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Section: Globalization Processes in the Economy
UDC 331.5
Naumova M. A.
The Impact of Global Challenges on the Functioning of Labor Market (p. 40 - 49)

At any stage of the country’s socio-economic development, labor market is the most sensitive indicator of changing market conditions, a rapid response to the manifestations of macro-economic instability and turbulence of economy. Therefore, one of the priorities of the State policy in the sphere of employment of the population is the analysis and forecasting the status of labor market in the period of significant shifts in its established tendencies related to the rapid pace of globalization of the worldwide economy. The article is aimed at analyzing the impact of global challenges and the related risks on both the world and the national labor markets, defining the appropriate directions of the State policy and economic conditions for its effective functioning during the period of macro-economic instability. The topical global challenges influencing the current functioning and trajectories of development of both the worldwide and the national labor markets are systematized. The list of risks faced by the Ukrainian economy is provided. The directions of the State policy together with conditions for efficient adaptation of the population and economy of Ukraine in the period of macro-economic instability connected with the newest problems of mankind are formulated. The technologies, professions and skills that be most in demand in the future and be able to radically change the appearance of the world business in the coming years, are indicated and their advantages and the related problems are considered.
Keywords: global challenges, globalization, industrial revolution, socio-economic instability, labor market.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 21.

Naumova Maryna A. – Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (21 600-richchia Str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Naumova, Maryna A. (2019) “The Impact of Global Challenges on the Functioning of Labor Market.” Business Inform 1:40–49.

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