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Section: Economics of Transport and Communications
UDC 338.242.2
Tardaskina T. M., Manko M. P.
The OTT Service Providers' Influence on the Activities of the Mobile Communications Operators in Ukraine (p. 91 - 96)

The article is concerned with studying the development of OTT services and their influence on activities of the mobile communications operators in Ukraine. The article considers the so far largely unexplored in Ukraine topic of the OTT providers' influence on the mobile communications operators in Ukraine, identifies causes of the negative influence and elaborates the model of conduct of the mobile communications operators in the competition environment. On the basis of the foreign experience we have studied, causes of customers choice for the OTT services have been identified, the factors that influence the spread of the OTT services among users of mobile services have been discussed in detail. Possible strategies of the conduct of the mobile communications operators toward the OTT providers have been provided, their advantages and disadvantages for the Ukrainian mobile communications operators have been identified. The Ukrainian experience in use of the provided strategies, in particular development of the own OTT service BiP by the mobile communications operator «Lifecell», has been considered. Promising directions for further research are developing and improving strategies for development of the mobile communication operators in the face of growing competition from the part of the OTT providers, searching options for an effective cooperation with the OTT providers and building the mutually beneficial relations.
Keywords: OTT service, mobile communication operator, Messenger, OTT provider, strategy
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 12.

Tardaskina Tetiana M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Manko Marina P. – Applicant, Department of Management and Marketing, Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications named after O. S. Popov (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Tardaskina, Tetiana M., and Manko, Marina P. (2016) “The OTT Service Providers' Influence on the Activities of the Mobile Communications Operators in Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:91–96.

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