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Section: Innovative Processes
UDC 330:338.12
Buntov I. Y., Bielikova N. V.
The Theoretical Provision of Formation of Components of Mechanism of the State Support for the Development of Biotechnologies in Ukraine (p. 93 - 98)

The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical provision of formation of components of mechanism of the State support for the development of biotechnologies in the branches of economy of Ukraine. The foreign experience of organization of the State support for the development of biotechnologies has been analyzed and it has been determined that in most developed countries the main priorities of such support are stimulation of demand for the produced products, increase of its competitiveness, development of innovation infrastructure, including the strengthening of its scientific component, etc. It has been proved that a mechanism of the State support for the development of biotechnologies should meet such requirements as taking account of the interdisciplinary nature of biotechnologies and their potential ability to harm people, animals, and the environment; necessity of evaluation of the possibilities of obtaining synergetic effect from a combination of various methods, technologies, specific features of various biotechnological productions; constant search for possibilities of improvement of biotechnological production. It has been substantiated that the general stages of development of components of mechanism of the State support for the development of biotechnologies is initiation; substantiation and formation of methods and instrumentarium.
Keywords: economy, innovative development, biotechnology, the State support, mechanism.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 18.

Buntov Ivan Yu. – Applicant, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Bielikova Nadiia V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Academic secretary, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Buntov, Ivan Yu., and Bielikova, Nadiia V. (2018) “The Theoretical Provision of Formation of Components of Mechanism of the State Support for the Development of Biotechnologies in Ukraine.” Business Inform 1:93–98.

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