development) that the main directions of interaction of the examined administrative units should be: modernization of infrastructure; creation of tourism and recreational network; development of industry clusters; production of innovations; development of business support infrastructure; digitalization; development of social and civic opportunities. The results of increasing the center-to-peripheral interaction of regional center and districts of region should satisfy three components of the vital activity of hromadas in the region: economic, social, environmental.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oleksandrenko I. V.
Assessing the Investment Activity Efficiency of Ukrainian Regions (p. 197 - 204)

The article is aimed at assessing the efficiency of investment activity of the regions of Ukraine. The results of the carried out survey should allow to identify factors influencing this characteristic of the regional economic system and to form certain tasks for their solution in the context of intensification of investment processes at the regional level. A theoretical analysis of existing approaches to the assessment of the efficiency of investment activity at the regional level was carried out, allowing to form the author’s own approach, which is based on the computation of the aggregate integral indicator of the efficiency of investment activity of the regions of Ukraine. In order to compute the aggregate integral indicator of the efficiency of investment activity of the regions of Ukraine, a methodology is proposed, which consists in computing a set of relative indicators that are distributed within three directions, namely: impact of investment activity on the production development of region, financial development of region, and social development of region. As result of computing relative indicators, an assessment of the integral level of investment activity efficiency was carried out separately by its impact on the production, financial and social development of region. On the basis of the three computed integral indicators, the aggregate integral indicator of the efficiency of investment activity of the regions of Ukraine was calculated, allowing to divide them into regions with low, medium, higher than average, and high level of efficiency of investment activity. All analytical computations were systematized, which made it possible to distinguish the main factors influencing the efficiency of investment activity of the regions of Ukraine, taking into account of which would allow to activate the investment process at the regional level and achieve its main goals.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Proskurnina N. V., Beliavtseva V. V., Husakova O. O.
Economic Diagnostics as an Instrument for Regulating the Regional Consumer Goods Market (p. 140 - 147)

The article is aimed at studying economic diagnostics as an instrument for regulating the regional consumer market of goods. It is determined that the potential of the regional market of consumer goods consists of the following subsystems: organizational, innovative and software. In the context of these subsystems, a number of directions for analyzing and improving the development of the consumer goods market are generalized. The authors analyze the modern approaches of various scholars to economic diagnostics of the regional consumer market. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches to determining the essence of the concept of «economic diagnostics», the article formulates its own definition of this concept, which discloses economic diagnostics as a comprehensive analytical process for assessing all areas of functioning of the economic system, taking into account the specific signs of its state and development, aimed at minimizing the influence of uncertainty factors and achieving the maximum possible economic effect. A range of main tasks and results expected after the economic diagnosis of the regional consumer goods market is generalized, the list of which depends on the depth and completeness of the research, the available information base and a number of other factors. The specifics of the issue of carrying out economic diagnostics of the regional consumer market of goods are considered. Based on the results of the study, a scheme for carrying out economic diagnostics of the state of the regional consumer goods market in the context of three subsystems (organizational, innovative, software) and stages (preparatory, basic, and final) is proposed, which allows to determine the degree of market balance; indicate current trends; identify and evaluate existing problems, causes of their occurrence and potential opportunities for improving the activities of the regional consumer goods market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova O. Y., Laptiev V. I., Bilokudria A. V., Rudyka O. V.
The Relationship between Problems of Human Resource Management and Personnel Policy in the Context of Decentralization of Ukraine (p. 147 - 153)

The article is concerned with the topical issue of personnel provision for the development of amalgamated hromadas (AHs) in Ukraine. The article is aimed at scientific substantiation of the relationship between problems of human resource management and personnel policy of territorial communities in the context of decentralization of Ukraine. The article identifies and describes the most common problems of human resource management and personnel policy of amalgamated hromadas in the context of the decentralization reform in Ukraine: lack of a system for managing professional development, training and advanced training of the AH population; negative image of employees of local self-government bodies in Ukrainian society; lack of opportunity to realize one’s own professional competence and abilities; crisis of demographic reproduction and migration processes. Among the problems of personnel policy the authors identified the following: insufficient number of qualified specialists; lack of an optimal system of staffing; violation of democratic principles of openness, publicity and justice in the resolution of personnel issues; occurrence of corruption at different levels of government; irrational use of human resources; low prestige of work along with low wages. The cognitive relationship of problems in the field of personnel provision for the development of territorial communities is substantiated. The expediency of taking into account the problems of human resources use and personnel policy management as the main component of the socioeconomic development of amalgamated hromadas is specified. The relationship between human resource management problems and the efficiency of the personnel policy of territorial communities is proved. The authors substantiate expediency of directing the State policy of regional development towards: providing the territory with highly qualified human resources; development of intellectual capital of territorial communities; establishing constructive cooperation between educational institutions, research institutions, and enterprises of territorial communities; stimulating the development of social partnership in the context of decentralization.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kondratenko N. O., Krasnonosova O. M., Papp V. V.
The Problems and Prospects of Socioeconomic Development of Regions of Ukraine (p. 198 - 204)

The article identifies the problems and prospects of socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine on the basis of coordination of the interests of the State authorities, representatives of business and society. It is noted that the existant approaches to solving social and economic problems of the regions of Ukraine do not fully meet the current requirements and conditions for the existence of territories and hamper all reproduction processes that could ensure the development of the regional economy. It is singled out that the existing difficult conditions of doing business and the present political situation aggravate the problems of disparities in the regions of the country. The classification of regions of Ukraine by levels and rates of economic and social development is provided. The places in the rating of regions according to the criteria of economic growth are calculated. The barriers that exist today on the path of economic and social development of the territories of Ukraine are specified. It is noted that under these conditions, the economy of the regions of Ukraine is characterized by a decrease in the level of financial security of development in consequence of the financial and economic crisis, a decrease in the sources of additional (extra-budgetary) financial resources, an unfavorable investment climate and ineffective economic policy of local authorities. The prospects of socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine are defined. It is noted that regional authorities and business representatives need to pay attention to the creation of stock markets in the regions, the emergence and development of which will contribute to investment attractiveness in various spheres of economic activity. It is concluded that the extant problems of socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine pose a number of questions to the State authorities regarding the harmonious growth of the economy of all regions. First of all, this concerns: improving the quality of life of the population, reducing mortality, improving the level of ecological safety, developing priority industry sectors, increasing the competitiveness of regional economic systems. The proposed directions and methods of solving the problems of socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine will provide new opportunities for establishing relations between the authorities, business and society on the basis of a balance of common interests.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Markov M. Y.
Assessing the Socioeconomic Development of Ukrainian Regions (p. 45 - 52)

The research is concerned with the construction of a comprehensive index of socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine. For this purpose, a set of data from the rating assessment of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine was used. Relying on a large number of indicators (64 indicators, which are combined into 12 groups reflecting a certain aspect of the socioeconomic development of the regions) is the main advantage of this rating assessment among other authors’ approaches. However, in the rating assessment from the Ministry there are significant shortcomings associated with the calculation of this comprehensive assessment. Firstly, some values are absent in the set of indicators (most often concerning Luhansk and Donetsk regions). Secondly, there is a simple method of aggregation: the arithmetic mean for each group and among 12 groups, which raises doubts about the consistency of a large number of different indicators in content with the index. To correct the shortcomings of the rating assessment, the article pays more attention to the processing of the data set and applies several methods of aggregation of indicators into a comprehensive index, which are compared to each other and to the rating assessment of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine. As a result, the comprehensive index has become more balanced due to greater consistency of indicators with a comprehensive index. The results obtained on the basis of the calculations show that in 2015 and 2018, the city of Kyiv had the highest level of socioeconomic development, the worst was the Luhansk region, which, among other things, is the result of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. During these years, Dnipropetrovsk and Kyiv regions also had a high rating. The indices show a significant discrepancy between all regions, and especially with city of Kyiv and Luhansk region. During 2015–2018. there is a tendency to increase the city of Kyiv index from the average value and, at the same time, to reduce this difference for the Luhansk region. But it is noted that some regions do not keep up with this tendency, so in 2015 most regions had values of a comprehensive index above average (13 regions), but in 2018 only eight of these regions remained at the mentioned level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kharchenko R. V.
Features of Socioeconomic Formations in the System of Spatial Development of Regions (p. 53 - 59)

The article considers the features of the formation of new formations, taking into account the socioeconomic development of society. A brief historical review of the establishment of formations during the development of society is carried out. The main challenges faced by Ukraine in modern conditions are distinguished. An overview of the development of foreign economic activity of the regions of Ukraine is carried out and regional peculiarities of economic activity are highlighted. The main tasks that should be solved in the development and implementation of relevant programs of socioeconomic and spatial development of regions are determined. The tasks identified in the article are grouped by the main directions as follows: economic, social, production. It is substantiated that the spatial development of regions and the establishment of new formations in order to bridge the novel production links should be based on the principles of environmental friendliness and resource conservation. It is proved that the creation of new effective formations requires appropriate additional funding, which complicates this process, since today the legislation of Ukraine does not have a mechanism for financing such forms of cooperation. It is defined that in order to form effective spatial cooperation of the regions, it is necessary to appropriately amend both the regulatory and the organizational provision. It is necessary to develop an appropriate mechanism and organizational measures that would facilitate the formation of novel forms of production ties and contribute to the overall socioeconomic development of the regions in new conditions. The main principles on which the State policy should be based for creating conditions for spatial development of regions are proposed. Such principles include: the definition of appropriate «growth points» in the regions; taking into account new trends and requirements of international markets; establishment of effective interregional relations of both foreign and domestic policy; development of measures for the development of priority territories; taking into account the factors of the external and internal environment with the development of appropriate measures to minimize negative occurrences.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semyhulina I. B., Yaroshenko I. V., Doronina M. S.
Analyzing the Theoretical-Methodological Approaches to Identifying and Overcoming Regional Problems in the System of Public Administration of Regions in Ukraine (p. 59 - 67)

The topic of public administration of regions remains relevant for all countries of the world in different historical periods of society development. The effectiveness of regional policy on the basis of timely identification and solution of existing territorial problems is the basis for finding ideas and approaches to the formation and functioning of an efficient system of public management of the development of a country as a whole and its regions in particular. Features of the functioning of world countries in different time periods of their existence, such as, for example, the change of tendencies, the emergence of contradictions, the acquisition of importance of certain major ideas for the formation of areas of territorial management under different conditions of development, led to the emergence of a number of theories that in the practical field have become the basis for the development of a methodology for public management of regional development, allowing to determine the principles, priorities, directions, methods of formation and functioning, mechanisms and models of development and management, ways of using resources, and so on. Using them allows to explain and anticipate the tendencies in the development of regions, develop approaches to identifying and overcoming territorial problems, and form instruments for practical implementation. A significant number of theories of regional development proposed in the scientific circle, in accordance with the similarity of goals and directions of implementation, are united into groups. These are theories of spatial placement, neoclassical, cumulative growth, self-development and competitiveness, sustainability, etc. At the stage of the contemporary development of Ukraine, characterized by the introduction of decentralization processes into public management of territorial development, the generalization of many years of world experience (in particular, European) along with the accumulated national experience, the use of the theoretical foundations of regional management will contribute to further improvement and search for new scientific and methodological approaches to identifying the problems of the development of Ukrainian regions and ways to solve them.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Martynovych N. O.
From Result to Efficiency: The Socioeconomic Context of Improvement of Priority Development Territories (p. 65 - 74)

The position of Ukraine on the world stage is determined by regional development, which increases the saturation and relevance of regional topic in scientific economic research. The acquisition of economic independence by the regions causes the need for reassessment of their position and place in the economic space. One of the instruments for improving the efficiency of regional development is the creation of priority development territories (PDT), which is based on special economic and legal regimes facilitating the intensification of investment activities, the creation of additional jobs, upgrading the standard of living of the population, the profitability of business entities, the completeness of local budgets, etc. The research is directed towards substantiating the theoretical and methodological principles and developing conceptual approaches to the efficiency of PDT development. The theoretical basis constituted the scientific works of domestic and foreign authors. In the process of research, the historical and logical method of general scientific cognition, system approach, analysis, induction, deduction were used. Generalization of different scientific points of view regarding the concepts of «result», «effect», «effectiveness», «efficiency» allowed to conclude that they have significant differences. It was observed that in modern science the issues of delimitation of these categories are debatable. In this regard, the subordination of the result, effect, effectiveness and efficiency is outlined. The author’s vision of the essence of socioeconomic efficiency of the territories of priority development is proposed, which means the state of social and economic conditions, as well as territorial disparities in development before and after the introduction of special economic and legal regimes. The author’s approach allows to expand the scientific vision of the essence and content of efficiency in contemporary realities. The conceptual provisions presented in the article form the basis for further systematization of the indicators of the result and content of effectiveness of improvement of priority development territories, which, in turn, be included in the basis of the methodology for assessing the efficiency of the development of PDT.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Leshchukh I. V.
Revenues of Local Budgets in the Context of War: Transformation of the Structure, Prospects for Further Formation (p. 74 - 82)

