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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 658:659.3:659.4
Derevianko O. H.
Organizational Profiles of the System of Reputation Management of the Food Industry Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 363 - 372)

The article presents results of an empirical study of the organizational elements of the system of reputation management (SRM), which was conducted by interviewing the representatives from 69 enterprises of the food industry of Ukraine. The author introduces into scientific circulation, and clarifies a number of concepts, in particular: the organizational «foundation» of SRM are the organizational preconditions (presence of relevant posts, approved strategy of RM, the anti-crisis plan of RM, etc.) for an active use of tools of RM and engaging stakeholders into forming the reputation of the company; one of the three components of the enterprise's SRM. «Organizational profile of SRM» is a type (development level) of the organizational «foundation» of the SRM, identified by the presence or absence of certain organizational elements of the system of reputation management at the enterprise. In the article, on the basis of the study of the food industry enterprises of Ukraine, is proposed to distinguish between five types of organizational profile of the SRM: customer-related – present are all elements of SRM of the functional level only; transitional – fragmentarily present are elements of organizational preconditions for all three levels (functional, systematic and strategic); developed – at least 80% of elements of the SRM-«foundation» are present; rudimentary – more than 80% of elements of the SRM-«foundation» are absent; child – absence up to 100% of elements of the SRM-«foundation», due to presence of all necessary functions at the level of the main (parent) company. It is proved that for the food enterprises of Ukraine the customer-related type of the organizational profile of the SRM is most common, because of their focus on the domestic market. However, in the coming years we can expect changes in the organizational profiles of SRM of the exporting enterprises: transitional and developed profiles of the SRM will gradually replace the customer-related type.
Keywords: reputation management, key stakeholders of enterprise, public relations, organizational profile of system of reputation management
Fig.: 10. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Derevianko Olena H. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, National University of Food Technologies (68 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Derevianko, Olena H. (2015) “Organizational Profiles of the System of Reputation Management of the Food Industry Enterprises of Ukraine.” Business Inform 1:363–372.

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