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Section: Investment Processes
UDC 336.531:330.341.1
Yablonska-Agu N. L.
A Methodological Approach to Establishing Investment Strategies for the Innovation Activities of Enterprises (p. 90 - 94)

The article is concerned with developing a methodological approach to establishing investment strategies for the innovation activities of enterprises according to their investment attraction and the innovativeness of investment proposals. The article proposes to perform selection and formation of the investment strategies for innovation activities of enterprises using the matrix, the axes of which are manifestations of the investment attractiveness of enterprises and the innovative level of an investment project proposals. In accordance with defined boundaries of the quality intervals of these two manifestations, nine quadrants of the matrix have been allocated, in which, as proposed by the author, investment strategies in accordance with the following classification attributes can be allocated: implementability of the selected strategies, methods of investing, investment attractiveness of enterprise, the innovative level of an investment project, combining the investment attractiveness of enterprise and the innovativeness of an investment project. The main stages of a methodological approach to establishing investment strategies for the innovation activity of enterprise have been allocated, which include: substantiation and selection of indicators of the investment attractiveness of enterprise together with the innovation level of an investment project, positioning enterprises on the basis of the indicators' values in the matrix of strategies, prognosing the position of enterprise for a certain period, making the managerial decisions on implementation of the selected strategy in accordance with the quadrant of the matrix, in which the enterprise will be allocated after implementation of the prediction calculations of its coordinates.
Keywords: investment strategy, innovation activity, investment attractiveness of enterprise, innovative level of the investment project proposals, classification of investment strategies, matrix of investment strategies
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Yablonska-Agu Nataliya L. – Junior Researcher, Scientific and Research Sector, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Yablonska-Agu, Nataliya L. (2016) “A Methodological Approach to Establishing Investment Strategies for the Innovation Activities of Enterprises.” Business Inform 6:90–94.

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