The article names the factors that now affect the formation of the revenue side of local budgets in the context of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, namely: budget and tax liberalization; deregulation of business; loss of potential for paying taxes by enterprises located in regions where active hostilities are currently underway; narrowing of the tax base. The dynamics of formation of the revenue part of local budgets in January – April 2022 is analyzed, its comparison with the same period of the previous year is carried out. The rating of the regions of Ukraine by the volume of formation of revenues in the general fund of local budgets per 1 resident in January – April 2021 and January – April 2022 is carried out. The rating of the regions of Ukraine by the amount of collected tax on personal income per 1 resident in January – April 2021 and January – April 2022 is carried out. The author analyzes the level of implementation of the planned indicators of collection of individual taxes to local budgets (in terms of regions). The results are as follows: the decrease in the revenues of the general fund of local budgets of Ukraine in the share of regions where active hostilities were conducted or are being conducted; underperformance of annual income tax collection lists (in half of the regions of the country less than 30% of the annual plan was collected, of which less than 20% was collected in three regions); significant reduction in the role of excise tax; significant reduction in the role of land payments in the formation of the revenue side of local budgets. The transformation of the structure of the revenue part of local budgets towards strengthening the budget-forming role of personal income tax and, accordingly, reducing the share of excise tax and land payments in all regions of Ukraine, as well as reducing the share of single tax in almost half of the regions, is shown. Prospects for further formation of the revenue side of local budgets are emphasized, taking into account particularly – on the one hand, liberalization of budget and tax legislation, and on the other – further active hostilities in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tretiak V. P., Chen Yuxi
The Scientific and Theoretical Foundations of Formation of Business Environment of Territories (p. 83 - 89)

Creating new opportunities for Ukrainian business is one of the priority directions of activity in the short and medium terms. The subject of the study is the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the bases of the mechanism for managing the business environment of territories. In the scientific literature, the concept of «business environment» is often replaced by related categories that are used as synonyms. The level of «business environment» in the structural hierarchy of the concept of «environment» on the principle of increasing the degree of coverage of economic relations is determined. The understanding of the concept of «territory» is outlined from the point of view of the decentralization reform, which continues in Ukraine. Decentralization of power can be territorial – the transfer of power from the central city to other territories, and can be functional – by transferring decision-making powers from the main body of any branch of government to lower-level officials. The formation of a mechanism for managing the business environment of territories is considered in relation to the hierarchy of territorial distribution: the territory of the State, the territory of the region, the territory of the amalgamated hromada. The analysis of the opinions of scientists regarding the definition of the essence of the category of «business environment» is carried out. It is defined that in scientific thought there is no clear identification of the content of this term and there is an urgent need to determine the structure-forming elements of the mechanism for managing the business environment of territories. It is determined that the formation of business conditions is influenced by a number of factors according to a certain territorial level. Factors of influence are the external business environment, entrepreneurial environment, macroeconomic environment of entrepreneurial activity, institutional environment of entrepreneurial activity. The carried out analysis of the theoretical foundations of the formation of the business environment of the territories made possible to highlight the main features of the business environment as a system and its features at different levels of the territorial hierarchy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Bielikova N. V., Kozyrieva O. V.
The Methodological Provision of Integral Assessment of the Components of Sustainable Development of the Regions of Ukraine (Example of the Ecological Component) (p. 31 - 42)

Sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine depends on the harmonious combination of its three constituents – economic, ecological and social. The economic component of sustainable development should function taking into account social and ecological aspects, which contributes to the awareness of the need for a balanced attitude to the environment and allows to implement the right of every inhabitant of a region to a high quality of life. According to the triune conception of sustainable development, within the framework of which methodological provision should be built for assessing the components of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine, the substantiation of priorities and directions for provisioning socioeconomic regional development takes into account the provision of human needs in a clean environment. Based on this, economic activities that harm the environment should be either limited or modernized based on the introduction of clean and energy-efficient technologies. The article is aimed at substantiating the methodological provision for the integral assessment of the components of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine and its practical testing on the example of atmospheric air as component of the ecological constituent of regional development. The methodological provision for the integral assessment of the components of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine is substantiated, which involves the implementation of the following successive stages: allocation of components of sustainable development of the region (economic, social, and ecological); determination of the component composition of each constituent; substantiation of the list of partial indicators, on the basis of which the characterization of certain components of each constituent of sustainable development is provided; integral assessment of the state of a particular component within each constituent of sustainable regional development. The implementation of the proposed methodological provision in practice on the example of the ecological constituent of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine and its components – the atmospheric air of the regions – is considered. It is proved that the proposed methodological provision for the integral assessment of the components of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine, which involves the use of the entropy method for the computing of integral indicators, allows to assess the state of certain components within terms of each constituent of sustainable regional development. Recommendations for the regions of Ukraine on the organization of monitoring and improving the quality of atmospheric air are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Obolentseva L. V., Kondratenko N. O., Сhechetova N. F.
Substantiating the Directions of Strategic Development of the Tourism Competitiveness of Region (p. 43 - 50)

The article is aimed at identifying and substantiating the priority of goals and directions of strategic development of the tourism competitiveness of region. The article proves that the development of tourism at the regional level is complex and multidimensional in nature, therefore, the management of tourism activities in the region should be carried out according to a number of different directions. This, in turn, necessitates the formation of a program for long-term development of tourism in the region, i. e., the conception of a tourism development strategy in order to take into account the influence of internal and external factors to the maximum, analyze the existing situation and develop a sequence of actions and measures to support and manage regional tourism, as well as to guarantee the necessary level of competitiveness of the region. Priority types of tourism for the region are allocated, which are the most attractive, possible for the development and obtaining an effect (economic, social or ecological), in accordance with the extant recreational and tourist potential of the region. When developing a strategy for the development of tourism in the region, it is necessary to take into account the priority of goals, as this will allow to improve the existing unsatisfactory state of the tourism industry in the region as best and as fast as possible. That is why the article proposes to substantiate the directions of strategic development and achieve competitive advantages in the tourism industry of the region by modeling the priority of development goals (on the example of the tourist competitiveness of the Kharkiv region). This can be achieved using the technology of the method of analyzing hierarchies, which belongs to the procedures of hierarchical presentation of elements, allowing to determine the essence and substantiate the tasks of making managerial decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lola Y. Y., Mykhailenko D. H., Pavlovska I. G.
The Problems of Forming the Potential of Macroregions and Their Impact on the National Security (p. 61 - 66)

The article examines the problems of forming the potential of macroregions and their impact on the national security. The war, the global economic crisis, the existing complexities of society and the digitalization of production, as well as non-renewable natural resources in general, expose global security problems, political, economic, social, ecological problems of mankind. The accumulation of problems causes a radical change in people’s lives, a transformation of existing processes and management mechanisms at the level of the country, regions and economic entities. Under such conditions, the formation of the anti-crisis potential of regions for the development of society should be strategically focused on changing both social and economic paradigms, revising approaches to improving security at all levels and moving to Industry 4.0. In this regard, the structure, significance and priority of the components of the potential be changed. The present day conditions force scholars together with practitioners to reconsider the essence and content of the concept of «potential», as well as to consider in more detail the peculiarities of the formation of the development potential of regions during crises. It is defined that the potential of macroregion includes the total potential of all enterprises, as well as the potential of the following: households, local self-government bodies, natural and resource-based, infrastructure, investment, labor market. The potential of macroregions is an integral part of the country’s potential, which also includes: the potential of the public administration apparatus, the educational-scientific potential, integration potential, financial potential. It is determined that the potential of region is a complex phenomenon, the efficiency of which depends on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of its components, as well as on the efficiency of managing their development and combination. The existing potential of macroregions is a component of both regional and public administration. When forming the provisions of the national security of the country, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of the potential of macroregions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanov Y. B., Ivanova O. Y.
The Methodical Approach to the Selection of Directions of Spatial Development of Amalgamated Territorial Communities in the Context of Decentralization and Martial Law (p. 67 - 73)

The article is concerned with topical issues of spatial development of territorial communities of Ukraine in the context of decentralization, taking into account the uncertainty caused by martial law and the pandemic. The purpose of this article is to develop a methodical approach to substantiating the directions of spatial development of territorial communities based on the conception, principles, scientific methods, taking into account the criteria of their efficiency and factors of spatial development of territorial communities. To substantiate the directions of spatial development of territorial communities, a methodical approach is developed, which is based on a problem-oriented approach to substantiating the instrumentarium of spatial development of territorial communities and on a cognitive map of causal relationships of spatial development, a model of solutions to the problem of development of territorial communities, which takes into account development scenarios depending on the type of community. The criteria for the efficiency of spatial development of territorial communities can be the following: criteria for the potential of self-development of territorial communities (self-government, self-financing, self-organization); performance criteria – the results of the implementation of programs for the implementation of strategies for the development of territorial communities, development projects, etc. In order to ensure the vital functions of territorial communities under martial law and increase their ability to solve problems in the new realities, when substantiating the directions of spatial development of territories, the following should be taken into account: development of the potential of self-development of the territorial community; problem-oriented management of human resources of the community; organization of training for representatives of territorial communities on the implementation of mechanisms to support enterprises and internally displaced persons; formation of budgets of territorial communities during martial law and post-war status; preservation of the country’s intellectual potential in the post-war period; preservation of the country’s production potential, which will provide both the territorial communities with essential goods and the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – with contemporary means of security and food products; financial support for community life; improvement of regulatory policy; ensuring economic and food security of territorial communities, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hlazov O. M.
The Practice of Cooperation of Territorial Communities of Ukraine in Conditions of Decentralization (p. 74 - 78)

The practice of cooperation of territorial communities of Ukraine in the context of decentralization is analyzed, based on the understanding of the evolution of development of the institution of communities in terms of their functional-semantic perception. This allowed at the stage of enhanced role of territorial communities in Ukraine (after 2014) to substantiate the natural dominance of the integration approach to their understanding, which implies the formation of communities as a (relatively) independent institution of cooperation in the decentralized system of public administration. The purpose of the study is to analyze the practice and identify problematic aspects of cooperation between territorial communities of Ukraine in the context of decentralization. The object of the study is the processes of improving the State-controlled development policy and expanding the cooperation of territorial communities in Ukraine in the context of decentralization. In the course of research, general scientific and special methods were used: synthesis and system analysis, logical generalization, strategic management, comparative analysis. The logic of the analysis of cooperation between territorial communities of Ukraine is approbated on the main levels of their interactions – interinstitutional within the community (with the formation of social capital); with authorities at the regional and State levels; with other communities in the region and country; with communities of other countries; with international organizations; as representations in public organizations. As part of the analysis of the practice of cooperation between communities, indicators on the conclusion of agreements, their forms and spheres are analyzed. The level approach to the analysis made it possible to generalize the main shortcomings and positive experience of interaction of territorial communities of Ukraine at different institutional levels and to justify the general tendency of gradual formation of an inter-community culture of cooperation. Prospects for further scientific research in the analyzed area relate to the substantiation of directions and means of implementing positive foreign practices of the State regulation of the development of cooperation of territorial communities for their further approbation in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dub A. R.
Industrial Parks as an Instrument for Forming Regional Poles of Growth (p. 79 - 85)

