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Modern Market Infrastructure: High-Tech Clusters, Strategic Alliances, Greening
Krysovatyy I. A.

Krysovatyy, Ihor A. (2024) “Modern Market Infrastructure: High-Tech Clusters, Strategic Alliances, Greening.” Business Inform 10:80–87.

Section: Innovative Processes

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UDC 332:334

Modern market infrastructure is an important element of economic development, which contributes to increasing the competitiveness of national economies in a globalized world. This article discusses the key components of modern market infrastructure, in particular, high-tech clusters, strategic alliances, and greening of business processes. High-tech clusters act as centers of innovation and development, uniting enterprises, scientific institutions and government agencies to achieve common goals. Strategic alliances, in turn, allow companies to leverage the synergy of their resources, reducing risks and costs, which is especially important in the face of rapid changes in the market. Greening, as an integral part of modern business strategy, not only responds to the challenges of climate change, but also opens up new opportunities for the development of sustainable business models. High-tech clusters play a central role in shaping the innovation environment. By concentrating resources, talent and knowledge within a single geographical space, such clusters stimulate cooperation between enterprises, scientific institutions and investment funds. In the face of constant global competition, strategic alliances are becoming key tools for companies seeking to adapt to changing market conditions. Cooperation with other enterprises allows not only to exchange experience and knowledge, but also to implement joint projects, reducing costs and risks. An important component of strategic alliances is flexibility in decision-making and the ability to adapt to new conditions, which is especially important in the field of technology and innovation. Greening of business processes is becoming an integral part of the modern market infrastructure. Doing business sustainably not only responds to the challenges of environmental challenges, but also contributes to the creation of new markets and opportunities for growth. Businesses that implement environmental innovations not only increase their reputation, but also attract new customers who value environmental responsibility. The introduction of sustainable practices becomes a competitive advantage, allowing companies to stand out from rivals. The analysis of modern market infrastructure through the prism of high-tech clusters, strategic alliances and greening shows that innovative approaches and cooperation are becoming the main drivers of economic growth.

Keywords: urbanism, urban region, innovation, innovation activity, digitalization, digital technologies, digital economy, high-tech market, inclusion, social development, high technologies, innovation parks, urbanization, smart technologies, smart cities, transformational changes, innovative changes, development.

Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 22.

Krysovatyy Ihor A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade, West Ukrainian National University (11 Lvivska Str., Ternopil, 46009, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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