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Section: Innovative Processes
UDC 330.352
Pavlov K. V.
Statistical Measuring of the Nanoeconomics Development (p. 111 - 116)

Contemporary socio-economic development of advanced countries is largely determined by effective use of the technology-oriented factors and resources. Therefore nowadays the great importance is attached to the development of nanotechnology – the science and technology direction at the interface between physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and materials science. It is estimated that in the foreseeable future, nanotechnology will be able to make a coup in society, by its scale exceeding even the consequences of the global spread of computers. Nanoindustry is engaged in the production of materials and products of ultra-small sizes based on studying the properties of various substances at the molecular and atomic levels. The article deals with a very relevant topic, which is of considerable importance for accelerating the functioning and development of nanoeconomics. For the effective development of nanoeconomics, very important is to elaborate and establish a system of indicators, characterizing in various aspects the current state and dynamic parameters of the nanotechnology development. The point at issue is about creating a system of indicators, where comprehensive approach is used and at least all of the major aspects and elements as to formation and development of nanoeconomics are considered. This system of indicators can become part of the national and regional innovation systems, emerging in Russia at the present time. In the article, expedience of forming a system of indicators that characterize the development of nanoeconomics is substantiated, as well as specific indicators, allocated in this system and reflecting various aspects of the process of creating a modern nanoindustry, are given consideration.
Keywords: development of nanoeconomics, system of indicators, nanoindustry, nanolevel
Bibl.: 6.

Pavlov Konstantin V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics and Management, Kamsky Institute of Humanities and Engineering Technology (12a im. Vadima Sivkova Str., Izhevsk, 426003, Russia)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Pavlov, Konstantin V. (2015) “Statistical Measuring of the Nanoeconomics Development.” Business Inform 1:111–116.

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