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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 338.28:656.6
Terentieva O. V.
Main Components of the Mechanism of Ensuring Anti-crisis Activity at an Enterprise (p. 311 - 316)

The study of processes of anti-crisis activity and actions of their ensuring allows finding out significant discrepancies at the notional level in the aspect of methods and mechanisms of fulfilment of works. That is why, interpretation of the “economic mechanism” notion is clarified and own understanding of the “mechanism of anti-crisis activity” and “mechanism of ensuring anti-crisis activity” notions is proposed. On this basis the article holds that this mechanism of ensuring enterprise anti-crisis activity should consist of interconnected elements, which should be properly arranged. Based on the tasks, which this mechanism should perform, the article offers its organisational structure that includes economic, personnel, information-communicative, organisation-regulatory, legal, technical-technological, and social elements. The article presents specific characteristics of each of the mechanism elements. Thus, according to the author, the economic component should increase efficiency of its functioning and increase the level of employees income and also ensure growth of rates and scales of formation of own profit; personnel component should increase efficiency of use of labour resources and also ensure their quantitative, professional, qualification and intellectual growth; information-communicative should create conditions for satisfying information needs of the enterprise managerial bodies under unstable conditions of functioning and ensure transfer of information between individuals and their groups; organisation-regulatory should create conditions for rational and regulated interaction of all components of the anti-crisis activity; legal should carry out regulation of relations at an enterprise and outside its walls on the basis of totality of legal acts and rules; technical-technological should create conditions for non-stop functioning of technical means, which are used in anti-crisis activity; social component should direct the whole system of management at ensuring social needs of employees and also members of their families and public groups (communities).
Keywords: mechanism, ensuring, crisis, activity, anti-crisis
Bibl.: 20.

Terentieva Olena V. – Assistant, Department of Business Economy, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Terentieva, Olena V. (2014) “Main Components of the Mechanism of Ensuring Anti-crisis Activity at an Enterprise.” Business Inform 5:311–316.

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