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Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling
UDC 338.242(075)
Shpak S. O.
The Concept of Structural Changes and the Problem of Management of Enterprises Restructuring. Methodological Nuances (p. 212 - 220)

The article is aimed at clarifying the concept of structure as the main object of management in the process of restructuring industrial enterprises on the basis of philosophical conceptions of structure and ideas about the structure of the general system theory, as well as developing the methodological provisions on strategic management of enterprises restructuring. It has been shown that the concept of structure is extremely complex and not strictly formalized from the standpoint of the applied economy, which prevents the construction of a coherent, logically consistent theory and development of constructive methods of managing the restructuring of enterprises. In the article, with the use of schematic models of the high level of commonality, an analysis of the structure of functioning of industrial enterprises was carried out; the main types of possible structural changes at enterprises have been revealed; it has been shown that the process of restructuring in general is the process of making changes to the enterprise structure of the specified types. It has been concluded that the structural approach to solving the problem of management of the enterprises restructuring is reasonably required, constructive and needs some adjustment to the methodology and methods of implementation of the main stages and procedures of the strategic management of enterprise restructuring.
Keywords: enterprise, structure, restructuring, strategic management, structural changes.
Fig.: 5. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 22.

Shpak Sergiy O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Leading Specialist, RailTransHolding, LLC (10 Varhanova Str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, 87517, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Shpak, Sergiy O. (2017) “The Concept of Structural Changes and the Problem of Management of Enterprises Restructuring. Methodological Nuances.” Business Inform 11:212–220.

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