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Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy
UDC 330.113.4
Starovierov I. A.
Historical and Economic Factors That Form Modern Macro-economic Instability (p. 48 - 51)

The goal of the article is detection and consideration of the cause-effect relation that resulted in the modern macro-economic instability. The article considers and analyses causes of appearance of the current world economic situation. It shows the cause-effect relation of the current global economic processes. It takes into account the geopolitical component of the global economy. Which means it takes into account influence of interests of global players upon the common planetary economic environment. Special attention is paid to the main functional detail of the modern economy – money. The article considers and analyses the way of establishment of the global money unit – from US Dollar to FRS Dollar. Which means it clearly shows the way of the Dollar from the backed currency in the past to the modern non-backed currency – not standardised and not supported with anything. Namely this feature of the modern money – virtual value – allows their redundant issue with respect to real values, goods and services, equivalent of which, in fact, they are. And if the money supply, especially the global means of payment, might not correlate with the real situation and might not be a state banknote, the misuse is inevitable. In this connection the article describes and demonstrates the historical and economic way of establishment of this phenomenon. A conclusion and forecast are made with respect to tendencies of development of the modern global economic system.
Keywords: global economy, macro-economic instability, historical and economic factors, economic mechanism, geopolitical environment
Bibl.: 8.

Starovierov Iurii A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (2 Frometivska Str., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Starovierov, Iurii A. (2014) “Historical and Economic Factors That Form Modern Macro-economic Instability.” Business Inform 5:48–51.

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