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The Efficiency of the Social Protection System in Ukraine During the Wartime
Khoroshev M. І.

Khoroshev, Maksym І. (2024) “The Efficiency of the Social Protection System in Ukraine During the Wartime.” Business Inform 10:268–277.

Section: Labour economics and social policy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the socioeconomic situation in Ukraine in the context of the full-scale war launched in February 2022. The military conflict has caused significant socioeconomic changes, including a drop in production capacity, a reduction in investment, the destruction of infrastructure, as well as the deepening of social inequality and emigration processes. The article examines four main aspects of the socioeconomic impact of the war: economic consequences, social changes, infrastructure restoration, and impact on social services. The economic consequences of the war are characterized by a sharp decline in gross domestic product (GDP), rising unemployment and declining incomes. In addition, the war has led to a significant increase in public spending on defense and reconstruction, which has created additional challenges for the country’s financial stability. Social changes cause mass displacement of the population, in particular internally displaced persons and refugees, which has caused an additional burden on the social protection system. The war also negatively affected the psychological state of citizens, causing an increase in the level of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders. An important component of the country’s recovery is the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure, including housing, industrial facilities and social institutions. Assessing the scale of destruction and the pace of reconstruction work is an important task to determine the next steps in the reconstruction of the country. Social services, in particular health care and education, have undergone significant changes under the influence of the war, which has led to the need to adapt them to new conditions. The study is based on the analysis of official statistical sources, sociological surveys and focus groups, which allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the socioeconomic consequences of the war in Ukraine. The use of quantitative and qualitative methods provides a detailed approach to the study of both demographic and social changes occurring under the influence of war. The study makes it possible to formulate recommendations to mitigate the negative effects of the war, support economic recovery and ensure social stability in the long term. The relevance of the topic lies in the need for an integrated approach to understanding socioeconomic processes during the wartime, which will allow developing strategies for the recovery and further development of Ukraine.

Keywords: full-scale war, unemployment, internally displaced persons, social spending.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 32.

Khoroshev Maksym І. – Postgraduate Student, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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