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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 330.4:339.1
Chernychko S. F., Borysenko K. V., Hryshan M. M.
The Tendencies and Prospects of Development of the Market of Household Chemical Products in Ukraine and Zakarpatska Region (p. 442 - 447)

The existence of a significant internal unmet demand and the annual growth of needs encourages the research on and consideration in dynamics of indicators of development of the household chemicals market in order to identify trends in development and determine the prospects. The article is aimed at conducting an economic-statistical analysis of dynamics of the market of household chemicals in Ukraine and Zakarpatska region, as well as substantiating of practical recommendations of its stimulation. It is determined that the fastest pace of developing in Ukraine demonstrates the market of fresheners, aerosols and detergents for laundry. It is substantiated that one of the main tendencies of both the international and Ukrainian markets of household chemicals is the transition to more environmentally friendly means. According to results of the analysis of tendencies of household chemicals market in Zakarpatska region it is possible to draw a conclusion about high degree of locality in distribution of enterprises of the industry and their approximation to the main elements of transport infrastructure of the region.
Keywords: household chemical products, household chemical products market, industrial production of surface-active substances.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 9.

Chernychko Stanislav F. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Commodity Studies and Commercial Activity, Uzhhorod Institute of Trade and Economic State University of Trade and Economics (21-A Pravoslavna Naberezhna, Uzhhorod, Zakarpattia region, 88000, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Borysenko Klara V. – Master, Uzhhorod Institute of Trade and Economic State University of Trade and Economics (21-A Pravoslavna Naberezhna, Uzhhorod, Zakarpattia region, 88000, Ukraine)
Hryshan Myroslava M. – Master, Uzhhorod Institute of Trade and Economic State University of Trade and Economics (21-A Pravoslavna Naberezhna, Uzhhorod, Zakarpattia region, 88000, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Chernychko, Stanislav F., Borysenko, Klara V., and Hryshan, Myroslava M. (2018) “The Tendencies and Prospects of Development of the Market of Household Chemical Products in Ukraine and Zakarpatska Region.” Business Inform 10:442–447.

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