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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 005.351/354
Orlov P. A.
The Quality of the State Regulation and Social Responsibility of Enterprises as Important Factors of Competitiveness of Both Production and Country (p. 441 - 447)

The article substantiates the improvement of the author’s own conception of the competitiveness of production on the basis of the clarification of composition of the main factors, dependent and independent of enterprises. The existence of a close relationship between the quality and competitiveness of produced and/or sold goods, the competitiveness of both enterprises and country, and the quality of life of population in the country has been reasoned. An analysis of consequences of the long-term social irresponsibility (SI) of the German company «Volkswagen» concerning cars with diesel engines has been provided. In such cases, the author proposes to use the concept of «false competitiveness». According to the author’s concept, the SI of enterprises in any country is a consequence of low or insufficient high quality of its economic system, the State regulation of economy; lack of division of power and business; corruption; poor quality of laws and regulations that ensure the orientation of entrepreneurship to social responsibility; lack of strict material and criminal liability for the anti-social irresponsibility of enterprises.
Keywords: competitiveness of production and enterprise, false competitiveness, quality of economic system and of the State regulation of economy, social responsibility of enterprises.
Bibl.: 28.

Orlov Peter A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics and Marketing, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Orlov, Peter A. (2017) “The Quality of the State Regulation and Social Responsibility of Enterprises as Important Factors of Competitiveness of Both Production and Country.” Business Inform 11:441–447.

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