The economic recovery of Ukraine in the post-war period should be based on the regional poles of growth and the extant territorial communities should become such poles. One of the instruments that can facilitate the transformation of territorial communities into regional poles of growth can be industrial parks. The purpose of the article is to identify problems that prevent territorial communities with existing industrial parks from becoming regional poles of growth, and to find ways to solve them. The publication traces a shift in emphasis in the State regional policy on the formation of centers of economic growth for the period of post-war recovery from agglomerations and cities to territorial communities, which should become regional poles of growth. The theoretical basis for the formation of regional poles of growth is revealed. Attention is concentrated on industrial parks as an instrument that can facilitate the transformation of territorial communities into regional poles of growth. The directions of the State-based assistance to the development and functioning of industrial parks are characterized. The advantages of the full functioning of the industrial park for the territorial community are provided. The analysis of the location and functioning of industrial parks in Ukraine is carried out in view of the military aggression by the Russian Federation. Problems that have hampered the development and functioning of industrial parks over the past 7 years are identified. Industrial parks as an instrument for transforming territorial communities into regional poles of growth in the short and medium term are critically evaluated. It is pointed out the need to concentrate the efforts of the State authorities and local self-government bodies on the formation of conditions for the functioning of industrial enterprises on the territory of industrial parks (ensuring electrification, water supply and sewerage, gasification, access roads, promoting the construction of necessary industrial buildings, etc.), as well as providing businesses with the State security guarantees.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nakonechna N. V., Hradyuk N. M.
The System Principles of the Development and Implementation of the State Policy of Ensuring the Competitiveness of the Regions of Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration (p. 102 - 107)

The importance of ensuring the competitiveness of the regions in solving the problems of strengthening foreign integration development on the part of the State is substantiated. The necessity of deepening Ukraine’s European integration in the context of countering external hybrid aggression and internal instability is emphasized. The threats that have long hindered both the socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine and their competitiveness and the country as a whole have been identified. We have to deal with structural disproportions and deformations of the regional economy, lack of stable and effective interregional economic ties, low efficiency of the institutional regional economic management system, regional asymmetry of interbudgetary relations, significant regional differentiation of the economy, import and export dependence of the regional economy, low quality of strategic programming of the regional economy. It is proved that the success of overcoming obstacles and threats is due to the formation of an internal institutional system, which should contain program documents. According to this, an urgent need to develop a National Strategy for ensuring the competitiveness of the State and its regions is specified. It is determined that at the regional level, the development and implementation by public administration and local self-government bodies of instruments to ensure increasing the level of competitiveness of regions should be recognized as key principles of the State policy. It is concluded that integral instruments for the implementation of the State policy to ensure the competitiveness of Ukrainian regions in the context of strengthening national European integration development should be considered the following: structural reforms and institutional changes in the socioeconomic development of region; creating a favorable regional investment climate; implementation of innovation policy (increasing the role of the regional component in the National Innovation System); ensuring budget and financial self-sufficiency of regions and decentralization of their financial competencies; improvement of regional economic policy; development of the export-import potential of territories.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zvarych I. T., Zvarych O. I.
Transformation of the World Economic System and Its Impact on the Economic Development of Region in the Conditions of Globalization (p. 108 - 117)

The article highlights the impact of the transformation of the world economic system on the economic development of re¬¬gion under the conditions of globalization. At this, it was determined that transformation (from the Latin transformatio – change) is an action or process of changing the appearance, nature, form or character of an object, and globalization (from the Latin “globus”, French “global” – general) is a process, trend, function of historical development, which is characterized by comprehensiveness and integrity. The intuitive understanding of the concept of economic development of territory connects its content with positive changes in a certain space. However, this interpretation, although generally understood, nevertheless has a number of uncertainties related to both individual definitions of development of region and the importance of synthesizing these definitions in a spatial context. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the global economy is in a state in which all countries and regions not only influence each other, but are also closely interconnected. Along with this trend of regional development, there is a growing awareness of the existence and need to take these processes into account in practice. Such a holistic and innovative approach to socioeconomic and cultural de¬velopment in a globalized economy contributes to the more effective use of all availab¬le potentials and resources of different spatial units, and – ultimately – to obtain their sustainable competitive advantage, including in the international arena.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailenko D. H., Pavlovska I. G., Shavlak M. A., Yeremieiev O. V.
The Theoretical Aspects of the Formation of the Mechanism for Innovative Development of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 117 - 126)

As result of Russia’s military aggression, Ukraine’s direct losses amount to more than $ 108 billion. Ensuring the economic growth of our State in the post-war period with the limitation of the main factors of production leads to the actualization of the issues of using the innovative potential of each region. Such a vector of development will strengthen the existing positions of each region by attracting investments to restore the economy and implement innovative projects, which in turn will ensure regional attractiveness. At this, the results of investment and innovation activities of both local economic entities and foreign companies, the effectiveness of reforming local self-government, and the territorial organization of power are of particular importance. The purpose of the article is to explore the theoretical aspects of the formation of the mechanism for innovative development of the regions of Ukraine. The publication defines the prerequisites and special features of the construction of such a mechanism, develops a scheme of interaction of its main elements: the State, regions, business, finance, educational and scientific sectors. The structure of the mechanism for innovative development of the regions of Ukraine is examined, the basic principles and methods of its formation are allocated. Characterizing such basic components of the mechanism as organizational-managerial, institutional, economic, financial, scientific, technical and technological, showed the importance and significance of each separate component, as well as the need for their harmonious joint manifestation for an effective innovative development. The main conditions for the development of innovations in the regions are defined and their relationship with the components of innovative development of the regions is established. The importance of forming a mechanism for innovative development of regions as an effective direction of ensuring competitiveness and economic growth of both the regions and the country as a whole is justified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tretiak V. P., Kulyk D. Y.
Contemporary Issues of Stakeholder Interaction to Ensure Sustainable Development of United Territorial Communities (p. 53 - 57)

The article proves that improving the efficiency of the development and functioning of local self-government, the entire work of the territorial community depends not only on the available resources and potentials, but also on the efficiency of the interaction of the triangle of «business – government – community». It is defined that in the process of activity and development of the united territorial communities, the main groups of stakeholders include the business environment, namely: its owners and official representatives, public organizations, public activists, local self-government bodies, the population of the community, experts, etc. The use of a business model to manage relations with the concerned parties is an important basis for obtaining competitive advantages for the development of territories, subject to cooperation with stakeholders. Thanks to this, there will be a betterment in the socioeconomic condition of the territorial community, an increase in the overall productivity and efficiency of its activities; in general, this will contribute to the stable development of the territorial community. The coherence of the work of the participants of the territorial community, i. e., establishing consensuses and taking into account the interests of each group of stakeholders, will not interfere with the development process, will prevent the emergence of contradictions and will ensure the implementation of the concept of a socioeconomic effective territorial community. Involvement of stakeholders and further interaction with them within terms of the territory development creates the potential for the maximum positive effect of the implementation of strategies, plans and projects. Within the terms of companies, stakeholders have similar directions of action, and they may differ in the composition of groups and their main activities. The basis is the interest shown by stakeholders in the process of territory development. To do this, one needs to create a model that will take into account their interaction and interests. The developments of the International Association for Public Participation (IAR2) will allow to identify these aspects and adjust them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babayev V. M., Dymchenko O. V., Smachylo V. V., Rudachenko O. O.
Regional Features of Startups Ecosystem Development: The Entrepreneurial Aspect (p. 58 - 63)

The article provides the definitions of the concept of both a startup and a startups ecosystem, on the basis of many analyzed scientific works of both domestic and foreign scholars. It is proved that the startups ecosystem is understood as a network that unites various subjects of the innovation process (universities, venture capital companies, marketers, entrepreneurs, audit and consulting agencies, etc.) that interact with each other on the basis of certain agreed «rules of the game». The overall startups ecosystem is taken for an example, being represented by four levels (global (international); national; regional; local). Each of the individual levels creates conditions for the development and successful functioning of startups. The publication presents in more detail the totality of participants in the local startups ecosystem, where it is determined that universities play a rather important role in the processes of formation of innovation ecosystems. The model of the innovation ecosystem of the university is represented by scientific research units, such as the research department, research institute, research sector, which include both the units in which research is carried out (scientific departments, laboratories, centers) and scientific and auxiliary structures (departments of scientific and technical information, research support, financial planning, and personnel). During the formation of an innovation ecosystem of the university, it is important to carry out the process of commercialization of innovative ideas. The importance of developing a startups ecosystem in entrepreneurship is proven. The State authorities are obliged to support, stimulate and encourage the development of entrepreneurship both in the country in general and in its regions in particular. The main programs of development and support of entrepreneurial activity at the regional level are analyzed. It is proved that supporting entrepreneurship in Ukraine by creating a favorable climate for the development of entrepreneurship, identifying all the components that stimulate the formation, attraction of new and expansion of existing small and medium-sized businesses is one of the main directions of implementation of the policy of economic development of the State and its regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Kotliarov Y. I., Salashenko T. I., Rudyka O. V.
The Mechanism of Functioning of the State-Regulated Regional Heat Energy Markets (p. 64 - 73)

The article is aimed at studying the current mechanism of the State regulation in the field of heat supply, identifying directions for its reform and developing proposals as to the formation of regional heat energy markets. To achieve this aim, the existing procedure for regulating economic activity in the field of heat supply, the mechanisms of functioning of electricity and natural gas markets are analyzed, the principles of functioning of regional heat energy markets are formulated. The study analyzes the content of the concept of «energy carriers market» (on the example of electric and heat energy and natural gas), as well as the basic principles of the functioning of national and regional markets of heat energy carriers. The current mechanism of the State regulation of economic activity in the field of heat supply and natural gas and electricity markets is examined. The direction of improving the regulation of economic activity in the field of heat supply is substantiated – further decentralization of managerial functions and concentration of powers at the level of local communities; creation of regional heat energy markets, which should be in the operational and strategic management of local self-government. The composition of instruments of the State regulation of the regional heat energy market is proposed. The result of the study is the development of proposals for the classification and composition of such groups of the State regulation instruments: regulatory (licensing, establishment of mandatory rules of economic activity, approval of standard forms of contracts, etc.), tariff (approval of the methodology for substantiating the level of tariffs), financial (provision of preferential economic conditions), and monitoring. Prospects for further research on this topic are: development of a model of the regional heat energy market along with a road-map for its construction; development of methodological provision necessary for the functioning of the regional heat energy market; substantiation of directions for improving domestic legislation on the regulation of economic activity in the field of heat supply.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Babayev V. M., Dymchenko O. V., Rudachenko O. O., Smachylo V. V.
Organizational Changes in the System of Regional Development Management (p. 121 - 128)

The authors have proved that the problem of reforming the administrative-territorial structure in Ukraine is moving from the level of staging and discussion to the practical plane of implementation. A particularly influential impetus to the acceleration of these changes was given by the process of creating amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) in Ukraine. Currently, the next stage of reforming local self-government is taking place in Ukraine, which is the consolidation of districts. In the process of formation of new districts, it is proposed to use information on the development of ATCs and take into account the EU experience in this area, which in the future will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the use of available resources along with the improving of the standard of living of the population against the background of betterment of the ecological situation in the region. The study substantiates proposals for applying a process approach to the consolidation of districts. The advantages of implementing these proposals include: consistency with EU structures in the field of district management; the possibility of implementing the conception of «RURBAN»; ensuring sustainable development of the region; increasing the importance of ATCs in the process of territorial management, etc. Success in development depends not only on the starting potential, but also on the mechanisms of development management, one of which can be considered the mechanism of «balancing resources, directions, tasks and methods of development management». The implementation of measures of suburbanization (the process of growth and development of the suburban zone of large cities, as a result of which urban agglomerations are formed) will ensure long-term economic growth of the regions, improve the standard of living of the population and achieve other strategic goals. In the suburban area, the «middle class» of the population should appear and grow. And for this it is important to organize and support the transfer «out of town» of industries, housing, infrastructure, organize eco-protection of systems, create a suburbanization economic space, cultural, tourist and recreational space, developed and high-quality infrastructure for life support of the population and transport links.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnostanova N. E., Medlovska N. V.
A Balanced Development of the Region’s Infrastructure (p. 128 - 133)

The article is concerned with a study of problems and directions of development of the infrastructure of the regions. Based on the generalization of theoretical developments on regional policy issues, the features of a balanced development of the region’s infrastructure have been determined. The definitions of the terms «sustainable development», «infrastructure», «regional infrastructure» are presented. Ensuring the integrated development of the infrastructure of the territories and improving the living conditions of the population is the main goal of improving the economic mechanism for managing the development of the region. The main functions of the conception of improving the quality of life of the population are determined: it has been identified what essential functions determine the place of regional infrastructure in the system of market relations. The study indicates that the balanced development of the region’s infrastructure should be aimed at ensuring domestic and foreign economic relations of the region. It is defined that the effect of an innovation-oriented strategy for balanced development of the region’s infrastructure depends on the optimal spatial and targeted allocation of regional resources, the level of their concentration in a certain territory, as well as on the content of the innovation activity per se. The article also points out that the economic essence of regional infrastructure is the savings that are obtained through the concentration of auxiliary production during the construction period and during the operation of the main production enterprises. It is also determined that regional infrastructure is of particular importance for encouraging small and medium-sized businesses. As result of the study, it is established that the effect of an innovation-oriented strategy for balanced development of the region’s infrastructure depends on the optimal spatial and targeted allocation of regional resources, the level of their concentration in a certain territory, as well as on the content of the innovation activity per se.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Topalova I. A.
The Ways to Increase the Effectiveness of the Economic Entities of the Region in the Context of their Resource Provision (p. 133 - 141)

