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Section: Foreign Experience
UDC 339.9
Vinska O. Y., Tokar V. V.
LGBT-Inclusion Culture: Impact on Economic Growth of the USA, China and Poland (p. 54 - 60)

The article investigates the relationship of social values, especially tolerance, and economic progress on the basis of multidisciplinary approach. The authors propose a formula for calculating coefficient of the level of LGBT Inclusion and Diversity Culture Elasticity of GDP. The hypothesis about the impact of changes in national cultures in the direction of strengthening tolerance and inclusiveness on the volume of GDP at fixed prices is tested. The elasticity analysis is conducted for three countries, namely the United States, China and Poland, chosen in view of the availability of statistical data and the leading role of these countries at the global and regional levels in matters of socio-economic transformations affecting the formation of the institutional landscape and development models. The article evaluates the relative changes in the level of tolerance in the studied countries as a whole and in the context of socio-economic parameters, including age, type of employment, educational level and social status. As a result of the calculations there confirmed the positive LGBT Inclusion and Diversity Culture Elasticity of GDP that speaks in favor of stimulating tolerance in these countries to make effective use of human capital and accelerate economic growth.
Keywords: culture of tolerance, LGBT, economic development, human capital, inclusive economy, GDP elasticity
Tabl.: 9. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 16.

Vinska Oksana Yo. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of European Integration, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Tokar Volodymyr V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of International Finance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Vinska, Oksana Yo., and Tokar, Volodymyr V. (2016) “LGBT-Inclusion Culture: Impact on Economic Growth of the USA, China and Poland.” Business Inform 10:54–60.

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