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The Participation Budget as an Effective Instrument for the Development of Territorial Community, Example of the City of Lviv
Kruhliakova V. V., Zhovtiak K. V., Kolisnyk M. I.

Kruhliakova, Vira V., Zhovtiak, Kateryna V., and Kolisnyk, Mariia I. (2020) “The Participation Budget as an Effective Instrument for the Development of Territorial Community, Example of the City of Lviv.” Business Inform 4:370–376.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article takes into consideration the essence and importance of public participation in the budget process. The participation budget is defined as one of the most effective instruments for the development of territorial communities. The history of the emergence of the participation budgeting in the world and its introduction in Ukraine is analyzed. The key points and principles on which the participation budget is based are considered. The main stages of implementation of the participation budget are allocated. The participation budget has been defined as one of the most effective means of interaction between the government and the public. It is defined how the participation budget contributes to the transparency of the budgetary process and enhancement of public awareness and engagement. The participation budget is a guarantee of trust between the government and the population. The article analyzes the impact of the introduction of the practice of the participation budgeting on various areas of public life, i.e., economic, social, political and cultural. It is pointed out the need for a systematic analysis of the indicators of public budgets and their dynamics from the moment of introduction of the idea of community participation in the budget process and up to the present day. The statistics of planning and implementation of public budgets on the example of the city of Lviv in 2016–2019 as one of the most successful in terms of community participation in the budget process is considered and analyzed. The specifics of planning, implementation and organization of public projects of the city of Lviv have been defined. The main advantages and disadvantages of the practice of involving the public in the budget process at the local level are identified. The need to improve the mechanism of planning and implementation of the participation budget is substantiated. The main problems arising during the planning and implementation phase of public projects are specified. Possible options for improving the practice of the participation budgeting in Ukraine are proposed.

Keywords: participation budget, territorial community, participation budgeting, budget process, public project.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Kruhliakova Vira V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Financial Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Zhovtiak Kateryna V. – Master, Department of Financial Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kolisnyk Mariia I. – Student, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Berdanova, O. V. et al. “Upravlinnia rozvytkom obiednanykh terytorialnykh hromad na zasadakh hromadskoi uchasti“ [Management of the Development of United Territorial Communities on the Basis of Public Participation]. Kyiv, 2017.Управління-розвитком-ОТГ.pdf
Syzonenko, O. “Biudzhet uchasti v systemi publichnykh finansiv“ [Budget for Participation in the Public Finance System]. Svit finansiv. 2019.
Kyrylenko, O., and Chaikovska, I. “Perspektyvy zaprovadzhennia biudzhetu uchasti v Ukraini na osnovi zarubizhnoho dosvidu“ [Prospects for the Introduction of a Budget for Participation in Ukraine Based on Foreign Experience]. Visnyk TNEU. 2015.Кириленко.pdf
Hlushchenko, Yu. A. “Partytsypatornyi biudzhet yak innovatsiinyi instrument upravlinnia na mistsevomu rivni“ [Participatory Budget as an Innovative Management Tool at the Local Level]. Visnyk NADU pry Prezydentovi Ukrainy. 2017.
“Hromadskyi proiekt. Lviv. Rozdil «statystyka»“ [Public Project. Lviv. Section "Statistics"].
Leshchuk, H. V. “Teoretyko-prykladni aspekty planuvannia ta realizatsii hromadskykh proiektiv“ [Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Planning and Implementation of Public Projects]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. 2019.


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