The article, on the basis of theoretical and methodological research, analyzes ways to improve the effectiveness of economic entities in the region. A conceptual model for improving the effectiveness of economic entities from the standpoint of obtaining an economic and social effect is developed. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of the regional economy and the economy of enterprises has been improved by introducing the concept of «the level of adaptation of economic entities in the region to the external (exogenous) environment». It is proposed to introduce a comprehensive indicator «the level of adaptation of economic entities in the region to the external (exogenous) environment», which is recommended to be considered in the aggregate of such components as: the level of adaptation of staff to changes; motivation of economic entities to introduce innovative and technological changes; creation of an information space for economic entities; the possibility (technical) of the transition of economic entities to a new level of management; prospects for the availability and effective use of the resource potential of an economic entity. It is concluded that the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of economic entities in the region are somewhat different from each other: effectiveness is an aggregate and generalizing indicator, and efficiency is its component. In the activities of economic entities, an important condition for their further functioning is the fulfillment of the condition when the results of economic activity (profit) exceed costs (then a positive effect arises) and vice versa (negative effect). The key to improving the effectiveness of economic entities is the availability, reproduction and rational (effective) use of the resource and raw material base and the potential of these entities. The available or reproduced potential of the region’s resource provision allows for implementation of a predictive scenario, that is, to assess further socioeconomic development. The potential of resource provision in the region will make it possible to achieve commodity and food security and introduce the principles of import substitution, and thanks to the capabilities of the socioeconomic system (region) to transform resources into finished goods and products – to fulfill an integration into the global space.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Volosiuk M. V.
The Conceptualization of Ensuring Local Economic Development: Foreign Experience and Possibilities of Its Adaptation for Ukraine (p. 154 - 163)

The purpose of the article is to study the conceptual foundations of local economic development in different countries of the world and provide recommendations on the possibility of adapting foreign experience for Ukraine. The article proposes the author’s own definition of the concept of «ensuring local economic development» from the point of view of a hierarchical approach as a system of public-managerial actions, measures and decisions aimed at increasing economic activity and satisfying local interests. The article explores the conceptual foundations of local economic development in the USA, Canada and Poland. Countries have different priorities, plans and areas of activity in local economic development, but it is common to take into account the economic realities of globalization, the balance of interests of a wide range of all stakeholders and partners, planning, the strategic nature of initiatives and the lack of unification of approaches to local economic development. The policy of ensuring local economic development in the United States in the context of modern challenges is being modernized, along with traditional instruments, novel methods of supporting local economic development appear. And the federal government plays a decisive and unique role in this process, developing policies of various influences on the regions and territories of the country based on their economic realities. Interesting conceptual directions for ensuring local economic development of Canadian territories in the current conditions are the conceptions of economic self-dependence and economic self-sufficiency, which are based on reducing dependence on the State-controlled subsidies, subventions, other economies, etc. The major role in the local economic development plays the Department of Regional and Local Development of Canada and Canadian Regional Development Agencies. Ensuring local economic development in Poland depends on the economic policies pursued by public authorities at the central, regional and local levels. Here it is worth noting a synchronized and proactive approach to the formation of strategic priorities, which includes taking into account the logical, spatial, temporal correspondence of all strategic attributes to achieve overall coherence of development directions at the national, regional and local levels, as well as significant support and financial assistance on the part of the European Union in the implementation of strategic goals of local economic development. Based on foreign experience, Ukraine needs to carry out the transformation of the State regional policy in order to develop and implement programs for the post-war recovery of regional economies. Local governments should focus on developing their own local economic development policy, which would be in line with the State regional policy of post-war recovery.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dorofyeyev O. V.
The Directions of Formation of Cooperation of Territorial Communities in the Sphere of Ensuring Local Economic Development (p. 68 - 73)

The study reveals the relevance of the problem of cooperation between territorial communities in the field of enhancing local economic development. The purpose of the study is to identify problematic aspects, as well as to substantiate recommendations in the part of implementing cooperation between territorial communities to ensure economic development at the local level. On the example of one of the communities of Poltava region an analysis of the state of its economic development was carried out, in particular in terms of the level and structure of entrepreneurial activity, the state of functioning and development of industry, agriculture, and other types of economic activity. Problematic aspects and prospects of local economic development of the community are identified. Promising directions of intermunicipal cooperation of the community, in particular in the areas of hub development in basic activities, are substantiated; industrial clusters and other centers of accumulation of business activity; realization of the tourist potential of the community; support of investment and entrepreneurial projects in the field of creation of enterprises in the sectors of the real sector of the economy with a high level of added value and depth of processing of products; stimulating the entrepreneurial activity of local residents. The scientific novelty of the research results in expanding the instrumentarium of intermunicipal cooperation of communities in the sphere of local economic development. The practical significance of the research results is that a list of instruments that can be implemented by territorial communities to remove obstacles and ensure more effective stimulation of local economic growth is determined. It is displayed that a particularly important aspect in the context of the development of intermunicipal cooperation of territorial communities in the economic sphere is the harmonization of fiscal stimulation policy in terms of local taxes and fees, intermunicipal cooperation in the field of resource-based and organizational support for small businesses (in particular, newly created entities), establishing cooperation between local economic development agencies and the tasks of advising local population and business, helping the population in creation of own business, its support, creation of territorial business incubators.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panasenko N. L.
Cooperation of Territorial Communities in the Field of Realizing the Potential of Tourism Development (p. 74 - 80)

The relevance of the formation and implementation of the policy of development of intermunicipal cooperation of communities in the field of realizing the potential of tourism development in general and with regard to the system of objects of sanatorium-resort services in particular is substantiated. The opportunities that communities receive in case of activation of intermunicipal cooperation in the analyzed sphere are determined, in particular, the growth of attraction for tourists, the development of general and tourist infrastructure, the formation of clusters of tourism facilities and tourist routes, and the improvement of the financial capacity of promoting local destinations. The classification of institutions in the market of sanatorium-resort services of Ukraine by regions of their localization, kinds, types and specialization is summarized and presented. The results of the analysis are provided and negative trends are displayed, which confirm and testify to the deep crisis and deterioration of the material and technical security of domestic sanatorium-resort facilities. On this basis, the necessity to intensify the activities of local self-governments in the field of both restoring the scale of activity and ensuring the development of tourism in general and the objects of the sanatorium-resort complex in particular is stated. It is possible to enable the relevant processes in the best way by making use of intermunicipal cooperation of communities, so, with this purpose, directions, forms and measures of relevant cooperation are determined. The scientific novelty of the research results allows to improve the system of instruments for managing intermunicipal cooperation of communities in the field of tourism development, for which the functions of local governments and forms of joint coordination of activities are determined. The applied significance of the research results lies in the fact that the implementation of certain instruments can be laid down in the program documents for establishing and coordinating cooperation between territorial communities of Ukraine in the field of increasing and effectively using the existing tourism potential and ensuring the intensification of local economic development thanks to this. It is stated that only an integrated approach to the formation and implementation of a policy of cooperation between territorial communities in the field of enhancing the development and realization of the potential of local tourism will provide a positive result.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Serdiuk O. I.
Development of Clusters as an Instrument for Activation of Intermunicipal Cooperation (p. 80 - 85)

The article reveals the relevance of creating clusters as an infrastructural element of ensuring the local economic development, as well as the use of measures and means in this area in the system of local policy to deepen economic cooperation of territorial communities in Ukraine. The purpose of the study was to improve the methodological and applied basis of intermunicipal cooperation of communities in the field of development of institutional elements of cooperation and cooperation of subjects of the real sector of the economy, in particular production and sales clusters. The advantages of creating cluster structures have been identified both for the community on whose territory they are located and for the community where clusters are not yet created, but these communities can be participants in a cooperation in this area. Obstacles and peculiarities of local economic development management through the creation and expansion of cluster activities are identified. The forms of intermunicipal cooperation in the field of cluster creation are expanded. A structural and organizational hierarchy of cluster creation and development is constructed. The forms of implementation of cooperation between territorial communities in the field of cluster structures development are determined, in particular: 1) development of institutional elements of cooperation at the community level; 2) cross-border development of clusters on the territory of one of the two neighboring communities; 3) interregional development of clusters between communities located in different parts of the region and even the country. The scientific novelty of the study is that the types and forms of interaction of territorial communities in the field of creation and development of cluster structures have been further developed. The applied significance of the research results is that methodological and applied support of regional policy in the field of development of elements of the institutional infrastructure of cooperation and joint development of entities of the real sector of the local economy has been developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Marushchak S. M.
International Investment Attractiveness of Ukrainian Regions (p. 25 - 32)

The growing volatility of the exogenous and endogenous environment in which economic agents operate causes increased competition for limited investment resources. A further challenge today is the need to stimulate socioeconomic development in Ukraine and strengthen the capacity of its regions to fulfill their social and infrastructural burden in the context of relations with key stakeholders, primarily local communities and businesses. The meaning of key in this context is to set up an adequate system at the micro and macro levels to support the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine’s regions. This situation actualizes the problematics of building an adequately functioning complex of investment attractiveness of the regions. The article is aimed at analyzing the essence of investment attractiveness of regions in the plane of identifying the main drivers of influence on this economic category and forming proposals for its strengthening both on the short and long term time horizon. The article studies the essence of the economic category of «investment attractiveness of region» as a key component of stimulating socioeconomic development. A set of key factors influencing the status and prospective dynamics of investment attractiveness of the region is studied. An analysis of analytical approaches to measuring the investment attractiveness of the region in the context of current challenges for Ukraine and the needs of post-war reconstruction is carried out. Proposals for the development of a complex of investment attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine in the context of post-war reconstruction are formed. The proposed research may be valuable for specialists and researchers in the analyzed sphere, be useful for private and public companies, business associations, international financial institutions, public authorities. A promising direction of future research is to expand the analysis of drivers influencing the state of investment attractiveness in the context of motivations and needs of the main groups of stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Perepeliukova O. V.
The Post-War Recovery of the Regions: Assessment and Perspectives (p. 34 - 40)

The article analyzes the peculiarities of determining the losses incurred by the State since the beginning of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. The main directions in which the most severe damages of infrastructure and housing have been suffered are identified. A regional review of the destruction of infrastructure facilities was conducted, allocating the extent of damages. The degree of damages and destruction in various spheres of life of society is examined. The peculiarities of the destruction assessment in the post-war period are singled out. Priority areas for the post-war recovery of the State are defined. It is noted that the restoration of damaged production or the rebuilding of new production facilities should be based on the principles of Industry 4.0, taking into account digitalization and sustainable development of the regions. The state of migration flows is analyzed, with the regional distribution of internally displaced persons highlighted. The main problems that arise in regions with a large number of internally displaced persons are singled out, the solution of which should be based on the recovery of infrastructure for the return of the population to the regions of permanent residence. It is pointed out that during the wartime it was necessary to change sea routes for the transportation of agricultural products and other goods, which led to an increase in the price of such transportation due to changes in the terms of quotas, contracts, transportation volumes and risks. The author substantiates the emerging need to transport goods through European countries by road and rail, which leads to an increase in the load on the roads of the western regions of the country. It is determined that during the period of military aggression, in order to support Ukraine, European countries took a number of measures to simplify logistics transportation from the territory of our State through bilateral cooperation in the formation of convenient logistics corridors and solving technical and organizational issues. It is concluded that, in general, the recovery of the State should be based on a long-term perspective of sustainable development and integration into the European space, which should be reflected in all spheres of the life of society.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Storonyanska I. Z., Benovska L. Y.
The Peculiarities of Investment and Credit Provision of the Development of Regions in Wartime Conditions (p. 53 - 59)

