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Section: International Economic Relations
UDC 656.078/658.7/339.138
Rakhman M. S., Yevtushenko V. A.
Researching the Transport and Logistics Services as the Export Potential of Ukraine (p. 42 - 49)

The article is aimed at researching the problems, tendencies and development prospects of the transport system of Ukraine in the composition of logistics activities as the potential for economic growth, increase of the efficiency of foreign trade, and competitiveness of the country in the world market. The article covers the theoretical concepts of logistics: evolution and interpretation of the term, subject and tasks of logistics; essence of logistics model and its structural units. The geopolitical position of Ukraine is analyzed as a component of the global transport and communication system together with estimates in the World Bank rating by the logistics efficiency index. Structural changes in the dynamics of economic indicators of the transport services of Ukraine are researched by types of transport and transportation. The analysis of the types’ and geographical structure of exports of the transport services of Ukraine is carried out, the main problems of its development are disclosed. On the basis of correlation analysis, a GAP analysis of gaps between net income and marketing of transport services is built. Strategic decisions are provided.
Keywords: logistics, transport service, logistics efficiency index, transportations, Ukraine, exports, potential, GAP analysis, recommendations.
Fig.: 8. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 14.

Rakhman Mahbubur S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Yevtushenko Viktoriia A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Rakhman, Mahbubur S., and Yevtushenko, Viktoriia A. (2018) “Researching the Transport and Logistics Services as the Export Potential of Ukraine.” Business Inform 5:42–49.

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