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Section: Economic Theory
UDC 338.22
Bielikova N. V.
Problems of Determining the Nature of the Economic Reforms (p. 8 - 13)

Critical analysis of the domestic and foreign experience of transformation suggests that economic reforms can be carried out with errors and encourage deterioration of the current situation. This is due to the lack of a common interpretation of the essence of the concept of "economic reform" and the continuing debate about the nature of the reforms. The purpose of this paper is to develop a uniform definition of a scientific approach to economic reforms that will improve the efficiency of government decisions in planning and promoting economic and social development of the country and its regions. This paper summarizes the basic theories and concepts to study the process of reforming the economy, such as the theory of comparative studies, transitology, transition economy, the theory of reforms (general) etc; the basic ideas and possible use of these theories in the process of reforming the economy were highlighted. Factors determining the direction, structure and sequence of reforming the country's economy and its regions: global patterns of economic development, state-specific issues, the external problem of choice of strategic priorities for economic development. For a more complete disclosure of the concept of the term "reform" the work focuses on the transformation of the pattern of the economy: the reform – a system of measures embodied in concrete projects, which allows you to change one or more components of the model of the economy of the country and its regions. The link between the characteristics of the process of reforming the economic model of the country and its regions was proven, which helped to clarify the concept of "reform" and complement the existing literature characteristics of the process of reforming the model of the economy of the country and its regions, to justify a scientific approach to the problem of the study of reforms based on their appropriateness and coordination.
Keywords: reform, economic and social development, economic model, reform, the region
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 13.

Bielikova Nadiia V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Academic secretary, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Bielikova, Nadiia V. (2014) “Problems of Determining the Nature of the Economic Reforms.” Business Inform 10:8–13.

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