During wartime, the economic development of the regions is influenced by risks, investment and credit activities turned out to be the most sensitive to threats. The decisive factor in the development of regions has become the security factor, that is, dependence on the spatial location of the region. In such circumstances, uncertainty about the future increases, which changes the behavior of economic actors and increases irrationality of the economy as such. The article is aimed at identifying the peculiarities and risks of investment and credit provision of the development of regions in wartime conditions. The study revealed the negative impact of the war: on the investment activity of business entities, the ability of businesses in regions that were not directly involved in the military conflict to recover quickly, which was reflected in the growth of loans, deposits of the corporate sector of the Western and Central regions; on public confidence in the banking system, which was manifested in the growth of bank deposits of the population. In the wartime circumstances, the role of the State in ensuring and stimulating credit and investment development of the regions increased, which was manifested in the rapid growth in all regions of loans issued under the government program «Affordable Loans 5-7-9», the introduction of loan repayment holidays to solve the problem of non-performing loans and others. A number of risks and challenges for the banking system during wartime is identified, among which are the following: because of the temporary occupation of the territory, the share of non-performing loans has sharply increased; investor’s conduct became more moderate, which was manifested in a sharp decline in investment loans; the need to ensure the availability of the bank in the digitalized space has increased; the requirements for ensuring a quick response to current events, the provision of new types of services, etc. have increased. It is concluded that the stability of the economic system depends primarily on what is done before the crisis, and not during crisis or thereafter.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stepanova O. V., Stepanova N. S.
A Methodical Approach to Defining a System of Objectives and Assessing the Level of Sustainable Development of Regions (p. 59 - 66)

The relevance of the article lies in the need to conduct research on improving the scientific and methodological support for sustainable development, since sustainable development is considered the most promising ideology of the XXI century and an objective necessity for further development of society. The article is aimed at developing scientific and methodological recommendations for defining the system of objectives of the strategy of sustainable development of regions and assessing its level by using graph theory and utility theory. To achieve this aim, the following tasks are solved: an analysis of the theoretical foundations of sustainable development is carried out; the global (main) objective and sub-objectives of sustainable development of regions are defined; factors of influence and criteria – indicators of sustainable development of regions are determined; a tree of objectives (graph) of sustainable development of regions is built; a multi-criteria model of integral estimation of regional development on the basis of program-target approach, graph theory and utility theory is developed. According to the concept of Management by Objectives, as well as the objectives of sustainable development of society for the period up to 2030 and analysis of publications, the objectives of sustainable development of regions are defined. The global (main) objective of regional development is formulated as «Achieving a sustainable development of region». The assessment of the level of development of regions should be carried out in three areas, namely: economic, social and ecological. Then the sub-objectives of the global objective are: «achieving a sustainable development of the region’s economy»; «achieving a sustainable development of the social sphere of the region»; «improving the level of ecological safety of the region». The tree of sustainable development objectives of regions represents a graph, the vertices (nodes) of which are objectives, and the edges (arcs) are the connections between them. A system of criteria-indicators characterizing achievement of set objectives has been formulated. As a criterion for achieving the objective, it is proposed to use the multi-criteria utility function. The carried out analysis shows that for the integral assessment of sustainable development of regions, it is advisable to use the additive utility function, which gives a quantitative assessment of the level of development of regions. Some further research require the methods of identifying the influence of factors on achieving objectives, identifying alternatives to sustainable development of regions, the problem of improving the management of sustainable development. Additional scientific and practical interest is caused by an in-depth study of objectives, their advantages and replacement.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Proposals as to Legislative Support on the Directions of Spatial Development of the Territorial Communities of Various Types in Ukraine (p. 81 - 87)

The reform of local self-government in Ukraine has created conditions for the effective operation of all territorial entities related to local development. Its practical implementation is aimed at the use by territorial communities of: various types of their own potential for development, search for opportunities for cooperation, development of local economy and infrastructure, creation of incentives for socioeconomic growth; instruments for long-term and short-term planning, when the general goals defined in the strategy are specified in programs and implemented through projects; conditions for obtaining high-quality services of European level; providing opportunities for the full-fledged life of citizens in their territories. At the present stage of implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, the request for the formation, in accordance with European principles and values of conceptual provisions for determining the directions of spatial development, of territorial communities of various types is more relevant than ever, which, in turn, actualizes and makes promising the need to update the legislative framework regulating these issues. A wide range of developments and the urgent expediency of forming and improving the legislative framework for use in public administration of territorial development (in particular, in the context of overcoming the consequences of military aggression against Ukraine) determines the relevance of further development and implementation in Ukraine of an effective system of regulatory and legal support for the formation of directions of spatial development, its stimulation, development of strategies, solving existing socioeconomic problems, using certain management and development tools, including through the introduction of an expanded and multi-level classification of regions, territorial communities, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Matrunchyk D. M.
Innovative Transformation of the Economy of Ukrainian Regions: The Pre-War Retrospective and Post-War Priorities (p. 42 - 50)

The article reveals the content of innovation processes in the 1990s and early 2000s, which were characterized by a permanent deficit of financing the production and introduction of modern technologies; low efficiency of implementation of the government or regional scientific and technical programs; weakening the relationship between education, science, and production. It is found that in the regional context there is a significant gap between the largest and smallest number of innovation-active industrial enterprises, owing to the peculiarities of the inter-regional division of labor, the level of scientific and technical potential, the level of concentration of industrial and financial capital. It is identified that the negative impact on the dynamics of financing innovation activity in industry has led to the lack of a modern institutional environment for attracting funds from domestic and foreign investors in the development of innovative infrastructure of industrial enterprises, as well as in new types of product and process innovations. It is substantiated that the processes of innovative transformation of both the national economy and economy of regions of Ukraine are slow due to the lack at the regional level of a modern system of regulatory influence on innovation processes, which would stimulate the development of innovation infrastructure and comprehensive modernization and reconstruction of the fixed capital of the structure-forming units of regional economic complexes. It is proved that the formation of priorities for innovative transformation of regional economic complexes in the wartime and post-war conditions should be based on the need to strengthen the country’s defense capability by increasing the production of weapons and military equipment. Studies have shown that the post-war recovery of the national economy and the economy of Ukraine’s regions should also be accompanied by innovative transformations in the sphere of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, which will allow attracting funds from global ecological funds and foreign governments for the purposes of modernization of the national economic complex.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vakhovych I. M., Matrunchyk D. M., Nedopad H. V.
The Cascade-Circular Model of Innovative Transformation of Regional Economic Complexes: Fundamental Principles, Priorities, the Wartime and Post-War Challenges (p. 65 - 72)

It is substantiated that the cascade-circular model of innovative transformation of regional economic complexes should be based on a combination of the cascade principle of attracting material resources in the reproduction process and the principle of maximizing closed cycles in product chains. It is determined that the cascade principle is a sequential transition from one phase of production to another, based on the priority of formation of value chains and features of extracting the resource value of primary and secondary raw materials; the principle of maximizing closed cycles in product chains is a principle that provides for the minimization of unit costs and losses of the material substance of raw materials on the basis of the integrated use of primary raw materials through the use of waste-free and low-waste technologies and the most complete utilization of secondary raw materials in order to maximize the value added in food chains. It is identified that the key point in the formation of the cascade-circular model of innovative transformation of regional economic complexes is the formation of the structure-establishing innovation core (a complex of types of production and economic activity with appropriate supporting subsystems), which will be differentiated in the context of economic regions of Ukraine, based on: the existing production and technical base of material production; the level of infrastructural arrangement; available and projected reserves of natural raw materials; scientific and scientific-technical potential; opportunities for establishing inter-regional cooperative relations; participation of the region in the national division of labor and in ensuring national security. It is substantiated that the cascade-circular model of innovative transformation of the economy of the regions of Ukraine should be aimed at more effective use of secondary material resources in the reproduction process and at increasing the assimilation potential as a basic prerequisite for the transition to the rails of low-carbon development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasyltsiv T. G., Mulska O. P., Gres A. M.
The Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Structural Changes in the Domestic Market (p. 72 - 78)

The article emphasizes the relevance of the formation and implementation of the State policy of ensuring structural changes and institutional reforms in the internal market. The aim of the study is to scientifically substantiate the methodological and applied principles of structural changes in the internal market. On the basis of the carried out analysis of the current results of researches in the field of conceptual foundations of structural changes, reforms of transformations, institutionalism, structural policy, etc., the directions (components, criteria for analysis) of generalization of the theoretical and methodological principles of structural changes are defined and, as shown, they include the following: structure of the economy by types of economic activity; full-fledged institutional environment and institutional transformations; effective changes in reproductive processes; balance of proportions between sectors of the regional economy; innovation and technological activity and its contribution to the competitiveness of the regional economy. It is concluded that within the framework of the product and sectoral approaches, structural reforms are manifested in the formation of a rational and effective production and sectoral structure of the regional economy. It is proved that, according to the institutional approach, structural reforms are based on the quality of the institutional-organizational and institutional-legal environment of economic management. It is stated that with account of changes in the reproduction processes, structural reforms are characterized by the quality and dynamics of reproduction processes in terms of resource provision and material production, also by the ratios between savings, investments, and consumption. It is confirmed that, according to the sectoral approach, structural reforms are characterized by the formation of rational correlations among the forms of ownership, organizational and legal forms of management, size of enterprises, spheres of the enterprise activity, etc. It is identified that according to the innovation-technological approach, structural reforms are determined by the volume, intensity, progressiveness and efficiency of innovation-technological modernization of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dub A. R.
Risks of Spatial Development of Territorial Communities and Ways of their Leveling (p. 78 - 85)

The processes of decentralization have necessitated the spatial development of territorial communities for the most efficient use of their resources, ensuring comfortable conditions for the livelihood of the population and the functioning of business. However, russia’s full-scale military aggression against Ukraine has significantly exacerbated the problems of spatial development, increased social, economic, security, and ecological threats. The article is aimed at characterizing the risks of spatial development of territorial communities caused by the russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, and identifying ways to level them. The paper characterizes the factors of spatial development, based on their essence and impact on the socioeconomic development of the territory; a grouping of risks to the spatial development of communities, in particular those caused by the full-scale russia’s war on Ukraine, is carried out. The risks of spatial development of territorial communities in the context of each group are critically assessed – institutional, demographic, economic (business activity and employment), ecological, and security. Attention is focused on measures taken at both the State and regional levels to neutralize threats and risks that impede the spatial development of territorial communities (in particular, programs to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, employment and socialization of internally displaced persons, security in social institutions, etc.). Measures to support the spatial development of territorial communities, which are provided by international donors (in particular, regarding the development of comprehensive plans for the spatial development of territorial communities), are characterized. It is recommended to strengthen the activities of local self-government bodies aimed at ensuring spatial development through the development of a clear architecture of interrelated strategic, planning and program documents, the intensification of measures to support small business in the community, the economic and social integration of IDPs in the community, and so on.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nedilska L. V., Umanets L. V., Yashchenko M. S., Demianchuk I. V.
Assessing the State and Modeling of Prospects for the Development of the Financial Capacity of Territorial Communities (p. 85 - 92)

The aim of the article is to assess the state of financial capacity of territorial communities of the Zhytomyr region and to model the prospects for their development, taking into account the established trends. It is substantiated that in order to achieve the effective functioning and development of territorial communities, all efforts should be aimed at the development of internal potential, the optimal use of mechanisms for the formation of the revenue side of local budgets and the rational use of the formed financial resources. It is found that the execution of local budgets of territorial communities of the Zhytomyr region in terms of key indicators indicates an unstable situation that characterizes the average trends in Ukraine, which is explained by the high concentration of production and service enterprises in the central regions of Ukraine (including in the Zhytomyr region), whose tax payments provide the lion’s share of all revenues to local budgets. It is identified that within the boundaries of the Zhytomyr region, communities with a population of up to 10 thousand people demonstrate the best results of economic management. In particular, it is found that the communities comprising from 5 to 10 thousand persons have the highest variability of the results obtained, which can be explained by their high flexibility and dependence on the quality of management. It is proved that the least effective and most vulnerable were large communities with a population of more than 15 thousand people. According to all of the above indicators, they were worse than the regional average, and there was not a single hromada with exemplary results among them. The main criteria for the success of territorial communities are allocated and substantiated, in particular: the optimal number of communities is up to 10 thousand people; effective financial provision, stability and sufficiency of resources; qualified specialists in self-government bodies; high-quality control over the activities of self-government bodies; activity and initiative of the community.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Perepeliukova O. V.
The Features of Institutional Provision of the Territorial Organization of the Economic Management of Ukraine in the Post-War Period (p. 78 - 84)

