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Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
UDC 336.732:334.732.2
Klimenko V. I.
Self-Regulatory Organization of Credit Unions as a Keystone of Efficient Developing the Credit-Cooperative Sector of the National Economy (p. 277 - 281)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the necessity of establishing a mechanism for self-regulatory organization of credit unions on the basis of parity representation in its governing bodies of representatives from both the National Association of Credit Unions of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Association of Credit Unions, making use of German experience. The current status together with development characteristics of the credit-cooperative sector of the Ukrainian economy have been examined. It was found that an imperfect State regulation, in the financial sector of economy as a whole as well as in the credit-cooperative sector in particular, has given rise to a number of problems that hinder their efficient performance. The crucial one among these concerns is the institutional failure of credit unions to regulate themselves. Considering the international experience (Germany) in the regulation of activities of the credit-cooperative sector, introduction of the self-regulatory organization of the credit unions sector has been proposed. It should provide cooperation of the public regulator and the market representatives, as well as perform the extremely relevant in modern conditions of development of Ukrainian economy function of indirect supervision, which will significantly reduce the risks, contributing to strengthening and supporting liquidity. In the long run this will ensure stability in the functioning of the credit cooperatives system in Ukraine.
Keywords: credit unions, credit cooperatives, National Association of Credit Unions of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Association of Credit Unions, National Commission, which implements State regulation of financial services markets, self-regulatory organization of credit unions
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Klimenko Vita I. – Senior Lecturer, Department of International Economics, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (3 Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Klimenko, Vita I. (2016) “Self-Regulatory Organization of Credit Unions as a Keystone of Efficient Developing the Credit-Cooperative Sector of the National Economy.” Business Inform 1:277–281.

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