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Bioeconomy as a Complex System of Ensuring the Country’s Sustainable Development Vostriakova V. I.
Vostriakova, Viktoriia I. (2023) “Bioeconomy as a Complex System of Ensuring the Country’s Sustainable Development.” Business Inform 1:167–177.
Section: Management and Marketing
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Abstract: Bioeconomy is a complex economic system, the functioning of which leads to the emergence of a synergy effect due to the effective combination of natural resources and technologies along with the market-based, social, and political components. In a bioeconomic system, established links are formed between traditional industries based on the use of fossil natural resources and modern ones that have not previously intersected. As a result, one industry uses by-products of another industry as raw materials, thus forming a closed production cycle. The purpose of the article is to develop an author’s vision of the conceptual foundations to substantiate the sustainability of the bioeconomic system, taking into account its specific characteristics, modern challenges and potential of the country. The article reveals the features of transformations of socioeconomic systems into a complex adaptive bioeconomic system in a dynamic perspective. The complexity and complicacy of transformation management lies in the relationship and interaction of the elements of the system, as well as between the very system and its environment. A theoretical analysis of the evolution of the concept of «bioeconomy» is carried out and its basic properties are determined. The interpretation of the bioeconomy as a complex adaptive system that ensures the achievement of sustainable development goals is substantiated. Based on empirical data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the European Commission, potential sectors of the bioeconomic sector of Ukraine have been identified, and the dynamics of the contribution of potential sectors of Ukraine’s economy to the national economy has been analyzed according to the main indicators: generation of value added and creation of jobs. Based on the theoretical and analytical research, it is proved that bioeconomy, as a complex system combining several sectors of the economy, can adapt to changes occurring in the environment.
Keywords: conception, bioeconomic transformation, value added, sustainable development, system.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 36.
Vostriakova Viktoriia I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Enterprise Economics and Production Management, Vinnytsia National Technical University (95 Khmelnytske Chss, Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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