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Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy
UDC 330.3:334.7:338.12
Kulyk V. V.
Decentralization and Fiscal Consolidation in Management of the Reproduction Processes of the Non-Financial Corporations Sector (p. 66 - 71)

Issues of integration of management accounting of the micro-and mezo-economy are considered on example of the institutional sector of non-financial corporations (NFC) within the conception of UNо system of national accounts. Several variants of simplified accounts system for reproduction of the matrix form have been proposed and built, which has formed the basis for analysis and interpretation of the reproduction processes at the micro- and meso-level. To analyze the structure and structural dynamics of accounts the method of system dynamics is applied. Construction of a simplified theoretical-practical matrix model for meso-level was carried out with a view to achieving some of the target tasks, approved in the course of the study, namely: 1) fiscal consolidation and system analysis of reproduction processes of the institutional sector; 2) studying the dynamics of the sector development on the basis of quarterly national accounts; 3) creating a framework for decentralized management of the reproduction processes of the sector; 4) expansion and modification of the model in terms of further research; 5) preparation of general methodological recommendations for control of reproduction processes of the sector. On the basis of the proposed accounts system, analysis of the critical reproduction processes of the institutional sector of the NFC of the Ukrainian national economy for 2011-2014 has been carried out and the basic reasons for the economic downturn has been identified. Steps to overcoming the crisis in terms of the decentralized model of management and enhancement of the regulatory functions of the State has been proposed. As information basis for the research were used the open and accessible data of the quarterly national accounts of Ukraine.
Keywords: methodology of national accounting, institutional sector of non-financial corporations, decentralized management model, system dynamics, matrix of social accounts, management accounting of reproduction revenues, financial consolidation
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 15.

Kulyk Volodymyr V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, International Research & Education Center of Information Technologies and Systems, NAS and MES of Ukraine (40 Akademіka Hlushkova Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kulyk, Volodymyr V. (2015) “Decentralization and Fiscal Consolidation in Management of the Reproduction Processes of the Non-Financial Corporations Sector.” Business Inform 1:66–71.

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