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Section: International Economic Relations
UDC 339.544
Storozhchuk V. M.
The Rules of Origin of Goods as an Instrument of the State Foreign Trade Policy (p. 65 - 72)

The article is aimed at analyzing the types of rules of origin of goods, existing in the international practice, and approaches to assess their impact on the foreign trade flows. The article considers two types of rules for determining the country of origin of goods used in the international practice: non-preferential and preferential. The main characteristics of the non-preferential rules of origin and peculiarities of their application in Ukraine are defined and systematized. The article defines the priority functions of the customs tariff, subject to the use of non-preferential rules of origin of goods, to which are classified: protective, fiscal, and regulatory. The criteria used in the non-preferential rules of origin of goods have been considered. It has been substantiated that the priority functions of the customs tariff subject to the use of preferential rules of origin of goods are the integration and progressive functions. The criteria used in the preferential rules of origin of goods have been considered. Based on the results of the analysis of the rules of origin of goods, it has been substantiated that their use can be considered as a restrictive or an incentive tool of the State foreign trade policy. It has been shown that of special importance, in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the global value chains, is the goods’ acquisition of the status of preferential origin in accordance with the criterion of diagonal cumulation within the framework of the Regional Pan-Euro-Med Convention, which requires Ukraine to conclude a number of bilateral agreements with the identical preferential rules of origin of goods.
Keywords: foreign trade policy, rules of origin of goods, preferential origin, criterion of diagonal cumulation, Pan-Euro-Med Convention.
Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 13.

Storozhchuk Volodymyr M. – Postgraduate Student, Department of International Economic Relations, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Storozhchuk, Volodymyr M. (2018) “The Rules of Origin of Goods as an Instrument of the State Foreign Trade Policy.” Business Inform 1:65–72.

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