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Methodological Approaches to Assessing the Socioeconomic Resilience of Systems
Leshchukh I. V.

Leshchukh, Iryna V. (2024) “Methodological Approaches to Assessing the Socioeconomic Resilience of Systems.” Business Inform 8:13–24.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article analyzes the methodological approaches available in the scientific discussion to assess the socioeconomic resilience of systems. The study is based on a review of the literature, including the analysis of scientific articles and works on resilience, socioeconomic components of this conception and indexing of resilience. Approaches to assessing socioeconomic resilience offered by research foundations and international organizations, such as the Peace Foundation, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the Rockefeller Foundation, FM Global, and the Institute for the Study of the Future-Oriented Economy, are analyzed. It is stated that in the scientific literature, as well as in the research materials of analytical organizations, socioeconomic resilience is considered as a multifaceted concept and is assessed mainly by the index method. At this, different researchers use different sets of input parameters to calculate resistance indices, but the stages of their formation remain very similar. The advantages and disadvantages of using the index method in assessing the socioeconomic resilience of the system are shown. In particular, these are: 1) advantages: easy comparison of different quantities that are preliminarily converted into a single scale, which is especially useful when the data have different units of measurement or scales; the ability to present data clearly, which provides an easier communication with others; the ability to track changes over time, compare the results of different systems using standardized parameters; 2) disadvantages: indices do not always reflect all aspects or details that may be important for analysis (they reflect a general idea, but may not take into account specific factors or changes in data); indices are relative indicators, so their values do not provide specific information about absolute values or quantities, which can complicate the assessment of the real volume of changes; if the composition of the index changes (for example, components are added or removed), this can affect its value and comparability with previous data; probability of distortion (indices can be distorted if the data on the basis of which they are calculated is not representative or if the selected criteria do not correspond to real conditions). Taking into view the multifaceted nature of the conception of resilience, it is proposed to assess socioeconomic resilience in a more comprehensive manner. In particular, the expediency of conducting (along with the calculation of the resilience index) an analysis of a set of additional parameters – resistance, adaptability, depth of shock, recovery period and speed, etc., is indicated. Also, content analysis was used to analyze methodological approaches to assessing the socioeconomic resilience of systems proposed by scholars, researchers, international foundations and organizations.

Keywords: socioeconomic resilience, resilience index, economic shock, assessment of resilience, shock resistance, adaptability, shock depth, recovery rate.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 17. Bibl.: 20.

Leshchukh Iryna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Department of Spatial Development, Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine (4 Kozelnytska Str., Lvіv, 79026, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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