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Omnichannelty as a Marketing Instrument to Ensure the Competitiveness of Trading Enterprises
Shymko O. V.

Shymko, Olha V. (2022) “Omnichannelty as a Marketing Instrument to Ensure the Competitiveness of Trading Enterprises.” Business Inform 1:462–468.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is concerned with studying the peculiarities of omnichannelty as a specific marketing strategy that allows to form the resource, technological, innovative, partnership, competitive advantages and take a stable competitive position in the market and, as the experience of developed countries shows, is a real mechanism for the successful development of trading enterprises in the context of digitalization of the economy, changes in consumer behavior and growing uncertainty of the external environment. The economic essence of omnichannelty as an integrated system of sales channels is disclosed. The author systematizes and expands approaches to its interpretation as one of the tools for managing the trade process, sales model, marketing sales strategy, means of integrated communication, directly integrated marketing, marketing instrument for ensuring competitive advantages. The main trends, problems and prospects for the development of omnichannel trade in the consumer market are considered. The concept of mono-, multi- and omnichannel trade is examined, attention is focused on their differences. The factors contributing to the development of omnichannel sales in retail trade are identified. The advantages and risks of implementation of the omnichannel strategy in the activities of domestic trading enterprises are determined. The main directions of transformation of business processes of retail companies and the business model of offline stores under the conditions of introduction of instant marketing are characterized. Prospects for further research are determined as follows: study of the mechanism and instruments for the formation of information-communication support for the process of managing the omnichannel sales in order to provide feedback in the planning, control and adjustment processes.

Keywords: retail trade, retail network, sales channels, offline trade, online trade, multichannel integration, omnichannel marketing.

Bibl.: 15.

Shymko Olha V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities (4 Academik Stepan Demianchuk Str., Rivne, 33027, Ukraine)
Email: volodya217@

List of references in article

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“E-commerce worldwide - statistics & facts“.


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