The article analyzes the structure of institutional provision of the territorial organization of the economic management of Ukraine. The peculiarities of exercising their powers by territorial communities and regional authorities in the context of military aggression are allocated. The regulatory and legal provision for the activities of local self-government bodies under martial law is analyzed. The composition of the institutional provision of the territorial organization of the economic management of Ukraine is studied. The main problems faced by territorial communities in different regions after the russian full-scale invasion are identified. It is determined that during the period of hostilities, the majority of the population of the occupied and frontline regions were forced to temporarily change their place of residence both within the country or go abroad. During the period of hostilities, there was a significant decrease in the level of gross domestic product and sales of industrial products, which negatively affected the economic situation of the State. Such tendencies are explained by the temporary occupation of industrial regions and the destruction of industrial facilities. The activities of national and regional authorities in promoting economic development and social support of the population during active hostilities are studied. It is substantiated that for the full recovery of the destroyed territories, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions at the institutional level, which would contribute to ensuring transparency, openness, and effectiveness of the implemented measures. It is determined that the recovery measures are not being implemented in full due to the security situation in many areas. The main problem is a large amount of mined territory, which poses a threat to the lives of the population, so neither the housing stock nor industrial facilities can be restored in such areas until they are completely de-mined. The general directions of development of institutional provision for the territorial organization of the economic management in the conditions of post-war recovery of the country are allocated. It is substantiated that the attraction of international grants, support of international funds and programs for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises helps to develop such entrepreneurship in the western regions of the country, since internally displaced persons were able to open enterprises there, thereby assisting the region’s economy and providing the social component.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Blahun I. S., Gryniv V. M., Ivasyshyn M. O.
Stimulating the Effective Use of the Economic Potential of Region (p. 95 - 101)

Modern conditions are characterized by intense competition, deep globalization of the world economy and rapid technological progress. In this context, the effective mobilization and use of the economic potential of region becomes a strategic goal to achieve sustainable development and strengthen competitiveness. Stimulating the effective use of the economic potential of region requires an integrated approach, systemic thinking, active participation of government bodies, enterprises and the public. The aim of the study was to determine the directions of stimulating the effective use of the economic potential of region. In the course of the study, an analysis of methods for assessing the economic potential of territories has been carried out and a methodical approach to assessing the economic potential of region has been proposed, which consists in carrying out a comprehensive assessment of the economic potential of the region, taking into account the proposed synergistic combination of economic, human, infrastructural, research, and quality of life potentials. The formed system of indicators of concentration of economic potential and the level of its use in the form of a ratio of the beneficial effect of region to the potential of region will allow to form an analytical basis for the formation of measures to increase the level of economic potential and the efficiency of its use in the regions of Ukraine. According to the results of the carried out study, it is defined that each region has its own potential, the use of which, under certain conditions, can become an additional source of growth of the State’s economy. Ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy requires the creation of conditions for the effective use of the potential of each region. The creation of such conditions requires constant monitoring with a quantitative assessment of the level of concentration of the region’s potential and the effectiveness of its use.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Semyhulina I. B., Yaroshenko I. V.
The Theoretical and Practical Recommendations for the Formation of a Methodological Approach to the Choice of Directions for the Spatial Development of the Territories of Ukraine (p. 93 - 102)

The functioning of all territories of Ukraine without exception under the current martial law, which, according to public expectations, should eventually move into the post-war period, makes the need to adjust the directions and priorities of both the State and regional policy, as well as the management of local development in close relationship with each other and with all interested subjects of its development and implementation, urgent. The purpose of this is to correct the consequences caused by hostilities, restore all spheres of life of the country and its territories, and form the necessary basis for further sustainable development. The objectives of the article are to analyze the influence of various factors on the spatial development of territories in the regions of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law and post-war recovery, to develop on this basis theoretical and practical recommendations for the formation of the methodological approach to the choice of directions for the spatial development of territorial communities, in particular in the context of post-war recovery of Ukraine. Given the significant differences in the current state of socioeconomic development of different territorial communities, the first order of priorities is also extraordinary, given the urgent problems, especially those that need to be addressed in the conditions of martial law and in the post-war conditions. The methodological approach allows to form priorities and directions for further development of various types of territories, to establish managerial relationships between the authorities at all levels and territorial entities in the process of effective and rapid recovery of territories and future planning of the country’s development. The practical implementation of this approach will make it possible to attract available opportunities and resources to restore losses and will contribute to the creation of conditions for the socioeconomic development of territories and improving the quality of life of the local population, taking into account European and world experience, technologies, values and priorities, as well as using Ukrainian experience and best practices.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bubenko P. T., Dril N. V.
Determinants of Clusterization in the Context of Territorial Innovative Development (p. 103 - 108)

The article is devoted to the study of topical issues of accelerating the innovative development of spatial socioeconomic systems; determining the degree of influence of network forms of organization on the dynamics of economic activity; providing a scientific basis for the formation of centers of innovative growth based on the theory and practice of clustering. A systematization of literary sources on the mentioned issues shows that modern economic science pays insufficient attention to the theory and practice of the influence of cluster forms of organization on the nature and dynamics of innovative development of territorial (regional) systems. The problems of creation and diffusion of innovations are studied from the point of view of the representation and positioning of a separate territory (region) as a subject of economic relations, as a multi-aspect and multifunctional cluster network, which is an indispensable component of the development of territorial innovation systems. Further development, the symbiosis of the theory of regionalism, in particular, the spatial organization of production, with the theory and practice of innovative entrepreneurship, is the substantiation of the feasibility of creating and spreading territorial poles of growth – innovation clusters. The idea of the nature and character of cluster forms of modern territorial organization of innovative activity, being a kind of cluster (network) structure, which is a projection of scientific and industrial-economic systems on a certain territory, has been researched and developed. It is shown that the economic power of such a territory is set and determined not only by the volume of sales of innovative products, but also by the synergistic resource of the entire cluster network, its general influence on national and global markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Kotliarov Y. I., Kolbasin Y. S.
Organization of District Heating in Individual Settlements, and Directions of Formation of Regional Heat Markets (p. 109 - 118)

The aim of the article is to study individual settlements from the point of view of organization of their heat supply and to develop on this basis a set of models of regional heat energy markets. The article analyzes a sample of 838 settlements in Ukraine that have centralized heat supply systems. The respective analysis of the sample showed that in the regions of Ukraine there are enterprises of various organizational and legal forms of management, namely: the State-owned and municipal enterprises (including non-profit organizations), business associations, private enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. It is a common phenomenon that the supply of heat energy is carried out by an industrial or energy enterprise, for which this type of activity is not the main one. Different forms of ownership have a certain impact on the organization of relationships between suppliers, local governments and consumers of heat energy. The carried out research allowed to allocate several typical options for the organization of relationships in the field of district heating. It is determined that the organization of these relationships is influenced by the following specific features of an individual settlement and the existing heat supply systems: the number and density of population; provision of the settlement with social facilities; the nature of the predominant buildings; the dimensions of the existing district heating system; presence or absence of mainline and distribution networks for the transportation of heat energy; structure of heat consumption in the context of individual groups of users. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the identified options are analyzed and recommendations for their improvement are elaborated. On this basis, various models of organization of regional heat energy markets and the scope of their use have been proposed. The developed models take into account the specific features of individual settlements and determine the main directions of reforming the relations between suppliers and consumers of heat energy. The implementation of the developed models is aimed at the formation of competitive regional heat markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tys M. S.
The Budget Component of the Financial Security of the Region and Its Assessment in the Wartime Conditions (p. 49 - 56)

The aim of the article is to disclose theoretical and applied approaches to assessing the budgetary component of the financial security of the region. It is proposed to consider the financial security of the region as a state that reflects the financial capacity of the territory to ensure the potential for development by balancing financial resources, taking into account existential risks, threats and dangers. An approach to assessing the budgetary security of the region has been developed on the example of the Lviv region. It is noted that the revenue part was formed at the expense of tax, non-tax revenues, income from capital transactions and official transfers, which consisted of subsidies and subventions. In the structure of tax revenues, the largest share was occupied by taxes on income, profit, rent and payment for the use of water, subsoil, and other natural resources. Non-tax revenues were formed at the expense of own revenues of budgetary institutions and income from property, administration of fees and payments, income from non-commercial economic activities. Transfers in the form of subsidies and subventions came from public administration bodies to the local budget, among which subventions prevailed in targeted areas of use, aimed at supporting the needs of the State functioning under martial law, health care institutions and measures, educational needs, road repairs, etc. It is proved that the independence of budgets is possible only if there are sufficient own revenue sources. From the standpoint of observing the financial security of the region and taking into account international experience, an approach is recommended, according to which the share of own revenues in the budgets of self-government bodies should be at least 40%. It is substantiated that for 2018–2022 most of the expenditures of the regional budget of the Lviv region were directed to the socio-cultural sphere (education, health care, social protection and social security). Further research will be aimed at developing a comprehensive methodology for assessing the financial security of a region in the context of certain components and calculating an integral indicator of its level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yurkiv A. M.
Development of Cross-Border Cooperation in the Conditions of the European Integration of Ukraine (p. 57 - 62)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the essence and financial instruments for the development of cross-border cooperation in the context of Ukraine’s European integration. It is proposed to consider cross-border cooperation as joint, coordinated actions aimed at convergence, synergy, multiplicative effect in solving problems by subjects and participants of cross-border cooperation through the implementation of programs and projects using traditional and new financial instruments. It is specified that cross-border cooperation has three main goals. First, it contributes to the economic and social development of border areas, which can lead to the growth in terms of new enterprises and industries. Secondly, it addresses common challenges related to the environment, public health, safety and security and aims to create better conditions for the mobility of people, goods and capital across borders. Ukraine’s position on future membership in the EU and the possibility of participation in cross-border cooperation programs is substantiated, for which structural funds for 2021–2027 are allocated from the EU through the European Regional Development Fund and the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument. The thematic priorities of funding for the new program period are as follows: a sustainable, green border region; a healthy and attractive border region; joint border region. The possibilities of using IPA, the latest instrument of assistance at the stage of preparation for accession to the EU, which is aimed at supporting reforms through the provision of financial and technical assistance, are substantiated. It can be used by both existing and potential candidates for the EU membership. The author’s own calculations showed that out of the total volume of the operating budget for 2021-2027 under the assistance of the IPA III instrument in the pre-accession phase of the EU, the largest amount of funding will be directed to the the goal that is a «green» agenda, sustainable connectivity (transport and communication links); the thematic objective «Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth»; good governance, alignment with the EU acquis criterion, good neighbourly relations and strategic communication; the rule of law, fundamental rights and democracy; territorial and cross-border cooperation. Further research will be aimed at developing the conceptual foundations and strategic directions for the development of cross-border cooperation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pavlyk O. I.
Deposit and Loan Potential of Banks in the Development of the Ukrainian Carpathians (p. 63 - 71)

The aim of the article is to determine the deposit and loan potential of banks and the possibilities of its accumulation in the development of the economy of the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is proposed to consider the regional banking system as a set of banking institutions that are located in a certain territory, have their own deposit and loan potential, are an integral part of the country’s banking system and perform a dual function: ensure the development of the country’s banking system in general and form the deposit and loan potential to meet the needs of the region’s economy in particular. It is specified that the efficiency of functioning of the region’s banks is determined by their ability to transform the accumulated deposit potential into loans for the development of the economy, satisfaction of consumer needs of the population, which will ensure the growth of the gross regional product, the competitiveness of the financial sector of the region, and the well-being of the population. An approach to assessing the possibilities of attracting the potential of banks in the development of the region’s economy has been developed. The carried out calculations showed a negative tendency of a decrease in the Ukrainian Carpathians of both the total number of existing structural subdivisions of banks and the number of such subdivisions per 100 thousand inhabitants, which is due to the war, the temporary occupation of part of the territories, the post-COVID period. It is analytically proved that in the conditions of wartime, the trend of confidence in the banking system and the increase in the deposit potential of regional banks against the background of a decrease in the number of their structural divisions has been preserved. The share of loans granted in the Ukrainian Carpathians in their total volume in Ukraine increased and showed that during the wartime, the volume of loan activity in the Ukrainian Carpathians increased, which did not correspond to the general downward trend in loan activity in Ukraine. According to the conducted research, it is stated that the volume of loans granted in the Ukrainian Carpathians was much less than the attracted deposits, that is, the available resources are sufficient to cover the existing and potential needs for lending to the regional economy. It is proposed to attribute the regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians in terms of deposit and loan potential to donor regions, which are able to fully provide financing for their own development, and direct the excess resources to meet the needs of other regions. Further research will be aimed at developing mechanisms for attracting the potential of the banking system to the development of the Ukrainian Carpathians regions’ economy on the basis of the use of economic and mathematical instruments and the clustering method.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shulla R. S., Popyk M. M., Pityulych M. M.
The Tourism and Recreation Potential of the Region: Essence and Factors of Influence (p. 71 - 79)

