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Section: Industrial Economics
UDC 338.2:665.3
Subota N. V.
Combined Strategic Alternatives for Development of the Fat-and-Oil Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 178 - 182)

The article is aimed at synthesizing of existing alternatives for development of energy efficiency at the fat-and-oil industry enterprises towards increasing the efficiency in the use of steam, electricity and sunflower seed husks and forming on this basis the strategic alternatives that simultaneously are the tasks fulfilled on several fronts of energy efficiency. The article analyzes the current state of meeting the fat-and-oil enterprises' needs in energy resources, substantiates areas of increasing the energy efficiency in activities of these enterprises. It has been identified that sources for increasing the energy efficiency at the fat-and-oil industry enterprises are: efficiency of main steam production, own production of electricity and use of sunflower seed husks as fuel source. A study of the practical aspects of meeting the needs of fat-and-oil enterprises in main steam allowed to rationalize the possible alternatives to increase the efficiency of its production taking into consideration all kinds of organizational and financial resources of enterprise. Study of the sources of supplying with electricity the enterprises served as a basis of forming alternatives of electricity efficiency. Taking into account the availability at the fat-and-oil enterprises of a potential fuel source, i.e. sunflower seed husks, alternative directions of its use with a view to improve the energy efficiency of the enterprises' activities have been substantiated. Combining all the alternatives to increase energy efficiency helped to determine combinations that meet energy efficiency criteria, count in the existing resource capabilities of enterprises and provide meeting both the existing and the potential needs.
Keywords: strategic alternatives, fat-and-oil industry enterprises, electricity, co-generation, sunflower seed husks
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Subota Nicholay V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Accounting and Audit, National University of Food Technologies (68 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Subota, Nicholay V. (2015) “Combined Strategic Alternatives for Development of the Fat-and-Oil Enterprises of Ukraine.” Business Inform 1:178–182.

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