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 The Banking Sector in the Space of Influence of the VUCA Environment on Stability Zhezherun Y. V.
Zhezherun, Yuliia V. (2023) “The Banking Sector in the Space of Influence of the VUCA Environment on Stability.” Business Inform 5:167–175.
Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
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Abstract: The article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of maintaining financial stability of the banking sector under the influence of destructive factors of the VUCA environment. The analysis of publications allowed us to identify the essence of the concept of the VUCA environment and systematize its main components. It is substantiated that the VUCA environment causes a cumulative process as a source and material carrier of economic development, responsible for its undulating nature. As a result of the study, it was proved that the VUCA environment is characterized by chaotic changes that are not associated with economic cycles. At this, the latter are able to accelerate as a result of the impact of digital technologies and the VUCA environment on GDP. It is revealed that the use of digital technologies ensures the timeliness of information, helps to identify new problems in terms of risk and control, improves understanding of what may go wrong, sharpens foresight regarding the appropriate response strategy. The article systematizes the views of the main economic schools on the factors of financial instability. It is proposed to consider the factors of instability of the banking sector and systemic risks through the prism of VUCA in order to assess the capabilities of banks to withstand systemic risks. The essence banking risks is determined and the structure of these risks is systematized in the form of a matrix on the basis of taking into account the features of quantitative or qualitative assessment and sources of their production. The systemic risks in the composition of external financial risks as the most dangerous for the functioning of the banking sector have been allocated. Prospects for further research in this direction are to identify the peculiarities of ensuring financial stability of the banking sector under the influence of digital transformations on this process.
Keywords: VUCA environment, financial stability, digital transformations, cyclicity, banking risks.
Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 28.
Zhezherun Yuliia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Information Technology and Law, Cherkasy branch of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (164 V. Chornovola Str., Cherkasy, 18028, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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