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Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
UDC 336.71
Alilujko M. S.
Theoretical Aspects of Evaluating the Efficiency of Crisis Management of Bank Resources (p. 307 - 312)

The article is aimed at determination of theoretical approaches to evaluating the efficiency of crisis management of bank resources. In the article, the characteristic features of crisis management of bank resources and dependence of the level of efficient performance of bank together with the bank resources crisis management from the cumulative impact of factors are substantiated. The main objects for evaluating the efficiency of crisis management of bank resources base have been identified, among them evaluating the efficiency of forming the banks resources base, evaluating the efficiency and completeness when using the banks resource base, estimating the profitability of bank, which are of the most important criteria when evaluating the efficiency of the banks resources base and the completeness of its use. The indicators, which are used to determine the efficiency of crisis management of the bank resources, are considered; the scientific and methodical approaches to such evaluation are disclosed. The necessity of implementation of integral estimating the efficiency of crisis management of bank resources on the basis of complex of indicators that display various symptoms of the crisis, taking into account the level of dangers generation. Re-engineering of financial business processes of bank, its essence and functional purpose as an important tool for crisis management, are considered; the main stages of its implementation are characterized.
Keywords: bank resources, crisis management, evaluating the efficiency of crisis management
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Alilujko Marija S. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Banking, University of Banking (1 Andrіivska Str., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Alilujko, Marija S. (2015) “Theoretical Aspects of Evaluating the Efficiency of Crisis Management of Bank Resources.” Business Inform 1:307–312.

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