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Bringing New Cosmetic Products to the Market: The Experience of the International Company L’Oreal Group Firsova S. H.
Firsova, Svitlana H. (2023) “Bringing New Cosmetic Products to the Market: The Experience of the International Company L’Oreal Group.” Business Inform 10:419–426.
Section: Management and Marketing
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UDC 658.8:339.1
Abstract: The aim of the article is to summarize the experience of an international company – the world leader in the perfumery and cosmetics industry – on the applied aspects of an effective combination of innovation activities and the introduction in practice of a comprehensive step-by-step system of managerial decision-making on the introduction of new products to the market. The article examines the effective combination of marketing and innovation activities in the L’Or?al Group, summarizes the practical experience of applying the strategy of diversification of the brand portfolio in the L’Or?al Group to develop and introduce new products to the market. It is proved that diversification is carried out in the assortment, geographical, distribution directions, allowing to create a unique model of research and innovation in the cosmetic industry, in which the main developments and research are carried out in research centers located in different parts of the world. It is noted that in research activities, L’Or?al Group experts are especially vigilant in five areas: human health, environmental protection, ethics, fair trade, and attention to the social and public impact of innovations, which creates an additional image advantage of the company over competitors. As a result of the study, it is determined that the organizational structure of the international company L’Or?al Group is built on the basis of allocation of four main subdivisions: consumer products; professional products; active cosmetics; luxury products, that creates unique competitive advantages for the company when introducing new products to the market. It is proved that a hundred years of experience in the commercialization of innovations, intensive activities on updating existing products and developing new ones have made it possible to create in the international company L’Or?al Group a step-by-step standardized plan for the launch of new products, which is used by each subdivision of the company, in each of its branches. It is substantiated that a clear step-by-step process of introducing new products to the market, taking into account both global trends in the formation of consumer demand and regional features of meeting consumer needs in each country, is a carefully planned complex process, in which the leading departments of the company play their role at a certain stage.
Keywords: new cosmetic products, perfume & cosmetics industry, market introduction of new products, consumer needs, international company.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 12.
Firsova Svitlana H. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management of Innovation and Investment, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (60 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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L'Oreal France.
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