The article examines the category of «tourism potential of the region» and the factors that influence it. It has been found that most of the authors consider the phenomenon of tourism potential primarily through the prism of resource provision of the region (destination), and the rest of the uncontrolled factors of the macro-environment remain unattended. It is substantiated that the concepts of «tourism potential of the region» and «tourism potential of destination» are identical in content. It is noted that the study of factors and the need to model their impact on the economic potential of the destination stems from the fact that the latter acts as an object of investment policy at the micro-, meso- and macro-levels. It is identified that in connection with the mass translation of foreign literature, the scientific views of the Anglo-Saxon scientific space had a predominant influence on the domestic economic theory in the field of tourism, while the theoretical conceptions of tourism economics of researchers from continental Europe were insufficiently studied by domestic scientists. The expediency of interpreting the term «tourism potential of the region» not as a set of factors of resource provision of the destination, but as a certain property of the tourism system is substantiated. Otherwise, the concepts of «tourism potential of the region» and «tourism resources of the region» are identical. The authors suggest to interpret the tourism potential as the ability of a destination to form and implement a certain amount of tourism services and material goods that will be in demand and meet the needs of tourists and vacationers. The expediency of using the term «tourism product» as a set of existing and newly created public goods suitable for meeting the needs of tourists and visitors of the destination is substantiated. At this, the destination with its resource provision generates a tourism product, acting in the market as a supplying party. The expediency of differentiating the management system at the level of destination into strategic and operational components is substantiated: in the subsystem of strategic management of the destination, the tourism potential of the region acts as a target parameter, and in the subsystem of operational management it is the volume of the tourism product. It is noted that the level of tourism potential is determined by four factors: an aggregate of elements of supply on the part of the destination; current demand for travel services of the destination; competitive environment and expected trends in the development of tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Volosiuk M. V.
Economic Development of Coastal Areas in the Context of a Sustainable Blue Economy (p. 54 - 62)

The aim of the article is to study the conceptual foundations and global significance of the blue economy and provide recommendations for ensuring the economic development of the coastal areas of Ukraine in the context of the sustainable blue economy of the EU. The article examines the conceptual foundations of the blue economy and analyzes the global significance of its sustainable development in international declarations and legal documents. The main problems on which international attention in this area is focused are identified as follows: the complexity of approaches and methods for assessing the economic, social and environmental impacts of the blue economy on the development of coastal areas; defining a clear standard of regional and local governance necessary for the blue growth of territories; different degrees of institutional involvement of countries in the blue economy. With this in mind, the article proposes approaches to stimulating a sustainable blue economy in coastal areas. The article examines the regulatory framework of Ukraine and academic developments on the formation of the foundations of the domestic blue economy in recent years. It is emphasized that initiatives for a sustainable blue economy in Ukraine have appeared, first of all, at the local level, the stakeholders of which are local governments, technological business communities, representatives of academia and higher education, innovation clusters and civil society organizations. The sustainable blue economy reflects the process of coastal and maritime governance through debatable and substantive regionalization, in which new partnerships between public and private sector actors build networks, boundaries, and management methods. Of course, today we are talking about the unoccupied sea and coastal spaces of Ukraine, so we have outlined the challenges that our country faces in this area in the current conditions. In the context of the European integration movement, taking into account the legal conditions of martial law and post-war expectations, we see the vectors of modernization of the economic development of the coastal areas of Ukraine as follows: the development of a transparent framework policy for the development of a sustainable blue economy in Ukraine; institutional and innovative approach to coastal developmental management; economic development and security; local approach; stimulating the innovation ecosystem; inclusive blue economy; digital technologies in support of coastal development initiatives; ensuring the protection and restoration of the coastal and maritime environment; use of the cultural and historical heritage of coastal regions; proper democratic governance.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semyhulina I. B., Yaroshenko I. V.
Components of the Mechanism for Recovering the Socioeconomic Development of the Regions of Ukraine in the Post-War Period (p. 63 - 71)

The continuation of the war and the resulting significant losses in the functional capacity of the country’s territories, its human, economic, infrastructural, environmental, and other potentials have long-term negative consequences and limitations on the future development of both individual regions and the country as a whole. The objective reality of the existing problems requires the development and implementation of certain measures in order to minimize the negative consequences of these challenges on the existence and development of any territories in Ukraine. Of relevance are the development of the security space and infrastructure for the functioning of the country and its regions; the need for planning the development and recovery of the affected areas; creating conditions for the return of Ukrainian refugees and internally displaced persons; formation of safe living conditions; full access to all public services; restoration of functioning and competitiveness of local, regional and national economies, etc. In the face of the challenges caused by the war, these issues have become more specific, aimed at finding ways to rebuild the affected territories of the country, in particular in the post-war period. Analysis and generalization of approaches to the introduction of the components of the recovery mechanism into regional development, determination of its functional orientedness and principles of organization allow us to propose components of the mechanism for recovering the socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine in the post-war period, taking into account the security capabilities of both the State and the region. The peculiarity of the study is the formation of components of the mechanism for recovering the socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine in the post-war period on the basis of allocation of two kinds of groups: the main groups that correspond to the problem situations of the region and determine the directions of recovery; the auxiliary, or supportive groups, which help in the implementation of the main ones, thereby increasing the impact on solving problem situations. This allows, on the one hand, to generalize the structural elements of the mechanism, and on the other hand, to specify their use depending on functional feasibility. The stage-by-stage distribution of the components of the mechanism for recovering the socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine in the post-war period allows them to be grouped taking into account functional capabilities, which makes the mechanism more effective and purposeful in the process of practical implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhabynets O. Y., Sukhyi O. O.
The Industrial Parks of the Lviv Agglomeration: Status, Experience, Prospects (p. 97 - 103)

The article is devoted to the study of the status and prospects for the development of industrial parks in the Lviv agglomeration, as well as the analysis of foreign experience in the functioning of industrial parks in agglomerations. The relevance of measures to implement the State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021–2027 regarding the support of territories such as agglomerations is argued, this is evidenced by the institutional arrangement of the Lviv agglomeration even in times of war. It is noted that when creating a modern model of reindustrialization in Ukraine with a focus on exports and in general an innovative ecosystem of agglomerations, the creation and development of industrial parks as modern concentrators of the industrial, investment and research potential of the agglomeration will be of paramount importance. Emphasis is placed on the advantages of the functioning of industrial parks within the agglomeration, in particular through: achieving synergy for the growth of economic development of the agglomeration; direct impact on the provision of humanitarian, environmental, security and spatial organization of the agglomeration; creation of the effect of increasing returns due to the effective combination of production and infrastructure, high technologies, research and development sphere. It is proved that the industrial parks of the Lviv agglomeration today are the least developed form of the innovation ecosystem of the agglomeration, the potential of which, unlike clusters or export enterprises of the agglomeration, has not yet been used at all. It is concluded that the institutional component of the development of industrial parks in Ukraine, and in particular within the Lviv agglomeration, should become a priority in the implementation of the State regional policy and strategies for the development of individual territorial communities in the near future. After all, foreign experience proves the close interweaving of urban agglomeration and its industrial parks, whose activities in Ukraine, even with the current institutional design, open up a promising environmentally oriented direction for them.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nazarova T. Y., Biskyi S. N.
The State Target Programs as an Effective Instrument for Stimulating Economic Development (p. 99 - 106)

The article is devoted to the study of the State target programs as an effective instrument for stimulating the economic development of Ukraine. The main goal is to determine the role of these programs in the socioeconomic development of the country, analyze their efficiency, identify problems and develop recommendations for improving their effectiveness. As a result of the study, it was determined that the State target programs have a significant potential for stimulating economic growth, creating jobs, attracting investment and improving socioeconomic indicators. At the same time, a number of problems have been identified, such as insufficient financing, ineffective management and control, which limit their efficiency. The success of such programs in achieving strategic development goals, in particular, stimulating economic growth and social progress, is analyzed. New approaches to improving the mechanisms of planning, financing and implementation of the State target programs are proposed, which include increasing transparency and accountability, as well as involving the private sector in the implementation of programs. The elaborated recommendations can be used by government bodies to improve the process of implementation of the State target programs, increase their efficiency and effectiveness. This, in turn, will contribute to the achievement of Ukraine’s strategic development goals. The key areas of reconstruction and recovery after the war are determined, which become the basis for the development of target programs. The authors consider various aspects of target program management, including monitoring mechanisms, performance evaluation and data-driven adjustment of strategies, systematization of the experience of using target programs as an instrument for post-war development and highlighting their impact on the sustainability of the country’s development in the context of post-war recovery.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kutsyk P. O., Boiko R. V.
Generalization of the Methodology of Analysis of Investment Processes in the Region (p. 106 - 114)

The article updates the issue of developing a methodology for analyzing investment activity and investment development at the regional level. The aim of the study is to generalize and further develop the methodological principles of analyzing investment processes at the regional level. It is proved that the analysis of investment processes in the region gives a more complex picture regarding the volumes, dynamics, structural characteristics and efficiency of investment activities in the regional economy. In general, in order to carry out a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the processes of development of investment activity and activity in the region, it is important to form a full-fledged regulatory and methodological support, consisting of approaches, methods and tools of analysis and diagnostics, as well as a system of indicators. It is established that the results of the analysis are conclusions regarding, on the one hand, the investment activity of economic entities, and, on the other hand, the quality of the regional investment policy. It has been proven that the regulatory and methodological support for the analysis of investment processes in the region consists of two blocks: (1) microeconomic, (2) macroeconomic. It is determined that the criterion of the first block is the ease (operational, cost-effectiveness, efficiency) of passing through the stages of the investment process, while the second block is the contribution (volume, structure, quality) of investments to the socioeconomic development of the region. It is substantiated that the introduction of the system of analysis of the investment environment at the regional level involves the following procedural stages: institutionalization of the practice of analysis; formation of resource support; identification of persons responsible for the analysis; consolidation of the system of indicators prepared by official statistics bodies; forming a database of experts; development of clear regulations for surveying and evaluating the characteristics of the investment environment; determination of procedures for "reaction" of authorities to the results of the analysis, publication of the results.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Muzychenko V. V.
Modern Problems of Financial Stability of Territories in the Context of Balanced Development (p. 114 - 124)

The problem of ensuring the financial sustainability of territories is relevant in conditions of economic instability. Balanced development of territories involves the efficient use of financial resources, support for entrepreneurial activity, and stability of local budgets. This article examines the contemporary problems of financial sustainability of territories and provides recommendations for their balanced development. The aim of the article is to identify problems of financial sustainability of territories and develop recommendations for their balanced development. The study analyzes the factors influencing the financial sustainability of the territories and identifies mechanisms for increasing the financial stability of the regions. The pivotal factor is the development of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), which create jobs and foster economic growth. Support for SMEs includes access to finance, administrative support and skills development for entrepreneurs. The provision of credit guarantees, the development of microfinancing and the support of venture capital can increase the financial sustainability of SMEs. Simplification of business registration procedures, reduction of regulatory barriers and transparency of the tax system contribute to the development of entrepreneurial activity. It is noted that from 2021 to 2023 the number of enterprises in the Kharkiv region fluctuated due to hostilities. This has had a significant impact on economic activity and the business climate in the region. The analysis of the number of individual entrepreneurs also reflects negative trends. Many entrepreneurs were forced to close their businesses or relocate them to other regions. The hostilities have had a significant negative impact on the economic situation in the Kharkiv region, which affects the overall financial sustainability of the region. This highlights the need to support businesses to recover financial sustainability. The continuation of financial programs to support SMEs will help strengthen the financial sustainability of the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Androshchuk I. O., Riedrieiev R. A.
The Conception of Local Economic Development as an Instrument for Sustainable Economic Growth of Territories: Ukrainian Aspect (p. 124 - 137)

The aim of this article is to study the conception of local economic development as an instrument for sustainable economic growth of territories in the context of decentralization, including the process of implementation of foreign experience of this conception in Ukrainian realities. The article analyzes modern theories of local economic development. An analysis of the definition of the concept of «local economic development», key elements and basic principles is carried out. The main barriers that hinder local economic development are noted, namely: financial and economic, innovative, social, environmental, political, lack of motivation and controlling system, as well as institutional barrier. The key risks characteristic of the general goals of local economic development are studied, including: risks of physical capital; risks associated with technological innovations; human capital risks; social capital risks, as well as risks related to the macroeconomic environment; risks related to the technological environment; ecological risks; risks associated with the cultural environment; infrastructure-related risks and political and legal risks. The key stakeholders of local economic development have been identified, which include: the government, local self-governments, non-profit organizations, business organizations, international organizations and the population. An analysis of the activities of stakeholders in the measurement of international trends is carried out. The advantages for the development of territories through the use of the conception of local economic development are substantiated. It is proved that the implementation of the conception of local economic development, taking into account the positive experience of foreign countries, will accelerate the development of the domestic economy and reduce the negative dynamics of destructive changes due to military aggression on the territory of Ukraine.

