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Section: Ecology and Environmental Management
UDC 330.524:553
Holian V. A., Androshchuk I. I.
The Economic Mechanism of Management of Natural Resources: Rents for the Use of Subsoil Assets (p. 148 - 158)

The essential attributes of the institutional and methodological ensuring for the charging and distribution of rents for the subsoil minerals exploitation in the system of functioning of an economic mechanism of management of natural resources has been being disclosed. Consideration was given to the structure of income from the rents for the use of subsoil assets into the Consolidated, the State and the local budgets of Ukraine. The article analyzes the main tendencies in the income of rents for the use of subsoil for mining of State-owned minerals, natural gas, oil, and gas condensate, in current and comparable prices. The content of rents for the use of subsoil for mining amber has been disclosed and the results of the first year of institutionalization of this fiscal payment have been analyzed. The article suggests directions to improve the charging and distribution of rents for the use of subsoil assets by increasing the differentiation of rates, enhancing the stimulating role of the rent regulation of using subsoil, accumulation of part of the mineral-commodity rent in the special funds of budget at different levels.
Keywords: rents for the use of subsoil assets, economic mechanism of management of natural resources, budget, minerals, amber, stimulation, differentiation.
Fig.: 9. Bibl.: 10.

Holian Vasyl A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Separated Subdivision of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine “Boyarka Forestry Research Station” (12 Lisodoslidna Str., Boiarka, Kyievo-Sviatoshynskyi district, Kyiv region, 08150, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Androshchuk Inna I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Lecturer, Lutsk National Technical University (75 Lvіvska Str., Lutsk, Volyn region, 43018, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Holian, Vasyl A., and Androshchuk, Inna I. (2017) “The Economic Mechanism of Management of Natural Resources: Rents for the Use of Subsoil Assets.” Business Inform 8:148–158.

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