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The title and content


The Theoretical and Methodological Origins of Innovative Theories
Nikitin D. V.

Nikitin, Dmytro V. (2022) “The Theoretical and Methodological Origins of Innovative Theories.” Business Inform 5:4–10.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Dynamics of the Demonstration Formal Rules in the Healthcare Sphere
Serzhanov V. V., Abramov F. V.

Serzhanov, Vitaliy V., and Abramov, Fedir V. (2022) “Dynamics of the Demonstration Formal Rules in the Healthcare Sphere.” Business Inform 5:10–16.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Current State of Foreign Trade Relations of Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia
Makarchuk K. O., Nepriadkina N. V., Shynkarenko O. S.

Makarchuk, Kateryna O., Nepriadkina, Nataliia V., and Shynkarenko, Oleksii S. (2022) “The Current State of Foreign Trade Relations of Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia.” Business Inform 5:17–26.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2

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The Conceptual-Methodological Approach to the Organizational-Economic Provision of Innovative Labor
Chernoivanova H. S.

Chernoivanova, Hanna S. (2022) “The Conceptual-Methodological Approach to the Organizational-Economic Provision of Innovative Labor.” Business Inform 5:27–32.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Creative Management System
Kniazevych A. O.

Kniazevych, Anna O. (2022) “Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Creative Management System.” Business Inform 5:33–39.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Analyzing the ICT-Sphere Development in Ukraine According to International Indices and Rankings
Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Khaustov M. M., Zinchenko V. A.

Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye. et al. (2022) “Analyzing the ICT-Sphere Development in Ukraine According to International Indices and Rankings.” Business Inform 5:40–56.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 136

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The Impact of Non-Formal Education on the Development of an Efficient Economy in Ukraine
Dmytryshyn L. I., Kondratska A. S.

Dmytryshyn, Lesia I., and Kondratska, Anastasiia S. (2022) “The Impact of Non-Formal Education on the Development of an Efficient Economy in Ukraine.” Business Inform 5:57–61.

Section: Education and Science

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Losses of the Labor and Educational Potential of Ukraine During Martial Law
Novikova O. F., Khandii O. O., Shamileva L. L.

Novikova, Olha F., Khandii, Olena O., and Shamileva, Larysa L. (2022) “Losses of the Labor and Educational Potential of Ukraine During Martial Law.” Business Inform 5:62–69.

Section: Labour economics and social policy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Strategic Directions for the Development of Social Responsibility of Business
Kurovska N. O., Nedilska L. V.

Kurovska, Nataliia O., and Nedilska, Larysa V. (2022) “Strategic Directions for the Development of Social Responsibility of Business.” Business Inform 5:69–74.

Section: Labour economics and social policy

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 14

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The Role of Leadership and Communications in Ensuring the Development of Modern Business Structures
Grynko T. V., Hviniashvili T. Z., Zahynailo V. A.

Grynko, Tetiana V., Hviniashvili, Tetiana Z., and Zahynailo, Vladlena A. (2022) “The Role of Leadership and Communications in Ensuring the Development of Modern Business Structures.” Business Inform 5:75–83.

Section: Problems of Business

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Analyzing the Prognostic Properties of Composite Uncertainty Indices in the Preventive Crisis Management Systems
Polianskyi V. O.

Polianskyi, Vladyslav O. (2022) “Analyzing the Prognostic Properties of Composite Uncertainty Indices in the Preventive Crisis Management Systems.” Business Inform 5:84–91.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The System Paradigm of Accounting Organization in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Pylypenko A. A., Tyrinov A. V.

Pylypenko, Andriy A., and Tyrinov, Andrii V. (2022) “The System Paradigm of Accounting Organization in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Business Inform 5:92–99.

Section: Accounting and Auditing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Modern Strategies of the Export-Import Activity of Industrial Enterprises, a Substantiation
Baliuk Y. S.

Baliuk, Yulia S. (2022) “Modern Strategies of the Export-Import Activity of Industrial Enterprises, a Substantiation.” Business Inform 5:100–107.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 1

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A Scientific-Practical Approach to the Implementation of Reflexive Spatial and Process Management of Components of Economic Potential in Enterprises
Tytykalo V. S.

Tytykalo, Volodymyr S. (2022) “A Scientific-Practical Approach to the Implementation of Reflexive Spatial and Process Management of Components of Economic Potential in Enterprises.” Business Inform 5:108–118.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 17

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Effective Decision-Making: From Theory and Methods to Strategy and Leadership
Kramarenko A. О.

Kramarenko, Anna О. (2022) “Effective Decision-Making: From Theory and Methods to Strategy and Leadership.” Business Inform 5:118–125.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in English
Downloads/views: 1

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Self-Management as a Factor in Student Performance in the Context of the Current COVID-19 Pandemic
Bondarenko О. M.

Bondarenko, Оlena M. (2022) “Self-Management as a Factor in Student Performance in the Context of the Current COVID-19 Pandemic.” Business Inform 5:126–133.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 19

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Peculiarities of Application of Internet Promotion Tools in the B2B Market
Boiko N. O.

Boiko, Natalia O. (2022) “Peculiarities of Application of Internet Promotion Tools in the B2B Market.” Business Inform 5:133–137.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in English
Downloads/views: 2

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Journal «The Problems of Economy»

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