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Section: Accounting and Auditing
UDC 336.761:006.1
Nikolenko N. V.
Specific Features of Reflection of Information Regarding Lease Operations in the National and International Standards (p. 275 - 279)

The article identifies the degree of correspondence of the national Provisions (Standard) of Business Accounting (PSBA) Lease with the international standard and provides recommendations with respect to their closing up. On the results of the study the author provides specific features of international and national standards – the existing IFRS 17 Lease and national PSBA 14 Lease by the following components: definition of lease, its classification and reflection in accounting. Also the text of PSBA 31 Financial Expenditures is supplemented with provisions on capitalisation of financial expenditures prospectively, which would allow avoidance of correction of the balance of the retained income and provision of comparative information for previous periods. The article provides an algorithm of division of lease for accounting purposes on the basis of international standards. Its use would ensure correctness of reflection of lease operations in accounting and would serve as a basis for development of methodical provisions with respect to accounting. By the result of the study the author forms definition of the qualification asset as an asset which requires considerable time for its creation, preparation for target use, sales or acquisition of the ownership right. Capitalisation of such expenditures would allow non-reduction of the accounting income and also would provide a possibility to reflect financial expenditures in accordance with their economic essence.
Keywords: financial lease, operational lease, qualification asset, financial expenditures, irreversible assets
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Nikolenko Nataliya V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Accounting, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Nikolenko, Nataliya V. (2013) “Specific Features of Reflection of Information Regarding Lease Operations in the National and International Standards.” Business Inform 12:275–279.

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