Article is written in English

Gonta O. I., Troian V. I.
Research of the Trends of Socioeconomic Development of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 138 - 144)

The article discusses the current trends in the socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine, which remains a critical problem, especially in the context of constant regional imbalances that impede the overall economic stability of the country. The decentralization process, which gave more autonomy to local governments, was expected to mitigate some of these imbalances. However, challenges such as the long-term war, the COVID-19 pandemic, and systemic infrastructure shortages have exacerbated the development gap between regions. Many regions continue to face obstacles related to investment attractiveness, innovation, and efficient use of resources, hindering their economic growth. Therefore, addressing these inequalities is essential to achieve sustainable national development and ensure social cohesion. The aim of this article is to analyze the main trends in the socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine and provide recommendations for addressing the existing challenges. The study aims to examine the factors that account for regional differences, assess the impact of decentralization reforms, and identify effective measures to promote balanced regional growth. The study also identifies critical infrastructure gaps that prevent regions from fully exploiting their economic potential. It is concluded that the achievement of balanced socioeconomic development of the regions of Ukraine requires purposeful State intervention and strengthening of interregional cooperation. The data obtained indicate the need to expand investment programs aimed at underdeveloped regions, improve infrastructure and support innovative industries. In addition, continuous optimization of the decentralization process is important, in particular in terms of increasing the transparency and efficiency of local governance. By focusing on these areas, Ukraine can reduce regional disparities, increase economic resilience, and promote sustainable, inclusive growth across the country. The article provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the current state of regional development in Ukraine and offers practical solutions for bridging the socioeconomic gap between regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tur O. V., Yeremieiev O. V.
Problems of Spatial Development of Ukrainian Regions in the Wartime Period (p. 240 - 246)

The aim of the article is to identify the problems of spatial development of the regions of Ukraine in the wartime period. The full-scale russian invasion provoked an aggravation of the problems of spatial development of the regions, as well as caused the emergence of new challenges related to the deterioration of the security component of the functioning of the territories of Ukraine. The security problems of the spatial development of the regions relate to the need to create decent conditions for people’s livelihoods, in particular peace. Full-scale russian aggression has exacerbated the need to solve security problems, which actualizes the need to consider the challenges of the wartime period. In this regard, it is expedient to outline the main challenges of the spatial development of the regions of Ukraine in order to differentiate approaches to their solution. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the problems of development of domestic territories in the wartime period in order to determine the key vectors of their future functioning. The article allocates such regional problems as population decline due to death of people and forced migration; negative changes in the labor market; deterioration of business conditions and relocation of enterprises. The consequences of the increase in the general and economic burden on the population of the western regions of Ukraine are studied, which consist, in particular, in the deformation of the internal labor market against the background of an increase in the supply of labor from internally displaced persons. A high probability of relocation of highly qualified specialists abroad and an increase in the need for specialists of a certain profile is noted. It is determined that such a feature of domestic regions in the wartime period as the coincidence of the beginning of the war with the pandemic of coronavirus disease requires the intensification of research on problem situations associated with the transition of crises of a certain origin into crises with other causes and nature of the development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Siuta S. B.
Methodological and Applied Principles of the State Policy of Ensuring the Economic Security of the Region (p. 247 - 252)

The article updates the issue of economic security management at the regional level. The aim of the research is to generalize the existing and develop new methodological and applied principles of the State policy of ensuring the economic security of the region. It is shown that the system of ensuring the economic security of the region is a specially created economic system designed to initiate, organize, implement and control the processes of guaranteeing the appropriate level of security and protection of the socioeconomic system of the region from external and internal challenges, risks and threats in the economic sphere. As a result of the generalization of the theoretical and methodological provisions, it was stated that the State policy of ensuring the economic security of the region should be interpreted as a purposeful activity of the power structures, which is implemented in accordance with the relevant principles and is aimed at achieving the desired state of the economic security of the region and the system of its provision in the form of institutional, organizational, economic and other subsystems, the mechanisms, tools and means of which are aimed at achieving a common goal, strategic and operational goals and objectives, which are based on the sustainable and structurally balanced development of the regional economy, its protection from challenges and threats, balancing and implementation of socioeconomic interests of the individual, society and the State (at the regional level). Clear differences between the concepts of the State policy of ensuring the economic security of the region and State administration and State regulation in this area have been identified. Based on these principles and as a result of the theoretical generalization of the provisions of the differentiation of State policy and strategic planning of the development of the regional economy, it was determined that the basic elements of managing the economic security of the region are the purpose, goals, principles, subjects of regulation and objects of influence, mechanisms, tools and means of implementation control.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Problems of Legislative Support of Spatial Development of the Territories of Ukraine in the Context of Modern Challenges and Threats (p. 118 - 128)

The security, success and efficiency of all Ukrainian territories without exception, especially in the context of Ukraine’s full-fledged sanguinary war, require, first of all, updating and adapting the legislative framework to modern positions and realities. Legislative support of spatial development in Ukraine is a constant process of change, improvement, search for the best practices of its implementation depending on the internal and external conditions of the country’s functioning. Response to challenges and threats that affect and determine the priorities of security, territorial, social, economic, environmental, and other sectoral policies for the development of territories (regions, communities, cities, etc.) and the country as a whole, determine the expediency and relevance of legislative changes characteristic of different time periods. Despite the breadth of the study of these issues in the scientific literature, the analysis of the current legislative framework on the spatial development of territories in Ukraine with the subsequent identification of existing problematic issues that need to be updated in the context of modern challenges and threats is still relevant. Striving for changes is impossible without establishing legislative relationships between the provisions of European integration, regional and recovery policies, both among themselves and with all sectoral policies, requires the development and implementation of generalized, complementary mechanisms and instruments for their joint implementation, which should ultimately become the legislative foundation for the future development of the country and its territories, in particular in the post-war period of recovery and reconstruction.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasyltsiv T. G., Lupak R. L., Mykytyn O. Z.
Challenges of Migration Losses of Youth and Instruments for Preserving the Intellectual and Personnel Potential for the Development of the Economy of the Lviv Region (p. 125 - 133)

The article reveals that as a result of the high migration activity of young people and the strengthening of structural imbalances and imbalances of the regional labor market in the Lviv region, the following threatening trends can be traced: growth of migration moods among the young population of the region, focused on moving and long-term stay, followed by a full-fledged arrangement of permanent life abroad; deepening problems with finding employment and increasing the level of unemployment among the young population in the labor market; dissemination of positive migration intentions of young people to work abroad; strengthening the educational and professional attitudes of young people regarding obtaining education abroad, including for reasons of inconsistency in the level and quality of education received; deepening the problem of low level of re-emigration intentions of young people in the region who went abroad; insufficient use of the potential of educational immigration to the region. The directions of the regional policy of preserving intellectual and human resources potential to support the functioning and development of the economy of the Lviv region include the following: improving the institutional basis for the implementation of the regional youth policy with a focus on improving the quality of personal life of young people and weakening their migration moods; strengthening the social protection of young people in combination with the improvement of the regional policy of employment of the young population; ensuring personal and professional development and strengthening the participation of young people in the implementation of regional educational and scientific policy; modernization of educational programs of local educational institutions in accordance with the requirements of the labor market; deepening cooperation and establishing effective interaction with young people abroad with encouraging them to return; development of a youth environment that stimulates the active participation of young people in the economic development of the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boiko R. V.
Investment Processes in the Regional Economy on the Example of Lviv Region: State and Problems (p. 134 - 140)

The article updates the issue of approbation of the methodology for analyzing investment activity and investment development at the regional level. The purpose of the article is to carry out an analysis, as well as to determine problematic aspects of the course of investment processes in the regional economy using the example of Lviv region. It is shown that Lviv region is characterized by a capacious internal market and a high level of development of the real sector, financial and credit and investment infrastructure, transport, logistics and trade systems, construction complex, educational, scientific and ICT potential, which both created the prerequisites and ensured the inflow of sufficient significant volumes of capital investment, as well as its placement in the branches of the real sector of the regional economy, productive areas and areas with a high level of added value, which characterizes the investment development of the region as sufficiently high. The shortcomings and weaknesses of the investment development of the region are identified. These include the presence of systemic defects in the investment climate of the region, low specific indicators of investments, low investment activity in sectors of the real sector of the economy with high added value, small investments in intangible assets in sectors that form human and innovative potential, critically small volumes of foreign investment, in particular direct, limited public, inter-municipal and cross-border investments, underdevelopment of the system of venture financing of investments in innovation. It is proved that a proactive and high-quality regional policy of realizing the investment potential of the region should be aimed at overcoming and leveling threats to the further development of investment processes in the region, namely such as the deterioration of the economic situation, stagnation of the production sphere, demographic crisis, depopulation of territories, loss of human capital, economy shadowing and withdrawal of capital from the country, high level of foreign migration activity of business, loss of basic components of innovative and technological potential, strengthening of structural and spatial disparities, branch and sectoral disintegration, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hubarieva I. O., Kolbasin Y. S., Filatova T. A., Yudenko Y. V., Perepelitsyn H. B.
Identification of Timber Industry Clusters in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 140 - 154)

The timber industry complex, as a promising export-oriented segment of the Ukrainian economy, has a fairly significant potential, which is not inferior to most developed European countries. At present, combining immense number of types of economic activity, it is considered promising not only in terms of intensifying export opportunities for domestic industrialists, in particular manufacturers of furniture of a wide range, but also in terms of increasing the growth rate of the domestic market. The key reasons hindering the development of the timber industry of Ukraine are the following: low interconnection of forestry and timber processing industry; low technological level; weak innovation activity; low efficiency of forest resources use; high level of corruption. The article aims at developing theoretical and methodological support for the identification of clusters of the timber industry complex of Ukraine. The sequence of identification of existing and prospective clusters of the timber industry complex in the regions of Ukraine includes several stages. At the first stage, the scale and significance of the timber industry of the country’s regions is assessed, followed by their positioning in the matrix in the plane of the corresponding coordinates. According to the second stage, an assessment of the volume of timber export and forest cover of the territories of the regions of Ukraine is carried out, followed by their positioning in the matrix in the coordinates «volume of timber export – forest cover of the territory». It is found that a number of regions with an average level of timber exported in the pre-war period, including Chernivtsi, Vinnytsia, Sumy, Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy and Luhansk regions, as well as territories with a high level of forest cover – Zakarpattia and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, looked promising in the development of their own timber industry. The third stage involves assessing the ratio of exports of manufacturing economic activities of the region’s timber industry to the volume of exports of the region and the country, followed by positioning in the matrix in the plane of «the ratio of exports of manufacturing products of the timber industry of the region to the volume of exports of the region and the country as a whole». At the fourth stage, the identification of existing and prospective clusters of timber industry in the regions of the country is carried out and the directions of their development are determined. According to the generalized characterization of all components of the timber industry of the regions of Ukraine, as the most promising are identified the cluster structures that actually operate or can be created in almost all regions of the Carpathians and Polissia. Kyiv region also has a high potential. The average level of potential in the development of timber industry can be noted in Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Chernivtsi regions of Ukraine. It is found that the priority areas of development of existing and prospective clusters in the relevant regions of Ukraine in the post-war period are such types of economic activity of the manufacturing industry of the timber industry as wood processing and production of wood and cork products; production of paper and paper products; printing activity; furniture production.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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