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Section: Innovative Processes
UDC 338.2:614.39
Oganezova G. V.
The University Clinic as an Innovative Form of the Health Care Development. (p. 146 - 152)

The article proposes implementation of an innovative model of health care by creation of modern university clinics providing competitive advantages at the expense of effective introduction in medical practice of scientific developments and preparation of highly qualified personnel who would unite scientific knowledge and experience of practical activity. It has been substantiated that implementation of the «University clinic» project would allow to resolve contradictions of interests between different actors in the health care as a result of creation of the new system of their interaction: medical science and education, medical practice, patient, the State. Studying activities of foreign clinics allowed the author to conclude: a combination of clinical, scientific and educational activities of university clinic provides high quality medical care to the population and educational process in accordance with international standards. On the basis of analyzing and systematizing the international experience of investment in health infrastructure with the use of the public-private partnership mechanism, three models have been allocated and their ranking is presented in descending order of efficiency – the providing, the specialized, and the integrated. Expediency of introduction of both the providing and the specialized models has been substantiated, allowing to provide development of university clinics with attraction of resources and competencies of private investors and to satisfy demand of the population in offering the high-tech medical care.
Keywords: university clinic, health, innovation infrastructure, health care system, public-private partnership.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 23.

Oganezova Ganna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Economics in Family Medicine, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (58 Amosova Str., Kharkiv, 61176, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Oganezova, Ganna V. (2017) “The University Clinic as an Innovative Form of the Health Care Development..” Business Inform 11:146–152.

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