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The State Regulatory Policy in the Aspect of Economic Security Administration
Babych D. V.

Babych, Dmytro V. (2024) “The State Regulatory Policy in the Aspect of Economic Security Administration.” Business Inform 8:432–438.

Section: Management and Marketing

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It is defined that the problems of ensuring financial and economic stability are one of the priority and urgent problems faced by world powers in the last decade, especially for countries with a transforming economy, to which Ukraine belongs. They are characterized by the risk of a long-term budget deficit, which generates significant financial and economic imbalances, reduces investment attractiveness and slows down economic development. Different countries react differently to the present day’s challenges, develop their own special approaches to forecasting and managing the budget deficit, and search for specific instruments to overcome the negative budget balance both in the short and long term. It is concluded that the conceptual and logical scheme of improvement of the State regulatory policy in the aspect of administration of economic security of the State should be focused on solving the scientific and practical problem associated with the optimization of managerial decisions and improvement of relations within the framework of administration of the financial security of the State. Based only on experience and intuition, in modern conditions it is impossible to make qualified decisions on investment, asset management, attraction of borrowed capital, reorganization, etc. When developing a model of economic security administration as part of the State regulatory policy, tactical and alternative goals can be manifested, which can come into conflict when making strategic decisions. Along with this, the analysis of the choice of mechanism shows that profitable motivation has the greatest impact on the results of the State’s activities. If internal mechanisms have failed to achieve their goals, or if the diagnostics have revealed the futility of trying to overcome the crisis by mobilizing only internal reserves, the State can apply for external assistance in the form of loans. The system of strategic financial goals should be specified through the definition of certain target strategic standards. The development of such standards of financial and economic activity serves as the basis for making key managerial decisions and ensuring control over the implementation of the financial strategy in the State regulatory policy. At the same time, economic security itself influences the formation of the strategic development of the State.

Keywords: administration, politics, development, State, budget, economic security, diagnostics.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 17.

Babych Dmytro V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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