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Innovations in Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis
Vinnikova V. V., Vinnikova V. A.

Vinnikova, Viktoriia V., and Vinnikova, Valentyna A. (2024) “Innovations in Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis.” Business Inform 3:109–116.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article presents the results of a study on the problems of innovation in public administration. For this purpose, the dynamics of publications on the subject of innovations in public administration, the activity of publications with account of educational institutions are analyzed; the researchers who have published the largest number of papers have been identified; clustering has been carried out and the main directions of research have been identified for each of the clusters of publications on the subject of innovations in the field of public administration. The study was carried out using bibliometric and cluster analysis based on the data of the OpenAlex scientometric database, using the WOSviewer program. As a result of the analysis of publication activity and the thematic direction of the publications, the relevance and significance of the issues of innovation in public administration are justified, a wide range of opportunities for further research and practical application in this direction is identified. Based on a study of 1398 articles from 2015–2023, it is concluded that there is a stable interest of the scientific community in the issues of innovation in the field of public administration. The results of the carried out analysis showed the active participation of universities and scientists in the study of the problems of innovation in public administration. It is specified that the topics of the articles include consideration of issues of co-creation in the public sector, joint innovative developments of economic entities of the both private and public sectors, motivation of civil servants. It is shown that the problems of innovation in the sphere of public administration are of multiaspectual nature. Nine thematic clusters have been identified, covering a wide range of issues, including data management, strategic management, and citizen involvement in social initiatives. A significant number of publications and the active use of terms related to digital technologies have testified to the high relevance of digitalization in the field of public administration.

Keywords: innovations, public administration, bibliometric analysis, cluster.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 16.

Vinnikova Viktoriia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Business and Administration, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Vinnikova Valentyna A. – Associate Professor, Department of Management, Business and Administration, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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