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Motive as a Managerial Basis of the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation from the Standpoint of the State Development Strategiology
Karpinskyi B. A., Karpinska O. B.

Karpinskyi, Borys A., and Karpinska, Olena B. (2023) “Motive as a Managerial Basis of the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation from the Standpoint of the State Development Strategiology.” Business Inform 2:6–15.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.2:336.02:351.71

The purpose of the article is to elaborate scientific views on the motives that become a modern strategiologic trend in the development of the State, manifested through the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation (SBPN) with its dominants: qualitative; and quantitative (tax-based). It is allocated and substantiated that the motives have their own characteristic hierarchical nature within the system of manifestation of SBPN and in the strategiology of development, since they are oriented towards a particular person or the State as a whole. It is emphasized that in order to select and analyze in detail the manifestation of characteristic motives as to the issues under consideration, it is necessary to carry out a gradation regarding the classification of citizens according to the fundamental provisions of sociology, in particular through subcultures (that is, groups of people who recognize a certain system of values and are united according to certain social characteristics). It is proved that SBPN represents all that the people in general and every citizen in particular do in the interests of creating an independent, sovereign, civilized State. It is noted that taxes are a quantitative feature and a measure of the motive-actual SBPN to specify the real participation (current and future) of taxpayers in the formation of the financial component of life provision and further development of the State. It is through a purposeful strategiologic activation of the motiveness of SBPN, changing only by 1% the level of shadowing of the world economy, that it is possible to provide up to $ 350 billion of additional tax revenues to the State budget. It is emphasized that the motive and strategic issues of the formation of SBPN should be in the field of view of managers and undergo a specific discussion through large international institutions, in particular through consideration in the United Nations Organisation, since only joint actions can activate the motiveness of State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation at the world level and, among other things, to ensure the effectiveness of additional tax revenues, even reducing the cost of their administration through a real understanding of the participation of each citizen in the creation of his State along with increasing his law-abidingness and patriotic-motive manifestation through dominants.

Keywords: motive, management, the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation, the State, strategiology, development, economy, taxes.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 33.

Karpinskyi Borys A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Public Administration and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Karpinska Olena B. – Candidate of Sciences (Law), Lawyer, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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