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From Result to Efficiency: The Socioeconomic Context of Improvement of Priority Development Territories
Martynovych N. O.

Martynovych, Nataly O. (2022) “From Result to Efficiency: The Socioeconomic Context of Improvement of Priority Development Territories.” Business Inform 4:65–74.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The position of Ukraine on the world stage is determined by regional development, which increases the saturation and relevance of regional topic in scientific economic research. The acquisition of economic independence by the regions causes the need for reassessment of their position and place in the economic space. One of the instruments for improving the efficiency of regional development is the creation of priority development territories (PDT), which is based on special economic and legal regimes facilitating the intensification of investment activities, the creation of additional jobs, upgrading the standard of living of the population, the profitability of business entities, the completeness of local budgets, etc. The research is directed towards substantiating the theoretical and methodological principles and developing conceptual approaches to the efficiency of PDT development. The theoretical basis constituted the scientific works of domestic and foreign authors. In the process of research, the historical and logical method of general scientific cognition, system approach, analysis, induction, deduction were used. Generalization of different scientific points of view regarding the concepts of «result», «effect», «effectiveness», «efficiency» allowed to conclude that they have significant differences. It was observed that in modern science the issues of delimitation of these categories are debatable. In this regard, the subordination of the result, effect, effectiveness and efficiency is outlined. The author’s vision of the essence of socioeconomic efficiency of the territories of priority development is proposed, which means the state of social and economic conditions, as well as territorial disparities in development before and after the introduction of special economic and legal regimes. The author’s approach allows to expand the scientific vision of the essence and content of efficiency in contemporary realities. The conceptual provisions presented in the article form the basis for further systematization of the indicators of the result and content of effectiveness of improvement of priority development territories, which, in turn, be included in the basis of the methodology for assessing the efficiency of the development of PDT.

Keywords: result, effect, effectiveness, efficiency, improvement of priority development territories.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 50.

Martynovych Nataly O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Interregional Cooperation, V. Mamutov Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the NAS of Ukraine (office no. 323 2 Marii Kapnist Str., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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