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Models of Intersectoral Interaction in the Sphere of Entertainment in the Context of the Network Economy Tereshchenko Y. O.
Tereshchenko, Yuliia O. (2023) “Models of Intersectoral Interaction in the Sphere of Entertainment in the Context of the Network Economy.” Business Inform 12:208–214.
Section: Economics of Trade and Services
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Abstract: The article discusses the issues of intersectoral interaction both in Ukraine and in the world to determine the prospects for its development in the context of the network economy. It is proved that the level of development of the entertainment industry is an important indicator of the socioeconomic situation. It is found that there is a traditional approach to determining the composition of participants in the entertainment industry, according to which it includes enterprises whose main activity is aimed at meeting human needs in entertainment, impressive events, sports and cultural-educational institutions. However, this approach does not take into account the close relationship between the entertainment industry and other sectors of the economy, because there is a certain interdependence between their development. The current trends in the development of the entertainment industry in Ukraine and in the world are considered. The major ones are globalization, digitalization and intersectoral cooperation. The circumstances influencing the creation of network organizational structures in the sphere of entertainment are analyzed, namely: active development of information technologies; growth in the pace of sales of products and services; dynamism of the external environment, etc. The article indicates relevance of inquiries with the help of modern means of collecting and analyzing information related to the entertainment industry in times of crisis. The relevance of the entertainment sector for Ukrainian society with slight deviations in seasonality and a significant decline in activity at the beginning of the full-scale military invasion is proved. Based on the results of the study, a classification of models of relationships according to the level of impact on the entertainment industry has been developed. Three main levels have been identified: the level of the entertainment industry, the level of the creative economy, and the level of the service sector in general. On their basis, three models of intersectoral interaction in the field of entertainment have been developed: integrated, network and outsourcing models. The results of this study are the creation of the subject field of the entertainment industry, as well as the development on its basis of models of intersectoral interaction in the entertainment sector. In addition, further directions of research in the entertainment industry are outlined for a future more detailed analysis of the effectiveness of the presented models in the development of the entertainment industry.
Keywords: entertainment industry, service sector, creative industries, outsourcing, integration, networking.
Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 12.
Tereshchenko Yuliia O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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