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In Regard to the History and Substantive Epistemology of the Categories of «Capitalism», «Liberalism», «Libertarianism»
Moroz O. V., Lohosha R. V., Semtsov V. M., Krychkovskyi V. Y., Vakar T. V.

Moroz, Oleg V. et al. (2023) “In Regard to the History and Substantive Epistemology of the Categories of «Capitalism», «Liberalism», «Libertarianism».” Business Inform 7:6–14.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Managerial Decisions in Conditions of Uncertainty of the International Business Environment
Lezhepokova V. G.

Lezhepokova, Viktoriia G. (2023) “Managerial Decisions in Conditions of Uncertainty of the International Business Environment.” Business Inform 7:15–21.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 12

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The Problem of Food Security for the Countries of the Middle East and Its Socioeconomic Dimension
Nahirna N. I., Zastavnyy A. R.

Nahirna, Nadiia I., and Zastavnyy, Andriy R. (2023) “The Problem of Food Security for the Countries of the Middle East and Its Socioeconomic Dimension.” Business Inform 7:22–29.

Section: Globalization Processes in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Resilience of Economy: Its Essence and Challenges for Ukraine
Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I.

Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye., and Reshetnyak, Olena I. (2023) “Resilience of Economy: Its Essence and Challenges for Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:30–41.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 78

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Innovative Transformation of the Economy of Ukrainian Regions: The Pre-War Retrospective and Post-War Priorities
Matrunchyk D. M.

Matrunchyk, Dmytro M. (2023) “Innovative Transformation of the Economy of Ukrainian Regions: The Pre-War Retrospective and Post-War Priorities.” Business Inform 7:42–50.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Qualitative Modernization of Consulting Services in the Process of Foreign Investment in the Post-War Reconstruction of the Economy of Ukraine
Tsygankova T. M., Gordieieva T. F., Khotsynska D. V.

Tsygankova, Tetiana M., Gordieieva, Tamara F., and Khotsynska, Daria V. (2023) “The Qualitative Modernization of Consulting Services in the Process of Foreign Investment in the Post-War Reconstruction of the Economy of Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:51–59.

Section: Investment Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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A Methodical Approach to Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of the Railway Industry of Ukraine
Krasnokutskyi Y. S.

Krasnokutskyi, Yevgen S. (2023) “A Methodical Approach to Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of the Railway Industry of Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:59–65.

Section: Investment Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Integrated Design Solutions in the Current Mechanism of Product Innovation Policy
Kholodnyi G. O.

Kholodnyi, Gennadii O. (2023) “Integrated Design Solutions in the Current Mechanism of Product Innovation Policy.” Business Inform 7:66–73.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Formation of a Decentralized Model of Financial and Economic Regulation of Environmental Protection and Nature Management Activity: The Focus on European Experience
Holian V. A., Medynska N. V., Moroz Y. O., Zamlynskyi O. S.

Holian, Vasyl A. et al. (2023) “Formation of a Decentralized Model of Financial and Economic Regulation of Environmental Protection and Nature Management Activity: The Focus on European Experience.” Business Inform 7:74–82.

Section: Ecology and Environmental Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Formation of the Enterprise’s Economic Security System
Bilychenko M. M., Kasianova N. V.

Bilychenko, Maksym M., and Kasianova, Nataliia V. (2023) “The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Formation of the Enterprise’s Economic Security System.” Business Inform 7:83–91.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Digital Competences of Human Capital in the Implementation of Digital Strategies of Machine-Building Enterprises
Melnychuk V. E.

Melnychuk, Viktoriia E. (2023) “Digital Competences of Human Capital in the Implementation of Digital Strategies of Machine-Building Enterprises.” Business Inform 7:91–99.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Assessing and Analyzing the Quality of the Component of the Territorial Communities Development Strategies Regarding the Development of Entrepreneurship on Formal Grounds
Kovalevska A. V., Nechyporenko Y. Y.

Kovalevska, Alla V., and Nechyporenko, Yaroslav Ye. (2023) “Assessing and Analyzing the Quality of the Component of the Territorial Communities Development Strategies Regarding the Development of Entrepreneurship on Formal Grounds.” Business Inform 7:100–109.

Section: Problems of Business

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 5

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PR Activities of Hotel and Restaurant Business Enterprises on the Basis of Charity as a Kind of Socioeconomic Activity
Holovnia O. M.

