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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 005.21:658.5
Omelianenko T. V.
Problems and Urgent Tasks of Development of the Theory of the Production Strategy of an Enterprise (p. 279 - 286)

The article is devoted to identification of problem aspects and setting urgent tasks of development of the theory of production strategy of an enterprise. It shows that formation of the foundations of the theory of productiuon strategy started in the end of 60s and beginning of 70s of the twentieth century due to efforts of a number of researchers from western industrially developed countries. It establishes that today the theory of production strategy of an enterprise has a number of paradigmal provisions, generalisation of which shows that the production strategy is a component of the general strategy of an organisation, its goal is to provide the enterprise with strategically important competitive advantages, it refers to the category of functional strategies and is specified in the set of production and strategic decisions that cover the technological, resource, organisational and other aspects of the production activity of the enterprise, the subordinate character is inherent in it since it is developed for support of the general corporate and business strategy of the enterprise. Understanding the idea of the modern production and strategic paradigm made it possible to identify problem planes and set urgent tasks of further development of the theory of production strategy of an enterprise. These tasks are: development of methodological grounds of the study of production strategies of enterprises, systematisation of factors and specification of principles of formation of the production strategy, typologisation of traditional production strategies and specification of characteristic features of the newest, just forming and establishing in realities of the post-industrial environment, strategies.
Keywords: production strategy, strategic success of an enterprise, theory of production strategy of an enterprise
Bibl.: 30.

Omelianenko Tetiana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Omelianenko, Tetiana V. (2013) “Problems and Urgent Tasks of Development of the Theory of the Production Strategy of an Enterprise.” Business Inform 11:279–286.

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