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Section: Economic Theory
UDC 005:658
Kalyuzhna N. H.
Definitions of the Concepts of «System» and «Management System» on the Basis of the Descriptive and Constructive Approaches (p. 15 - 20)

The article is aimed to clarify the nature of the key concepts of the systems theory, namely: «system» and «management system». For the solution of this problem, relevance of adherence to descriptive and constructive approaches to the definition of concepts has been substantiated. A number of common definitions of the concept of «system» has been analyzed and absence of consistency regarding the definition of essence of this notion has been testified. A tuple of descriptive signs of the object's systemacity has been formed. A descriptive definition of the concept of «system» based on synchronization of components of the tuple of descriptive signs of the object's systemacity and definition elements of the concept of «system» has been proposed. A constructive definition of the concept of «system» based on the analysis and synthesis of the system's constructive characteristics has been proposed. Both the descriptive and the constructive definitions of the concept of «management system», based on the presented definitions of the term «system» and of determining the essence of the enterprise's management system as subject of the study, has been proposed. Prospects for further research in this area is clarification of essence of the concepts of «management system of enterprise» and «self-organizing management system of enterprise» based on identification and generalization of descriptive signs and constructive characteristics of the corresponding systems, thus creating a theoretical framework to explore the potential of the management system of enterprise.
Keywords: system, management system, descriptive approach, constructive approach, morphological analysis, tuple, descriptive sign, constructive characteristics
Fig.: 2. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 21.

Kalyuzhna Nataliya H. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of World Economy, State University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Kalyuzhna, Nataliya H. (2015) “Definitions of the Concepts of «System» and «Management System» on the Basis of the Descriptive and Constructive Approaches.” Business Inform 2:15–20.

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