Holovnia, Olena M. (2023) “PR Activities of Hotel and Restaurant Business Enterprises on the Basis of Charity as a Kind of Socioeconomic Activity.” Business Inform 7:110–119.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Financial Aspects of Ensuring the Security of Communal Enterprises under Martial Law
Bagatska K. V., Klymash N. I.

Bagatska, Kateryna V., and Klymash, Nataliia I. (2023) “Financial Aspects of Ensuring the Security of Communal Enterprises under Martial Law.” Business Inform 7:120–127.

Section: Economics of Housing and Communal Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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International Reserves: The Experience of Ukraine and Poland
Harkusha Y. O.

Harkusha, Yuliya O. (2023) “International Reserves: The Experience of Ukraine and Poland.” Business Inform 7:128–134.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Current State of Development of International Money Transfers in Ukraine
Shumilo O. S., Yevtushenko V. A., Kovalova Y. O.

Shumilo, Olha S., Yevtushenko, Viktoriia A., and Kovalova, Yelyzaveta O. (2023) “The Current State of Development of International Money Transfers in Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:134–139.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Use of Machine Learning for the Purpose of Combating Bank Fraud
Caprian Iurie

Caprian, Iurie. (2023) “The Use of Machine Learning for the Purpose of Combating Bank Fraud.” Business Inform 7:140–145.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in English
Downloads/views: 10

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Inflation in the System of Socioeconomic Relations
Rybchuk A. V., Faydula M. B.

Rybchuk, Anatoliy V., and Faydula, Maryan B. (2023) “Inflation in the System of Socioeconomic Relations.” Business Inform 7:146–150.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Implementation of CSR Projects by Companies in Ukraine
Luchko H. Y.

Luchko, Halyna Yo. (2023) “Implementation of CSR Projects by Companies in Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:151–158.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Formation of the Organization’s Information and Communication Management
Semenchuk T. B., Osypova Y. L., Topoliuk H. Y.

Semenchuk, Tetiana B., Osypova, Yevheniia L., and Topoliuk, Hanna Yu. (2023) “Formation of the Organization’s Information and Communication Management.” Business Inform 7:158–164.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Efficiency of Corporate Governance in the Context of Evaluation of Business Processes of Enterprise
Рopelo O. V., Ivanova N. V., Dubyna M. V.

Рopelo, Olha V., Ivanova, Nataliia V., and Dubyna, Maksym V. (2023) “Efficiency of Corporate Governance in the Context of Evaluation of Business Processes of Enterprise.” Business Inform 7:164–175.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Modern Technologies of Communication Management in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine
Kondratenko N. O., Kadykova I. M.

Kondratenko, Nataliia O., and Kadykova, Iryna M. (2023) “Modern Technologies of Communication Management in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:175–181.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Strategic Management of Agrocluster Structures Development: The Foreign and National Practice
Khaustova V. Y., Trushkina N. V.

Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye., and Trushkina, Nataliia V. (2023) “Strategic Management of Agrocluster Structures Development: The Foreign and National Practice.” Business Inform 7:182–197.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 47

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Startups: Essence, Classification, Role in the Economies of the World
Khaustov M. M.

Khaustov, Mykyta M. (2023) “Startups: Essence, Classification, Role in the Economies of the World.” Business Inform 7:198–211.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 7

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Marketing Analytics in Ensuring the Recovery and Development of Businesses in Ukraine
Zhehus O. V., Illiashenko O. V.

Zhehus, Olena V., and Illiashenko, Olena V. (2023) “Marketing Analytics in Ensuring the Recovery and Development of Businesses in Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:212–219.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 13

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Digital Marketing: The Current State and Prospects for Development in Ukraine
Poita I. O., Mosiichuk I. V., Kalinichenko O. O.

Poita, Iryna O., Mosiichuk, Iryna V., and Kalinichenko, Olena O. (2023) “Digital Marketing: The Current State and Prospects for Development in Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:219–224.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Strategic Instruments for Formation and Positioning of a Brand in International Markets
Logvynenko D. V., Podorozhna M. R.

Logvynenko, Denys V., and Podorozhna, Marharyta R. (2023) “The Strategic Instruments for Formation and Positioning of a Brand in International Markets.” Business Inform 7:225–231.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reviews for the collective monograph "Priority Directions for the Development of the Woodworking Industry of Ukraine in the Post-War Period" / by general scientific editorship M. O. Kyzym, I. A. Gubarieva

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